Eric Lansheer looked at his face, the painful memories of the torture in the past, and the scene of his mother's death suddenly emerged, the anger of revenge had been ignited, he didn't even want to say a word of nonsense, and directly raised his hand to dagger Throwing it at the Black Emperor Xiao.


  When the dagger was about to stab Hei Huang Xiao, it was suddenly shot down by a whirlwind. With a slight twist of the torrent fingers beside Hei Huang Xiao, the whirlwind instantly slammed Eric Lanschel off the yacht and fell into the sea.

  "Rapid, we shouldn't deal with the same kind." Hei Huangxiao shook his head at the torrent.

  In the distance, several flares suddenly lit up, and then a ship appeared in their sight.

  "This is the Coast Guard, you are not allowed to move your boats, stay where they are." A warning sounded from the boat, and then several speedboats loaded with soldiers quickly sailed in the direction of Hei Huang Xiao's yacht.

  "No, it's still the same as before, I can't sense Xiao." On the guard boat, Charles put his hand beside his forehead and used his telepathy to sense the situation on the yacht.

  Because of the helmet, Charles couldn't sense the Black Emperor Xiao, but he could sense the people around Xiao, which is why he could find their traces...

  This operation was almost a full-scale deployment. Charles, Mora, the supervisor, the newly recruited mutants, Su Yue, Rui Wen, and Polaris were all there. Only the White Queen and Hank remained at the base.

  There are Charles and Su Yue with psychic abilities, so it doesn't make sense if the White Queen comes or not, and Hank is not a beast at present, just a scientist with a mutation of the soles of his feet, even if he comes to the front line, it is of no use.

  On the yacht on the opposite side, Torrent waved his hands, and two tornadoes spun rapidly in his palm, and then let go, getting bigger and bigger...

  The gust of wind and tsunami, the waves suddenly rise.

  Several speedboats that were approaching were instantly overturned by the tornado on the tumbling sea.

  "This... this... what to do next?" the supervisor asked in a panic.

  Charles frowned and fell silent. Although his ability is very strong, he is not a melee type after all, and he has no combat experience in this area. At this moment, he is somewhat at a loss.

  He doesn't know what to do right!

  Is it to let these mutants rush past?Or do you control the people around Heihuangxiao to deal with Heihuangxiao?

  These mutants around him have no experience in combat, and rushing over is to die.And the person who controls Hei Huangxiao's side can only control one torrent, and the torrent is definitely not Hei Huangxiao's opponent.

  No, that's not right, you should still control the torrent. Even if the torrent is not Hei Huang Xiao's opponent, it can cause some trouble for the Hei Huang Xiao. Talent has the opportunity to board the yacht to attack.

  Charles locked on the torrent, and was planning to use his psychic ability to control him, but as soon as the ability was activated, he was shocked to find that... the connection was disconnected, and the torrent was the same as Hei Huang Xiao, unable to sense it.

  "This... what's going on?!"

  Charles was stunned.

Chapter 0408 Three people who control the magnetic field?

  "Black Emperor Xiao, he's smarter than I thought. No wonder he was able to set up the Hellfire Club, and he almost started the third world war." Although Su Yue's psychic ability was also blocked, but his psychic ability was only his One of the icing on the cake, even if he has no psychic ability, he can still know the moment on the opposite yacht.

  After the White Queen's reminder, the Black Emperor Xiao not only made a helmet for himself, but also helped the torrent, and the Red Devil prepared it. He is not stupid. In the case that someone who has no psychic ability on his own side can block the other party, the best way It means that all one's own side shields the other's psychic abilities so as not to be secretly controlled by the other side.

  Therefore, Torrent and Red Devil must be taken care of by the two mutants. As for the woman who replaced the White Queen?That's just an ordinary person. The reason why Hei Huangxiao accepted her was that she hoped that she could play a role in 'business', and at the same time, he also needed a maid who would be courteous by his side.

  This woman doesn't know much about real secrets, and even if she's controlled, it won't cause any trouble.

  "No, that torrent also blocked my ability, only the woman is left... There is no point in controlling that woman." Charles put down his hand and said a little anxiously and helplessly, his eyes subconsciously looked at Su Yue who looked relaxed beside him .

  "Look at me? The person I'm looking for has already appeared, Hei Huang Xiao... It's your business." Su Yue said lightly to meet Charles' eyes, then turned to look at the North Star. "Do you feel it?"

  Polaris nodded.

  "He's the person I'm looking for, let's go and see you there."

  With a wave of Su Yue's hand, the guard's boat suddenly swayed, and then... two huge and heavy anchors broke out of the sea and stopped strangely outside the boat.

  Su Yue and Polaris jumped and stood directly on the anchor, and then the anchor flew in the direction of the opposite yacht.



  Everyone was numb from Su Yuexiu's scalp, what method do you think you can use in the past?There are still several speedboats, or you can just teleport there.The results of it?As a result, you actually played with the anchor to cross the sea?

  Isn't this showing too much?

  How capable are you!


  Just when they were speechless by Su Yue's operation show, the anchor of the yacht on the opposite side even drilled out from the seabed.

  Seeing this scene, everyone thought it was Su Yue who did it.

  "No, no, there's another person there!" Charles was suddenly startled and pointed to the sea near the yacht.

