"I admire your dedication to love, but why do you think I will lend you the Infinity Gloves? You and I are not relatives, neither are people from the same world nor have any friendship, you just want to borrow a word. Infinite gloves, don't you take it for granted?" Su Yue squinted at Wanda.

Although Wanda in this period is not the peak of her appearance, it is the peak of her strength so far. After a series of training and battles, coupled with mental stimulation, Thanos is not her opponent at all in a one-on-one duel. .

It's a pity that Wanda belongs to high offense and low defense. If she has the defensive power of Captain Marvel, she is really the strongest. She doesn't need other Avengers at all, and she doesn't need Infinity Stones. She can destroy it by herself. Pa and his army.

Su Yue still likes Wanda very much, but what she likes is Wanda in his world, not Wanda who would rather sacrifice herself in order to revive her beloved, especially... Her beloved is not herself, which is even more so. It is impossible to help her for no reason.

Although Su Yue's words were very straightforward, Wanda never thought that he would agree with a single sentence.

"How come you are willing to lend me the Infinity Gloves, or...what do you want?" Wanda asked in a deep voice, staring at Su Yue with burning eyes.

Su Yue said calmly, "I want the energy in your body!"

Wanda was stunned.

Su Yue nodded: "Yes, I want the energy in your body. The power of the Infinity Stone is very strong. I will lend you the Infinity Gloves. After you resurrect the Vision, you will die! Since you are going to die, is there any energy for you? It doesn't matter, does it?"


"So, the energy in your body belongs to me, I will lend you the Infinity Gloves, and even... I can help you resurrect Vision. In this way, although you lose energy and ability, you will not die."

"Okay, I agree." Wanda said directly without thinking. "You can take my energy, but you must revive the Vision for me."


Su Yue smiled brightly and reminded: "Don't you need to tell other people? After all, we have to deal with Thanos and lose your top combat power, so they have to rearrange it, right?"

"Okay, I'm going to inform them now, but they won't change my decision." After Wanda finished speaking, he turned around neatly and went out.

The impact of using the Infinity Stones is not great for Su Yue. Unless it is the kind of power that destroys the gems, normal use will have little effect on him. Although Wanda has the ability because of the mind gem, her ability is not directly related to the mind gem. The mind gem stimulates her DNA to mutate and generate the ability, which is equivalent to the key to open the door. Although the key opens the door, it is not. What's inside the door has nothing to do with the key.

Wanda's chaotic energy is very strong. It can be said that she has not fully grasped this chaotic energy at all. Using an inappropriate conversion number as an example, absorbing Wanda's chaotic energy should be able to transform tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. At the dimensional point, the comprehensive effect of chaotic energy is higher than Uncle Tun's cosmic energy.

Although the converted data may not be accurate, Su Yue estimates that upgrading Dimension Street to the 100 million level should not be a big problem.

To level up now requires fifty million dimensional points.

Half an hour later, Wanda came back, along with Team Rice, Team Surprise, and Iron Man. The three of them are the main characters of the current Avengers. After all, Doctor Strange has just joined. Sol, the original three giants, has fallen into a fat house. As for the Black Panther or others, they are not qualified enough for the time being.

The main reason that the shock team can get in is mainly because of its great strength and the behavior of helping other people in the universe.

Su Yue looked at the expressionless Wanda and the new Big Three with complicated expressions, and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "It seems that you guys didn't have a good time chatting, but I'm not interested in your respective reasons, just tell me the result. "

"I won't change my mind," Wanda said.

The new three giants looked at each other, but in the end they didn't say anything. After all, this is Wanda's own business. She wants to sacrifice her ability to revive Vision. They have no position to stop it. In fact, when they were talking before, they just wanted Wanda to wait and wait for Thanos. After the incident is over, the Vision will be resurrected.

It's a pity... Wanda couldn't wait for a moment.

Although she also really wanted to seek revenge from Thanos. After all, Thanos killed Vision, but if Vision can be resurrected, she can put down her hatred.

"I do not mind!"

Su Yue shrugged and put his hand directly in front of Wanda. Then, his body seemed to have turned into a black hole, and bright energy burst out from Wanda's body crazily and got into Su Yue's palm. .

A few minutes later, the energy in Wanda's body dimmed and disappeared completely.

Wanda swayed slightly, staggered and steadied his body and looked at Su Yue: "I can feel that my ability is gone. You took my energy and you must help me revive Vision."

"Don't worry, I have a good reputation in this regard. Although people who trade with me will feel at a loss, they will never feel cheated." Su Yue smiled and retracted his hand, exclaiming, "I have to say that your energy is really good. I'm very satisfied. So, let me tell you a free news, I just absorbed your energy, not your ability. The car will definitely not be able to run if it runs out of gas, but once it is refueled, it can continue to drive, as long as Your energy is restored, and your ability will naturally return."

