Now that Steve Rogers has visited Peggy, the rescue of the hijacked cruise ship should be about to begin, right? If I remember correctly, it seems that Heatwell was on the cruise ship, and the cruise ship seems to be related to Hydra. Natasha was ordered by Nick Fury to copy the relevant information on the cruise ship, Nick Fury. Fury should have known this information, so Hydra decided to eradicate him, lest he destroy the Insight plan.

Then, here comes the problem.

Should this news be used as a rip-off?

Of course I do!

This is the last time the S.H.I.E.L.D. is open and fair, or Nick Fury’s slapstick. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be disbanded, even if Maria Hill and Phil Coulson reorganize S.H.I.E.L.D. That's also 'my own' S.H.I.E.L.D., you can't always knock yourself out, right?

Although he had previously made a rake from Alexander Pierce through Heatwell, a protection fee, and a promise not to tell Nick Fury about the insight plan in advance. But not breaking a promise by not mentioning the Insights program? I only tell Nick Fury that someone is going to kill you, something big is going to happen, if Nick Fury knows anything, it has nothing to do with him, right?

As a human being, reputation is very important.

If the promise of the transaction is violated, who would dare to be ripped off in the future? No, who would dare to trade with him?

"What are you thinking?" Sharon Rogers couldn't help but ask when Su Yue didn't speak for a long time.

Su Yue smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing, I still have to leave beforehand. You can notify me when Peggy dies. Also, you don't need to tell Steve Rogers about the rebirth for the time being."

"Okay, I see." Although Sharon Rogers didn't know why the news couldn't be told to her father, since Su Yue said so, she didn't ask any more.

S.H.I.E.L.D., the Trident Building that has been rebuilt many times.

Su Yue sensed that Maria Hill was teleported directly to her deputy director's office in S.H.I.E.L.D. In the office, Maria Hill was at the desk and focused on processing documents.

Suddenly, Maria Hill raised her head abruptly, and then said unexpectedly, "Why are you here?"

"I can't come?" Su Yue replied with a smile.

Maria Hill shook her head and said, "Of course not, it's just that you usually call me if you have something, or send me directly to you. This is the first time you have come to S.H.I.E.L.D. to find me, right? Did something urgent happen?"

"That's not there, but I'm going to hit Nick Fury for the last time." Su Yue walked over with a smile.

Maria Hill got up and gave up her seat to Su Yue, put herself on the desk, faced Su Yue and asked, "The thing you said before is about to start?"


Su Yue nodded: "Has a SHIELD cruise ship been hijacked? There is the one from Hitwell."

Maria Hill nodded and said: "Yes, the news just came that a S.H.I.E.L.D. cruise ship was hijacked, the director has called the captain, Natasha, and Rumlow's special team, once the information is known When it's over, they'll take rescue operations at night."

"That's it." Su Yue nodded casually: "When the captain comes back, Nick Fury will be attacked, and then he will fake death, captain, Natasha will be wanted, and then bring the falcon to make a comeback, um, to When Hydra will take over S.H.I.E.L.D., the Insight Project will be activated."

"What can I do?" Maria Hill asked with a solemn expression.

"I asked you to collect information on S.H.I.E.L.D. before, what happened?" Su Yue asked.

Maria Hill said: "The effect is not bad."

Su Yue nodded: "Wait, wait until the end of the matter and S.H.I.E.L.D. is disbanded. You take over the new S.H.I.E.L.D. forces as soon as possible, and Phil Coulson will become your deputy."

"it is good."

"I went to find Nick Fury." Su Yue got up with a smile and left Maria Hill's office.

He really didn't have a special explanation when he came to see Maria Hill, but since he came to S.H.I.E.L.D., he must meet Maria Hill and say hello, lest Maria Hill know I didn't even go to see her after I came to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 0522 Nick Fury: This time, I will die?

SHIELD, Director's Office.