  There is someone there, he... He actually has the same ability as Su Yue?

  Is he the person Su Yue was looking for?

  "Ah ah ah ah..." Eric gritted his teeth and roared, and controlled the anchor to drop from the sky and smashed directly at the yacht.


  A hole was suddenly smashed out of the stern of the yacht, and then the anchor circled around the stern, and the huge iron chain of the anchor roared and swept forward suddenly.


  The anchor chain was torn everywhere, and the top layer of the yacht seemed to be scraped off by the chain.

  In the yacht, Hei Huang Xiao and others hurriedly ran to the lower deck.

  There is a submarine under the yacht, and this submarine is their real hiding place.

  On the tumbling sea, Eric, who was engrossed in it, did not notice Su Yue and Polaris hanging on another anchor behind him. He felt a submarine appeared under the yacht!

  They are going to run!

  How could Eric, who was already red-eyed, just watch the enemy run away in front of him?

  The fury of vengeance had completely ignited him, making him lose his mind.

  Without thinking about it, Eric dived directly into the bottom of the sea, staring at the submarine that had already been launched, and his abilities reached a limit.

  He wants to stop the submarine!

  "Do you think he can succeed?" Su Yue asked Polaris.

  Polaris shook her head, and she also has the ability to control the magnetic field, so she can sense the strength of the magnetic field controlled by the person underwater and the powerful power of the submarine.If it is not at the bottom, the person may succeed, but at the bottom of the water that has a stop and cannot breathe, although the person can reduce the power of the submarine, but can not stop it completely, and it will not take long, the person will fail due to suffocation.

  Whether he gave up voluntarily or passively because of suffocation, the result was the same.

  "What if it was you?" Su Yue asked again.

  Polaris shook his head truthfully: "This person's strength is similar to mine. He can't do it, and I shouldn't be able to do it either."

  "Do you know who he is?"


  In the world of Polaris, she had heard of Magneto, the leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants, even though Magneto had disappeared by then.In addition, Su Yue told them about the 'plot' after coming to this world, so she could naturally guess that this person was Magneto when she was young.

  Looking at the North Star with no strange expression, Su Yue chuckled and shook his head.

  It seems that Polaris still doesn't know the identity of Magneto.This is also normal. After all, Magneto and Polaris have no intersection. Although they have the same abilities, Polaris cannot guess that Magneto is her father based on this alone.

  Under the sea, Eric's mouth was bubbling constantly, and the suffocation had already made his mind become dazed, but his hands were always facing the submarine, even if he died... he was not afraid.

  "Come on, you can't keep them. Even if you can, you won't have a chance to kill him for revenge." In a trance, Eric seemed to hear someone talking to him, but his current state was helpless. Think about these.

  The lungs were exploding, and the fainting sensation was uncontrollable.


  A series of bubbles spit out in Eric's mouth, and Eric rolled his eyes and fainted.

  Before he passed out, he seemed to see an anchor flying towards him, entangling him.


  The sea opened, and the anchor wrapped around Eric and emerged from the bottom of the water.

  With a wave of Su Yue's hand, the anchor broke instantly, and the anchor on Eric's body changed directly.Deformed, squeezed, and finally turned into a discus that could accommodate a person lying down and floated in front of Su Yue.

  "give it to you."

  Su Yue said to Polaris, and Polaris quickly took over the discus with his abilities, and then stood on the anchor with Su Yue and returned to the guard's boat.

  After getting on the boat, Polaris' arm lightly swayed to put down the iron plate and the fainted Eric on the discus.

  At this time, Charles and others knew that Polaris' ability was actually to control the magnetic field, and she actually had the same ability as Su Yue and the fainted man.Sure enough... the people around Su Yue are not easy!

Chapter 0409 The stubborn Magneto

  For Charles and Department X, this mission was a failure and came back in vain.But for Su Yue, the purpose of this mission has been successfully completed. After saving Eric, he will be loyal to him on the grounds of helping revenge. The famous mutant duo, Magneto, should be able to take him under his command. .

  So Su Yue, who was in a good mood, did not blame Charles and the supervisor for looking at him with resentment, but instead smiled and enlightened: "Failure is the mother of success, don't you think that it is just a few fledgling crooked melons and jujubes? You can defeat Hei Huang Xiao in the first fight, right? This defeat is already doomed, you should just gain experience and work hard when you go back."

  "You already knew the result?" Mora asked in a low voice.

  Su Yue glanced at Eric who was being checked for emergency treatment not far away, and shrugged noncommittally.


  Since Su Yue knew that this person would appear here, how could he not know the result?

  When everyone reacted, they couldn't help but feel a little dejected. Alex Summers, who had a hot personality, could not help but complain to Su Yue, "Since you know the result, why don't you change it? You have this ability. Bar?"


  Hearing that Alex actually questioned Su Yue, Charles, Mora and others hurriedly stopped him.

  Although they had some opinions on Su Yue who knew the result but refused to take action, they just thought about it in their hearts. How could they ask?

  "Are you rich? Give me your money." Su Yue looked at Alex and said lightly.

  "Why should I give you my money?" Alex retorted absurdly.

  "Yeah, why?"

  Su Yuexie glanced at Alex, greeted Polaris and Ruiwen, and then teleported away with the unconscious Eric.


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