"It does not matter!"

Temporarily incapacitated or permanently incapacitated is not important to Wanda now. She has already developed a paranoid personality and now only cares about when Vision will be resurrected and when she will return to her side.

Su Yue shrugged noncommittally, put on the Infinity Gloves, and snapped his fingers without any premise.


The voice fell.

Wanda then asked, "Did you succeed?"

"He has been resurrected. By the way, I also helped him solve the problem of not having the soul gem." Su Yue took off his gloves and said casually: "The same as before, resurrect wherever he died. Go to Wakanda, I'm going to rest."


After Wanda finished speaking, he turned around and left, and the new Big Three naturally followed.

Let's not say whether Wanda has lost his ability, and if it is just a vision resurrection, they have to follow him.

Chapter 0471 The transformation of the essence of life and the coming of Thanos

Su Yue doesn't know if there are any restrictions on the use of the infinite gems. Anyway, he has not found any side effects or sequelae when using it. For him, the effect of this thing is somewhat similar to the dragon in Dragon Ball. It is a wishing machine, or a temporary cost-free the wishing machine.

The energy of Wanda came from the empty glove and the white wolf, and Su Yue made a lot of money in this deal.

There is no problem in upgrading Dimension Street with the absorbed chaotic energy, but Su Yue does not plan to use it to upgrade for the time being. The reason is very simple. First of all, it is a bit of a loss to use transcendental energy to convert dimensional points. Second, he has no need to upgrade for the time being. Finally...and the most important thing... No matter whether the infinite gloves are strong or the dimensional street is strong, they are not as strong as themselves. With these transcendent energies, Su Yue can do more things.

In addition...it may be that he has absorbed too much energy recently, and the frequency of transcendental energy transformation is relatively high. He can vaguely feel that his body seems to have undergone some transformation, although it is not strong or obvious, and it is not clear for the time being. What impact will the transformation have, but Su Yue thinks this is a good thing.

Who are you?

O transcendence!

Although the transcendence's ability to 'achieve what you want' is strong, don't forget, the ability is also related to yourself. The transcendence's physical quality or life level is by no means ordinary. It can be said that even if he has no ability, just relying on His life level is enough to make his physical fitness to an absurd level. You can compare Thanos and the Eternals. The higher the level of genes or life, the stronger the natural strength.

Su Yue vaguely felt that this transformation should have something to do with his own life essence and level. After all, he was an ordinary human before. Even if he has transcendental energy and can use his wishes within a certain range, it is definitely not primitive. The level that transcendence should have!

The road to retraining is not that easy!

As for the other side of the transaction, Wanda, she is not at a loss. Although she lost all her current energy and temporarily lost her ability to become an ordinary person, the Vision has been resurrected? As long as there is a suitable opportunity, if you are mentally stimulated or something, you will not be able to restore your ability. It can be said that there is no loss.

Everyone is happy is the most successful transaction.

Su Yue feels that if Wanda recovers his abilities in the future, he may not be able to trigger the plot of "Wanda and Vision", and he may have the opportunity to travel to this world to harvest another wave of chaotic energy in the future.

Closer to home, Su Yue turned off the lights and went straight to rest.

Silent all night!

Su Yue slept soundly and comfortably this night. I don't know if it has something to do with the transformation of his body. In short, he was full of energy and in a good mood. After washing up, he came out of the room to get some food, and then saw Wang in the living room. Da and Vision.

"Hello, I heard Wanda say that you resurrected me with the Infinity Stones and helped me solve the trouble." Vision pointed to his forehead, and thanked Su Yue gratefully.

Su Yue looked at Vision, his appearance was disguised, and he looked just like an ordinary person. There was nothing wrong with his dress, his tone of voice, his body behavior, except... er... let's not talk about it, everyone understands.

Wanda obviously doesn't care about this. For her, she cares more about feelings, spiritual love and company in life. What she cares about is love, not that.

"It's a waste..." Su Yue muttered in his heart and nodded towards the two of them: "Everyone else should be ready, right? I'm going to let Thanos come over."


The figure of Captain Marvel came from the side.

"Get the quantum transmitter outside, so as not to damage the buildings of the base when Thanos' spaceship appears. In addition, let Ant-Man work hard to shrink the buildings you are worried about being destroyed. Thanos' spaceship is very large, and once the battle starts, it will not be easy. Small." Su Yue reminded.

Captain Marvel nodded and turned to leave.

Su Yue got something to fill his stomach. After about two hours or so, the Avengers had moved the quantum transmitter out of the base, and the base had also shrunk and shrunk under the action of Pym particles.

At the same time, Kama Taj's mages and Wakanda's warriors have also come out in full force, waiting for battle, and the Avengers are even more ready, waiting for the coming of the war.


Su Yue called out to Nebula, who was being pushed over.

