Sol was stunned.

"Mom, you..."

"Yes, I know where you came from and what happened to you." Frigg caressed Sol's cheek tenderly.

Son, you are suffering!

Chapter 0504 What If: Malekith Has No Reality Gem...

Although Saul was surprised that his mother knew his true identity, but after all, his mother was a very powerful magician, and it was normal for him to be able to see through this. He did not bother about this issue, but wanted to remind his mother what would happen in a while, but Frigg wanted to comfort and encourage this 'son' who had reached a low point.

There are two flowers, one for each.

Not to mention that the fat house Sol and Frigga of Avengers 4 enjoy a rare mother and child time, let’s say that the Rocket raccoon who was trapped by Sol finally got rid of the pursuit of Asgard soldiers and got into Jane Foster’s house. Room.

On the front foot, Rocket Raccoon took the ether particles from Jane Foster and closed the door; on the back foot, Su Yue and Lorelai, who had been hiding in Jane Foster's room, were revealed.


Jane Foster felt unwell for a while, as if something had been taken away, and then she saw Su Yue and Lorelei.

"What happened? When did you come in?" Jane Foster asked in surprise.

Su Yue raised his hand, and the gem-shaped ether particle brought back from Avengers 4, that is, the reality gem, appeared in his palm: "This is what was in your body before, it's called ether particle, also called reality gem, it is One of the six Infinity Stones born after the Big Bang."

"Reality gem?"

"People often say that certain opinions are true, and using this gem can really, without exaggeration, turn these opinions into reality. Using it, people can realize any dream, and all scientific codes and laws of nature are in front of it. Pointless because it can modify them arbitrarily."

Su Yue looked at the surprised Jane Foster and Lorelei and said lightly: "It can devour the Nine Realms and even plunge the entire universe into darkness. This thing originally belonged to the dark elves, and you got it by chance. It, the dark elves also appeared and prepared to **** it, and when the nine kingdoms were linked together, the nine kingdoms were completely plunged into darkness."

"You took it out of my body?"

"Yes, and no."

Su Yue shook his head and said, "This is indeed the gem of reality in your body, but it's not the gem of reality in your body. Just now, a person who traveled back from the future took the gem of reality from your body and returned to his world, His future. I went to his future some time ago and got back the gem he borrowed earlier."

"Originally, what I wanted to do was to put this gem into your body after he took your reality gem, which is equivalent to returning the gem. In this way, he would not treat you when he borrowed the gem. What an impact on the future of our world. But..."

"But what?" asked Jane Foster.

Su Yue thought for a while and smiled: "But this gem will still be taken from your body by the leader of the dark elves. After he is defeated, this gem will be sent to the hands of the universe collectors. Since the future is now It has already changed, as long as the results remain unchanged, there is no need to follow the original process.”

Jane Foster didn't understand what was going on for a while, but she didn't need to understand, she just needed to listen to Su Yue.

"What do I need to do now?" asked Jane Foster.

Su Yue said with a smile, "It's rare for you to come to Asgard once, take this opportunity to let Lorelai accompany you to go shopping."

"it is good."

"There are dark elves outside, and my identity... If someone finds out, it may cause trouble." Lorelei reminded.

"I know."

Su Yue looked at Lorelai and said lightly, "If you can't even handle things of this level, I will reconsider your ability and value."

"I...I see." Lorelei lowered her head and replied.

In this situation, it is indeed dangerous for them to go out. Lorelai has the ability and fighting ability is not bad, but Jane Foster is an ordinary person.

However, Su Yue was not worried.

Lorelei will definitely do her best to protect Jane Foster. Even if something happens to Jane Foster, Su Yue can keep her intact. In this case, what is there to worry about?

He is not going to put the Reality Stone back into Jane Foster's body, nor is he going to let Malekith, the leader of the dark elves, handle it again.

Malekith's record in Thor 2 only needs to be divided into two stages, one is to kill Frigga when attacking Asgard, and then the final battle with Thor and Loki; the other is that the nine kingdoms are linked together. , Malekith fights on earth with ether particles and Thor...

