The door opened and there was someone inside.

The White Queen gave way and said to Su Yue who came in, "I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Su Yue asked casually.

Queen White said: "I think I can call back the people from Busan Travel World. You went there some time ago and brought back a lot of supplies, and also brought back Alyssa. I talked to Alyssa. , the potential there has basically been exhausted, either leave South Korea and continue to expand, but requires a lot of manpower; or give up the expansion, call everyone back, and leave only the hatred to maintain the situation there.”

"What do you think?" The White Queen is basically in charge of the Travel to Busan world. Although the White Queen did not go back after being called back, she knows the situation over there better than anyone else.

By the way, before the Inhumans Crystal Princess could see Alyssa on Dimension Street, Su Yue also used Alyssa as an example to prove that there are Inhumans on the earth, precisely because there was nothing to do before, when the plot was too much, Su Yue I went to Busan Travel World to bring back the materials they collected, and brought Alyssa back for a holiday by the way.

He really didn't ask about the specific situation on the Busan Travel World.

"I tend to bring them back. Travel to Busan hasn't exploded on a global scale, and it's not worth our continued waste of human resources there, and it's not worth the continued investment. Abomination is quite cooperative there, and he's not as incommunicable as the Hulk. , as long as he controls the situation over there and collects supplies slowly, it is a waste for others to stay there." The White Queen has obviously considered this issue and has made a decision.

However, in the end, only Su Yue can make a decision.

However, Su Yue trusted the White Queen's judgment.

"Then I'll listen to you. I'll go and bring people back later." Su Yue asked, "Is there anything else?"

The White Queen shook her head: "No more."

Su Yue said: "Look back and contact Daisy or Ferry Heaty. They have a mission there, and you can just assist. By the way, help Maria Hill and John Garrett to screen."

Su Yue used her psychic ability to tell the White Queen. She has a brainwave machine and can telepathically telepathize anyone around the world. She does not need her help in the insight plan, but after the event, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra There is a need for her to help in the screening, so that the people of Hydra will not mix in the SHIELD, and the agents of the SHIELD will sneak to the Hydra.

When the elevator reached the top floor, the White Queen took the elevator to the Internet Intelligence Department, while Su Yue teleported directly to the attic of the inn, and went to Busan Travel World through the Dimension Gate.

In Suyue's positioning, the value of traveling to the world in Busan is not very high, and the cost-effectiveness is very low. It has no other value except the materials that can collect hard currency. He also never thought of saving that world and bringing it back to civilization.

Although there are not many dimensional worlds he can go to now, the trip to Busan world is still a one-off world, and it can be given up when the value is exhausted.

Travel to the world in Busan.

Busan base.

Su Yue met several people who had been presiding over the situation here. White Queen, Polaris, and Alyssa have returned to Dimension Street one after another. Currently, there are Jin Zhenxi, Shan, Feng Baobao, and the haters who were later thrown into this world but are no longer in this stronghold.

Kim Jin-hee was originally a plot character in Train to Busan, and a person in this world. He was just an ordinary high school student without any special abilities. But after this period of experience, although there is no change in appearance, the temperament is much more mature and capable, and he should be able to stand on his own in some departments within the normal range.

As for Shan, she came from a super-sense hunt and has a certain fighting ability. She is also the head of the family group. She was originally summoned and trained as an assistant to Pepper Potts. Now, after this period of experience, after returning home Can definitely take on more important work and responsibilities...

The change of Kim Jin-hee's kindness is not the biggest, but the biggest is... Feng Baobao.

As the first person to be summoned to Dimension Street at the beginning, Sister Bao'er's change is not too big. Although she is still a little naive and salty in her temperament, her clothes and personal hygiene are different. The long hair is neatly shawl, an elegant dress, and red high-heeled shoes are on her feet. The advantages of defeating women who hide her are all revealed. If...if her hand hadn't been playing with the knife, then even more so. All right.

"Sister Bao'er, come and hug?" Su Yue smiled and opened his arms to Feng Baobao.


Feng Baobao jumped directly into Su Yue's arms.


Su Yue didn't expect that Feng Baobao would really rush over. He thought that he should have gotten along well with them during this period of time, so he should have some understanding of the world and so on, but he didn't expect... he was still so innocent.

