Chapter 0475 End of Avengers 4

Although Su Yue didn't see all the battle scenes and didn't use any equipment to shoot them, he edited all the scenes and recorded them on the mobile hard drive with his ability to make things happen.

As for saying that this is unrealistic? Not scientific?

Don't make trouble, you talk science with transcendence?

Believe it or not, do you have an idea to modify the settings so that the world doesn't even have the concept of science?

Raising his infinity gloved hand, Su Yue snapped his fingers.


All those who were killed in the battle just now were instantly resurrected.

Before these resurrected people could react to what was going on, Su Yue snapped his fingers again.

In an instant, the body of Thanos' side began to gradually turn gray.

Everyone who does not belong to this world of this time will return to the original time or world after ashes, and at the same time, the relevant memories of quantum travel and everything that happened after travel to the future will be erased.

For them, when they go back, they will never remember that they have traveled to the future to fight the Avengers, nor will they remember the quantum realm, the quantum transmitter, and Thanos will not have any memory related to the Pym particle.

For them, nothing happened!

Don't worry that the death of someone will affect the progress of the event, and you don't have to worry that Thanos will travel everywhere in the future. The only thing you need to worry about is whether Thanos still has a spare spaceship after the Temple is gone.

As for Thanos, will he wonder if there is no Temple?

Hehe, Su Yue directly modified the memory settings of all of them. In their memory, they have never seen the Temple number, nor have they owned the Temple number. Of course, it's just this one. If Thanos has other Temples or recreates one, it won't be affected.

Maybe some places may become a little unreasonable because of this modification, but for them, this is reasonable!

This is the power of transcendence!

Whether it's reasonable or not, I'll decide!

"Finally... it's over..." Looking at Thanos and his army who disappeared into ashes, Iron Man couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Others couldn't help feeling the same way.

It's over, it's finally over. Half of the people who were wiped out by Thanos have returned. The world's Thanos and Infinity Stones are completely gone, and Thanos from other times in other worlds can't appear again. All, all, all, the dust has settled.

"I'm a little curious, what would it be like without you?" Iron Man asked Su Yue curiously.

Su Yue chuckled: "You came back with the Infinity Stones, Hulk used the Infinity Stones to bring the other half back, and at the same time Nebula summoned Thanos, your base was destroyed, you, Captain, Sol, three people Fighting against Thanos, but you and Saul were beaten by Thanos successively, and the captain's shield was smashed by Thanos. Although he raised Thor's Hammer, he was powerless and could only fight against Thanos' army alone."

"Then... the others returned through Kama Taj's teleportation array, and the Avengers... assemble!"

"In order to avoid Thanos getting the Infinity Gloves, you wanted to send it back, but unfortunately the quantum teleporter was destroyed, Wanda attacked Thanos, Thanos attacked with artillery fire, and then Captain Marvel came back and destroyed the spaceship, after several fights, Thanos With the Infinity Gloves, you... transferred the gem to yourself with the Infinity Gauntlet's secret hand and snapped your fingers."

" Thanos and others turned to ashes, because you couldn't bear the power of the Infinity Stones and sacrificed, the whole thing is over."

Su Yue paused for a while: "I probably know something about Spider-Man, Nick Fury, and others. If you want to know, I can tell you."

Iron Man and others were immersed in the original plot, and Captain Marvel asked a little unconvinced: "With me, how could it be possible for Thanos to get the Infinity Gloves? Even if he gets the Infinity Gloves, I can stop him. "

"Want to know?" Su Yue asked with a smile.

Captain Marvel nodded and said, "Yes."

"Try it and you'll know." Su Yue said, raising his infinite gloves and pretending to snap his fingers.

Captain Marvel responded quickly, and instantly rushed over and grabbed the Infinity Gloves with both hands to prevent Su Yue's fingers from snapping.