The dark-skinned Director of Braised Egg looked at Su Yue, who was sitting opposite him drinking coffee. On the surface, he was calm, but he was secretly guessing his purpose.

Almost every time I meet Su Yue, my wallet will bleed a lot, so seeing Su Yue is like taking out money. Of course, although the money was paid, it was not in vain, so Nick Fury didn't care about the money, but... why did he pay this time?

After all, the New York battle in which aliens invaded the earth has just subsided. Nick Fury is really afraid that Su Yue will say what aliens will invade, such as... Thanos in the short film on Dimension Street?

Nick Fury loves and hates that short film. What he loves is knowing in advance who will become superheroes to save the world, and what he hates is the disaster on earth, even cosmic tyrants like Thanos are eyeing the earth. .

The heroes who appeared in the movie have been in contact with almost all the heroes that he can find during this period of time, but they are only contacts. After all, he does not know their life trajectories or how they became heroes. Who knows if they will be recruited in advance. Will change their orders, and make a hero that should be there disappear.

"Let's get straight to the point, what big event is going to happen this time for you to come in person." Nick Fury opened his mouth and went straight to the topic.

Su Yue put down the coffee cup: "Someone will kill you recently."


Nick Fury had a question mark on his face. "Not recently, but someone has always wanted to kill me."

"The one who wants to kill you this time is the Hydra, the kind who will spare no expense." Su Yue said lightly.

" all costs..." Nick Fury's expression finally became serious. A long time ago, he thought that the Hydra had already been eliminated, and then Maria Hill used the Hydra The leader's credit became the deputy director, and later, Nick Fury began to seriously investigate the Hydra.

He found that the Hydra was not destroyed, but was still very powerful and hidden. If Hydra was going to kill itself at all costs, it would be really troublesome.

If you are not prepared, maybe... you will really succeed.

Nick Fury is very clear that what he is good at is not fighting. If he really lets Hydra seize the opportunity and is unprepared, the result can be imagined.

"Okay, I admit that this news is important, so how much do you want this time?" Nick Fury asked.

"You look at it."

"Look at it? This is not your style." Nick Fury raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

Say this news is not important? It was impossible for Su Yue to come to him in person. Speaking of importance, it is not normal to give this kind of situation, after all, it is not appropriate to give more and less.

Moreover, this sentence gave Nick Fury a bad feeling.

You can give it, you can give more or less, but don't blame me for being angry if you give less? So, is this a trick? Does this make you have to give more?

I don't know his psychological expectations, how can this be the price?

"Because this is the last time." Su Yue said with a smile.

Nick Fury's heart pounded, he didn't think this last time was a good thing. Money is always too little, especially when the construction of Dimension Street requires a lot of money, so this last time refers to either that he will die this time, or that Su Yue has no future information that can be used to rip off. .

The latter... is unlikely. After all, he even has short films in the future, and he must still have a lot of information. Even if the information is of little value, it is still a considerable amount of money. It is absolutely impossible for the value to be low. just give up.

So, will you die this time?

"This is not good news." Nick Fury smiled wryly.

Su Yue shrugged: "When did I tell you good news? Turning bad news into good news is why you are willing to pay for news from me, isn't it?"

Nick Fury nodded: "I will give you a satisfactory number, but I hope you can tell me more details."

"Yes, but you need to draft a statement that if you die, the director of SHIELD will be taken over by Maria Hill, who has the right to take over everything in SHIELD."

Nick Fury's brows furrowed. If he really died, it would not be impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D. to hand it over to Maria Hill. Although Maria Hill is now from Suyue, he believes that Mary Leah Hill's ability and conduct, the purpose of SHIELD will not change. But... He really didn't dare to sign this statement. What if the news this time was that Su Yue wanted to eradicate his own trap? Once he drafted this life, Su Yue could kill himself at any time by various means that no one could investigate, and then let Maria Hill take the position logically.

