The power rolls wildly, and the dust is flying.

Thanos' double-edged sword held the Thor's Hammer and Storm Axe down.

With a cold snort, Thanos directly lifted his foot and kicked Sol, who wanted to compete with him in strength, and then slashed the energy from Iron Man with a backhand, grabbed the Iron Man rushing over with one hand and smashed it to the ground. Then a kick kicked it away.

Iron Man will come because he knows that Sol alone cannot be Thanos' opponent, and... Only by defeating Thanos can this matter be completely ended. Before defeating Thanos, Iron Man didn't think Su Yue would make a move.

From the very beginning, Su Yue made it clear that he wanted to watch the excitement, so there are only two outcomes for this matter to end. One is that they defeat Thanos, the other is that Thanos defeats them, and then... Su Yue may come out to clean up the mess.

To be honest, Iron Man really had the idea of ​​sitting on the sidelines when Black Yao Fourth General and Pioneer Guard rushed to Su Yue just now. If they really took action against Su Yue, they might be able to drag Su Yue into the battle and force Su Yue to end the game.

But this idea was dismissed not long after it appeared. There are two reasons. First, since they rushed over, it was impossible for the Avengers not to take action. After all, the Avengers were blocking the front. It was unreasonable, after all, Su Yue had already helped them a lot. Another reason is that Su Yue's strength is very strong. Even if they let them go, they may not have the ability to completely pull Su Yue into the battle, and they will only make Su Yue dissatisfied with them for nothing.

After all, Su Yue's position is still close to them. No matter what the final result is, he will take Thanos away, so there is no need to offend Su Yue.

Iron Man is no longer the original Iron Man. He now has a family and a daughter, and his only thought is to end this matter in a safe and secure way!

The result of Iron Man and Sol teaming up against Thanos is not good, and the difference in hard power is still a little big.

Thanos' fighting ability is quite strong, Iron Man's attack method is difficult to cause a serious injury effect, and Sol... Although he has a Thor's Hammer, although he is full of confidence, he is no longer the same as he used to be. er. If it was five years ago, when Thor first got the Storm Axe, he might not be able to win, but now... he is fat, and the blood flowing in his veins is not divine power at all, but alcohol, not Thanos at all. opponent.

After a few rounds, Iron Man was hammered into the pit on the ground in the distance and couldn't get up. Sol was even worse. Not only was Thanos stepped on, but also his Thor's Hammer and Storm's Hammer. After being beaten, Thanos pressed the double-edged sword with both hands and prepared to let Sol experience the feeling of penetrating coolness and flying.


With a loud bang, Thanos was punched heavily in the face, and his sturdy body flew to the side instantly.

bang... bang... bang...

Landing, bouncing, landing, bouncing, Thanos rolled over to stabilize his body after a few ups and downs.

Reaching out his hand to wipe the wound on his face, Thanos looked at his attacker with deep eyes.

a woman.

A woman with light all over her body!

Chapter 0473 The strong surprise captain and the dying tyrant

In the original plot, when Thanos led the army and the Avengers to fight, Captain Marvel was not on Earth at all. Wanda sought revenge from Thanos, and Thanos almost got a box lunch, and ordered the Temple spaceship to fire and blast Wanda away. Zed, at this time, Captain Marvel just rushed back to Earth and directly penetrated and destroyed the temple.

Now it is naturally different. Captain Marvel was called back early and joined the battle directly from the beginning.

Although Wanda is no longer capable of tyrannizing Thanos, but besides her, there is Captain Marvel who can deal with the normal Thanos. Now that Thanos doesn't have the Infinity Gloves, and there's no power gem to suppress Captain Marvel, who wins and who loses, hehe... that's really hard to say.

After Captain Marvel rescued Thor, he fought with Thanos. Su Yue took a few glances at the battle between you and me, looked up at the temple in the air, and teleported directly into the temple.

To be precise, it was in a temporary cell inside the temple.


The sound of breaking the air fell. In the cell, one was sitting on the ground and the other was standing beside him. The two suddenly showed different reactions when they saw Su Yue who suddenly appeared.

One surprised, one vigilant.


The green-skinned Gamora instantly drew out her sword and pointed at Su Yue: "Who are you?! How did you get in!"

While questioning, she also asked Nebula, who was sitting on the ground, with her eyes.

Nebula shook his head and stood up: "I don't know him."

This Gamora has crossed over from her own world like Thanos, but she has not completely betrayed Thanos yet, or she has no so-called loyalty to Thanos at all, but she has not found the right opportunity. betray.

As for the nebula that got up, it was the nebula where the world and Iron Man lived together in space and joined the Avengers after returning to Earth. This Nebula originally went to War Machine to get the Power Gem, but because of the connection with the Nebula in the past, his identity was exposed, which made Thanos know what happened in the future, and there was this final battle.

