Su Yue shook his head and pouted: "He doesn't die so easily, but he just faked his death and turned from light to dark. There will be more important situations in the future, so he will transfer the center from S.H.I.E.L.D. and set up a new organization. don't have to worry about me asking you to choose between Nick Fury and Maria Hill, in fact, you and Nick Fury in the original trajectory have gone both ways, truly representing God It's you, not Nick Fury, that the Shield is keeping Earth safe."

After the disbandment of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury basically handed over S.H.I.E.L.D. to Phil Coulson. After Avengers 4, he began to form the Tianjian Bureau, and his responsibilities have changed from the earth to the sky.

"Can I think about it? If things really turn out like this, of course I'm willing to join. After all, with your support behind, I think many tasks will be easier to perform." Phil Coulson said thoughtfully.

"Even if you refuse, it doesn't matter. I don't have many friends, and I'm very tolerant towards friends." Su Yue patted Phil Coulson on the shoulder, teleported him directly to the attic of the inn, and then opened the dimension gatekeeper. He sent him to the holiday island in the world of the deadly two-headed shark.

This holiday island is rarely visited and does not involve too many secrets. Phil Coulson happens to be on vacation here, and it must be better than the false vacation memory implanted in the Tahiti plan, right?


Just after teleporting back to the top floor of the building from the inn, Su Yue heard a thunder, a dazzling light lit up, and the blue thunder flew out with a whistle.

No, it wasn't Thunder that flew out, but Thor's Hammer!

At present, there are only a handful of people who can summon Thor's Hammer. Aside from other factors, it is obvious who summoned Thor's Hammer.


"Is this guy Saul trying to pass the test because of this failure, or because Odin can't see Saul's current performance?" Su Yue sensed Thor's Hammer with great interest, and couldn't help but guess curiously. up.

Although there is no destroyer this time, as long as Sol has a righteous heart like sacrificing himself for others, he will probably be able to pass the test of Thor's Hammer, which is a test of "guardian". Therefore, in order to protect the human beings on Earth after a setback, even if Thor, who has no divine power, wants to risk his life to stop Loki, it is indeed possible to raise Thor's hammer.

Of course, Odin must be keeping an eye on the situation here. After all, whether it's Thor or Loki, he can't really ignore it now, so he lowered the difficulty a little bit and took advantage of Thor's desire to protect It is also normal for him to take back Thor's Hammer to restore his divine power.

Otherwise, Odin wouldn't have a suitable opportunity to let Thor regain his divine power. After all, it would be ugly if the water was too serious.

Chapter 0454 Fight!

Overcast clouds, lightning and thunder.

The violent thunder shot straight into the sky at the moment when Thor regained his grip on Thor's Hammer.

One after another thunder flashed between Sol and Thor's Hammer. Sol, who was originally dressed and injured, instantly returned to his peak state. Not only did his injury recover instantly, but he also played for a second to change clothes, and finally put on his clothes again. Put on his Thor uniform.

After the excitement and ecstasy, Thor swung the hammer and flew away.

Although he doesn't know what's going on right now, it's definitely right to go back to New York first. As long as he returns to New York, the SHIELD people will contact him. If it doesn't work, he can go to Dimension Street to find help. Got the hammer back.

Dimension Street.

After Su Yue sensed that Sol had Thor's Hammer again, he teleported directly to the open space square in the street. As soon as he appeared, a blue beam of light suddenly lit up in the sky in the distance. The beam of light shot straight into the sky, as if As if the sky was pierced, a large black hole appeared in the sky in an instant.

Then, dense figures emerged from the big hole.

The Chitauri are here, and the Battle of New York has officially begun.

All the people who saw this scene, especially after seeing clearly that the aliens came out, suddenly screamed in horror, chaos occurred almost instantly, screams, roars, all kinds of harsh car noises one after another, although the dimension The street has not been greatly affected, but after Su Yue turned on telepathy, he could clearly feel that the chaos caused by Manhattan, the center of the incident, was spreading rapidly.

The Stark Building is in Manhattan, and the main core battlefield of the Battle of New York is also in Manhattan, but this does not mean that Queens, which is close to Manhattan, will not be affected. Flushing, which is located in Queens, is the area where Dimension Street is located. will not be affected.

Those Chitauris who came to the earth spread everywhere, Manhattan was the hardest hit area, but other areas were also affected.

"Everyone in Dimension Street and the high-speed rail on Dimension Street, listen, I am Su Yue, the lord of the dimension. I believe you have all seen that a wormhole has appeared over New York, and aliens have invaded. But you don't have to worry about it, The people in Jiyuan Street can stay at Jiyuan Street with peace of mind and don’t leave for the time being. The guards will protect you and the safety of Jiyuan Street. People on the high-speed rail don’t have to worry, I will send people to accompany them all the way to protect the safety of the high-speed rail. If you are afraid, when the high-speed rail arrives When you are in Brooklyn, you can choose to get off the bus, or take another high-speed rail back to Dimension Street. In addition, the high-speed rail will help people from Brooklyn or Manhattan to take refuge in Dimension Street.”

