When Su Yue said this, everyone was stunned.

Chapter 0480 Solicitation


Wanda exclaimed and retorted: "I just saw me. If it's real, why don't I know? Why don't I have any impression at all?"

"It's you!"

Su Yue turned to look at Wanda, and said with certainty, "It's just not the current you, not this one!"


Wanda opened her mouth wide in shock, isn't it me now? Not this one me? What... what do you mean? Is there another me?

"Simply put, I went to the future of a parallel world before. It is 2023. The content of the movie you just watched is what actually happened in that world." Su Yue said.

"Impossible!" Wanda still denied.

Su Yue chuckled and said: "Nothing is impossible, crossing parallel worlds is nothing unusual for me to Dimension Street. I know that what you call impossible does not mean crossing parallel worlds, nor the future, but Do you mean the same line as Iron Man?"

Wanda clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!"

"I heard people say that you can predict the future?" Pietro suddenly said in a deep voice. "You, you let us come because you know our future?"

Su Yue nodded: "That's right."

"Why is there no me here?" Pietro pointed at the screen that had gone black and asked puzzled: "Joining Wanda is really in the same camp as that guy, so what about me?"

"you are dead."


Pietro's face froze instantly.

What the hell?

I am dead?

"I... how did I die?" Pietro couldn't help asking.

Su Yue didn't answer. He turned to Mary Jane and said, "Take this movie back and play it in the movie theater. If you encounter any problems, come to me."


Mary Jane replied, but she was thinking that if the film was released, it would probably cause a lot of repercussions, right?

After all, this is what actually happened in the parallel world in the future. From Pietro and Wanda, it can be seen that although it is a parallel world, the development trajectory of many things should be similar, even the people are similar.

In the movie, there are many avengers who haven't appeared yet, haven't become heroes yet, so they were exposed in advance, is it really good?

And, isn't this propaganda for the Avengers?

If you really want to promote it, you should also promote the Fengshen team in Dimension Street, right?

Although Mary Jane had doubts in her heart, she still had to do what the lord explained. She found Daenerys to take away the copy of the movie just played, and was going to go back to her office to study how to promote it.

After Mary Jane left, Su Yue took Pietro and Wanda to the living room.

Sitting on the sofa, Su Yue held up the coffee that Daenerys had just brewed and motioned to Pietro and Wanda: "Try it, Daenerys's coffee brewing skills are quite good."

Pietro and Wanda took a sip, Pietro spoke first: "You haven't answered my question just now, how did I... the future me or the other me die?"


Putting down the coffee cup, Su Yue leaned back slightly on the sofa. "Soon, you will participate in a secret experiment of an evil organization Hydra. The danger of this experiment is very high. Almost everyone who participated in the experiment died. Only you survived and gained abilities."

"Your enemy, Iron Man Tony Stark, was very worried about the alien invasion not long ago. He developed a mechanical artificial intelligence called Ultron by raiding the Mind Stone recovered from the Hydra laboratory."

"Ultron was created to protect peace, but a procedural error occurred as soon as it was born, thinking that peace must eliminate humans and avengers, so he stole the soul gem, recruited you in Sokovia, and got With a large amount of vibranium ready to make a stronger body, I want to evolve stronger."

"You therefore know the thinking of Ultron who wants to destroy human beings. You break with Ultron and cooperate with the Avengers to fight against Ultron."

"Sokovia was lifted into the sky by Ultron. Yes, it flew into the air. You and the Avengers worked together to save people in the city. When saving people, you sacrificed."

Su Yue glanced at Pietro and continued: "After you died, Ultron was eliminated, and the sad and aimless Wanda joined the Avengers, and then it went all the way to the content of the movie."

"I feel like I'm listening to a story, it feels bad." Pietro took a sip of coffee with mixed emotions.

Wanda asked, "What are my abilities?"

"Chaos energy, a special ability with diversity, is very strong." Su Yue explained with a smile: "The villain Thanos in the movie is very strong, right? If you go head to head, you can defeat him."

