Carolina Dean opened the door as her eyes lit up. As soon as the door opened, she couldn't help covering her mouth and screaming in surprise.


Countless flowers!

The whole room seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​red roses, which made Carolina Dean, who was not prepared, instantly captured by this romantic picture.

"Thank you, I like it very much." Carolina Dean excitedly said to Su Yue.

Su Yue pouted, "It's too early to thank you. These flowers are just to set off the atmosphere and environment. You haven't seen the real gifts yet."

"Oh oh." Carolina Dean nodded again and again, did not expect such a romantic scene to be not a gift?

She walked into the sea of ​​flowers nervously and looking forward to seeing an exquisite gift box on the bed.

"I specially picked this for you. Open it and see if you like it." Su Yue said with a smile.

Carolina Dean opened the gift box, opened it, and saw a very beautiful red gemstone necklace.

"This... is this too expensive?" Although Carolina Dean didn't know the value of this gem, what Su Yue gave would definitely not be cheap.

"What you need to consider now is whether you like it or not, whether it looks good after you wear it, not whether it is expensive or not." Su Yue came over and picked up the necklace, picked up Carolina Dean's hair and helped her put it on her neck.

"Well, I think it's very beautiful and suits you very well, what do you think?" Su Yue nodded with satisfaction and pushed her to the mirror next to her.

Looking at herself in the mirror and Su Yue behind her, Carolina Dean nodded heavily: "Thank you, this is the first Valentine's Day gift I received, I mean... the kind given by friends It doesn't count. By the way, I...I also prepared a gift for you,'s just relatively simple, I hope you don't dislike it."

Speaking of which, Carolina Dean opened the bag she was carrying, and took out a gift box from it.

"What is it?" Su Yue took over and asked.

"Chocolate, I... I just learned it these days, maybe... maybe it's not very good." Carolina Dean said a little embarrassedly.

Chapter 0519 Peggy is finally dying

"This is one of the few Valentine's gifts I've ever received, thank you, I like it very much." Su Yue opened the gift box that Carolina Dean handed over and picked up a piece of her handmade chocolate.

The appearance looks good, it is no different from the chocolates sold in the store, and the taste is also very good, at least for people like Suyue who rarely eat chocolate, it is no problem to say that it was bought from the store.

Of course, Su Yue didn't doubt that Carolina Dean bought it from the store, but just said that the level of production is already quite good. It can be seen that Carolina Dean must be very careful when making this chocolate.

"As long as you like it, this is also my first Valentine's Day gift. I mean, it's not the kind that friends give to each other." Carolina Dean was happy and did not forget to explain.

"I'll taste it slowly." Su Yue smiled and put away the chocolate. "I prepared a lot of things here before. You can change into cooler clothes first, and I will show you around the island."


Carolina Dean looks like it's all up to you.

Su Yue turned around and went downstairs to change herself into clothes suitable for a vacation by the sea. After a while, Carolina Dean finished changing her clothes and came down.

These clothes are really cool, uh... just this one sentence, I can't say more, it's easy to get into trouble.

After saying hello and complimenting her beauty, Su Yue took Carolina Dean out of the villa and wandered around the island.

This island is neither big nor small, except for the villas and nearby buildings that have been built nearby, the original ecological environment is still preserved. For Carolina Dean, the island vacation has been the biggest relaxation and surprise in her life so far, and the original island environment makes her linger. Take a photo with Su Yuelai.

To this, Su Yue readily agreed. As for Carolina Dean's question about whether this is a parallel world, if the photos are seen, there will be no problem, Su Yue smiled and reassured her.

Don't say that no one can recognize that this is a parallel world based on these photos. What if the parallel world is exposed? Originally he had a multiverse plan, and originally... the Marvel Cinematic Universe had a multiverse.

While walking and watching, taking pictures and chatting, by the time Su Yue and Carolina Dean had finished visiting the whole island, their hands were already unknowingly holding together, and the time was approaching noon.

Back at the villa, Su Yue and Carolina Dean made a modest lunch by themselves.

Su Yue's cooking skills are average. Carolina Dean usually has almost no chance to exercise her cooking skills, but if she is full of water, Su Yue is not picky about what she eats. Carolina Dean... At this time, even if she is given green onions Ginger and garlic, she can say that it is sweet, so it doesn't matter whether it tastes good or not.

After lunch, Su Yue and Carolina Dean had a cup of coffee, rested for a while, and swam directly by the sea in the afternoon. By the way, Carolina Dean can't swim, but she's learning fast.

Until the sun was about to set, Su Yue and Carolina Dean basked in the sun for a while, returned to the villa to rest for a while, and then started the nightlife on the island.

Barbecue, wine, night view...

Then, of course, it is the most crucial and indispensable step in a Valentine's Day date. But this step cannot be elaborated. Anyway, it can be seen from Carolina Dean's attitude and her willingness to go out with Su Yue alone for a Valentine's Day date, some things just go with the flow and come naturally.

