"So you have superpowers? Are you a new hero who has appeared recently, or...are you a new member of the Avengers?" Kate Bishop asked curiously.

After the incident five years ago, the Avengers have basically become a household name. If no one talks about it, the captain often appears in the mutual aid group to persuade others to go out of the past and start a new life.

"I'm not a new hero, nor a new member of the Avengers, I'm just a common visitor in this world, and I'll be leaving soon." Su Yue said with a smile.

"A passer-by in this world? Will you be leaving soon?" Kate Bishop looked at him in confusion and didn't understand what it meant. Seeing the other party's unexplained thoughts, she looked around and asked curiously: "Then Are you passing by here? Or..."

"I'm here to find you."

Su Yue pointed to the bench, walked over and sat down. Kate Bishop thought about it and sat down next to him.

"Looking for me? What do you mean, we shouldn't know each other?" Kate Bishop became more curious and puzzled.

"You don't know me, but I know you." Su Yue used her psychic abilities to understand her experience and past while speaking. How should I put it? Although Kate Bishop is now sad because of her mother's death, she wants to help Others, the idea of ​​preventing grief and catastrophe from happening again, but not quite on the heroic path.

The birth of every hero is basically destined to experience disaster, and it will only be transformed after being reborn from the ashes.

Kate Bishop is no exception.

When she has experienced the most painful disaster for women, when will she completely strengthen her belief in preventing crimes and disasters.

To put it simply, she is not yet Eagle Eye.

This somewhat disappointed Su Yue, but it was normal to think about it.

In the past five years, when Hawkeye has not returned, he has been acting as a ronin, and has no interest in cultivating any disciples or successors. After Hawkeye returned to be busy with the Infinity Stones, it was even more impossible to know Kate Bishop.

So Hawkeye's independent series and Kate Bishop becoming Hawkeye should be after the end of Avengers 4, it should be when Hawkeye quit the Avengers, so it's normal that Kate Bishop is still a normal person now .

Although Kate Bishop is not yet an eagle eye, her experience and past are also very important to Su Yue, and it is not entirely without gain. After all, his knowledge of Kate Bishop is limited to general information, and he knows nothing about the details. With her memory, he can better fool Kate Bishop in his own world.

Nurtured from a young age, even if her master is not Hawkeye, there are quite a few people playing bows and arrows in Dimension Street, and they are not similar to Hawkeye. In addition, her strength will definitely be stronger than that of Kate Bishop in front of her!

The most important thing is that the disaster that happened to her can be avoided.

"Do you know me?" Kate Bishop looked at Su Yue blankly, unable to figure out why he knew her.

"Kate Bishop, you will encounter a disaster in the near future, and after that, you will become Hawkeye's successor, Hawkeye, and become... the new superhero." Su Yue looked at Kate Bishop said with a smile.

Chapter 0468 Su Yue's snap of fingers

"I... I'll become a superhero? Impossible, right?" Kate Bishop pointed at herself in disbelief, and some couldn't believe that she would become a superhero in the future.

Hawkeye, should it be that ordinary human who uses a bow and arrow?

Although Hawkeye has not appeared in front of people after giving up his identity and returning, although Hawkeye's popularity is very low, he is not as well known as Captain or Hulk, but as the first-generation member of the Avengers, there is still some relevant information, even if If you don’t pay attention to Hawkeye and only pay attention to the Avengers, you will also learn some information about Hawkeye from the side.

"Five years ago, could you have imagined that half of the world's people would disappear into ashes in an instant?" Su Yue asked without answering.

Kate Bishop silently shook her head.

Su Yue said: "The hero didn't think he would become a hero before he became a hero, so, nothing is impossible."

"Well, even if I will become a hero in the future, I will become an eagle eye, why are you coming to me now and telling me these things?" Kate Bishop asked.

Su Yue said calmly: "I have the ability to predict the future, knowing that you will become Eagle Eye, I originally planned to take you away, I came from another world, and my world has only experienced New York aliens now. The human invasion event, the timeline process is later than here. But I have changed my mind now, this world is not my world after all, I have cultivated you in my world since I was a child.”

"Well, that sounds ridiculous. I honestly suspect I'm dreaming right now, or you, or I, are paranoid. Another eagle eye, and another world, sounds really hard to believe. "Kate Bishop is very receptive, but it was so sudden, it was like a joke.

how to say?

It's as if you were walking on the street and someone suddenly stopped you, told you that he was from another world, and then said a set of lottery numbers, saying that in a certain future issue, if you buy this number, you will definitely win the jackpot.

Who would believe it?