"Then why didn't I participate in the battle? I mean, I didn't seem to see me participating in the battle except for that glimpse." Wanda asked inexplicably.

Su Yue said: "For some reason, I absorbed your energy. So you were just an ordinary person with no ability at that time."

"What's the reason?" Wanda asked deeply.

Su Yue shrugged noncommittally.

Wanda is curious about his abilities and encounters, while Pietro is more curious about the purpose of Su Yue telling them this.

"You want to recruit us in advance?" The only possibility Pietro could think of was this.

Su Yue nodded calmly: "Forget it, in fact, I went to see you four years ago, but you didn't know it."

Saying that, Su Yue took out his mobile phone and found a photo.

"This is... me?" Wanda was surprised when she saw the little loli in the photo. She had no impression of this photo and didn't know when she was taken.


Su Yue said with a smile: "You were too young at the time, so I didn't contact you. In addition, the Hydra experiment was very dangerous, and it was very spiritually demanding. Without firm belief, it is easy to fail. I don't want to advance in advance. Intervention affects you."

"After all, whether it's your living environment or your thoughts about revenge, I can influence it, which will affect your beliefs."

Having said that, it is already very clear to this point. For them, there is only one issue to consider.

Do you want to take refuge in Su Yue and join Dimension Street!

Wanda subconsciously looked at his brother Pietro, who frowned and thought about it.

Chapter 0481 Wanda who succeeds Daenerys

Pietro and the Wanda brothers and sisters were obviously in charge of making decisions. Seeing Pietro frowning and thinking about it, Su Yue did not urge him, but drank coffee leisurely and waited for his decision.

Will they refuse?

Su Yue is not worried about this at all. Even if they know what will happen in the future, what if they use this to gain power and refuse their own solicitation?

Let's not talk about whether they can participate in the Hydra experiment like the original book, and even if they can... they can still shut them out.

After all, he sold the Mind Stone to Baron Strucker, and it was easy for Baron Strucker to refuse them to join the experiment with a little trick.

Once they can't participate in the experiment and don't have the ability, then their future will be completely different. It can be said that as long as Su Yue doesn't allow them, they will never try to gain the ability, and they won't even think about getting ahead, and even... whether they can live in peace or not. .

So, as long as Pietro is not stupid, he understands that relying on himself is actually the only choice.

Facts have proved that Pietro is not stupid, but he is not mature enough.

"What can you give us?" Pietro asked after a while.

It is said that he is not mature enough because the problem is too superficial. Su Yue paid attention to them a few years ago, and specially arranged for them to come to Dimension Street to find him. Obviously, he is paying attention to them.

As long as they join, can Su Yue treat them badly?

Besides, if nothing else, as long as you can join the Dimension Street, it is the biggest benefit, right? You have to know how many people dream of joining Dimension Street. They feel lucky to be able to buy a house on Dimension Street and live in Dimension Street. Being able to do an ordinary job in Dimension Street can make others envious, jealous, and hateful. Not to mention the official member of Dimension Street that Su Yue personally recruited.

The hidden benefits are countless.

Pietro asking directly now will not only make people lose a certain amount of goodwill towards him, but also more likely to miss out on many hidden benefits.

To put it bluntly, it's just like interacting with people. Everything is clearly priced and negotiated. Naturally, you don't want to have a deeper friendship. If someone has something good, they will naturally not think of you, and they will not be cheap.

At this point, Stephanie Malik is very old-fashioned. She handed over the family wealth accumulated from generation to generation without mentioning any conditions. Although it seems that she didn't get any benefits on the surface, can Su Yue treat her badly? The benefits she will get in the future will be far more than what she paid for.

Of course, Su Yue didn't affect his senses because of Pietro's question.

