The reason why it is said to be basically, rather than completely, is that it is not so easy to cannibalize such a large company, and it does not require full control.

Mrs. M of Stark Industries is now the CEO, responsible for daily operations and management, and her shareholding ratio is not low. Unless Tony Stark decides to fail, she will be a benevolent, otherwise Mrs. M of Stark Industries has the final say. .

By the way, although Tony Stark still flew into the portal and destroyed the core of the Chitauri during the Battle of New York, he did not suffer from the anxiety disorder as in the movie.

The reason, it should be because the strength of Dimension Street is too strong, Tony Stark will not feel that the earth is in danger and lack of protection because of the invasion of the Qitarians.

Although he did not suffer from anxiety, he still started to create the Iron Legion.

Su Yue specially investigated Killian for this purpose. Although Killian did not know Maya Hansen like in the movie, nor did he develop a desperate virus, this guy still 'supported' a man full of people all over the world. Wind and rain.

As for whether it will trouble Tony Stark like in the movie, it is unknown. There is nothing in the plot of Iron Man 3 that Su Yue wanted, so he just asked the Internet Intelligence Department to pay attention to Killian's situation, and he was not going to get involved.

The Hammer Group is now completely part of Dimension Street. The shares in the hands of large and small shareholders have basically been bought back. After Stark Industries gave up the arms business, the people in the Arms Department were transferred to the Hammer Group by Mrs. M. , as the only large-scale arms company that has acquired talents from Stark Industries, the development of Hammer Group can be described as prosperous, and it can be said to be a daily advance.

The most important thing is that the particularity of the Hammer Group allows it to gain huge benefits in the connections of the military forces.

As for the Roxen Company, the case of Dagger Tandy's father has been rehabilitated, and more than half of the shares are in the hands of Dimension Street. It can be said that the current Roxen Company has changed hands, and its real owner has become Dimension Street.

In addition to these companies directly controlled by Dimension Street, such as Jinbing, Rand Group, these can bring a lot of network, so if we really want to talk about the relationship of Dimension Street, it is really complicated and extends to all walks of life. .

The contacts in Dimension Street are naturally the contacts in the Legal Department. In this case, Jennifer can be said to be even more powerful and handy!

Jennifer's legal department is busy, and Pepper Potts' core team is also busy, but the lord Su Yue has nothing to do.

Simply, Su Yue took out the three dragons of Daenerys and handed them over to Daenerys, and trained her to become a real dragon mother.

After all, Wanda will take over her job in the future. Now let her master the power as soon as possible, and then she can enter the **** team seamlessly.

A few things happened in the process.

First of all, after a period of promotion and publicity at the cinema, the short film of Avengers 4 was released. Although it was only a short decisive battle, the real superhero made this short film aroused heated discussions as soon as it was released, especially when it was said that this short film was released. The short film was shot by the dimensional lord in the future of the parallel world. After the news came out, it triggered a crowd of moviegoers.

Then, the Avengers caught fire.

Many people began to explore superheroes that appeared in the movies but did not appear in reality, such as Ant-Man Scott Lang, the Wasp Hope, such as Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther's Wakanda, Strange Doctor, Spider-Man and more.

With the human flesh of the public and reporters, many people were discovered and their identities were exposed. Of course, there are also those who take the initiative to stand up.

For example... War Machine!

This guy is Tony Stark's friend. Although Tony Stark's development has been quite different from that in the movie, he still got into the War Machine armor.

By the way, after he revealed his identity, he came to the Hammer Group again to upgrade his weapons. You must know that the weapons on his armor were made by the Hammer Group at the beginning, but it was Justin Hammer's Hammer Group at the time.

Today, the Hammer Group has replaced people, both in terms of business and weapon quality, and it has a good relationship with the military. If War Machine wants to upgrade its weapons, the only option is Hammer Technology. Moreover, the fact that Dimension Street has shares of Hanmo Technology is not without any clues. War Machine goes to Hanmo Technology to upgrade weapons, which is also a kind of goodwill from the forces behind it.

Chapter 0498 Short Films and Frames

As a representative of the military, the self-destruction of the war machine naturally aroused a lot of voices among the people, and also brought a lot of face to the military.

After all, when the earth was facing a crisis, a group of heroes came forward, and then... there is no national power in it, so that's too unreasonable, right?

However, Gears of War is a weakened version of Iron Man. With Iron Man in front, Gears of War is naturally not as popular as those unknown and fresh new heroes.

The future second-generation Ant-Man Scott Lang became a star in prison. After his identity was revealed, the public's attitude towards him was also different.

Some thought he was a criminal, some thought he was a prodigal son.

There are different opinions.

But for Steke Lang, it was a bummer.

Then there is Stephen Strange, who is still a doctor. He is obviously a famous surgeon, but he became a mage inexplicably, which made him feel ridiculous, and even issued a statement saying that he would never become a mage, let him Don't harass him anymore.

