Black hole bombs were thrown at Su Yue, the scene was quite shocking, like a rain of black hole bombs.

If these black hole bombs are detonated together, I am afraid that even the nearby ground and buildings will be involved in the black hole bomb. If Su Yue can't distance himself immediately, there seems to be only one fate, and that is to be swallowed by a black hole.

"Heh..." Su Yue sneered slightly in the face of the black hole bomb in the sky, and directly activated the tortoise man's deceleration force field.

As soon as the halo opened, the black hole bomb that was galloping down instantly became extremely slow. Sensing the magnetic field on the black hole bomb, Su Yue's fingertips lit up with green light, and his fingers danced gently.


The black hole bombs suddenly flew back strangely.

Under the deceleration force field, the black hole bomb flew back very slowly. Many dark elves quickly guessed what would happen, and turned around and ran away.

It's a pity, can you run away?

The halo of the deceleration field suddenly disappeared, and the black hole bomb whose speed returned to normal seemed to have a tracking system installed, and whoever threw it flew back to whoever it was.

The black hole bombs were thrown out after detonation, and experienced deceleration and acceleration under the deceleration force field, so when these black hole bombs returned to the dark elves, they detonated directly.




Black hole bombs exploded, and small black holes suddenly appeared one after another, directly swallowing the dark elves into the black holes.

When these black hole bombs disappeared, the number of dark elves who were already small in number dropped sharply by one-third.

With the deceleration force field and the magnetic field ability, only two abilities wiped out a third of the dark elves in an instant, and they used the dark elves' own black hole bombs. It has to be said that Su Yue stunned everyone present, and even the friendly Asgardians subconsciously showed a look of fear when they looked at Su Yue.

Are you afraid?

The real trick is yet to come.

Su Yue gave a wicked smile, looked at the remaining dark elves and twitched his fingers again.


The black hole bomb carried by the dark elves suddenly started, and the black holes suddenly opened like a black deadly flower.

Some of the dark elves were swallowed up before they could react to what happened, and some reacted quickly and wanted to throw away the black hole bomb but it was too late.




The sound of a black hole appearing stunned the Asgardians, and a few people who responded slowly were almost swallowed into the black hole.

Thor is one of them. If he hadn't been dragged by the three warriors of Asgard next to him, it is estimated that Thor, the **** of thunder, would have been offline.

Gone...all gone...

Sol looked around blankly, and found that none of the dark elves in Wuyang and Wuyang had disappeared, and all of them... were solved by Su Yue.

This result was too shocking, let alone Sol, almost everyone looked blank.

This is the dark elves. For thousands of years, the dark elves are so powerful that they almost rule the Nine Realms. After being defeated, they have been lurking and preparing to come back. Now that the nine kingdoms are connected, the dark elves have invaded Asgard in a big way, and then... there is no more.

The leader of the dark elves, Malekith, was killed by Su Yue, and the remaining dark elves were forced to commit suicide by self-destruction?

This is a dark elf. They were aggressively preparing to make a comeback, but they were solved by Su Yue alone?

The most important thing is that Su Yue doesn't seem to go all out at all, no... let alone go all out, it feels like he's cleaning up bugs, not even serious.

Although everyone present knew that Su Yue was very strong, what they saw with their own eyes and experienced such a scene was still shocked by Su Yue's strength.

"Sif, take care of Jane Foster and Lorelei for me, I'll go get my spoils." Su Yue explained to Sif who was not far away, and then disappeared with a swoosh.

Whether it was the small combat spaceship the dark elves were riding, or the huge spaceship that stood tall like a cross, they were all transported by Su Yue to the open space on Dimension Street.

A spaceship appeared out of thin air in Dimension Street, letting tourists and guards in Dimension Street hear the news. Although I don't know where these things came from, except for Lord Lord, no one can use the ability of teleportation on Dimension Street, so there is no doubt that these things must be obtained from places that Lord Lord does not know.

The guards quickly controlled the scene, so as not to be caught in troubled waters for these things.

Su Yue paid no attention to the situation on Dimension Street, believing that the guards would control the situation, he threw the spoils back to Dimension Street and returned to Asgard.

At this time, the Asgardian warriors are cleaning up the battlefield. Although there is nothing to clean up, there are many places that were damaged in the battle just now, and these need to be repaired. In addition, the connection of the nine kingdoms is not over yet. Portals from other kingdoms will appear in the sky from time to time. They also need to maintain order to avoid a situation similar to the invasion of the dark elves.

Although it is unlikely that a large-scale invasion like the dark elves will happen again, there are many people in the Nine Realms who do not obey Asgard's control, and it is possible to take the opportunity to cause damage.

"Thank you for helping Asgard defeat the dark elves, and thank you for everything you did for Asgard." When Su Yue returned to Asgard, Frigga quickly came over and expressed her gratitude to Su Yue solemnly. .

Su Yue smiled and shrugged: "You don't think I'm just meddling."

"Of course not, it may be a nosy thing for you, but for Asgard, this is a very important thing." Frigga shook her head affirming the importance of this matter to Asgard, Then he asked in a low voice, "Is there anything else you have to say about the future?"