"Afraid of me cheating on you?" Su Yue curled his lips and said, "Maria Hill is the deputy director, with my support behind you. You think that without this statement, Maria Hill will not be able to become a woman after you die. Chief? Orthodox, hehe... If you die, will your statement be useful? It's the same with or without it. With it, it can make Maria Hill's upper position simpler, easier, and faster. It just saves time.”

Although Nick Fury is reluctant to admit it, it seems... that's true.

"Okay, I can write this statement." Nick Fury agreed neatly, then drafted the statement directly, and even entered the statement into the SHIELD system. Once he died, this statement The statement will be sent to all SHIELD agents.

It can be said that Nick Fury has done a thorough job.

Su Yue received the original of the statement. "If it weren't for your different positions, I would appreciate your more and more straightforward energy now. Remember, in the future, remember to drive a high-strength bulletproof car, preferably one that can prevent explosions. Also, I think Don't get out of the car if the situation isn't right."

"Anything else?" Nick Fury asked.

"I think about it... If you are surrounded and cannot escape, remember to go underground."



"Okay, I'll transfer the money to you as soon as possible." Although Nick Fury knew that Su Yue had a lot of key information that he didn't say, he couldn't do anything if Su Yue didn't say it.

Besides, he already knew some of the information in advance. Nick Fury was confident that he could change the result. After all, he is the king of agents. If he had mastered 'so much' key information and could still be succeeded by the other party, he would have died long ago. How many times.

0523 Falcon

Nick Fury moved quickly. Not long after Su Yue returned to the Dimension Street building from S.H.I.E.L.D., he received a call from Pepper Potts, asking what happened to the large sum of money that had just been entered into the account, and learned that it was Su Yue just knocked it back from Nick Fury, and Pepper Potts didn't care, and asked if he needed to be prepared.

Of course, preparation is not necessary. This is a matter of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, and has nothing to do with Dimension Street.

Of course, it's not completely irrelevant.

The Insight Plan of Hydra is aimed at all those who may hinder Hydra, which naturally includes Su Yue and a group of people in Dimension Street. The Insight Plan elimination list that Heatwell made before has proved this.

If the insight plan is really successful, Dimension Street is naturally the main goal.

But, can the insight plan succeed?

Leaving aside the fact that Steve Rogers, Natasha, and Falcon in the original book successfully stopped the Insight Project. Even if there were some changes in reality, Su Yue would know the truth.

The content of his deal with Alexander Pierce was that he would not tell Nick Fury until the Insight program started, and once the Insight program started, the deal would naturally end. With Su Yue's cautious character, Alexander Pierce wanted to target Dimension Street, how could he be indifferent, how could he not react?

The network intelligence and research and development department, the department in charge of the shock girl Daisy John and the IT girl Ferry Heidi. Although there are only two of them in this department at present, their status in Dimension Street is not low. After all, they need their support in every aspect. .

Unlike other offices that are so rigid and serious, the layout and layout here are very relaxed and comfortable, full of freedom. If the space is not too large, the feeling here is more like a pantry or a rest area, which can make people temporarily forget the hard work. and troubles.

The two large and comfortable sofas are their office chairs. In addition to the numerous display screens on the desk in front of the sofas, there are various snacks, green plants, and doll decorations next to them.

Daisy John and Ferry Heidi sat on the sofa wearing casual clothes and sitting on the sofa in a comfortable position, watching the computer work in front of them and eating snacks. To be honest... they didn't feel like going to work at all. It's more like staying at home and playing games.

"Lord Lord, why did you come here?" Feeling that someone was sitting beside her, Daisy John turned around and glanced, a little surprised.

Daisy John's shout, Ferry Hitty at the desk next to her naturally heard it, turned her head and said hello to Su Yue.

Su Yue replied with a smile, and then he talked about his intention: "I have a task for you."

"What mission? You say."

"There are a few people who need your attention, Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve Rogers, Captain America, Sam Wilson the Falcon. Soon Nick Fury will be assassinated by Hydra, when he After he died in the captain's house, I need you to keep an eye on his movements, he will feign death, and I want to know where the secret base where he hides in suspended animation."