In addition to them, Pepper Potts from Dimension Street, Hope the Wasp, and Sam Wilson the Falcon from the Military Veterans Department were all dug up, but no one dared to come to Dimension Street to ask Pepper Potts Just Ts and Hope.

In a word, this short film exploded!

For the public, maybe this is just a movie, and they are only interested in the superheroes in it, but for many people, the impact is only these.

Su Yue received many calls from people. For example, Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. called him to ask for the specific inside story, but he hung up the phone after being perfunctory by Su Yue.

Let’s take another example, the younger brother Heatwell, who was just accepted. The Winter Soldier appeared in the movie, which made the Winter Soldier’s controller, Heatwell’s boss, Alexander Pierce, very panicked.

Even Su Yue received a call from Wakanda. After all, there are many Black Panthers and Wakanda warriors in the movie.

On the contrary, Su Yue always thought that Gu Yi would come to the door, but there was no movement. Gu Yi didn't come, and neither did the king.

After the short film caused a sensation, Dimension Street immediately withdrew from the 'framework' that had been developed for many years.

At the beginning, it should have been in the period when Tony Stark was kidnapped for the first time, Su Yue found the research framework of Dr. Horton Radcliffe in advance, which is the framework world in the agents of SHIELD.

After finding it, Su Yue basically didn't pay attention to this matter anymore. Unexpectedly, he gave himself a surprise, which happened to be launched directly after the movie was released. After all, the first chapter of the virtual world of the framework is a short film. Based on the plot, participants can enter the frame world to experience the battle for themselves.

And then... the frame game also exploded.

Frame games are a way to enter the virtual world with spirit. Under normal circumstances, even if there is a long-term reputation of Dimension Street as a guarantee, many people may not dare to try it easily. After all, it is related to the spirit of the brain, but it just happened to catch up with the explosion of short films. All of a sudden, it attracted countless people into the frame game.

The two points of short films and frame games have greatly increased the income and traffic of Dimension Street, and the Dimension Points that Su Yue gets every day as a beneficiary is even more.

And, the heat lasted for a long time.

In the end, getting along with each other every day made Daenerys naturally own a room in the Dimension Building, and she had a label on her body that many women envied.

Time flies.

Unknowingly, more than a year has passed like this, and many people and things have changed a lot in the past year or so.

Of course, Su Yue has not changed much.

He basically stayed in this world for a while, in that world for a while, and the worlds changed.

For example, in the Green Arrow universe, because there is a second official dimension street there, and there is a dimension gate that can communicate with each other at any time, so he meets the Birds of Prey team and Caitlin Snow the most.

Next is the world of X-Men. The development of Dimension Street Manor is relatively stable. Basically, every time I go to understand the general situation, I will go to accompany Mora.

Occasionally, he would also visit the world of the black-robed picket team.

In short, Su Yue had a very comfortable and relaxed life during this period. For him, this period of time should be a relaxation before the start of a new plot.

Until one day, when he was discussing Peter Parker's studies with Aunt May at home, he received a call from Daisy Louise of the New Mexico State Laboratory, and Su Yue was ready to participate in a new plot.

"What's wrong?" Aunt Mei asked with concern as she saw Su Yue put down her phone and got up to help him find his coat.

Although she doesn't have many chances to meet Su Yue, she is familiar with some small changes in Su Yue.

She didn't hear what was on the phone, but she could guess from the small changes in Su Yue that something had happened.

"Something happened at the laboratory in New Mexico, Jane Fortes disappeared." Su Yue put on her coat under the service of Aunt May, and said with a chuckle, "Don't worry, I already knew this would happen. , in fact, the reason I've been doing nothing for a while is actually waiting for it to happen."

"That's good." Aunt Mei breathed a sigh of relief.

"You don't have to worry too much about little Peter. His brain is much smarter than the average child. Then, go back to the school principal and tell him to keep an eye on little Peter in the school."

"Okay, I'll find the principal later." Aunt Mei said.

Su Yue said with a smile: "You are Peter's parent and you are your own school. If you have any problems, you can just ask the principal directly. If the principal can't solve it, you can change it."

"I see." Aunt Mei smiled and nodded without expressing her position.

Of course, she can go to the principal directly. After all, many people know her identity, but she still likes to come to Su Yue first. Even if Su Yue does not appear, she is willing to tell Su Yue about her problems.

She doesn't have superpowers, and she doesn't have any talent in career like Pepper Potts or Jennifer. What she really wants is to have a support in life and spirituality like most ordinary women.

Sometimes women babble, tell you everything, and let you solve everything is not necessarily because she does not have the ability to solve it independently.

"I am leaving."

Su Yue said something, and then disappeared with a swish.

Chapter 0499 Jane Fortes is missing and returns to Asgard!