Without the Reality Gem, Malekith's strength would be greatly reduced. As long as Frigga doesn't die and Malekith doesn't get the Infinity Stones, the battlefield won't change frequently. Nine times out of ten, it will start in Asgard and end in Asgard.

That's good, lest they go to Earth and destroy it.

Uh, the most important thing is that the teleportation locations of the nine major kingdoms are very random after they become the first line. The ghost knows where they fought on earth in the movie. I don’t know the location, and the battle time is not long. Dimension Street wants to take the opportunity to get some points. The benefits are exhausting.

Closer to home.

Su Yue and Jane Foster and Lorelei parted ways after they came out of the room. Lorelei, the tour guide, took Jane Foster to visit Asgard and Asgard. 4 Frigga from the fat mansion Sol separated.

"How is it?" Su Yue asked Frigg with a smile.

Frigga shook her head: "I didn't expect that one day he would become like this, I feel very distressed... So no matter what, I will not let Sol become that Sol."

"Almost forgot."

Su Yue summoned Thor's hammer and threw it out. Thor's hammer was taken away by Thor of Avengers 4, and now he just returned it.

If the current Thor did not have a hammer, his combat power would be greatly reduced.

He is still the **** of hammers.

Da da da……

The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, and then, a terrifying dark elf appeared in the sight of Su Yue and Frigga.

The leader of the dark elves, Malekith!

Frigga's eyes narrowed, and a short dagger appeared in her hand.

Seeing this short dagger, Su Yue knew why Loki took Frigga as his real mother, because Frigga really had no reservations about Loki.

The magic that Loki is good at, and the daggers he uses, are all taught by Frigga.

Chapter 0505 is also a punch, still can't compare with Saitama

Although Malekith is the leader of the dark elves, he has no special abilities. In the movie, Frigg was killed by him. Su Yue felt that the main reason was that Frigg wanted to protect Jane Foster. If Frigg had no burdens and burdens and went all out, whoever lost would win. It's hard to say, after all... Frigga is an extremely good magician.

"Do you need my help?" Su Yue asked Frigga.

Frigga nodded: "If Lord Su Yue doesn't mind, can you help me kill him?"

Su Yue raised his eyebrows unexpectedly: "Aren't you going to take action?"

Frigga: "Yes, although I have a certain degree of certainty that I can defeat him, it is better not to take risks. I hope to ensure that that future will not happen."

"The spoils are mine."


"Give it to me."

Su Yue and Frigga negotiated the terms before the battle and determined the ownership of the spoils. This attitude of treating himself as nothing and completely ignoring himself made Malekith, who had swept up his ambitions and made a comeback, angry!

Find out!

Now I am leading the dark elves to invade your Asgard. Frigga won't talk about it. After all, it is normal for Asgard's queen to be arrogant. After all, Asgard is all arrogant.

But what are you, how dare you look down on me? !

The angry Malekith appeared in front of Su Yue in an instant as if he had turned into a black thunder, and slammed it out with a straight punch.


With his fist out, Malekith was slightly surprised.

Actually escaped?

Malekith shot again, his fighting skills did not have the kind of small strength, and he did not have the kind of agility of close-up. Let’s talk about a big open and close attack. It seems to be paradoxical. Exclusive routine for Malekith or Dark Elves.

In a word, the offensive is quite strong.

However, the effect is normal.

No matter how violent or aggressive Malekith's attack was, Su Yue always stood in place, always looked indifferent, always... never got hit by him, even once!

Every time Malekith made a shot, it seemed that Su Yue had anticipated it in advance. Before his attack was completely released, Su Yue had already escaped early. Even if he changed his moves in the middle, Su Yue would follow him to change the position of avoidance.

Malekis Kong has all the strength but has no chance to use it at all. He even completely gave up relaxing preparations to make Su Yue unavoidable, but he was unable to force Su Yue to block.

Su Yue seemed to have full of dodging points, no matter how incredible the attack was, he could dodge it calmly and easily.

