"Get off, get off quickly..."

A woman wearing denim shorts and a half-sleeve T-shirt with slightly messy hair turned her head and looked behind her anxiously while holding a blue-lighted weapon, while shouting at Su Yue.

Su Yue could guarantee that she didn't even look at herself.

After all, after the Battle of New York, Su Yue's awareness was quite high. Ordinary people may not know Su Yue, but those who came out to fight... 100% will know.

"Damn, didn't you hear me or didn't see the guy in my hand? I let you down..." The woman cursed and turned her head to emphasize her identity and purpose, but she seemed to be suddenly attacked It was as if he was choking his throat, and he was silent for a moment.

Looking at each other, Su Yue blinked: "Are you sure, let me get off the bus?"


The woman suddenly cursed, closed the car door with force, turned around and wanted to run.


The crisp snap of fingers fell, and the woman who turned around and wanted to run was gone.

The next moment, the woman appeared in the back row of the car with her legs kicked. Before she could react to what happened, the guy in her hand flew away with a bang and fell into Su Yue's hand.

"The weapons of the Qitarui people..." Su Yue glanced at it and tossed it lightly, and the Qitarui people's energy gun immediately turned its muzzle in the air and aimed directly at the woman.

The woman turned pale in shock, and quickly raised her hands, motionless.

"Keep driving."

Although Betty Ross was taken aback, Su Yue had already controlled the situation at this time, so she naturally felt relieved.


I stepped on the accelerator, and the car continued to drive.

Su Yue thought about it and walked directly from the co-pilot to the woman's side.

This sudden 'transposition' made the woman startled. After a while, she turned her head to look at Su Yue, and moved aside in despair and annoyance.

"Do you have an accomplice?" Su Yue asked suddenly.

"Yes, you... how did you know?"

"It's really you..." Su Yue shook his head dumbly, he didn't know whether Maggie was lucky or not, he only knew that his luck was real... it was evil.

In addition to movies and TV series, the Marvel Cinematic Universe also has a few short films that are like small Easter eggs. One of them is called "Item 47", which is about a couple of unknown scientists who have achieved nothing and accidentally picked up the Chitauri people. The weapon left after the invasion of New York, and then the poor two people used this weapon to start a bank robbery, make a fortune, and dream of buying a boat to go to sea, escape, and enjoy life.

There are only three main characters in this story, one is the woman in front of him, the other is her boyfriend, or partner, and the fake S.H.I.E.L.D. real Hydra agent Heatwell who is in charge of arresting them.

That's right, it's that bald head.

This plot has no impact on the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. It can only be regarded as a little easter egg to fill the plot. Apart from showing Heatwell's face, the hero and heroine did not express much in the follow-up, but the man was recruited into the gods. The Shield researched alien weapons, and the woman became the secretary of a supervisor?

They are two one-off sets with a little plot.

Now this situation... Nine times out of ten, the two of them were caught by Heatwell before they had time to escape, right? In other words, the man was probably caught, and the woman took the opportunity to run out.

Seeing that she only had a weapon but didn't take the money that she robbed before, and she looked in a hurry, it shouldn't be wrong.

So, when she ran away, she wanted to grab a car, but she just happened to grab her own car by accident?

This is so unfortunate!

Su Yue looked at her carefully, and suddenly showed an interesting smile. He felt that this woman was a little familiar.

This familiarity is not because of the short film. After all, the influence of the short film is too small. Su Yue only knows the plot and is not familiar with the hero and heroine. He just guessed her identity through the weapons of the Qitarui people.

The reason why it looks familiar is because of a certain American drama.

A certain love master.

Besides, it seems that she has also acted in True Blood and The Cloverfield Files, and Now You See Me 2.

"Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di Di..."

The sharp and harsh whistle sounded, Su Yue looked past the woman and looked out the car window. A S.H.I.E.L.D. standard SUV was driving side by side and honking its horn. In the window that was lowered at the same time, a bright bald head was shouting loudly. Let them stop.

"what to do?"

Betty Ross glanced at the woman and asked Su Yue.

"You said, what should I do?" Su Yue didn't take Heatwell's pursuit seriously, but asked the woman around him with great interest.

The woman shook her head frantically: "I, I don't know."

"You seem... a little stupid." Su Yue teased.

The woman is not stupid, she is frightened by this series of changes. But it's not wrong to say that she is stupid. If she is not stupid, how could she dare to rob a bank because of a Chitauri weapon?

The entire Chitauri army has been defeated. You have only one weapon. Do you really think you can go to heaven?