"Finally, on behalf of Dimension Street, I wish everyone a good mood and good health. Enjoy this rare alien invasion scene, after all, it won't last long!"

When Su Yue's voice sounded in the minds of people on Dimension Street and on the high-speed rail, at least 60,000 or 70,000 people who heard the voice were shocked.

On the one hand, they were shocked by Su Yue's 'broadcast', on the other hand, they didn't expect that aliens would suddenly invade.

The vision in the sky is really scary.

Fortunately, Suyue's broadcast came in time, and the Asgardian incident gave people an acceptable foreshadowing of aliens, so people were not too panicked, at least the people within the scope of Dimension Street were not too much. Panic, there was no escape route, and the scene was out of control.

Of course, this is also because of the strong strength that Su Yue and Dimension Street have shown for a long time. If there is no foreshadowing before, if there is no powerful strength that has been shown again and again, even if Su Yue said that they should be afraid of flowers, they would still be afraid.

After all, there are not many people who can be so calm in the face of the fear of life and death, and can so easily believe what others say.

With the end of Su Yue's broadcast, the fighters on Dimension Street who had already been prepared responded immediately.

Inside Dimension Street, the guards.

A team of Polaris, Selena, Blood Queen, Minerva, and Alita went to several entrances and exits of Dimension Street to guard, while Salvador Angel, Astra, and Mary Fessen led the airspace of Dimension Street. The Devil's Claw Girl and Inhumans of the second team are responsible for the order in the street and the fish that may slip through the net, while Blink is responsible for jungle support.

Surprised Salamander, Thea Quinn, Mia Smoke, Killer Frost, Black Kraken, and Raven of the Conventional Operations Team are in charge of the high-speed rail line to ensure that the high-speed rail and Brooklyn's high-speed rail stations will not be attacked during travel, At the same time, he is in charge of order and avoids chaos caused by panic among those who want to go to the Dimension Street for refuge.

The **** team and the conventional combat action team are enough to protect the safety of Dimension Street and the high-speed rail. The real highlight is to make people feel that Dimension Street is safe. Dimension Street is powerful, and the main force to attract more people to Dimension Street is Feng God team!

Who is currently in the Fengshen team?

The White Queen, her diamondification and psychic abilities can play a huge role in saving people and evacuating people.

Ao Bing, the son of the dragon family, is second to none in his human form's combat power and ability to control water and ice, or his dragon form's air control ability. If nothing else, the incarnation of the dragon queen is definitely better than the beasts of the Qitarui people. More spectacular, more powerful.

Jesse Quick, her speed force has a great advantage in saving people or fighting.

Wonder Woman, a demigod, the Chitauri should be vulnerable to her fighting power.

The last one is Saitama, who has just joined, uh... What he has to do is very simple, the role is the same as the Hulk of the Avengers, just fight.

Hulk is smashed.

He is a punch.

The five members of the Fengshen Squad were summoned to Su Yue in unison. The White Queen was dressed in white and had an extraordinary temperament; Ao Bing was wearing Wanlong armor, blue clothes, and holding an ice hammer in both hands; Jesse Quick was wearing a lightning bolt. Tight uniform, Saitama is a yellow tights and a red cape, only Wonder Woman Diana, although she wears Amazon's iconic clothes, but in Su Yue's opinion, she should not wear this set, she equipment, it's time to update.


"The lottery is over."



"The lottery is over."


After a series of precise lottery draws, Su Yue directly waved Diana's equipment to update.

Champion Helmet, Winged Shoes, Starlight Crown, Guardian Silver Bracelet, Mantra Lasso, Divine Power Shield, Vulcan Sword.

With the upper body of the Wonder Woman suit, Diana's temperament is even more heroic and full of fighting spirit!

Chapter 0455 The first cooperation of the Fengshen team

"This is...?" Diana looked at the familiar equipment on her body and stared at Su Yue in surprise.

Su Yue said with a smile, "It's the same as the equipment in your hometown."


Diana thanked Su Yue gratefully. This set of equipment not only enhanced her combat power, but also gave her a hometown feel.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

The explosion sounded in the sky in the distance, like fireworks in full bloom. Between the azure blue beam of light rushing into the sky and the wormhole overhead, a red figure was impacting the densely packed Qitarui people.

The artillery fire continued, and the fireworks were gorgeous.

Although Iron Man has the courage to go, but the number of enemies is too large after all, even if he has a lot of attack methods, he still can't stop the densely packed Qitarians from rushing into the earth. Soon... these Chitauris who broke through Iron Man's block scattered and started frantically attacking and destroying the buildings opposite.