"My name is Su Yue, and you and Thanos come from the same world." Su Yue said loudly and introduced himself: "The difference is that my timeline is a few years earlier than yours. Before Iron Man, they went to mine. Timeline looking for gems, I came with them."

"The identity and conspiracy of Nebula were pierced by me. I have used the infinite gems to resurrect those people before, and now they are in full swing. The main purpose of my coming here is to receive this Templar spaceship, and by the way, put it here. The idle people are waiting to be thrown out."

Saying that, Su Yue suddenly waved his hand.

The nebula around Gamora disappeared in an instant, along with the other people on the spaceship.

"Where did you take her?" Gamora was stunned, and stabbed Su Yue directly with his sword.

The corner of Su Yue's mouth was slightly raised, and he grabbed Gamora's extremely sharp sword with one hand, then raised his foot and kicked her directly.


This kick almost didn't make Gamora catch her breath, and slammed heavily on the steel wall and fell to her knees.


"I just sent her and other idlers to the ground. The reason why I keep you is because I need a guide to show me around and familiarize myself with the operating system of the temple." Su Yue raised his finger and fell on the ground. The sword of the ground flew in front of Gamora in an instant.

Gamora took back her sword hesitantly, stood up and looked at Su Yue vigilantly.

"I won't kill you, and I won't kill Thanos. You are in the same world as me. If you die here, it will affect the course of events in my world. When the Avengers defeat Thanos, I will Let you go back to where you came from, and erase your memory of this incident by the way." Su Yue looked at Gamora and waited for her reaction.

Gamora was obviously skeptical, maybe she wondered whether Su Yue would really let them go, or maybe she was bragging about Su Yue, but no matter what she suspected, she felt that it was better to cooperate first, because there was one thing she didn't doubt.

This man named Su Yue is very strong, stronger than himself!

On this side, Gamora brought Su Yue to introduce the temple. On the other side, those who were transported to the ground by Su Yue suddenly joined the battle, making the already clear battle situation darker.

Originally, the allied forces of the Avengers, Wakanda, and Kama Taj had basically suppressed the Black Yao Four Generals and the Vanguard Guards, but now all the Vanguard Guards appeared on the battlefield, along with the Chitauris and various others. This kind of war monster, in this way, in terms of numbers and combat power, the Avengers Alliance is a bit underwhelming.

By the way, the black dwarf and the dead blade general of the four black dwarf generals have already died. Black Dwarf was trampled to death by the enlarged Ant-Man, and General Deathblade was backstabbed by Vision in the melee. Although Wanda did not participate in the battle and had already left the battlefield, Vision did not leave, even if he lost his mind Gems, the ability of Vision itself is also quite good.

As for Proxima Dark Night, she hasn't been offline for long.

Her opponent is the captain!

The original captain's passive aura was very good, but when he was saving people just now, he didn't know why he had summoned Thor's Hammer, one hand of Thor's hammer, one hand of shield, and the fate of Proxima Dark Night can be imagined. .

Iron Man and Thor also shifted their targets at this time and joined the chaotic battle.

On the one hand, Captain Marvel is really fierce. Although Thanos without the Infinity Stone can fight with her, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Captain Marvel has the upper hand. The high-spirited Thanos was depressed and didn't want it.

If nothing else, Captain Marvel can solve Thanos by himself.

On the other hand, the outburst of Thanos troops has also made the battle situation here more difficult. Although Iron Man and Thor are a little bit worse against Thanos, they are very powerful against these single units but a large number of minions. .



"Quickly fire!"

Thanos was defeated by Captain Marvel and had to call for artillery support.

It's a pity... No matter how eagerly he shouted, the Temple in the air didn't respond, and the weapon system didn't activate. It was only then that Thanos reacted. Without his own orders, his army did not know when it had already come to the ground, and it had already begun... the whole army attacked!

Chapter 0474 The end of the battle and the whole shooting?

"What's the matter? Why did the entire army attack without my command? Besides, I didn't hear the sound of the spaceship or the transport ship landing?" Thanos was a little stunned, although he focused all his attention on this one in front of him. The woman is in the battle, but he can still hear whether the spaceship has landed, whether the transport ship has landed.

Although he heard the sound of the increasingly fierce battle, he did not hear the sound of the spaceship or transport ship, as if... as if his troops appeared on the ground out of thin air!


Just when Thanos was stunned, Captain Marvel slammed a punch on his face and threw him backwards.

Captain Marvel was unforgiving, and his fists hit Thanos like a hurricane. The unbalanced Thanos tried his best to resist a few punches, and then... he fell completely.

bang bang bang!

bang bang bang!