Besides, it's obvious that you should hug your thighs in this situation. After all, Su Yue didn't show too much 'dangerousness', and that agent... If he was caught, the consequences might not be so optimistic.

If this woman is just a one-time trick in the short film, Su Yue may not mind this kind of business, but since she has another 'identity', this makes Su Yue move to get her to Dimension Street .

Even if she doesn't have any other identity in this world, it's enough for her to know. Besides, she is barely a famous scientist. Even if her level is a little bit lower and her brain is a bit stupid, she can go to the scientific research center to do errands.

Meeting is fate, there are so many cars, you don't rob me but you rob me, this is fate.

"Get down."

Seeing that the woman hadn't reacted yet, Su Yue shook his head and said something. After the woman squatted down subconsciously, he opened the car window.


"You...is that you?" Heatwell was obviously stunned when he saw Su Yue in the car. He never thought that the person he was chasing would turn out to be such a big man, and it would turn out to be... the lord of Dimension Street!

Chapter 0488 Agent Heatwell & Claire Weiss

Hitwell's status in S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra is not very high, and he can barely be called the mainstay, but he has a lot of roles and information.

He has a good relationship with Phil Coulson. In the plot of Captain America 2, his ship was hijacked and rescued by the captain and Natasha with the special team. He also revealed the insight plan of Hydra. , he is a member of the faction of Alexander Pierce.

Alexander Pierce is the leader of Nick Fury, a member of Hydra, the manager of the Winter Soldier, and the current Secretary of the Security Council.

The Insight plan was planned by him. Based on the algorithm of Anim Zola, it identified targets that were dangerous to Hydra, and used the space carrier to carry out mass assassination.

I have to say that there is still something in this insight plan, and the calculation is basically accurate.

For example, a TV presenter in Cairo, this may be the moonlight knight who will appear in the future; the deputy secretary of defense, may refer to General Ross, the father of Betty Ross; the Iowa high school graduate representative, this Su Yuedao is impossible Of course, first of all, it is definitely not a little spider, then according to the comic settings and the situation of future film and television dramas, it is either "Ms. Marvel" that has already been established, or Amadeus Zhao!

However, the possibility of Amadeus Zhao is not large. After all, Zhao Hailun was not with anyone before, so it is impossible to have a son out of thin air, right? Or... Amadeus Zhao is Zhao Hailun's nephew or brother or something? After all, he shares the same surname as Zhao Hailun. If it is a son, then his father will either have the surname Zhao, or he will be pregnant before marriage, and he will follow his motherhood after birth.

The other two, one is Bruce Banner and the other is Stephen Strange.

Needless to say, the former is still a doctor.

Su Yue had no direct contact with Heatwell, nor did Heatwell, but the two had indirect contact. The captain of Avengers 4 defrauded the Heart Stone from Heatwell and Crossbones under the guise of Hydra, and then... Su Yue sold the Heart Stone to Baron Straker of Hydra not long ago.

Although the result is still the same after a circle, there are many problems in this circle.

Hitwell is very confused now and doesn't know how to face Su Yue.

First of all, he did not doubt that the captain was a Hydra. If the captain was not a Hydra, it would be impossible to know his identity, and it would be impossible to let them continue to lurk in S.H.I.E.L.D. after knowing his identity.

Then, the psychic scepter taken by the captain turned around and was sold to Baron Strucker by the new hydra giant John Garrett. As we all know, John Garrett has a good relationship with the dimensional lord Su Yue. It is possible that Su Yue asked John Garrett to sell it to Hydra.

So the question is, how did Su Yue get the scepter from the captain? The captain said that he was attacked by Loki pretending to be himself, and the scepter should be taken away by Loki, but Loki has already exposed the space gem?

Was the captain lying, or was Su Yue or his men disguised as the captain and snatched the scepter of mind?

Or... the captain is someone from Su Yue or John Garrett?

Heatwell thought about it a lot, but the complicated situation made him unable to come up with a clue that could convince him.

Looking at Su Yue in the opposite car, Heatwell was sure that the other person he was looking for was in his car, and he probably wouldn't hand him over. myself... what should I do?

No matter what identity Su Yue was, Hitwell didn't have the confidence to touch him, so he could only slow down and follow Su Yue's car slowly to see if he could find a chance to test what Su Yue was. manner.

After closing the car window, Su Yue said to the lying woman, "Get up."

"Thank you...Thank you." The woman stood up and thanked Su Yue with lingering fears. She brushed up her messy hair, took a deep breath and said, "You, can you help me, I don't want to go to jail."

"It's easy to help you, but why should I help you?" Su Yue asked casually.