Nebula came to the quantum transmitter with a very desperate expression. This was a pit, a pit dug for Thanos. The original plan should have been that she would summon Thanos back and catch the Avengers by surprise, but now she is directly reacting. coming.

If it were just these avengers, Nebula wouldn't be worried at all, they would definitely not be the opponents of Thanos and the army, but Su Yue, who had exposed herself, made her unable to maintain her confidence, especially... Infinity Stones still on him.

The only thing Nebula is fortunate is that she analyzed from the few words of information that Su Yue should not kill her and Thanos. Of course, the premise is that she must transmit Thanos now, otherwise... I am afraid that I don't have any. worth it.


After entering the coordinates, the quantum transmitter activated by Nebula.

The light on the quantum transmitter lit up, layers were activated, and then a bang was heard. A small spaceship instantly appeared above the quantum transmitter, and then it became huge with a bang!

This spaceship is really big!

After its volume returned to normal, it had a feeling of obscuring the sky when it was suspended in the air. The originally sunny environment instantly became dark.

"It belongs to me!"

Su Yue raised his head and looked at the spaceship that covered the sky and directly determined his attribution. This ship is called the Temple. It is a very huge mobile fortress, which can accommodate countless Qitarui troops, pioneer guards, and a large number of others. army.

In addition to being big, he also has extremely strong attacking ability and super-fast flying ability.

Having it is equivalent to having a small city, it is also a small city that can be moved and attacked!

Although Su Yue has the idea of ​​dabbling in space, it is still very backward in technology. At present, he is researching aerospace projects at the earth level, and the spacecraft... and only the Kerry spacecraft at the beginning.

If there is a temple, whether it is for scientific research, the style or use when dabbling in space, or the comfort level, all aspects can be satisfied. At the second point of the middle, he said that the good Dingxi is only for the strong, and he has to order this temple!

Chapter 0472 The final battle?

Thanos didn't know that he was missed as soon as he appeared in the spaceship. He was in high spirits and ready to change the future. He didn't even look at the situation outside, and took the fourth general of Hei Yao and some pioneer guards to the ground on the transport ship.


The transport ship lands, and the hatch opens automatically.

The tyrant in golden armor was stunned as soon as he walked down.

What did he see?

What he saw was a group of Avengers who were wearing various uniforms and were ready for battle...

They know I'm coming and are they ready?

The corners of Thanos' mouth raised slightly, revealing a disapproving smile, and he looked at these avengers one by one with contempt. In his opinion, these humans on earth are like ants, or ants who refuse to accept their fate. Even if they are ready, what can they do?

They can't stop themselves, not only can't stop it, but they will make the situation worse.

Originally Thanos just wanted to wipe out half of the Earth's population to maintain the balance of the universe, but the future information he got from Nebula changed his mind. This time... he wants to completely wipe out these avengers, so that these unrepentant ants will understand What a real despair!

"Look for gems."

Thanos solemnly said to the four generals behind Hei Yao, and at the same time took the treasure saber slaughtering dragon handed over by General Dead Blade, one of the four generals of Hei Yao... Uh, this double-edged sword is definitely not called dragon slaying, it really is I don't know what Su Yue's name is.

Some people say that it is called the Tyrant's Heavenly Blade, while others call it the Tyrant's Blade.

All in all, this double-edged sword is awesome.

How arrogant is it? Thanos used it to shatter Captain's shield, but... it was shattered by Wanda shortly after.

This double-edged sword looks domineering, but it doesn't meet Su Yue's aesthetics and appetite.

With Thanos' order, the Black Yao Four Generals and the Vanguard Guards rushed out to find the Infinity Stones. It's just... there is no base building nearby at all, and the Infinity Gloves don't seem to be on these people, which makes them a little targetless for a while.

"He, the Infinity Gauntlet is in his hands!" At the critical moment, Nebula pointed out the target for them.

In an instant, Hei Yao Fourth General and Pioneer Guard rushed towards Su Yue, whom Nebula pointed to.

Su Yue pursed her lips and did nothing.

He didn't move, and the Avengers around him wouldn't move. Although they knew that their target was Su Yue, since they had already rushed over, then... let's fight!

In an instant, the Avengers rushed out.

Each held a weapon, each chose a target, and directly fought against the four generals of Hei Yao and the Vanguard Guard.

I have to say that the captain is the captain.

It still makes sense to be in the C position among the Avengers. Even if the ability of others around him is stronger than him, and the speed may be faster than him, he always rushes to the front one.


His shield directly overturned a forward guard who rushed over.

At the same time, the others had already fired one after another, and all kinds of bullets and energy came out one after another.


During the melee, a terrifying roar sounded.

Fat House Sol was wearing a bloated-looking Thor uniform. He held the Thor's Hammer in his left hand and the Storm Axe in his right hand. Thunder flashed all over his body, and he jumped into the sky and smashed towards the destroyer behind him. Pa.


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