Not only did it solve the panic and confusion of the people, but it also stopped the Qitarui offensive.

Chapter 0456 Loki's Two Ends

Stark Building, the outer rooftop.

Loki held a scepter and looked at the swarming Chitarians with a smug smile, but when he looked around the battlefield like a king patrolling his territory, he quickly saw the conspicuous ice wall and The nearby Fengshen team, which made the smug smile on his face instantly freeze.

"Dimension Street..."

The enemy was very jealous when they met. Of course, Loki would not forget who sabotaged his actions when he chased Thor with Destroyer, nor would he forget the anger when Su Yue was thrown off the Rainbow Bridge.

He admitted that Su Yue was very strong.

He also knew that Su Yue deliberately reminded himself that hugging his thighs to invade the earth must have another purpose, and he must be using himself.

But I, Loki, will not be willing to be used by you.

I now have a whole Chitauri army, I still have the Mind Stone, and I have Thanos as a backer. This time, I will let you know the price of using me.

Loki snorted coldly, summoned a nearby Chitauri, and was about to take the aircraft to the ice wall, but just as he was about to start his legs, he heard a voice behind him.

"Let's go without a few words?"

A familiar voice, a voice that made him unforgettable.

Loki stumbled and almost missed his foot. He stood firm. Before turning his head, he directly ordered the Chitarians to attack.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The Chitarians obeyed the order and fired a few shots in succession. Loki turned to look at Su Yue, just in time to see the energy bullet hit Su Yue's body and then disappeared. No... No, it was a picture of being absorbed.

Su Yue glanced at Loki with a half-smile but pointed a finger.


The energy bomb that had just been absorbed was blasted directly from him, instantly blasting the Chitauri around Loki into a bomb.

The impact of the explosion caused a gust of wind, which made Loki shake slightly.

Naturally, Loki didn't think that the energy gun in Chitarui's hand could kill Su Yue, but he suddenly shot. He thought he could make Su Yue embarrassed and embarrassed, but now it seems... I think too much.

"I have nothing to talk to you about." Loki looked at Su Yue vigilantly and resentfully.

Su Yue shrugged, looked up at the wormhole that was constantly transmitting troops, and said with a light smile: "You don't think you can really turn around with these Qitarians, right? If so, it's a bit naive."

"It's really you!" Loki snorted coldly. "You think I'll really be used by you?"

"The Qitarui are just the miscellaneous soldiers under Thanos. In terms of destructive power, they are actually not as good as another group of miscellaneous soldiers, the Vanguard Guards. The Vanguard Guards are the miscellaneous soldiers who are really suitable for the tactics of the sea." The Vanguard Guard in Su Yue's mouth is Those fighting creatures that invaded Wakanda in Avengers 4 have four strong and powerful arms, and they look very fierce and sturdy. Although their individual strength is not the same, they are not afraid of death.

The main thing is that, unlike the Chitauris, once the command ship is destroyed, all Chitauris will be dropped.

"What's your purpose!" Loki snorted.

Su Yue shook his head: "It doesn't matter, what matters is you, your fate! Failure is doomed, even without me and without me, you will also fail. After failure, you have two fates, do you want to? listen?"

Loki didn't want to hear it at first, doesn't it mean that he also thinks he will fail? But when he thought of Su Yue's power and mystery, and how confident he was now, Loki was a little flustered.

To listen, or not to listen?

Before Loki could make a decision, Su Yue spoke up.

"The first one ends. After you fail, Thor will bring you and the space gem back to Asgart. After returning to Asgart, you will be locked up. Of course, it will not be locked for too long, because the follow-up will continue. Something unexpected happened to you."

"Saul is a **** now." Loki hummed.

Su Yue shook his head: "He has already taken back Thor's Hammer."

Loki's expression changed, and there was some fear in his eyes.

"The second end, in the process of escorting you back to Asgart after the end, you will get the space gem and run away. I honestly don't know what will happen after you escape. It may be your luck, or it may be... ...would be miserable."

"I'm now thinking about which one to choose."

Su Yuedao didn't deliberately behave in front of Loki, or play the means by which I can control your fate. He was seriously considering this issue.

In the Avengers 1 plot of the normal timeline, Loki was brought back to Asgard, and then there was Thor 2. He helped Thor to avenge his mother and deal with the dark elves, and then pretended to be Odin, exiled Odin, and so on. series of things.

Of course, in the end, Loki was also killed by Thanos on behalf of Asgard.

If you travel to this time from the perspective of Avengers 4, then Loki will get the space gem by chance when Iron Man and Ant-Man capture the space gem in the future, and then trigger a series of stories belonging to Loki himself.

Although Su Yue is not very clear about what will happen, he has read a lot of relevant information before crossing this world. It should involve time and space crossing. He will go back to the past, and it will also be related to a time organization, and it may even be a joke. Out Conqueror Kang!

In the end, he will return, and the plot will take over Thor 4.

Whether Loki's plot involves time or time and space is unknown for the time being, but from Su Yue's point of view, in terms of maximizing benefits and minimizing influence, it seems to be the first to end, and let Loki follow the trajectory that should have happened. Development is the best.

Anyway, the future Iron Man did not get the space gem at this point in time, but traveled to the space gem and Pym particle obtained in the earlier timeline.

As for the Mind Gem and other gems, it doesn't really matter if they are taken away. After all, they will be returned at the same time after the story of Avengers 4 is over. The only split point is Loki and the Space Gem.

and many more……

Since I plan to take this opportunity to go to the future, I have to prepare Pym particles in advance. After all, there are not many Pym particles left in the future reunion.

You have to find Hank Pym yourself and prepare some Pym particles from him.