Captain Surprise slammed two or three punches. Seeing that Thanos had completely lost his ability to resist, he had been severely injured by himself, so he stopped the attack, and then grabbed Thanos' neck with one hand and picked it up and flew into the air.

She didn't say anything about Thanos being defeated, surrendering and not killing, just like grabbing a dead dog and holding Thanos to fly slowly over the battlefield.


This is definitely the greatest shame for Thanos in his life.

But for those subordinates of Thanos, it doesn't matter whether the shame is not shameful, the important thing is their king, the most powerful tyrant in the universe has lost? Don't expect these people who are afraid of Thanos to have much loyalty to him. Many people choose to surrender directly and neatly after seeing Thanos who looks like a dead dog.

Some people put down their weapons, some people stopped attacking and squatted in place.

In short, the battle situation that was still stalemate was completely defeated after Thanos was defeated, although some people who were loyal to Thanos refused to surrender. Ba, it's a didn't work at all.

Not to mention saving Thanos in the hands of Captain Marvel, he couldn't even attack Captain Marvel, and was immediately stopped by the nearby Avengers.


Thanos was thrown to the ground by Captain Marvel. After landing, Captain Marvel looked at Iron Man and the others and asked, "What should I do now?"

"Cold mix."

Iron Man made a joke and looked up at the temple in the sky in the distance. "He should be on the top, and it's up to him how things end."

"We just let him go?" Star-Lord looked at Thanos on the ground with some resentment.

Regardless of whether this Thanos is the one they know, there are many people who want to kill him. For example, Star Lord who lost Gamora, for example, Destroyer, they all want to take the opportunity to kill Thanos!

On the contrary, it can be said that Thor, whose family was destroyed by Thanos, was not so emotional. Maybe it was because he killed Thanos? Maybe it's because the previous trip through time has changed his mood. In short... Thor's reaction was not strong on the premise that Su Yue was not going to kill Thanos.


Just as they were talking, the originally huge Temple in the sky suddenly disappeared.

No, not disappearing, but shrinking.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yue and Gamora teleported from the air to the vicinity of the Avengers with a swoosh.


Star-Lord was stunned when he saw Gamora beside Su Yue. He walked to Gamora excitedly and tried to reach out to caress her cheek. Then...his hand was caught by Gamora, and then Kicked over.

"Ow..." Star-Lord who was caught off guard instantly fell to the ground in pain.

"It's quite accurate this time." Su Yue secretly laughed. In the original plot, Gamora kicked both of her feet.

Ignoring Xing-Lord who was playing tricks, Su Yue glanced at the surrendering troops and Thanos dying on the ground, and took out the Infinity Gloves.

Putting the Infinity Gloves on his hands, Su Yue looked around and said, "I will send Thanos and other people who don't belong to this world, and at the same time erase all their memories of this matter and quantum traversal. opinion?"

"Of course, if you have any opinions, you can do it. If you want to kill him, you can do it. For me, it is just a matter of snapping my fingers again. Originally, I planned to snap my fingers again to resurrect the person who died in this battle, so If anyone wants to have fun, I don't care."

"What do you mean?" Iron Man asked.

Su Yue shrugged: "They shouldn't appear in this world, and they shouldn't die in this world, it will affect the situation on my side, so even if people are killed now, I will resurrect them and send them back... Of course, including those who sacrificed on your side."

"Uh...I don't understand." The captain asked inexplicably: "Since you want to resurrect the dead, why do you want to fight this game? You can let them go back to the original after they appear. World. Isn’t it a bit…”

"Excessive action?"

Su Yue continued: "In terms of results, it's really superfluous, but the process of many things is very important. You played this game, which satisfies my vision of the final battle, and also has a certain understanding of Thanos and his forces. Secondly, for you, this battle is very important, because Thanos will not be the last enemy in your world, and there will be more and more powerful enemies in the future."

"With this battle, you will have more experience and courage to face the powerful enemies that will appear in the future."

The captain nodded silently. This battle is of great significance in terms of experience and belief, but why does he think that Su Yue's real purpose is to watch a play?

"Wait a moment."

Su Yue said something, and then a mobile hard disk appeared out of thin air in his hand, and handed it to Iron Man.

"What is this?" Iron Man asked curiously.


"It can also be said to be the record of the battle just now. I have edited it. You can take a look at it later. Quan should keep it as a souvenir."


Your main purpose is really to watch the play, and it's not enough to watch, you actually filmed it and even edited it.

"How did you do it?" Iron Man asked Su Yue curiously: "I didn't see you appearing on the battlefield all the time, and I didn't find any shooting equipment around, how did you film and edit all the scenes? ?"

How did you do it?

Haha... it's just a thought!

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