Wouldn't it be nice not to call him mentally ill?

Of course, there are also people who may try to buy lottery tickets with disbelief, it doesn't matter if they win or not.

Kate Bishop is in this state of mind now. Although she doesn't really believe what Su Yue said, it doesn't matter if it is true.

"Facts speak louder than words. It doesn't really matter to me whether you believe it or not." Su Yue said with a smile.

Kate Bishop asked, "If you're really from another world, why are you here?"

"The Avengers traveled to my world to borrow the infinite gems and wanted to bring back the people who disappeared before. I'll come and have a look. By the way, I will take away the people who caused this to happen. If nothing else happens, they will disappear within a day or two. People will come back, and so will your mother. If you pay attention to the news, you should be able to find some clues, and you have already begun to prepare for the return of those people. "

"Whether you become a female eagle eye is not important to me, but I still want to remind you, remember to bring bodyguards or learn some fighting skills yourself when you go out in the future, which can avoid your disaster."

"What disaster are you talking about?" Kate Bishop asked.

"The biggest disaster for a woman is what you think." After Su Yue finished speaking, she disappeared with a swoosh.

Kate Bishop was stunned, and subconsciously reached out and touched the place where Su Yue disappeared.


Really gone?

So, is what he just said really possible?

Mother will come back?

I will encounter disaster and become a female eagle eye?

Is he really from another world?

Kate Bishop thought that Su Yue didn't care, anyway, people have seen it, know what should be known, and reminded what should be reminded, the rest has nothing to do with him.

Su Yue felt that there was something wrong with his thinking. It was meaningless to bring people from this world back. After all, people who exist in this world also exist in other worlds, so instead of wasting time bringing people back, it would be better to learn more about the new characters. Past and experience, it is better to go back and continue to pretend to be a prophet to fool them.

Su Yue, who made up his mind, did not return directly to the Avengers base, but used his psychic ability to find the Hulk, Casey Lang and others again, but this time he did not show up, but read their memories remotely. .

Later, when night was about to fall, Su Yue returned to the Avengers base.

At this time, Iron Man and the others have also finished the new Infinity Gloves.

This infinite glove is not the masterpiece of the dwarf king. The production method and material are also completely different. It adopts nanotechnology and looks more beautiful in shape. Another benefit of nanotechnology is that Iron Man can transfer the gems on his gloves to his nano-suit at any time, which is why Iron Man can take back the Infinity Gems from Thanos in Avengers 4 and shout out that I am Iron Man's reason!

"These gloves are good."

Su Yue came to the laboratory to look at the gloves that had been made and placed with the Infinity Stones, and smiled and took them to his hands.

"You... are you going to snap your fingers now?" Everyone subconsciously pulled a distance. Who knows if there will be any danger when using the Infinity Gloves? After all, this glove is no problem in theory, but no one knows the actual effect.

"Why not?"

Su Yue chuckled lightly and put on the gloves.

The moment the gloves were put on, the Infinity Stones instantly glowed, and a powerful energy poured into Su Yue's body from the gloves. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people cannot withstand this force, let alone snapping their fingers, even if they are only wearing gloves, they may die after a long time.

However, Su Yue had no influence.

The energy of the Infinity Stones poured into his body and soon disappeared. With his current body strength, he could fully withstand this force. Even if you snap your fingers, it is estimated that the worst result is to lose an arm like Bruce Banner, and... this is the worst result.

"Are you ready?"

Su Yue raised his hand and asked the crowd with a smile. Everyone nodded nervously and vigilantly. Then, under their fixed eyes, Su Yue's fingers gently poked.


The snap of fingers followed.

A powerful light flashed by.

Chapter 0469 Resurrection Return


Deathly silence!

Everyone watched with bated breath as Su Yue finished snapping his fingers.

Su Yue didn't seem to have any influence, his arm was intact, the Infinity Glove was not damaged, and the Infinity Stone on it still exuded its own light.

Looking around, there was no abnormality.

"Successful, or...failed?" Iron Man couldn't help but whispered, breaking the strangely quiet atmosphere.

"Of course it was a success!"

Su Yue looked at the Infinite Gloves and said casually: "The people who turned to ashes before have returned, and they will appear wherever they disappeared. You can now pay attention to the news outside, although you have made preparations in advance, it is estimated that there will be Cause some confusion. Also, most of you disappeared in Wakanda, right? You can arrange for someone to bring them over, and the few on Titan, can you contact Little Spider? Let him Find Doctor Strange to open the portal back, and use the portal to pick up people from other places."