"for example?"

"Twilight of the Gods..."

Chapter 0507 Returning to Earth and Checking the Body

Ragnarok is a hurdle that Asgardians can't get around. Ragnarok has happened countless times in the comics. This is a conspiracy, and Thor, who evolved into the Rune King, destroyed the fate loom. Breaking the Ragnarok cycle.

Ragnarok in the movie is a prophecy, something that was predicted to happen a long time ago. This Ragnarok begins with the return of Hela, the goddess of death, and ends with the complete destruction of Asgard by the flame giants. As for Asgard, who escaped later, encountering Thanos, it is difficult to say whether it is related to Ragnarok.

Neither Frigga nor Odin are the main characters of Ragnarok. Their deaths are at best the key to unlocking Ragnarok and have nothing to do with the main events of Ragnarok.

Frigga wanted to know how to face and change Ragnarok, but there was actually only one answer, and that was to solve Hela.

Whether it is killing, sealing, or influencing, as long as Hela is not allowed to smash Thor's Hammer arrogantly and kill Asgard, Ragnarok will have a chance to avoid it.

Asgard is not important in the layout of Suyue, and he doesn't care much about Asgard's ending. He has told them in advance in the future, and it doesn't matter what the final result will be.

He told Frigg about what happened in Ragnarok in the movie, gave the Reality Gem to her for safekeeping, and then found Jane Foster and Lorelei who were sheltered by Sif.

The dark elves have been dealt with. It is not easy for the prisoner Lorelei to appear in front of the Asgardian warriors. At first, she was able to use her abilities to confuse a few warriors to protect them. Later, when the dark elves died, the Asgardian warriors became more and more More and more, she did feel a little troublesome when she didn't dare to really tear her face, but fortunately, when Sif came, they were considered to have avoided trouble for the time being.

"I'm going back." Su Yue said to Sif.

Sif: "Leave so soon?"

"Yeah, I don't have anything to do here anymore."


Sif was not a hypocritical person either. She nodded and watched Su Yue disappear with Jane Foster and Lorelei.


Dimension Street.

Su Yue glanced at the spoils isolated by the escort, then turned to Jane Foster and said, "Contact Daisy so she doesn't worry about you all the time. Then go to the hospital to check it out, the reality gem is very powerful. , it was previously lodged in your body, and it is likely to have some effect on your body."

"Okay, I see." Jane Foster nodded.

Su Yue's thoughts moved, and the two were directly summoned by him: "Jingsha, her name is Lorelei, she is from Asgard, she is good at fighting, and has the ability to charm men. She will belong to your combat team in the future."

"Behave well, I might consider returning your heart to you." Su Yue looked at Lorelei.

What else could Lorelei say other than nodding in agreement? With the heart in Su Yue's hands, he couldn't think of a way to break it, except to be obedient.

After Jane Foster, Jingzhao, and Lorelei left, Su Yue said to Minerva, who was dressed in blue: "I killed the dark elves' invasion of Asgard, their spaceships and battleships, you and the scientific research center. Study it, especially the star map, I will travel interstellar after a while, and you will follow me when the time comes."

"Yes." Minerva responded simply. As for Su Yue's extermination of the dark elves? She is not surprised at all. She has been in Dimension Street for so many years. She may not know anything else, but she knows how strong Su Yue is.

Speaking of which, since 1995, Minerva was ordered to hunt down Captain Marvel Carol Danvers and then captured by Su Yue, she has been in Dimension Street for many years, and she is now a member of Kerry's special team. Become a member of Dimension Street and make Dimension Street your home.

Leaving Earth?

I haven't had this idea for many years, but it would be nice to have the opportunity to travel with Su Yue in the future. There are not many people in Dimension Street who are familiar with Interstellar.

The dark elf's cross battleship caused quite a stir. There was originally a spaceship in Dimension Street, and everyone has become accustomed to it for so many years. Now a new spaceship has suddenly appeared. It is still such a unique and huge spaceship. Naturally, it will provoke focus on.

Speaking of which, the main battleship of the Dark Elves is indeed very large and very high. After standing up, it is at least as high as a dozen floors, which is higher than most of the high-rise buildings in Dimension Street, and is particularly eye-catching.

The common people may just watch the fun, but organizations like SHIELD Hydra are naturally not just watching the fun. They definitely want to know the origin of this battleship. If possible, it is best to study the technology in it. The level of science and technology on Earth is a bit biased. There are geniuses like Tony Stark who can develop black technology, but the overall level is still relatively backward.

The technology of the Qitarui people has benefited a lot of people before, and now it is like a cat seeing a mouse and wanting more.

But they knew exactly where Dimension Street was? It is impossible to forcibly take away or conduct sneaky research. The only way is to see how Su Yue is in a good mood. If he is in a good mood, maybe he can talk about trading. If he is in a bad mood, don't think about it for the time being.

There are many people and great strength. After the matter of the battleship is handed over to Minerva and the scientific research center, Su Yue will not care, and then just wait for the plot of Captain 2.

