Frigga was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "If this is something destined to happen in the future, I think... we should not change it."

"It's up to you to change it or not, I just tell you in advance what will happen in the future. By the way, I have changed a lot of the future. In short, the future I went to is no longer directly related to the future of our world. got engaged."

Su Yue paused, glanced at Frigga, and said, "To be honest, I have a good sense of you, so I'll tell you more. Originally, Loki would be captured and put in prison. After you die, Thor released Loki to seek revenge for Malekith, and then... Loki exiled Odin to Earth."

"After that, Loki pretended to be Odin and was dismantled by Thor, and the two went to Earth to find Odin, but Odin was dying. He died, and the return of the goddess of death triggered Ragnarok, Asgard... was Ruined. Then, Thor and Loki led the remaining Asgardians to go to Earth, and they met the cosmic tyrant Thanos on the way, and many people died...including the Prince of Asgard, Loki. "

"Oh yes, Thor also lost an eye in Ragnarok."

Chapter 0500 The future starts to change from now on

Sol is probably the worst among the three giants of the Avengers.

Although the 55-year-old Steve Rogers has stepped down as the captain and is old, he has a perfect and happy life and family after all.

Iron Man Tony Stark received a lunch box because of the Infinity Stones, but in his story, he is also happy, after all, he has a daughter Morgan who can "fall in love three thousand times".

In comparison, Sol is really miserable.

The father died, the mother died, the younger brother 'died', the eyes were injured by the sister, and the life of the sister is unknown...

Asgard was destroyed, the title and power of the ruler of the nine kingdoms were gone, and he even gave up the throne to Valkyrie.

Girlfriend... Well, his girlfriend broke up with him a long time ago, not only broke up, but later became the new Thor.

I have to say that Saul's life is a big miserable word!

Although it is said that the heaven will entrust the people with great responsibilities, they must first work **** their hearts and minds, but they have not seen Thor achieve any great things. Instead, they follow the Galaxy Guardians, who are not very serious at first glance, to hang out in the universe.

Perhaps, his ordeal is not over yet?

Uh, that's even worse.

Su Yue sighed at Sol's situation and looked at the silent Frigga. It can be seen from Frigg's expression that she is mourning for the future.

The husband died, the two sons died and the other was extremely miserable, and even the home was destroyed. This kind of it really necessary to exist?

"What would happen if these were changed?" Frigga asked in a low voice.

"do not know."

Su Yue shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter to me whether your future changes or not, but I think... no matter how bad it is, how bad can it go?"

"Yeah..." Frigga nodded, the future was already so sad, how bad could it be?

"What should I do?" Frigg, who was determined, asked Su Yue.

Su Yue: "Stay alive."

Frigga thought for a while, then nodded gratefully to Su Yue, then turned and left.

Su Yue returned to Sif, and Sif curiously asked what he was talking about with the Queen. Su Yue told her that she had told Frigga what would happen in the future. She thought she was talking about the dark elves, Said that he was going to enter Asgard to tell Odin.


A loud noise came from the direction of the Rainbow Bridge, Su Yue turned his head to look, his expression was slightly surprised.

He thought that it should be Thor and the inner response of the dark elves who came back from the Rainbow Bridge, but his psychic ability swept over and found that the person who appeared through the Rainbow Bridge turned out to be Jane Fortes.

At this time, in addition to the gatekeeper Heimdall and Jane Fortes who had just been teleported, there was also Frigga, who had just separated from Su Yue, on the Rainbow Bridge.

Obviously, Jane Fortes is here for Frigga's reason.

This result is very interesting. It's hard to say why Jane Fortes will be in Asgard when Thor of Avengers 4 crosses back.

Perhaps there was an influence from Su Yue, perhaps... not.


Su Yue teleported over, and Jane Fortes, who was at a loss, was overjoyed when she saw Su Yue, and rushed over as if she had a backbone.

"Don't go there." Seeing Jane Fortes's actions, Frigga's expression changed and she hurriedly reminded loudly: "The ether particles on your body are very unstable, so you may hurt Su Yue in the past... Lord...?"

Before Frigga's words were finished, Jane Fortes had already thrown herself into Su Yue's arms. At the moment when the two touched, a circle of red and black light appeared on Jane Fortes' body, which was the energy of ether particles!