The next day, in the morning.

Su Yue took Carolina Dean away from the holiday island and returned to Dimension Street in the main universe. After reluctantly saying goodbye, Su Yue teleported Carolina Dean back.

For Carolina Dean and Su Yue, this was a happy and unforgettable Valentine's Day date!

After this date, Carolina Dean finally became bolder and more confident. Although she hadn't seen each other for a short time, she communicated a lot online every day. It can be seen that although Carolina Dean didn't think about identifying any identity, she is not so concerned about gains and losses mentally.

On the other hand, Crystal and Tetanus still came to Dimension Street every three or five minutes, or went to other parts of the earth with Su Yue to see different scenery.

Su Yue's life was simpler, either chatting with Carolina Dean or walking around with crystals, or attending the launching ceremony of a new high-speed rail line, for example, and showing up at other times; The dimensional points obtained in this are transformed into transcendental energy...

As a large number of dimension points become transcendent energy, Su Yue can feel that his strength is improving. The transcendence energy is more and more abundant, and the effect of what you want to achieve is more and more powerful. The same life essence of yourself seems to be changing again, and there are signs of evolution to a higher level.

Just when Su Yue thought that this fulfilling and peaceful life would last for a while, Su Yue received a call from Sharon Rogers who had been away from Dimension Street for a while.

Peggy, finally dying.

Although saying this seems to be cursing her, Sharon Rogers and Melinda May went to her side one after another because of Peggy's dementia and her health deteriorated a long time ago. It took a long time to go.

Su Yue already had a way to save Peggy, and that was the fruit of retrogression. As long as Peggy used the Regression Fruit to set her age back by a few decades before she died, her problem would be solved naturally.

But now, Su Yue has an easier way. Just before that, he had a question.

Although he said that Peggy was finally dying, it seemed that it was a little early. I won't say the specific time. From the plot point of view, it is the plot point of Captain 2 now. If I remember correctly, Peggy seems to have a funeral held in Captain America 3.

So, under the care of her daughter Sharon Rogers and her apprentice Melinda May, why did she die earlier than the original plot?

After hanging up on Sharon Rogers, Su Yue sensed her location and teleported directly over.


The sound of breaking the air fell, and Su Yue appeared in a room.

The room was decorated very warmly. Peggy, with white hair, seemed to be drowsy lying on the bed. There were several pictures of her and her two children beside the bed, and Sharon Rogers was sitting beside the bed.

Chapter 0520 If: Peggy became the captain

"Uuuuu..." Sharon Rogers got up after seeing Su Yue and jumped into his arms and sobbed.

Sharon Rogers has always been strong. As the true second-generation captain, although Sharon Rogers did not inherit the name of the captain, she did prove her identity as the captain's daughter with practical strength.

"Why are you crying, she can't die without me." Su Yue said comfortingly.

"I know...I know you must have a way to save her, I just...I just feel bad seeing her like this. She used to be so great, but now she doesn't even remember who I am. I... I don't know, I just think this result is a kind of punishment for her." Sharon Rogers couldn't accept from her heart that her mother who founded S.H.I.E.L.D.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are acceptable.

But the once great and brilliant person has turned into a patient with Alzheimer's disease with the passage of time, who can't even remember his daughter. This contrast is really too big, and it is really unacceptable.

"This is only temporary, don't worry, I have everything!" Su Yue released Sharon Rogers and glanced at Peggy.

The fire of her life is about to go out, and her life is about to come to an end.

"I'm really dying..." Su Yue looked at Peggy, who might die at any time, and probably guessed why she might die early.

There should be no change or abnormality in her physical condition. The reason why she was able to survive until Captain America 3 in the movie was probably because S.H.I.E.L.D. made great efforts to save her life.

No matter whether Peggy is the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. or her contribution to S.H.I.E.L.D. and this country, it is worthy of S.H.I.E.L.D. to save her life at the best and most expensive price. Besides. The captain is still working for S.H.I.E.L.D. What would happen to the captain if he knew that S.H.I.E.L.D. did not go all out in treating Peggy?

The captain can accept that Peggy has become Alzheimer's, and can accept her death, but absolutely cannot accept that SHIELD did not do its best.

No matter... it's the young captain now, or the old captain who has been hiding!

"What are you going to do?" Sharon Rogers came to Su Yue and asked.

Su Yue explained: "I have two methods now. One is to regress the fruit and make her young again. The other is to use my ability to completely change her."

"What do you mean?" Sharon Rogers asked curiously.

Su Yue asked back: "If she gets younger and her state returns to normal, do you think she will be willing to retire?"

"No!" Sharon Rogers shook her head.

Su Yue nodded and said, "Since she will definitely be active again at that time, the best way is to do it in one step, so that she can truly be reborn."

"I do not understand what you mean."

"You said, what if the person who was injected with the serum during World War II against the Hydra Red Skull was not your father but your mother?" Su Yue asked an interesting hypothesis.