In the evening, Jane Foster found Su Yue after checking in from the hospital.

Judging from the examination results, the reality gem does not seem to have any effect on her body. Of course, it is also possible that this effect is too subtle, and it has not yet been detected by the current medical level.

According to the plot in the movie or comics, Jane Foster broke up with Thor after experiencing Thor 2, and then...had cancer and shaved her head. Then, she was tested by Thor's Hammer and became the new Thor, also known as the God of Thunder, the Goddess of Thor, and the Goddess of Thunder.

When Thor's Hammer leaves her, she will recover from a haggard, faltering cancer patient, and when she is holding Thor's Hammer, she will become a powerful, youthful and beautiful Thor in a mighty Thor robe.

She also lived up to the name of Thor, and finally saved the crisis, and then died of illness.

Then, with the help of Thor and Odin, she was resurrected again, by then Thor had regained his status as Thor, recast Thor's hammer to become Thor, the father of the gods, and Jane Foster's Thor career ended here Finish.

And then...she became the new Valkyrie.

Chapter 0508 Inhumans?

In the movie Thor 4, Jane Foster may get Thor's Hammer through Loki and become the goddess of Thor. If the situation is similar, then Jane Foster will also have cancer in all likelihood, and the reason will probably be because Reality gem.

"The test results have come out, you don't seem very relieved?" Jane Foster sat next to Su Yue and asked with a frown, "Is there something wrong with the test results? Or is there any other problem?"

"What do you think of Thor's Hammer of Thor?" Su Yue asked a question that Jane Fortes thought was very strange, as if she didn't hear her question.

"Sol's Thor's Hammer? It's good, it's an artifact." Jane Fortes replied.

"Do you want it?"


Jane Fortes looked at Su Yue absurdly with wide eyes: "Don't tell me, if I say I want it, you will grab Thor's Thor's Hammer? This... this is not good? And I Although I think Thor's Hammer is good, but I'm not Thor, and I don't use Thor's Hammer to fight, it's useless for me."

"Who said you can't?"

Su Yue raised the corner of his mouth and waved to Jane Fortes a picture of the goddess of Thor.

Jane Fortes was stunned on the spot, and murmured, "What is this? Female... female Thor, or did Thor become a female?"

"Saul became a woman? I don't remember that. I know that Loki has dressed up as a woman, um, like a real woman." Su Yue said with a smile, "This is you."

Jane Fortes looked bewildered: "What the **** is going on here?"

"Simply put, you may succeed Thor as the new Thor in the future. I won't talk about the process for now. I'm just wondering if I can find a suitable opportunity to get you Thor's Hammer." Su Yue asked: "Of course, The premise is that you are interested in being the goddess of Thor, and if you don't want to be the goddess of thunder, I won't give up."

"I gave me Thor's hammer, what about Thor?" Jane Fortes asked subconsciously.

"He will have a stronger weapon." Su Yue said with a smile: "You don't have to have a psychological burden, and you don't have to think that you have robbed Thor's weapon. Under normal circumstances, Thor will lose Thor's Hammer soon. I Just take it back and rebuild it after he loses it."

"That's good."

Without the guilt of stealing something, Jane Fortes naturally thought of Thor, to be precise, of Thor's appearance when he used Thor's hammer to become Thor.

Becoming the goddess of Thor... it seems like a good idea.

Thor's armor is very beautiful and mighty, and the Thor's hammer is very strong. Being the goddess of Thor can not only fly, but also instantly become a powerful superhero from an ordinary person. Even if she is not a hero, being the goddess of Thor can better protect herself and do more things. If she encounters the battle of New York again, she can also help and contribute her own strength.

"What do I need to do?" asked Jane Fortes.

Su Yue smiled and shook his head: "You don't need anything. When the time comes, I'll just give you Thor's Hammer."

"Okay." Jane Fortes nodded without asking.

Three days later, Jane Fortes left Dimension Street and returned to her lab in New Mexico. She didn't understand the goddess of Thor, and it was fine to wait, but the work of the laboratory had to continue. When Su Yue spent so much money to set up this laboratory to support himself, he had to make some achievements.

The fact that the nine major countries have been linked together has ended. Although there are relevant reports in many regions, it has not caused much sensation. After all, the public does not know the detailed reasons. What happened to the dark elves and Asgard had no effect on the earth at all, and people on earth naturally did what they were supposed to do.

The future superhero incident caused by the short film is still fermenting. Although the popularity has declined, it is an enduring hot topic.

Su Yue simply paid attention to it a few times and then ignored it. He tried the feeling of participating in the Avengers 4 battle in the framework. How should I put it? The procedures of the framework still need to be improved, although the projections in the framework world are human. Spirit and personal abilities can also be projected together, but some special abilities are still unrecognizable.

At least when Su Yue was playing, he couldn't use many of his abilities. After playing a few times, he lost interest.

Of course, for ordinary people, the frame world is addicting.

This kind of virtual and real world game makes them too high and too addicted. The frame equipment provided by Dimension Street is almost always full, and even the reservation has been scheduled for a month.

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