With this capture, Captain Marvel felt that something was wrong. Su Yue's strength seemed to be a little weaker than before? But recalling what Su Yue said just now, she quickly realized that Su Yue should be simulating Thanos, which should be the strength of Thanos.

Captain Marvel's strength exploded, the whole person roared into the air, and then he contained the Infinity Gauntlet with one hand.

It seems that in terms of strength, Captain Marvel is indeed crushing Thanos.

But at this time, Su Yue suddenly reached out and took off the power gem on the infinite gloves. Holding the power gem, Su Yue slammed Captain Marvel out with a punch. Then the power gem was put back on the glove. Su Yue took a look. Captain Marvel in the distance smiled and snapped his fingers.

Of course, he just gestured and didn't really snap his fingers.

After a real 'performance', Captain Marvel and everyone else were convinced.

Especially Captain Marvel, although she can crush the normal Thanos, but as long as Thanos obtains the Infinity Stones, she may not be able to stop him.

"The Thanos thing is over, I should go back too." Su Yue said with a smile, and his expression gradually became serious. "Hank Pym is back, and you won't be short of Pym particles, but you'd better not come to my world through time, will be at your own risk."

"Don't worry, we won't cross into your world unless necessary. Of course, I don't think you will cross into our world casually, right?" said Iron Man.

Su Yue shrugged: "Who knows."

"Hey, you're a little unreasonable, it's not fair!"

"What do I say is fair, what is fair!"

Su Yue said with a smile, the quantum suit suddenly covered his body, and Thor's Hammer flew over from the captain's hand.

At the same time, the quantum transmitter that had been shrunk and put away suddenly appeared and was activated.


Su Yue teleported to the quantum transmitter and disappeared with a bang.

"He just left?" Looking at the disappearing Su Yue, the captain frowned slightly and said, "Didn't he say before that there is an old me in his world? The me who returned the gems to stay in that world and did not leave, now What would things have been like without me delivering the gems?"

"It has nothing to do with you what it becomes, Captain Steve, you must know that we and him are people from two worlds, two worlds!" Iron Man patted the captain on the shoulder and greeted Ant with a relaxed body. The man quickly got the base out. He now wants to take a good bath and relax and have a celebration party.

Chapter 0476 Return and return gems?


Su Yue suddenly appeared at the entrance of the ruined alley.

The quantum battle suit on his body was automatically put away, and his psychic abilities were released. Su Yue, who had traveled back from Avengers 4, quickly figured out the situation.

This is near the Stark Building. The time should be right after the Battle of New York, when the captain of Avengers 4 deceived the mind gem from Hydra.

"It's a pity, I missed the famous scene where the captain claimed to be the Hydra and the captain fought the captain." Su Yue was a little regretful, but on second thought, although he missed some scenes, after all, he saw the final battle and got the saint. The name of the palace, you can't have both, and your choice is not wrong.

Not to mention, just changing the fact that the captain returned the gems completely broke the relationship between the two worlds.

Avengers 4 - Captain 1 - Avengers 4 - Captain 1 - After Su Yue learned about the existence of Team Gou after crossing, he knew that these two time points had formed an infinite loop.

When he crossed into this world, this cycle may have gone through countless times. He just crossed to a certain point after this cycle started. If he didn't change anything, this cycle would continue forever.

Of course, after all, this is not a simple time cycle, but a cycle of world events, and Su Yue is not the key character captain of the cycle, so naturally it has nothing to do with him.

Now, that cycle has been broken.

Without the captain who returned the gems in Avengers 4, naturally there would be no matter of returning to the past to find Peggy Gou and living with him after returning the gems, and there would be no Sharon Carter, so in terms of world relations, this The world has completely broken out of the original cycle and has truly become an independent world.

Speaking of returning the gems... The six Infinity Stones come from different places and times, and returning them is also a hassle.

After a little thought, Su Yue already had an idea.


Teleporting, Su Yue appeared on the rooftop of the Sanctuary in New York.