This is the downside of having no ultimate or ultimate move, no matter how high your stat is, no matter how strong your flat A attack is, it's useless if you can't hit anyone.

"He seems to be getting stronger and stronger..." Frigga originally thought that by means of Su Yue, Malekith would be dealt with directly, but he did not expect that Su Yue would respond in such a way.

It seems that the time of the fight has been prolonged, and it is Malekith who is overwhelmingly pressing Su Yue to fight, but the layman is watching the excitement, and the expert is watching the doorway. With Frigga's strength and vision, it is natural to know this way. Test your strength.

At least if it was her, she couldn't dodge easily under an attack like Malekith. There were times when she thought that Su Yue was unavoidable, and when she had to block, Su Yue all dodged, and she Can't do it.

"You only have this level? Then... let's end it." Looking at Malekith, who seemed to have no other means, Su Yue sighed and disappeared suddenly.

Malekith was startled and hurriedly looked for Su Yue's figure, but as soon as he turned his head, he felt a strong wind blow.


One hit hit.

Su Yue appeared behind Malekith and punched the face he had just turned around.


A crisp crack sounded, followed by a swish sound. Malekith flew out directly, gliding for at least 100 meters in mid-air, and then slammed into the wall with a bang.

The walls are sunken and cracked.

Malekith fell to the ground slowly, and the bloodstain was very obvious, and a straight line that was not too straight flowed out from the wall.

Dead... dead?

Unexpectedly, Frigga looked at Malekith, who was motionless in the distance. She didn't expect that Su Yue would kill him with one punch.

Although Malekith can't be said to be strong, he is definitely not weak. With his strength, even if he takes one or two blows of Thor's Hammer, he may not be so easy to die. As a result... Su Yue killed him with one punch?

"The strength is still a little weak..." Su Yue was a little disappointed. His current strength is actually difficult to describe in detail. If you compare it with reference objects, it is probably stronger than Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers. Shouldn't be as good as Saitama.

If the person who punched just now was Saitama, it is estimated that Malekith would not have been knocked away, but his head and upper body would have been directly blown up.

Of course, it also depends on how much power was used at that time. After all, the upper limit of strength is not equal to the normal state, otherwise it will be very inconvenient in life.

Su Yue didn't use all his strength just now, but in terms of strength, he is definitely not as good as Saitama.

"Look back and find a chance to learn Saitama's abilities." Su Yue muttered to himself, then waved his hand, and Malekith's body floated directly over.


Su Yue disappeared in a teleport, and the next moment, he appeared at the gate of Asgard with Malekith's body.

At this time, near the gate of Asgard, the Asgardians were fighting with the dark elves. In the crowd, the three warriors of Sol, Sif, and Asgard were in their respective camps, and the battle was very fierce.

Speaking of which, aside from Malekith, the leader of the Dark Elves, and the Cursed Warrior, there is no other person who can be called a rank. The only thing that is more difficult is their weapons.

A bomb that detonates to create a small black hole, and when the bomb detonates, the suction of the black hole **** everything in its vicinity into the black hole.

The warriors of Asgard have already lost their lives to such black hole bombs.


Su Yue casually threw Malekith's body to the front.

Before he could say who the corpse was, there were already dark elves nearby who recognized Malekith's identity.

"It's the leader!"

"Leader Malekith!"

"He actually killed the leader, go... kill him, kill him!"

Malekith's death caused chaos in the dark elves' camp in an instant. Some dark elves wanted to retreat, while others wanted to avenge Malekith in anger!

Then, a large group of dark elves directly gave up their original opponents, and Wuyang Wuyang charged towards Su Yue.

Chapter 0506 Dark Elf Destruction

Although this group of dark elves wanted to avenge Malekith angrily, they were not all swept away by the anger. No matter who 'Su Yue' was, his ability to kill Malekith was enough to prove his strength. For him to avenge Malekith is certainly not so easy. Therefore, this group of dark elves who rushed over threw black hole bombs directly after they came to a place not far from Su Yue.


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