First of all, they are very young, and there is a certain age gap compared to Stephanie Malik, not to mention the experience and so on. Stephanie Malik is a famous lady of a big family, and she has been nurtured since childhood. where are they? Orphans who have lost their parents, not to mention the precarious situation, have been in a war-torn environment, and it is unrealistic to talk to them about the future in the long run.

"It's not what I can give you, but what you want. I can give it, you don't want it, it doesn't make sense, right?"

Pietro thought for a while and said, "Can you make sure that we have superpowers like you said?"

"I can give you this opportunity. To tell you the truth, I sold them the spiritual gems used in the Hydra experiment. The reason why I sold them is to hope that you can acquire abilities according to the original trajectory. But whether you can succeed or not depends on your selves."

"Will you help us get revenge?" Pietro asked again.

As children, a cannonball hit their apartment, killing their parents, made by Stark Industries.

So they have always hated the owner of Stark Industries, which is Tony Stark.

"I won't stop you from taking revenge on Tony Stark. If you cause trouble, I will help you solve it."

Pietro nodded. Although neither of these two conditions had the most positive answer, it was enough for him.

As long as they can acquire superpowers, they have the ability to avenge Tony Stark. You must know that Tony Stark is not an ordinary person. No matter whether the revenge is successful or not, the follow-up troubles cannot be borne by them. Solving this is equivalent to solving their worries and guaranteeing their future life.

"what do you want?"

After getting the answer he wanted, Pietro naturally asked what he needed to pay.

"Joining Dimension Street is difficult, and leaving Dimension Street is even more difficult. Once you become Dimension Street people, you will serve Dimension Street and serve me all your life. Whatever I tell you to do, you must do it."

"Your ability is super speed, and the speed will be much faster than ordinary people, but do you know Jesse Quickie in the Fengshen team? It should not be as fast as her. After you acquire the ability, I will arrange for you to enter the routine of Dimension Street. combat troops."

"As for you, your ability is very strong, and you can easily get out of control. I will assign you to the Fengshen team, but usually you stay by my side."

Su Yue talked about the arrangement for the two.

"Stay by your side? Do, what?" Wanda asked suspiciously.

Su Yue pointed to Daenerys: "At that time, you will take over Daenerys' job, and you will do whatever she does."

Wanda subconsciously looked at Daenerys, who had been standing beside Su Yue, and understood what she was going to do.

"No, I don't agree!"

Before Wanda could speak, Pietro objected excitedly: "I won't let Wanda be your servant."

Su Yue smiled calmly, ignoring Pietro, and just looked at Wanda with a light smile.

"Wanda, you can't agree!" Pietro warned Wanda.

Wanda is not a particularly assertive character. She has basically listened to Pietro all the time, so Pietro asked her to refuse, and she subconsciously wanted to refuse. But when she saw Su Yue looking at her with a light smile, she couldn't say what she said.

Really, can you refuse?

If you refuse, will the previously agreed conditions be voided? Is it that they can't join Dimension Street, can't get super powers, can't take revenge?

Besides, is it really bad to be Su Yue's servant?

I am just a poor man, a poor man living in a war-torn area. If I can't change my destiny, what will the future be like? The best result is probably to find an ordinary person to marry, right?

And what about Su Yue's servants?

It can be seen from Mary Jane's reaction to Daenerys before that although Daenerys is a servant, no one dares to underestimate or disrespect, because she represents Su Yue.

And... as a servant of Su Yue, many people would want to do it, right?

Although Su Yue may have a lower status here, and may have to do some work of serving others, but how many people have a higher status in front of Su Yue? If you are outside, how many people dare not to give face to Su Yue's servants?

Wanda was silent for a moment, her expression and eyes gradually firming. She shook her head at Pietro, then looked at Su Yue and nodded solemnly: "I accept!"

Chapter 0482 Three Future Female Superheroes


Pietro stood up suddenly, staring at Wanda in disbelief.

Wanda looked at him without flinching.

"I'm your brother, you must listen to me!"

"You were only born 12 minutes before me."

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