The Ancient One Mage, dressed in a robe, seemed to be waiting for Bruce Banner to return the gem. It's just that she didn't wait for Bruce Banner to wait for Su Yue, which surprised her more or less.

Su Yue took out the Infinity Glove and directly buckled the time gem on it and threw it at Gu Yi. After Gu Yi caught it, he put the time gem back into the necklace around his neck and asked curiously, "You went to the future?"


"what's the result?"

"It's a lot of fun, and it's quite interesting." Su Yue didn't want to share his future journey with Gu Yi, and after speaking, he waved his hand and teleported away.

Dilapidated buildings, ruined streets.

Su Yue appeared quietly and called out to Jesse Quick, who was resting on the curb.

"Can you do it through time?"

Jesse Quick was stunned, and said somewhat uncertainly: "I don't know, my speed may not be that fast."

"Then work hard to make the speed faster. I have a task for you. Come to me when you can travel through time." Su Yue is going to hand over the return of the space gem to Jesse Kuai. guest.

The Space Gem was stolen by Iron Man and Captain from the laboratory of Iron Man's father Howard Stark in the 1970s, and it also contributed to two things: one thing Iron Man met his father, the other one. One is that the captain meets Peggy.

Perhaps because of this opportunity, the captain didn't go back after returning the gem, but went to find Peggy to live a little life.

The time gem was returned to Gu Yi, and the space gem returned to Jesse Quick. Among the remaining four gems, the mind gem must be returned to Hydra. There is no mind gem, Baron Straker of Hydra. There is no way to create Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch.

So... the vision related to the Mind Stone is not necessary, but Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch must have it!

The power gem comes from the timeline of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1, which is almost two years later, so there is no hurry to return it. Anyway, Su Yue also has a space program. Two years are enough for him to perfect and execute the plan. Then he will return it. , or wait for Jesse Quick to return the space gems before running again.

The same is true for the soul gems. Hawkeye and Black Widow in Avengers 4 took the soul gems during Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1, so they should return the power gems when they return.

Among the six Infinity Stones that need to be returned, only the last remaining Reality Gem made Su Yue a little curious.


Because Fat House Sol and Rocket Raccoon are the Reality Gem and Thor's Hammer taken back from the timeline of Thor 2. The original plot of Thor 2 is that the nine kingdoms are connected together. Jane Fortes accidentally added the Reality Gem, which is The etheric particles were inhaled and taken to Asgard by Thor, before the dark elves invaded.

After Jane Fortes was in Asgard and before the Dark Elves invaded, Rocket Raccoon took the Reality Stone from Jane Fortes, and Thor also met his long dead mother, and took it Thor's Hammer.

Here comes the problem.

According to the current situation, will Jane Foster still inhale the Reality Gem? Are you still going to Asgard?

Su Yue didn't realize this problem before. If he had known, he should have asked Rocket Raccoon or Fat Man Sol about their situation with the Reality Gem.

"The Avengers 1, that is, not long after the end of the Battle of New York, is the plot of Thor 2, and then pay attention to see what is going on, and by the way, return the reality gem."

If the Avengers of Avengers 4 travel through time and space to borrow the infinite gems, the biggest problem should be the Thor series. The Thor 1 that has already happened has nothing to say, and the plot has no effect at all, but the influence of Thor 2 and Thor 3 But it's big.

Not to mention, after the Battle of New York, Loki ran away with the space gem and was never caught back to Asgard, which led to the original plot of Thor 2. Thor asked Loki to help him avenge the dark elves. After Loki took Odin Exile on Earth and pretending to be Odin will not happen. Followed by the appearance of Hela in Thor 3, Thor and Loki were teleported to the star of Saka for falling off the rainbow bridge, and successfully escaped from the star of Saka and returned to Asgard to face the story of Ragnarok.

Even if Loki's role in the Thor 3 plot is minimal, don't forget that Loki in Thor 3 took away the space gem. Now that there is no Loki in the Thor series, naturally there will be no space gem, so naturally... ...and you won't meet Thanos in the escape at the end.