This assumption made Sharon Rogers stunned. As the daughter of Peggy and the captain, she certainly knew what happened in that history. What if... what if the mother was injected with serum and became a super soldier?

With the ability of a mother, perhaps... the person who became the captain was not the father, but the mother.

"You mean, you want to change my mother's past and let my mother replace my father as a super soldier?" Sharon Rogers asked suspiciously.

Su Yue nodded: "Yes, I can fundamentally modify her settings, that is, her past. In this way, not only can she save her life, but she can also be truly reborn and continue to shine. "

"Anyway, whether it's the captain or your mother who becomes the rice team has no effect on you. Of course, it won't affect anything or anyone in existence." Su Yue's revision of reality is so awesome.

Not logical? There is a bug in the plot? If it doesn't exist, I think it's reasonable to be reasonable, and I think it's reasonable that everyone in this world will think it's reasonable!

It is not Su Yue's whim to make Peggy the captain of the United States. After all, Marvel itself has a "what if" series. In the "what if" series... Peggy replaced Steve Rogers as the captain of the United States!

"People in this world will think that Peggy is dead, and the reborn Peggy will appear in front of the world with a new identity. At that time, you and your mother, the two female captains, may fight side by side and get along like sisters. ."

Sharon Rogers said, "Forget it, you know my mother's character. She has been strict with me since I was a child, sister? I don't even dare to think about it."

"Now, you can think about it."

Su Yue smiled and closed his eyes, the whole body lit up with colorful special effects light again.

With the ability to achieve what he wanted, Su Yue began to set Peggy's new identity in his mind, a new setting.

"All right."

After a while, the light converged into his body, and Su Yue opened his eyes.

Sharon Rogers glanced at Peggy, who had not changed at all, and asked suspiciously, "Okay? It seems... it doesn't seem to have changed."

"Rebirth, you can only be reborn if you die first and then resurrect. When she dies and the funeral is over, she will be reborn in another place and in another way. I will take you to see her at that time."

In addition to making Peggy the captain, the new settings Su Yue modified for her changed a lot. The most basic point is that she is no longer Peggy in this world, but appeared in this world for unknown reasons from a parallel world. Peggy.

The reason for this setting is, on the one hand, to give Peggy an upright identity and reason to appear, and on the other hand, to draw out the multiverse through Peggy.

Of course, he retained the mother-daughter identity of Peggy and Sharon Rogers, otherwise Peggy wouldn't say it if she didn't know, and Sharon Rogers would definitely be unhappy with herself.

It's just that this mother-daughter identity is cross-world. In Peggy's parallel world, Sharon Rogers is still her daughter.

By the way, once this setting comes out, the two captains will be very depressed.

The young captain had just finished sending his first love to the burial, and soon a parallel Peggy appeared with the same length. Well, the old captain, the lover who was with him all his life died, and then a young version of a parallel world appeared, tsk tsk... the feeling of paradox, it should be quite painful.

Chapter 0521 The last bamboo pole, you have to knock!

"By the way, where's your father?" Peggy's matter was temporarily over, and she could start a new life just by kicking her legs. Su Yue just asked Steve Rogers.

"Which one are you asking about?" Sharon Rogers asked rhetorically.

which one?

Well, you have two fathers, you win.

"It's okay. After all, Peggy is very important to any of them."

Sharon Rogers was not used to having two fathers at first. After all, this is not some kind of adoptive father or stepfather, but a person at different times. Now, she has accepted it.

How should I put it, the captain himself is green, this operation is also sharp.

"The younger one came to see my mother not long ago, but unfortunately my mother doesn't know him anymore. My father...I mean the one I have known all along has been here to accompany and take care of my mother, but it's just inconvenient to show up, so It's usually hard to see him. Do you want to see him? If you want to see him, I can contact him."

In terms of blood, both fathers are the same person, both are her fathers, but emotionally, it is natural that the one she has known since childhood is her old father.

Su Yue shook his head, he just asked casually, and didn't mean to see old Steve Rogers. How to say, the mission of old Steve Rogers is over, because the cycle of Avengers 4 has been broken, he does not need to complete the end of Avengers 4 at a specific time and place, he only needs to be an invisible man now , and continue to remain anonymous.

As for the young Steve Rogers, he came to see Peggy not long ago, which means that the plot of Captain 2 should start soon.

What is the main plot of Captain America 2?

Steve Rogers visits Peggy, who has dementia, and Natasha, the special forces led by Crossbones rescue the hijacked cruise ship, and then Nick Fury is chased by the Winter Soldier and runs to Steve Rogers' house, Steve Rogers met the Winter Soldier for the first time, Nick Fury faked his death, Steve Rogers was wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D., together with Natasha, Falcon against S.H.I.E.L.D., or Hydra, to stop Insight project, revealing information about S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra to the public, and then... embarking on a journey to find the Winter Soldier.

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