So, it is obvious why it is difficult.

Amadeus Zhao felt a little regret that Su Yue couldn't appear, why? Amadeus Zhao was born with the ability to instantly calculate and detect the probability of things happening. His brain is very developed. When he was fifteen years old, he participated in the famous quiz. Since then, he has been called a superman, the seventh smartest person in the world... …

Like every hero, Amadeus Zhao naturally has his own enemies. His enemy is a withdrawn and paranoid super-genius who claims to be the sixth smartest person who has designed the hardest problem to find someone who is equally smart. Then kill them.

He eyed Amadeus Zhao.

Amadeus Zhao was constantly being followed, designed, as he was scheduled, Amadeus Zhao was supposed to be killed in an explosion in his home, but was distracted by a **** the way home and happened to miss it Dinner, but fortunately survived, but the parents died in the explosion.

It was later confirmed that the girl was actually Athena in disguise.

Yes, Athena in Marvel.

During the Civil War, Amadeus Zhao used his talent to trick the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., discovered other superhero teams, and learned about the Hulk being exiled to aliens. However, after his calculations the Hulk did not land on the planet they calculated and then started looking for its Hulk.

During the Hulk World War, everyone was trying to stop Hulk, but he organized a team, including him, Hercules (Hercules), Angels (mutants), Namora (Atlanti) people), help the Hulk together.

During the secret invasion, he and Hercules joined a team of earth gods, including Athena, to fight against the Skrulls. After the Secret Invasion ended, Amadeus Zhao was also involved in several events at Olympus.

So far, Amadeus Zhao doesn't have any abilities, nor is he a Young Hulk, and he eats all from his head. Then, in a melee, he was hit by a gamma ray and began to mutate, becoming a young Hulk with all the abilities of the Hulk.

In the new and disparate, Amadeus Zhao felt unable to control the power of Hulk, and finally managed to eliminate most of the gamma ray energy in his body, leaving only a small part, and became a new heroic spirit.

Chapter 0485 Scott Lang's Ex-Wife

Closer to home, although Amadeus Zhao's deeds are extraordinary, they are destined to never happen, just think about it.

The target who came out this time was not him.


The brakes sounded, and Betty Ross said it was coming, she turned off the car and got out of the car with Su Yue.

The car was parked at the door of a fast food restaurant. Betty Ross turned the car back into a capsule and put it away, and said with a sigh: "The technology of the universal capsule is so convenient. With it, you don't have to worry about traffic jams or parking problems when you go out. At least you don't have to worry about getting a fine."

"Universal capsules for cars are only one of them. The most convenient ones are capsules for houses. If you are camping, traveling, or exploring in the wild, a universal capsule for houses can solve many things." Su Yue smiled and pushed. Door into the restaurant.

"Home is where people are." Betty Ross sighed and followed.

"Remember to go back and tell Maya Hansen, when the universal capsules for housing are ready, you can send some to those homeless people in Dimension Street for free, so that the benches and corners of Dimension Street will not be occupied by them at night, I don't know. When people see it, they think Dimension Street is a gathering place for homeless people, and it is not beautiful at all."

Su Yue found a seat by the window and sat face to face with Betty Rose, looked up at the excited waiters, pointed to one of them and called her over.

The waiter he pointed at couldn't believe it. He seemed to have won the jackpot. While suppressing his excitement, he walked over under the envious eyes of other colleagues.

"Lord... Hello, Lord, you... What do you need?"

This fast food restaurant is so small that it doesn't even have a menu except for the types and prices of goods posted on the counter.

Su Yue rolled his eyes and looked back, and asked the excited waiter, "What's your name?"

"M... Maggie."

Maggie, Scott Lang's ex-wife and Kathy Lang's mother, is also the main target of Su Yue this time.


Su Yue did it on purpose.

This is the address he told Betty Ross earlier, because Maggie works here. He chose Maggie just now, and it was also intentional. Asking her name was even more intentional.

"Maggie, please help us with whatever sells best in your store. Also... This is a tip for you. I hope you don't come to disturb us as much as possible." Su Yue took out from his wallet Handed over a few hundred-dollar knives.

Maggie was stunned.

It's normal to tip, but usually it's whoever serves whom, but the Lord's intention is to tip all the waiters in the store?

And...the tip is too much, isn't it?

There are several hundred dollars. Even if everyone is divided equally, everyone can have more than one hundred dollars, and one hundred dollars... It seems that it does not cost a hundred dollars to order all the fast food types in the store, right?