This triggered a series of changes and impacts.

Chapter 0477 The Moment of Harvest

Changes in the future are not a bad thing for Su Yue. First of all, no matter how the future changes, it will not have much impact on him. After all, his current strength is enough to handle any situation.

Secondly, even if there is no Loki to cause this series of changes, the future will also change.

Although Su Yue did not destroy the main storyline as much as possible since the time of crossing, many things have changed in subtle ways. The butterfly effect has accumulated more. After the end of the Battle of New York, the plot has inevitably changed and moved towards very different direction.

Don't say anything else, just talk about vision.

Even if Su Yue gave the soul gem to Baron Astra of Hydra, Baron Astra created Scarlet Witch and Wanda, and then, still defeated by the Avengers, Iron Man and Bruce Banner still study the mind It's no use if the gem wants to execute the Ultron plan.

Vision's body was made by Zhao Hailun. Now that Zhao Hailun is in the scientific research center of Dimension Street, even if Ultron appeared, he would not have the ability to capture Zhao Hailun in Dimension Street, so... Vision is destined to be cool. .

Su Yue resurrected the deceased Vision in Avengers 4, and then erased the existence of Vision in his own world, drinking and pecking, which has a mysterious sense of balance.


The Battle of New York is over.

The Avengers ate barbecued meat silently in a surviving barbecue restaurant. The victims have been resettled, and the lost property is being counted. Some news radio reporters are interviewing everywhere, and relevant departments have also entered the venue to start post-disaster work.

At the same time, Dimension Street also began to act.

In addition to the normal maintenance of Dimension Street and the order of the high-speed rail, Pepper Potts came forward for an interview. On the one hand, he affirmed the contribution of Dimension Street in this disaster, and took the opportunity to expand its influence. On behalf of Dimension Street, it is willing to provide free treatment for those injured in this disaster, and at the same time, it focuses on introducing the treatment method, which is exactly Zhao Hailun's regeneration cradle plan.

It has to be said that Dimension Street has benefited the most from the Battle of New York.

First of all, Dimension Street itself was not affected, which deepened the impression of 'Dimension Street is the safest' in people's hearts. Secondly, the conventional combat troops ensured the safety of high-speed rail lines and helped many people move from dangerous areas to Dimension Street. Finally, the main force who participated in the war was sealed. The God Squad saved a lot of people, and they did a great job fighting the alien invasion. It can be said that more than 70% of the Qitarui people this time were eliminated by the Fengshen Squad.

In the past, many people were negative or even dissatisfied with Dimension Street. After all, Dimension Street is like an independent world that is incompatible with the entire environment. It is normal for many believers of order or people with related interests to be dissatisfied with this. But this time in the crisis, Dimension Street took the initiative to participate in the war, which really made many people who were dissatisfied with Dimension Street changed their minds.

Although Dimension Street may have its own way in normal times, but at a critical moment, the chain can't be broken!

It can be said that after this battle, the word-of-mouth and influence of Dimension Street has been improved again, reaching a height that is almost hotly debated by the whole people.

Of course, if all Su Yue wants is word of mouth and influence, then there is no need to spend so much trouble this time, and it can even be said that he led the occurrence of this New York Battle. His real purpose is to use this disaster and Rising word of mouth and influence acquired land, expanded the scope of Dimension Street, and opened up new high-speed railway lines.

As the center of the battlefield, Manhattan was the most severely damaged. Many buildings were scrapped. Reconstruction or repairs required a lot of money. Even if the householder could get a subsidy for reconstruction, he would have to pay for it himself, but he did not need to bear the full amount.

Taking a step back, even if you get the full reconstruction subsidy, reconstruction will take time, right? With the efficiency of the project here and the number of reconstructions required, it would take one or two years to restore the original state, and the idle period of these two years would be a huge loss.

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