When Su Yue's voice fell, the Avengers couldn't wait to start taking action.

The five billion people who disappeared suddenly returned. This is indeed a chaotic thing. Countless people appeared all over the world out of thin air. After they appeared, these people faced a new life, and the past five years must not be so fast. Not so easy to accept.

If nothing else, it was only a moment for them. As a result, their husband or wife may have remarried now, tsk tsk tsk... This situation is definitely not rare.

Su Yue ignored the situation of ordinary people. He was more concerned about the half-disappeared Avengers.

It didn't take long for the iconic portals of Kama Taj to appear outside the Avengers base.

The Winter Soldier, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, Falcon, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and Groot, Star Lord, Destroyer, and Mantis in the Guardians of the Galaxy were all resurrected, and they came out of the portal one after another. .

In addition to them, like Nick Fury, Maria Hill has also been resurrected, but they are not part of the Avengers, nor are they the main members of the fight against Thanos, so they have not been teleported here.

The resurrected people were still a little dazed, but the surviving people were excited to find their little friends.

For example, the only surviving Rocket Raccoon in the Guardians of the Galaxy jumped on Groot for the first time, while telling the others what happened. Captain found Panther, Falcon, Winter Soldier. Iron Man hugged the confused Spider-Man. Doctor Strange also came to the side of his assistant Wang. The only one among these people who seemed a little lonely, and who was not excited by the resurrection was the Scarlet Witch.

Vision was not resurrected, because he didn't die under the snap of the Infinity Stones, he was killed by Thanos when he took the Mind Stone, so he wasn't resurrected.

Similarly, for example, Loki, he died at the hands of Thanos, so he will not be resurrected either.

Su Yue watched all of this with a cold eye, and had no idea of ​​intervening to change anything. Although the current Scarlet Witch is very beautiful, she is not the one she knows after all, so the people of this world or the world process can develop as they should, and I have nothing to do with myself.

After more than an hour, the resurrected people finally figured out the situation, and the surviving people also calmed down from their excitement, and then they gathered together and looked at Su Yue, who was still wearing infinity gloves.

It was this person from the past who resurrected them and brought Thanos over!

"I still use this thing later, and I have to send it back later, so leave it with me for the time being. You should have a lot to say, and things about Thanos should also need to be discussed, so I will go to rest first, Tell me the result tomorrow." After Su Yue finished speaking, he teleported back to his room with a swoosh.

Others, look at me, I look at you, and finally Iron Man started talking about Su Yue and Thanos.

When he took the lead, the others also spoke one after another, and soon began to discuss.

For the survivors such as Iron Man, they are ready to promise Su Yue to let Thanos appear. After all, they are very clear about Su Yue's strength, and Thanos is indeed their enemy. Among the resurrected people, such as the Star-Lord of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Destroyer, such as the Scarlet Witch, also hope to seek revenge from Thanos. Others, although they feel that the risk is a bit high, but their attitude is not so firm.

"What do you say?" Iron Man looked at Doctor Strange...

Doctor Strange shook his head: "There is no him in the future I saw before. The future has changed, and the time gem I guarded has also been destroyed. It is impossible to predict the future results."


Doctor Strange paused: "From my personal point of view, I still hope that he can completely solve the trouble of Thanos. After all, without gems, if we encounter Thanos who travels through time everywhere in the future, it will be very troublesome."

Iron Man nodded. Judging from the current situation, they basically agreed to let Thanos appear.

"Bang bang bang!"

A knock on the door suddenly sounded, Su Yue, who was about to rest, waved his hand, and the door of the room opened instantly.

Wanda was stunned, then closed the door and walked in and nodded to Su Yue: "You should be able to guess my purpose, right?"



Wanda nodded: "Vision didn't die from snapping his fingers, so he... didn't come back to life. But you should have a way to revive Vision, right? Like the Infinity Gauntlet."

"Do you want me to use it again?"

"No, I want to borrow the Infinity Gloves from you." Wanda said solemnly, "I want to make Vision come to life myself, even if I give my life."

It's really deep and sincere love!

And this love is Platonic.

After all, Vision is a robot. Although he may gradually possess human thoughts and emotions, and although he can disguise his appearance as an ordinary human, he is not human after all, and lacks the most important thing about human beings.

Wanda gained abilities because of the Mind Stone, but her mental state was also affected because of it. Otherwise, how could she fall in love with a robot? How could a series of things happen because of the loss of this robot?

In the comics, Wanda almost wiped out the mutants, and even gave birth to two sons in the Young Avengers.

Chapter 0470 Absorb Witch Energy and Resurrection Vision

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