"Thank you, thank you Lord Lord, I... I will tell them." Maggie hesitated for a moment and took the tip in ecstasy, then went to the front desk to help them order a meal, and then greeted the other waiters and told them the Lord adult request.

So many tips directly made the waiters boil. Of course, they were just secretly rejoicing, so as not to affect the lord too loudly.

Not long after, Maggie delivered the prepared food.

"It tastes pretty good." Betty Ross tasted it and was a little surprised.

Su Yue shrugged: "The real food is usually hidden in small shops, not those with elegant environment and high-end restaurants."

He has no interest in this kind of western fast food, and he didn't come here to eat.

While eating a simple meal, she chatted with Betty Rose in a casual manner. At the same time, Su Yue also used her psychic abilities to probe Maggie's memory to learn about her current living conditions and future plans.

Speaking of which, although Maggie has little weight in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and has no sense of existence, she is still a very nice and kind person.

Although she divorced Scott Lang, she also hated Scott Lang's stealing behavior, and even was a little harsh to Scott Lang when he first got out of prison, but when she knew Scott Lang After becoming Ant-Man, his attitude changed after being a hero.

The reason for the change in attitude was not because of a philistine, but because she felt that her daughter's father should not be a thief, a criminal who had been in prison. Later, she found out that he had changed his ways and even became a hero. Naturally, she was also happy for him.

Moreover, both Maggie and the policeman after Maggie's remarriage got along well with Scott Lang in the end.

Although Maggie is just an ordinary woman, it is precisely because of this that she is so ordinary and this kind of contentment that Su Yue appreciates. If she is the kind of woman who often acts as a demon, Su Yue would not be here now. .

After eating quietly without being disturbed, Su Yue waved to Maggie and handed over another hundred dollar bill: "Checkout, the rest is yours."

"Thank you very much, Lord." Maggie said happily.

"By the way, are you interested in changing jobs?" Su Yue asked casually.

Maggie was stunned again. She widened her eyes and took a deep breath. She asked in a trembling voice in disbelief, "Lord, Lord, what do you mean..."

"There will be a high-speed rail line in Queens soon. I think your service attitude is not bad. Are you interested in changing from a waiter to a flight attendant?"

"I...I do! Of course I do. It's just...I just don't understand, is this okay?" How could Maggie be unwilling, not to mention the benefits of work And social status, just being able to work in Dimension Street is enough to make her ecstatic.

Although she feels that today is her lucky day, and a piece of good luck has come to her, she is a little worried that her ability is insufficient, and that she will do something wrong and affect the high-speed rail in Dimension Street.

After all, now who doesn't know that the high-speed rail project is the top priority of Dimension Street.

"Isn't it possible to learn, you will naturally be trained before you take up your job. I don't know the specific salary of the flight attendant. It should not be lower than your current income. I know some other benefits, such as room and board. Question, wait. By the way, are you married?"

"I... I'm single now, my ex-husband is in jail, and I have a daughter." Maggie whispered.


Maggie is a fool!

The waiters who have been eavesdropping on the conversation here have not waited to envy Maggie's good fortune before being choked up by her self-destruction!

Such a good opportunity, why do you say this?

What if the lord changes his mind because of your ex-husband's imprisonment?

Chapter 0486 Get one and get robbed?

"I admire your honest attitude. For me, ability is secondary, ability can be cultivated, but honesty is not so easy to cultivate."

Maggie, who was a little worried and worried at first, was relieved when she heard Su Yue's words, and she said shyly, "I, I just don't dare to lie in front of you."

"It doesn't matter if you have an opinion, whether you don't want to or don't dare, as long as you tell the truth, it's good." Su Yue chuckled disapprovingly and said, "It's really inconvenient for you to work alone with your children, but there will naturally be someone to help you. Take care of the children. When your children are of school age, they can go to the schools in Jiyuan Street. Tuition and miscellaneous fees are free. As for the others, as long as the consumption in Dimension Street will have certain discounts, someone will tell you the specifics after you join the job."

"Anything else?" Su Yue asked warmly.

Maggie shook her head quickly: "No, no more."

"Go to the Dimension Street Building to report to my housekeeper Claire within three days, and she will help you arrange the follow-up." Su Yue didn't say more, nodded to Maggie and left the fast food restaurant with Betty Ross.