"Lord Lord."

Compared with Feng Baobao's frankness, Jin Zhenxi and Heshan were not so "presumptuous" after seeing Su Yue, and said hello respectfully.

Of course, this is normal, after all, they don't have the qualifications of Feng Baobao.

Feng Baobao was the first to be summoned to Dimension Street. Although there may be some problems with his personality, it is precisely for this reason that when he gets along with Su Yue, he is more relaxed and natural than them.

From what Su Yue saw just now when he saw the three of them but only opened his arms to Feng Baobao for hugs, he could see that Feng Baobao was obviously more important in his heart.

Besides, it seems that Feng Baobao is the only one who can make Su Yue call her sister, even though... it's just a joke.

Chapter 0525 Feng Baobao's Roasted Sweet Potatoes

"Lord Lord, you came a little early this time. We haven't counted and sorted out the supplies we collected before. It may take half a day." Shan thought that Su Yue had come to get supplies.

Su and Yue have come here regularly since they opened up this world, but this time the interval is a little shorter, and they haven't had time to count the amount and pack it into the warehouse.

Su Yue smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, the main purpose of my visit this time is to prepare to take you back. The White Queen said that the development here has reached a bottleneck, and it is meaningless to keep so many of you here, so organize the supplies. Don't forget to pack all your personal things when you are there, I have no plans to come to this world in the short term."

The so-called short-term refers to within one or two years.

In other words, Su Yue already had the idea of ​​giving up this world. Leaving the hatred to rule here, collect supplies, once every few years will do.

The world does not have much potential, and it is not worth investing too much energy and manpower.

Although people in this world are the most cost-effective workers as long as they provide food and clothing and a safe environment, Dimension Street currently has no further demands and plans for industry, and does not need to support so many people. If you really use people temporarily, you can just come and take them away, so from the perspective of cost-effectiveness, there is really no need to continue investing.

When they heard that they could leave here, the three had different reactions.

Shan can't wait. After all, both her original world and Dimension Street are civilized societies. She is more adaptable and prefers to display her talents in the civilized world. Of course, from a personal point of view, although the camps here are developing very well, the comfort and convenience are definitely not as good as Dimension Street.

Jin Zhenxi was a little reluctant to give up. This is her world. Although earth-shaking changes have taken place, she still has a strong sense of belonging. Going to Dimension Street, everything has to start all over again.

As for Feng Baobao, she has no idea at all, whether in Dimension Street or in this world, it makes no difference. But after leaving Dimension Street for so long, she really missed it.

Of course, no matter what they thought, after Su Yue finished speaking, they all went back to pack their things.

Su Yue took advantage of the space they were packing to find Abomination and teleported to him to explain. As for whether Abomination would do as he ordered after he left, there was no need to worry about it.

He hates that he can't beat himself, and he can't even beat many people in Dimension Street. If he doesn't want to die, he can only listen to Su Yue. Moreover, only Su Yue can take him out of here and return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In terms of his disgusting personality, even if he doesn't dare to act in front of Su Yue and people in Dimension Street, he definitely wants to be in his own world with others. People are pretending, especially... Hulk!

Therefore, Hatred will not only do things according to Su Yue's instructions, but will also try to do better. Only in this way will he have a chance to return to the original world.

Furthermore, after the people of Dimension Street left, no one in this world will control him, contain him, no matter what aspect he is living better than now.

the next day.

Hate took over the camp, and Su Yue took the three people who had packed up their supplies and personal belongings through the Dimension Gate and returned to Dimension Street in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The changes in Dimension Street made them stunned.

Although there are many places that are the same as in my memory, more are unfamiliar. Whether it is the prosperity of the residential area, the busyness of the high-speed rail station, or the eye-catching Dimension Street building, they are amazed.

Su Yue took them to briefly familiarize themselves with the changes in Dimension Street, and then went to the Dimension Street building to meet Pepper Potts. Regarding the arrangement of the three, Su Yue plans to let Jin Zhenxi enter the high-speed rail department. Although she is very unfamiliar with this department, the high-speed rail project originated in her world after all, and with her ability, she should be able to adapt to the new job soon.

Shan can continue to work as Pepper Potts' assistant.