Under normal circumstances, the restless ether particles will emit violent energy and attack indiscriminately when anyone approaches.

But now the energy of the ether particle burst out violently, but it couldn't hurt Su Yue at all. Moreover, it was not the kind of rude comeback, just like going back in time, it returned to Jane Fortress very softly.

Su Yue is fine, so is Jane Fortes.

"It's me who thought too much." Frigg said with a smile.

Su Yue smiled at Frigga, held Jane Fortes' shoulders, looked at her and said, "Don't worry, I know what happened, you will be fine with me."


Jane Fortes didn't know what happened to her, but as long as Su Yue was with her, she was not afraid of anything.

Su Yue calmed down a few words, and after seeing Jane Fortes calmed down, he took her and Frigga back to Asgard from the Rainbow Bridge. As he walked, he explained to Jane Fortes what happened.

"Originally, Odin would help her check the situation of ether particles, and by the way, about the dark elves, and then Odin fell asleep again. Now, I don't think it is necessary to check. Since it is decided to change the future, it must be done in advance. some preparations."

Su Yue looked sideways at Frigga: "Take Jane Fortes to change into your Asgard clothes, and when Thor returns, leave Jane Fortes, then you will see another Thor ."

"By the way, the dark elves will send a cursed warrior pretending to be captured by Thor, and then create turmoil in the prison to attract your attention, and the dark elves will follow."

"I know what to do, thank you." Frigga solemnly gave Su Yue an Asgardian etiquette, and then took Jane Fortes into Asgard.

Not long after, the guards of Asgard began to set up, and Sif was also told to go to the Rainbow Bridge to wait for Thor and the cursed warrior to appear. In addition, the major defensive and offensive points have also been prepared. Once the dark elves appear, they will be discovered and attacked as soon as possible.

The Asgardians got busy.

Odin never showed up, and he didn't know if he planned to use this plan to do something.

Su Yue had nothing to do, so after thinking about it, he simply went to the prison in Asgard. The reason why he went to prison was because he remembered that there seemed to be a banshee named Lorelei locked up here.

Banshee is just a descriptive title, Lorelai has a strong charm and can control men through voice and touch. In Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., she took the opportunity to escape from prison to Earth because of the dark elves attacking Asgard, and was later arrested and brought to justice by Sif.

The main reason why Su Yue remembered that she was going to visit her in prison was that she was very beautiful... Well, her ability was very useful.

0501 Banshee Lorelei

Asgard's prison will definitely not let outsiders enter casually. Going to Frigga or Odin to ask for a pass will not do it. If you report your name, I am afraid that the prison guards will not let him in, but will look more strict. .

So, Su Yue used the invisible woman's ability to hide, directly crossed the gate of the prison, and teleported into the prison.

Asgard's prisons are independent cells, with transparent and visible three sides, and a special energy barrier to form the cell door, which can not only see the situation in the cell, but also hear the sound in the cell.

Su Yue walked stealthily in the aisle between the cells on both sides and looked at the prisoners in the cells. He could see that if the prisoner was a high-risk prisoner, it would be a single room.

After walking a few steps, Su Yue stopped in front of a cell. There was only one woman in the cell, with long curly brown hair and a special sealer on her mouth. Her hands and feet were fastened to the shackles on the wall. This woman was exactly the banshee Lorelei he wanted to see.

The sealer is her unique treatment. After all, her ability is charm. If she is not forbidden to speak up, the guards in the prison and the nearby prisoners are estimated to be controlled by her.

She was treated much worse than others.

In Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Lorelei quickly controlled a group of bikers after appearing on Earth. When S.H.I.E.L.D. and Sif captured her, all the men in S.H.I.E.L.D. were controlled by her. It can be said that , if there is no Sif to hunt down, give her a little time, she can develop a powerful force on the earth, and even... if no one stops her, she has the ability to control all the males on the earth.

It is normal for such a dangerous person to be strictly guarded.

"Want to leave here?"

Su Yue's voice sounded directly in Lorelai's mind through her psychic abilities.

Lorelai was taken aback by the sudden sound. Although she couldn't make a sound or move, her eyes looked outside the cell for the first time.

no one? !