The future shortage of Pym particles is because Dr. Pym was killed by snapping his fingers, but now... Dr. Pym's laboratory is in Dimension Street, and Dimension Street is responsible for transporting items through time and space, relying on Pym particles, this thing Can't say too much, but definitely rich.


Thinking of this, Su Yue teleported directly to Hank Pym's laboratory.

It doesn't matter if he leaves, Loki... stunned.

Chapter 0457 are all playing shields, why are you so good?

Aren't you talking about my two fates? Not saying which one you want me to choose? What does it mean to suddenly disappear without a head and a tail, look down on me?

Just as his anger rose, Loki heard a familiar voice again.


Sol, who was flying with a hammer, fell near Loki and shouted angrily, "Close it immediately, or I will destroy it."

"What you can't do, you can't stop it." Loki pointed at Thor with his scepter. "Now there is only... war!"

"Oh well."

Thor's expression became serious, and he immediately swung the hammer and hit Loki together.

Just when Thor and Loki fell in love and killed each other, Natasha, Hawkeye, and the captain had already arrived at the scene by plane, and they landed after killing a few Chitauris together with Iron Man.


Saitama smashed the enemy who was shot by Diana's shield with one punch, and then took a few shots to his body, and then with a bang, he came to the enemy who shot and blasted it directly.

Diana, who was not far away, rushed forward and quickly blocked several shells that were hitting the nearby people with her shield.

She held her shield in front of the crowd and charged quickly and directly knocked the enemy into the air. Then she instantly pulled the enemy back with a mantra lasso, and cut off the head of the place with one sword.


The Speed ​​Force light flickered a few times, and the person behind Diana had disappeared.

Jesse Quick showed up, stopped and nodded to Diana, and disappeared again with a swoosh.

"Boom..." A terrifying roar suddenly sounded from the sky, everyone looked up subconsciously, and saw a huge monster flying down from the sky.

The captain a few blocks away, Natasha, and the Hawkeye trio also saw this scene, and felt a little desperate for a while.

What should I do with this big guy?


Suddenly, it seemed as if something quickly flew towards the behemoth in the air. That's... a shield.


Captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, subconsciously looked down at the captain in his hand, and then heard a bang. The shield in the air was actually inserted into the monster's body, and then... a tall figure jumped up and followed directly. up.

Jumping... so high!

It's not the jumping power that a normal human can have. Even the captain can't jump so high. This... This is no different from flying.

Diana, who jumped high, grabbed her shield with great precision, grabbed the monster's body with one hand, and yanked the shield out with the other hand, then pulled up, turned over and jumped directly onto the monster's back. .

The mantra lasso swung abruptly and directly wrapped around a bulge on the monster's head. With a forceful pull with both arms, the monster was actually tilted, and fell straight in the direction of the captain and the others.



The monster landed, and the huge body made a long mark on the ground. In an instant, the surroundings were in a mess, and the dust flew with it.

Diana stepped directly on the monster's head, retracted the mantra lasso with one hand, and clenched her fist with the other hand, blasting down with a dazzling light of divine power.


The monster's head exploded directly, and the huge body twitched a few times on the ground, then stopped moving.

However, this monster can be used both for attack and as a transport ship, and there are many Chitauris hanging on his body. Those who survived the Chitauri attack directly at Diana.

"Ding ding ding!"

Diana used her shield to resist a few times, and then charged directly with the gunfire. Three hits, five divided by two, and the scene was cleared!

"You are?"

The three captains who originally wanted to help didn't even have the chance to make a move. The three of them came over and the captain asked with a complicated look.

Everyone uses shields, but they are obviously of different levels, which makes him wonder if he is outdated, if he is really out of step with the times.

"Dimension Street, Diana."

Diana introduced herself and pointed to the direction behind them. "Our people are in charge over there, you can change direction."

"it is good."

The captain didn't feel that Diana said it was overpowering, and he even breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Dimension Street was still involved in the war, so their pressure would be much less, and these aliens would not be so difficult to deal with.

Diana nodded and jumped up. After the rise and fall, the figures disappeared from their sight.

"Are there many people like her in Dimension Street?" the captain asked Natasha in amazement and curiosity.

Natasha shrugged: "I don't know, I didn't know the details of Dimension Street."

Although Natasha has a good relationship with Su Yue, she basically won't take the initiative to learn about the personnel in Dimension Street unless it is required for a mission. As a spy, as a special agent, what Natasha lacks and desires most is trust, so she will not do anything that will affect the trust between her and Su Yue.

But if I guess privately, this person named Diana should have come to Dimension Street recently. Otherwise, even if she doesn't investigate, S.H.I.E.L.D. will investigate, and there will be corresponding information. From a woman's point of view, Natasha thinks that this Diana is really outstanding. Well, she is outstanding in every aspect. Sure enough, this guy Su Yue will not wrong himself in this regard.

"We have such people too!" Hawkeye said suddenly.


The captain reacted instantly. In terms of destructive power, they are not completely incompetent. They also have the "monster" Hulk.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will arrive.

Just as they were talking about the Hulk, a dilapidated scooter pulled up from the pothole-riddled street.

"You came just in time, we need your anger." The captain glanced at Bruce Banner who got out of the car and another monster flying over from the air, and shouted loudly.

"Tell you a secret, Captain, I've always been angry." Bruce Banner said as he walked towards the monster that was about to charge.

His clothes were torn apart, his body changed instantly, and the Hulk... appeared.


The fist hit the monster's face heavily.


After a second, the monster's face instantly shattered like glass run over by a car. The fist that Hulk swung out was stunned in the air, and the smashed residue of the monster sprayed Hulk.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?"

A shiny bald head appeared beside Hulk.

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