Feng Baobao, she used to be in charge of the library and sold some baked sweet potatoes by the way. But the library has someone else in charge now, roasting sweet potatoes...well, of course no one's roasting this one.

Su Yue asked Feng Baobao to rest for a few days, familiarized himself with the current Dimension Street, and thought about whether there was anything he wanted to do by the way. If not, he will arrange Feng Baobao to join the **** team, and then... when he patrols every day, he can go back to his old business and continue to sell her roasted sweet potatoes. Anyway, roasted sweet potatoes only need one stove, which is neither troublesome nor too much. place.

Facts have proved that Su Yue's consideration was correct.

Feng Baobao didn't know what he wanted to do or what he wanted to do. In the end, he entered the guard team according to Su Yue's arrangement. At the same time, the oven that had been put away for a long time was also turned over. The aroma of roasted sweet potatoes soon reappeared in the dimension. The street fills up.

The difference is that Feng Baobao doesn't need to prepare any change this time. Any consumer item in Dimension Street can be paid by scanning the code, which is very convenient.

Despite the inconspicuousness of roasted sweet potatoes, there are many people who have bought roasted sweet potatoes on Dimension Street in the past.

Many old customers were amazed when they saw Feng Baobao, who didn't grow old at all, but thinking of Su Yue who also didn't grow old, that there were still people in Dimension Street who were rejuvenated, and that people in Dimension Street were not ordinary people, it seemed that it was nothing. Surprisingly.

Just when he returned from Traveling to the World in Busan, Feng Baobao went back to his old business to make the roasted sweet potatoes become popular, and many things happened in S.H.I.E.L.D.

First, Captain Steve Rogers and Black Widow Natasha took the special team led by Brock Rumlow to raid the hijacked ship of S.H.I.E.L.D. The captain then confronts Nick Fury about trust, and Nick Fury takes the captain to see a few of the Insight's spaceships.

Then, Nick Fury was attacked.

On the way he was driving, he was attacked by the only and heavy fire. Fortunately, he remembered Su Yue's reminder that the car was not only bulletproof but also fully upgraded and reinforced. Unfortunately, he was outnumbered. Under the attack blocked by the Winter Soldier, he could only cut the chassis of the car, escape from the underground sewers, and hide in the captain's house. home.

As a result, the Winter Soldier was chasing after him. At the Captain's house, Nick Fury was directly sniped by the Winter Soldier from a distance before he remembered to tell the Captain too much.

Chapter 0526 She came she came, she came with a U disk.

Early morning.

The sun is shining and the wind is gentle.

Su Yue stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, drinking coffee and blowing the breeze, listening to Ferry Hitty reporting the situation behind her.

"Nick Fury was pronounced dead after being rescued in the hospital, the body has been transported, and Daisy is being monitored. Alexander Pierce believes that the previously hijacked cruise ship was suspected of betrayal of intelligence of SHIELD, and an investigation is underway, and the cruise ship and Nick Fury's close contacts are under investigation. Not long ago, Steve Rogers was called to Alexander Pierce's office. Steve Rogers didn't take it."

"Afterwards, Rumlow led the special team to arrest Steve Rogers in the elevator. Steve Rogers jumped out of the elevator and escaped from the Trident. Now SHIELD has begun a comprehensive search for Steve Rogers. Rogers!"

"In addition, Nick Fury seems to have handed a USB flash drive containing information to Steve Rogers before his death, but the information is currently in Natasha's hands, and Natasha also seems to want to investigate this. Waiting for him to show up where Steve Rogers was hiding his USB drive."

Su Yue nodded and said, "Continue to pay attention to Nick Fury and the Trident aerospace carrier."

"it is good."

Ferry Heidi nodded and asked, "Do you need to remind Natasha? She seems to think that Nick Fury is really dead."

Su Yue thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No need for now."

"Then I'll go down first." Ferry Heidi turned to leave, Su Yue continued drinking coffee, and locked Natasha with her psychic abilities.

Natasha has learned a lot of information about the future from herself. Although there is not much about Nick Fury, she should be able to guess that Nick Fury is not dead with her mind and experience. Even if she didn't guess, under normal circumstances When such a thing happened, she should have called herself to verify, but she didn't call now, mostly because of her own considerations.