"Also, monitor the Trident Building and notify me as soon as three aerospace aircraft carriers appear in the Trident Building."

Su Yue first explained the task to them clearly, and then summarized the plot of Captain 2 again.

For Daisy John and Ferry Heidi, he absolutely trusts them. Since they trust, there is no need to hide them. If the task is unclear, it may cause them to misjudge.

"So, what is our real purpose for this mission?" After learning about the situation, Ferry Heidi asked curiously.

Su Yue said with a smile: "In the early stage, we only need to grasp the development process of this matter and secretly protect Natasha's safety. When the insight plan is launched, I will come forward to finish it, and by the way, I will bring back the trophy aerospace aircraft carrier to ensure that SHIELD and The existence of Hydra will be revealed to the world, ensuring that S.H.I.E.L.D. will be disbanded."

"I have made Maria Hill and John Garrett ready. After the S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra incidents are exposed, they will each receive the remnants of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra."

Ferry Heidi nodded.

"Falcon, Sam Wilson, served in the 58th Division Airborne Rescue Force, the Air Force Parachute Rescue Special Squad, and executed the EXO-7 Falcon confidential program. "Daisy John's fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard a few times, and the information about Sam Wilson has appeared on the screen.

"This Falcon secret plan is a bit interesting. The uniform is a kind of detachable wing that uses jet powered gliders for air combat. This plan was cancelled a long time ago, and there is only one Falcon uniform left in a secret stored in the base."

Daisy John continued to investigate his information while talking. In addition to the original information, what happened after the release of the short film at the Dimension Street Cinema was also quite interesting.

Because Sam Wilson is a veteran himself, although there are not many scenes and pictures in the short film, the uniform features are still very obvious. While the uniforms in the short films have definitely been upgraded, the basic features have not changed.

Whether it was S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, the military, or other forces, they all had contact with him either overtly or covertly after the release of the short film, but he ignored it. Even if the conditions offered were very generous, he did not seem to be tempted.

The military also seemed to want to remove Sam Wilson's work file from the Veterans Department, but was secretly blocked by S.H.I.E.L.D.

In addition, the only remaining Falcon uniform seems to have been transferred from the original secret base to another base for research, and even suitable soldiers were transferred for experiments, which seems to be intentional to restart the Falcon program, or... If you can't win Sam Wilson, then re-bring a falcon?

The purpose of S.H.I.E.L.D. to obstruct the military is obvious. It hopes that Sam Wilson can become a falcon according to the original trajectory, and also become a partner of Steve Rogers. It turns out that S.H.I.E.L.D. did right, Sam Wilson himself admired Steve Rogers very much, but not as fanatical as Phil Coulson, because the job was not transferred, so he naturally contacted Arrived at Steve Rogers, and the way they came into contact, turned out to be running because of morning practice.

It's just different from the Captain 2 movie, Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers both know each other's identities, and know that they will fight side by side in the future, and they are both soldiers, so the relationship between the two is more than in the movie. In order to get closer, they can barely be called friends.

Chapter 0524 Goodbye Feng Baobao

Although Sam Wilson will become a superhero, become Steve Rogers' right-hand man with the Winter Soldier, and even become the second-generation captain after Steve Rogers' retirement, Su Yue is not very interested in him.

First of all, Sam Wilson has no other special abilities. Apart from being very good in air combat, his physical fitness is not much stronger than that of ordinary people.

Secondly, he mainly relies on Falcon uniforms. Falcon uniforms have neither technical content nor strong performance and power, and have no significant enhancement effect on Dimension Street.

In the end, he really doesn't have a good record or outstanding performance. Even if there will be a film and television drama with him as one of the protagonists soon, his popularity is not high.

Su Yue chatted with Daisy John and Ferry Heaty for a while and left their department, preparing to take the elevator back to the top floor.


The elevator has arrived.

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