Did I hallucinate?

No, no, it couldn't be a hallucination.

Lorelai's eyes lit up instantly. Although she didn't know who was talking to her or where she was, she saw hope of escaping from here.

As for this person, did he have another purpose to save himself? Lorelai is not worried at all, as long as it is a man, no matter what purpose he has, he will eventually become a puppet that obeys his orders.

"Save me out, I will promise you any conditions." Lorelei shouted in her heart.

"Agree to any conditions?" Su Yue's voice sounded again.

"Yes, I will agree to any conditions, as long as you can take me out of this hellish place." Lorelei said without hesitation.

"it is good."

When the voice fell, Lorelai suddenly felt dizzy, and the scenery in front of him suddenly changed.

The prison cell is gone.

In its place was a forest.

This is the forest outside Asgard!

Actually, he actually got out of prison!

Lorelei was shocked, followed by a burst of uncontrollable ecstasy. She finally left that damned place, and the person who saved her had the ability to sneak into the prison unknowingly, and was able to teleport herself here without warning, which showed that this person was very strong.

The stronger he is, the greater the benefit of controlling him.

Maybe I can escape from Asgard, maybe... I can take revenge righteously?

While thinking about the future, Lorelei hurriedly took off the sealer on her mouth, then looked around and shouted, "Who saved me? You can come out."

A figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Lorelei was startled at first, then raised her brows slightly, looking at the man who appeared in front of her in surprise. "You... you are the dimensional lord on earth, Su Yue?"

"you know me?"

Su Yue didn't expect Lorelai to recognize her identity directly. Am I so famous in Asgard? Even the prisoners in the prison can recognize me at a glance?

"You came when Loki controlled Asgard. You threw Loki off the Rainbow Bridge with your own hands. I have heard some rumors about your identity. I didn't expect that the person who saved me would be comparable to Austria. Ding-like existence, I heard that you have a powerful force on Earth called Dimension Street, and there are many powerful subordinates."

Lorelei is very excited. The reason for her excitement is that if she controls Su Yue, she can use the forces of Su Yue and Dimension Street to counter-occupy Asgard, and maybe she can become the queen of Asgard and the earth at that time. !

As for whether they can control Su Yue?

Lorelei is not worried, even if Su Yue's strength is comparable to that of Odin, he is an Earthling. Most Asgardians can't resist her abilities, let alone Earthlings?

Taking a step back, it doesn't matter if you can't control Su Yue. Since Su Yue is willing to save himself, it shows that he is valuable. As long as he lowers his body, he can achieve his goal.

She didn't believe that Su Yue could resist her charm!

Lorelei approached Su Yue naturally, slowly raised her hand and placed it on Su Yue's body in a relatively natural way: "Thank you very much for saving me, I will do whatever you want and whatever conditions you have. promise you."


Su Yue frowned frivolously, there was a very special force trying to pour into his brain, this should be Lorelai's ability. After thinking about it, Su Yue was not in a hurry to expel this power, but indulged this power into his brain.

He wanted to see the strength of this force, and also wanted to see what Lorelai was going to do.

"It's done!"

The corners of Lorelai's mouth raised slightly, except that it was slightly hindered at the beginning, but the rest went very smoothly. Earthlings are Earthlings, and even if their strength is comparable to that of Odin, they are still inferior.

"Why do you want to save me?" Lorelei's slightly cautious attitude disappeared, and asked Su Yue casually.

"I know you are beautiful and I know your abilities. I want to recruit you to work for me." Su Yue said pretending to be obsessed.

"Yes, you are very discerning."

Lorelai giggled and said, "As long as you listen to me, I will always be by your side. I have suffered a lot in prison before, you will help me out, right? I am now... but you people."

Chapter 0502 Don't move, don't move...

Lorelei thought he had control over Su Yue. With a powerful puppet like Su Yue, he could naturally try to do things he didn't dare to do or couldn't do before.

For example, let Thor and Odin taste the taste of being imprisoned; another example, sit on the throne of Asgard's god-king and become the new queen of Asgard.

But before that, she had one thing she desperately wanted to do.

"I want you to help me catch someone." Lorelai said in a deep voice.



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