The woman was stunned, and hurriedly said, "As long as you are willing to help me, you can ask me to do anything in the future."


Su Yue raised his eyebrows: "What's your name?"

"Claire, Claire Weiss."

"I have Claire by my side. She is my housekeeper. Go back to her and she will tell you what you can and cannot do in Dimension Street."

Su Yue's hand clenched his fist lightly, and the Qitarui weapon that was suspended in mid-air was instantly compressed into an iron ball, and then the car window opened, and the iron ball flew out by itself.


The iron ball rolled to the ground and hit Hitwell's car directly. Heatwell slammed on the brakes, startled.

Claire Weiss widened her eyes in surprise. She used this weapon to rob many banks, but such a powerful weapon turned out to be useless in front of Su Yue like a toy.

Along the way, the car was quiet.

Betty Ross focused on driving, Su Yue admired the scenery outside the window, although Claire Weiss had a lot to say, but because Su Yue was next to her, she didn't dare to make trouble, so she could only gasp and say nothing. hair, motionless.

After a long time, the car stopped.

Su Yue opened the door and got out of the car, Claire Weiss hurriedly followed, and then saw Betty Rose who got out of the car for some unknown press, and with a bang, the car disappeared, no... It was turned into a capsule. Betty Ross put it away.

"This... what is this? How did the car turn into a capsule?" Claire Weiss widened her eyes in disbelief, wanting to ask but not daring to ask.

"I want to see a lawyer named Jennifer Walters." Su Yue said.

Betty Ross didn't move, and Claire Weiss didn't react at first. When Betty Ross and Su Yue looked at her, she realized that she was talking to herself.

She hurriedly pushed open the door of a nearby law firm, and a few minutes later, she pushed open the door and came out.

"Alright, alright, lawyer Jennifer is in the office."

Su Yue hummed, and Claire Weiss hurriedly held the door for her. After the two entered, she followed and trotted to press the elevator.

Although she acted a little stupid at first, she was quite quick to do things.


When they got out of the elevator, Claire Weiss led the way and knocked on the door of a certain office, then pushed the door open. After Su Yue and Betty Ross entered, they followed and closed the door.

Chapter 0489 Is Hulk a family mutation disease?

A tall woman wearing a black professional dress, a white blouse, with long hair and a shawl stood up from the desk, stretched out her hand and said with a smile: "To be honest, I really didn't expect to receive Dimension Street in my office one day. Hello, my lord, I'm Jennifer Walters!"

"Hello, this is Betty Ross, Claire Weiss." Su Yue smiled and shook hands with her, and introduced the two around her.

"Please take a seat."

Jennifer invited the three to sit down opposite her. "What to drink? Coffee, tea, and water."

"No need." Su Yue shook his head, looked at Jennifer who was seated, and said with a smile, "Your real person is more beautiful than the photo."


Jennifer smiled calmly and said, "Lord Lord, should you have read my information? I don't know if there is any case that I need to do?"

"There is no case." Su Yue shook his head.

"No case?" Jennifer originally thought that Su Yue took the initiative to find her because there was a case that she should be responsible for, otherwise, how could it be possible to look at her resume and deliberately say that her real person is more beautiful than the photo?

Su Yue nodded affirmatively: "I really don't need you for a case, but if it doesn't this time, it doesn't mean it won't happen next time, and if it doesn't now doesn't mean it won't happen in the future. There are a lot of legal needs in Dimension Street, big and small, and I want to set up a special lawyer. The team is responsible for all legal matters in Dimension Street."

Jennifer's heart moved, and there was a faint guess.

The lord is here to dig himself!

After the thought came up, her first reaction was excitement. Ordinary people may not pay attention to the details of Dimension Street, but as a lawyer, she naturally knows how many legal events are involved in Dimension Street, and she also knows how much prestige and influence she can bring to her once she becomes a member of the lawyer team of Dimension Street. .

As most lawyers, this kind of good thing of double career income will definitely agree without hesitation, or even strive for it, but Jennifer thinks more.

Once you become a dedicated lawyer in Dimension Street, you will definitely have to face related events in Dimension Street. Where is Dimension Street? It belongs to the area that is irrelevant, and Dimension Street itself decides, otherwise, where did the name of the lord come from?

In fact, many things in Dimension Street do not meet the requirements of the law. Before there was no lawyer, they would solve the problem in private, and no one dared to go through the procedure if it could not be solved. But once there is a professional team of lawyers, there is a way to deal with the situation whether it is resolved privately or not, so we can't point at Su Yue to come forward, right? In that case, what should the lawyer team do?

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