Su Yue doesn't plan to participate too much in this matter, and he doesn't mind too much about Natasha and Steve Rogers teaming up. After all, Natasha's relationship with himself is still very strong, and the captain only watched Pei. Ji, they are absolute camaraderie.

But well... there is one thing that Su Yue is more concerned about, that is, the two were arrested by Rumlow when they were using a computer to crack the USB flash drive in the mall. In order to avoid arrest, Natasha and Steve Rogers Kissing pretending to be a couple, in this situation, Su Yue absolutely cannot let it happen.

Friendship in war is no problem, everyone is independent, has their own circle of friends, works together, fights together, this is OK, Su Yue is not stingy enough to surround everyone around himself, making them completely without their own lives Puppets, but intimate moves? This is definitely not possible, even if the situation is critical at the time, just to achieve certain goals, it will not work!

So, Su Yue was going to monitor Natasha's movements, and when they were hunted by Rumlow in the mall, they would be sent out of the supermarket by teleportation to avoid close contact.

However, things seem to have changed.

Natasha met Steve Rogers, the two also talked about the mysterious Winter Soldier, and they were going to find a safe place to see what was on the USB stick.

but! ! !

They didn't even plan to find a mall like in the movie and use the laptops sold in the mall to crack the USB flash drive, but planned to come directly to Dimension Street.

Uh, thinking about it, it seems like a normal operation.

Not to mention the relationship between Natasha and Su Yue, it is only the speciality of Dimension Street. If they want to find a safe place to crack the U disk, and they are not worried about being caught by the special forces, Dimension Street is the only one, and it is also the best choice.

Where is Dimension Street?

Anyone can come in and out freely, no matter if you are being hunted or wanted, as long as you enter Dimension Street, it means safety, because no one dares to arrest people in Dimension Street. What kind of grievances can be resolved outside the Dimension Street, but do you want to do it in the Dimension Street? Then you have to weigh whether you can withstand the counterattack of Dimension Street.

Whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra, under normal circumstances, they would not dare to make a mistake in Dimension Street, so Natasha and Steve Rogers chose to come to Dimension Street to crack the U disk is the most correct choice, by the way... Natasha can also ask Su Yue about Nick Fury.

Su Yue didn't plan to get involved in this matter, but the matter came to you.

Half an hour later, Su Yue saw Natasha and Steve Rogers in casual clothes.

"We're in trouble, you have to help me." Natasha directly asked Su Yue for help without looking at it at all. Well, their relationship is nothing to see.

"It's ready for you." Su Yue pointed to the laptop on the coffee table. It was a brand new laptop that he brought over on purpose.

"Thanks." Natasha smiled sweetly.

Su Yue said, "Do you need me to find someone to help you?"

"I don't need it for the time being. My skills should be fine." Natasha turned on the computer and briefly maintained it, and then began to crack the programs in the USB flash drive.

Once the program is started, the location will be exposed.

In Dimension Street, there is no point in revealing the location. Anyway, even if we know that we are in Dimension Street, in all likelihood, no one dares to come to Dimension Street to arrest people.

The Hydra dared to assassinate Nick Fury and wanted Steve Rogers, basically preparing to launch the Insight Project. Hydra dares to do anything to make sure the Insight Project is not affected.

However, this does not include arresting people in Dimension Street.

If it is another place, even if it goes too far, Hydra will be sure to deal with it afterwards, but Dimension Street can't do it. If you really want to do it in Dimension Street, let's not say whether it can be successful or not, even if it is a fluke, Dimension Street will retaliate against them Can't stand it either. Especially... Su Yue already knew the insight plan, it was very unwise to provoke Su Yue at this time.

Even if the insight plan was launched, it would definitely be a tear with Su Yue. After all, there are people from Dimension Street on the list to be eliminated, but turning your face back then and turning your face now are two different things.

Therefore, even if the Hydra, even if Rumlow brought the special team to the vicinity of Dimension Street, even if Rumlow took a few people into Dimension Street and came to the outside of the Dimension Street building, they did not take any extreme measures or may lead to Misunderstood move.


Rumlow was going to wait for them to come out and wait for them to leave Dimension Street.

Chapter 0527 Zola Algorithm and Insight Program

Since Brock Rumlow is willing to abide by the rules of Dimension Street, Su Yue will naturally not break the rules.

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