The universal capsule was thrown out, and Su Yue and Betty Ross got into the car and left quickly.

Not long after they left, the small fast food restaurant suddenly became noisy.

Good luck!

Good luck!

It would be a long way for such a remote little brother to be patronized by a big man like a dimensional lord, not to mention that each of them got a lot of tips. The results of it? Maggie, an extremely ordinary waiter, had great luck because of this, and was liked by the dimensional lord, and went directly to Dimension Street to work.

This is what many people dream of.

Although Su Yue didn't say much about the benefits of working in Dimension Street, it was quite exaggerated just to say this. Provides room and board, free school, free medical care, and other expenses in Dimension Street will inevitably have a very low internal discount. In this case... I dare not think about it... I really dare not think about it.

Besides, even if Su Yue didn't say it, they usually knew about the benefits and benefits of Dimension Street.

Maggie is a fool and a fool, not only did she not lose the opportunity for telling the truth, but she was praised instead.

A word.

The words of the dimensional lord directly changed Maggie's future fate. From a waiter who worked hard to bring children to become a flight attendant who has no worries about food and clothing, and a superior status, this is something that you can't even dream of. matter.

Regardless of whether they are envious, jealous, or hateful, at this moment, they all surround Maggie and congratulate her constantly. Of course, of course, there are so many things, don't forget the meaning of our poor sisters after you develop.

Until Maggie came home in a daze after get off work, she still felt like she was in a dream.

This...this changes fate?

Me, am I really lucky?

Is Maggie lucky?

Of course lucky.

It's just that her luck is not really just luck, it's just that Su Yue made her lucky. As for why use this method? Su Yue's idea is very simple. If you go to the door and say that your daughter will become a superhero in the future, now you can go to work in Dimension Street, which is too realistic, right?

Since you want to move people with affection, don't do things that easily affect affection.

With the current method, if nothing else, Maggie will definitely not have the feeling that my daughter will be a hero in the future, and you are here for my daughter's reliance and feeling of peace of mind.

Originally, Su Yue actually planned to let Scott Lang get out of prison ahead of time to reunite their family, but this idea was quickly dispelled.

It's a bit too much to go to the prison for an employee who was suddenly invited on a whim. Besides, in case Maggie's family has no feelings for Scott Lang now, there's no need to do it.

"I got one, and there are two more." In the car, Su Yue said with a smile and casually entered the next address on the navigation.

Betty Ross drove the car according to the navigation, and said a little puzzled: "Get one? Did you mean the waiter named Maggie just now? She, is she anything special?"

Su Yuedao said that he was looking for three people this time, but he only talked about Bruce Banner's cousin Jennifer and the future Hulk in detail, but didn't say anything about the other two.

She also thought that what happened just now was just a whim. Maybe Su Yue really admired the waiter, so she let her go to work in Dimension Street, but listening to him now, it's obviously not an accident.

"Yes, no." Su Yue shook his head and said, "What I'm really looking for is Maggie's daughter, but she is still young, so I can only find Maggie directly."

"Well, I really thought it was just an accident." Betty Ross asked curiously: "Besides Bruce Banner's cousin Jennifer, who is the future female Hulk? We are now looking for Is she still going to find Jennifer?"

"The other situation is similar. She is too young and can only start from her home. Now, let's go to Jennifer. At this time, there is no appointment, so it is more convenient to find her."

"it is good."

Betty Ross responded. She was also curious about Bruce Banner's cousin and wanted to know why she became the Hulk.

Bruce Banner is the Hulk. His father, General Ross, has been arresting Hulk, but he may become the Red Hulk in the future. Bruce Banner's cousin will become the Hulk, and he will become the Red Hulk. The contrast of this relationship makes Betty Ross naturally curious about her.


The harsh braking sound suddenly sounded. This time, it was not the place to go. After all, it was not long after leaving the fast food restaurant. According to the navigation, there was still at least one third of the journey.

The reason for the sudden braking was because someone stopped the car.

Uh, to be precise, someone hijacked the car!



Su Yue leaned forward slightly, feeling that this situation was incredible.

I, Su Yue, the dimensional lord, was actually robbed?

Are you floating, or am I unable to lift the knife?

Su Yue turned his head to look at the guy who had walked to the co-pilot and opened the car door. He wanted to see if this guy had a 'blood disaster', otherwise why would he kill himself?

Chapter 0487 Item No. 47

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