Jane Fortes' assistant, Daisy Louise, said on the phone that Jane Fortes heard about a gravity imbalance in a certain place. After going to check it, she lost contact directly. Daisy Louise went to the scene. , The gravity in that place was really weird, but she couldn't find Jane Fortes, and there was no gain in asking people nearby, so she could only call Su Yue as soon as possible.

Su Yue just replied, don't worry, I'll deal with it.

The way he handled it was not to ask Daisy Louise for details, nor to go to the scene to find clues, but to go directly to Asgard.

In the movie, Jane Fortes came from the earth to the ether particle, which is the sealed place of the reality gem, because of the connection of the nine kingdoms. She accidentally lifted the seal and inhaled the ether particle into her body.

After that, Jane Fortes fell into a coma and returned to Earth.

Thor finds Jane Fortes through the Rainbow Bridge and takes her back to Asgard for treatment after learning of her condition.

Now, Jane Fortes has nothing to do with Thor.

Under normal circumstances, if Su Yue wants to find Jane Fortes, the best and easiest way is to go to the scene and wait for her to come back, but because of the return of Avengers 4 to borrow gems, Jane Fortes will definitely appear in Asgard. Asgard, so Su Yue skipped the previous steps and prepared to wait for Jane Fortes directly at Asgard.

Of course, Jane Fortes probably wouldn't have been teleported to Asgard without Thor.

Su Yue also wanted to take this opportunity to see why Jane Fortes appeared in Asgard.


The figure flickered, and Su Yue appeared out of thin air outside Asgard's Asgard.


As soon as it was settled, the questioning voice of the Asgard guards had already sounded.

Su Yue glanced at the Asgard Guard, who instantly recognized his identity.

After all, Su Yue showed his power in Asgard not long ago, and even threw Loki off the Rainbow Bridge with his own hands. Naturally, the guards of Asgard would not forget the only person who dared to be in Asgard for many years. German hands-on person.

"Su Yue, why are you here?" A slightly unexpected but not so unexpected question sounded from inside Asgard.

As soon as the voice arrived, the owner of the voice had already appeared in front of Su Yue.

"Sif, how are you doing?" Su Yue greeted the people who came by with a smile.

Sif shrugged: "Except for not being able to bring back Loki and the Space Gem when he came back from Earth, everything else is fine. By the way, why didn't Loki see you when he led the Chitarians to invade Earth before? ?"

"Didn't my people go?" Su Yue replied with a smile.

"I mean why didn't you go?"

Su Yue imitated Sif and shrugged: "If I go, will you still have a chance to fight?"


Sif rolled his eyes and said, "God King Odin told me that you are here, let me receive you, and by the way, ask the purpose of your visit this time."

"I'll wait for someone."

"Waiting for someone? Who are you waiting for?" Sif asked in surprise.

"My people." Su Yue explained: "Jane Fortes, she disappeared from the earth because of the connection of the nine kingdoms. Soon, she should appear with ether particles related to dark elves. "

"Dark Elf!"

Sif's face became solemn when she heard the name: "Dark Elf, Aether, wouldn't you tell me that the Dark Elf might make a comeback?"

"Lord Su Yue?"

Just when Sif asked if the dark elves would appear again, the voice of Frigga came from behind Su Yue.

It seemed that Frigga happened to be looking for Odin. She looked quite surprised when she saw Su Yue.

"The Queen of Heaven." Su Yue greeted with a smile.

The last time we met was not very pleasant, after all, Su Yue threw her son Loki off the Rainbow Bridge in front of Frigga. However, it was later proved that Loki was not dead, so the relationship would not be so stiff.

At least Frigga didn't show hostility or malice towards Su Yue. Instead, she welcomed him with a smile: "Lord Su Yue, are you here to find Sif?"

"No, I'm waiting for someone." Su Yue thought for a while, and said to Frigg, "It's inconvenient to talk to you alone?"

Frigg was stunned, then smiled and said, "Of course, let's go over there and talk."

Su Yue got up and followed Frigga to the side. Su Yue said, "My people accidentally absorbed the ether particles. Now that the nine kingdoms are linked together, the ether particles reappear, and the dark elves will soon make a comeback."

"What do you mean?" Frigga asked solemnly...

"I went to the future some time ago. Your son Thor had a miserable life in the future. He and his companions crossed back and took two things, one is the ether particle in my human body, and the other is Thor's hammer. I am to return these two things within a certain time."

"Although this matter has nothing to do with me and my people, after all, it was my people who brought out the ether particles, so in addition to returning the gems and Thor's hammer, I will tell you a message."

The news that Su Yue said so far has shocked Frigg.

"Although you should be able to guess the news when you look back and see the future Thor, I'll tell you right now. You're going to die! After the dark elves invaded Asgard, the leader of the dark elves, Malekith will kill you."

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