The sound of rumbling and rumbling came one after another, bang bang bang exploded one after another, and the screams and screams gathered together, it was really like a scene of doomsday.

"It's time for you to come on stage, the task is very simple, save people, kill enemies, the more the better!" Su Yue turned around and said to the Fengshen team. Teleported to the main battlefield near the Stark Building.


The sound of breaking the air fell, and five people suddenly appeared in the chaotic battlefield without warning. People nearby shouted and ran away in panic, and the Chitarians in all directions in the air shot at the buildings or people they could see.

The White Queen's psychic abilities were activated instantly, spreading rapidly around herself, and quickly found the policeman who was afraid but did not escape, and was still trying to maintain the situation and wanted to save people.

"I am the White Queen of Dimension Street, you all come to support immediately!"

The voice of the White Queen resounded in their minds, and they were slightly stunned, subconsciously looking for the White Queen's figure, but unfortunately, how could they find it in the chaos?

The name White Queen may be unfamiliar to the public, but the signboard of Dimension Street is very loud. Dimension Street is willing to help and take over. Naturally, they are not happy, and there will be no embarrassing scenes like the captain of the movie.

Just... Where can I go to support?

Just when they couldn't find their target, they suddenly heard a loud bang, followed by an ice wall not far away, climbing up quickly.

"This is... this is the person from Dimension Street, let's go over to support."

Although the ice wall does not have any features of Dimension Street, such an ice wall appeared when Dimension Street dealt with Asgardians not long ago, and besides Dimension Street, they could not think of anyone else with such means.

"Ao Bing, how long can you last this thing without you?" Queen White asked Ao Bing who released the ice wall.

"If it is not attacked, it will remain until it melts naturally." Ao Bing replied.

The White Queen nodded: "Okay, we use this wall as the dividing point. Jesse and I are responsible for saving people and evacuating the crowd, preventing the enemies on the ground from passing through here. Aobing, the air is handed over to you."

"Okay." Ao Bing nodded and flew into the air with a swish.

The ice hammers in both hands danced, and the attacks that were like water and ice directly shot down many Qitarui people who were attracted.

Ao Bing danced, and the enemies fell one after another.

I have to say that the ice wall and Ao Bing in the air made the people nearby instantly calm down a lot.

"You are guarding here, and the people responsible for evacuating us are evacuated. Is there a problem?" Feeling that the policemen were coming, the White Queen asked directly and resolutely.

"no problem!"

Several people took a deep breath and promised loudly.

There is a passage on the ice wall that can accommodate one person. Several police officers are standing inside and outside the ice wall, ready to respond at any time.

At the same time, they also called for support.

They can't participate in the battlefield, but the rescue work is no problem.

"Diana, Saitama, your mission is very simple. You don't need to worry about saving people. What you have to do is to destroy all the enemies you see in front of you."

"Give it to me."

"it is good."

Diana and Saitama each responded, looking at the low-altitude enemy and rushing out at the same time.



With two deafening sonic booms, Diana and Saitama suddenly appeared in front of the two Chitarians who were riding in the aircraft with lightning speed as if teleporting...

Sword out.

Fist to.

Almost at the same time, the two Chitarians were dealt with in no particular order.

Diana's Vulcan Sword was directly cut into two pieces with a human and an aircraft, and Saitama was even more straightforward, and it exploded with one punch.

His opponent and aircraft exploded.

The blood was blurred, and the parts were shattered.

Just in terms of shock, the rest are even better.

"What a powerful force." Diana glanced at Saitama in surprise, and after landing, she rushed towards the densely packed enemies like an agile assassin.

Saitama's loose expression also turned serious at this time. The serious style of painting and the destructive power of violence looked really shocking.

"No wonder the master arranged for him to join the Fengshen team. This strength is indeed somewhat unusual." The White Queen at the back raised her eyebrows slightly in surprise, and quickly used her psychic abilities to connect with Ao Bing in the air, Diana and Diana in the front. Saitama, and Jesse Quick, who is eager to try.

At the same time, she also quickly swept forward with her mental ability, found those who were hiding in the building or who had not had time to escape, and quickly planned a most reasonable route according to the number of nearby enemies and the urgency of the situation.


The wind blew up, and lightning flashed suddenly.

Jesse Quick rushed out immediately after receiving the route planned by the White Queen.

The White Queen is in charge of finding people, Jesse Quickie is in charge of saving people, Ao Bing is in charge of the air, and Diana and Saitama are in charge of destroying the enemy. I have to say that although they do not have much experience in cooperation, they cooperated under the command of the White Queen. Very tacit.

It can be said that the appearance of the Fengshen Squad immediately prevented the Qitarui from expanding the battlefield!

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