
These two simple words are endowed with very important meanings.

The rules are meaningful only if you, me, and everyone abide by the same rules that have been formulated. If some of them don't follow them, and no one can uphold the rules, then the word "rules" is a joke.

Why does everyone, including Rumlow, agree with the rule of not doing anything in Dimension Street? Because Dimension Street has been defending this rule, this rule is very important!

If the maker of the rules breaks the rules they set first, then the rules will lose credibility, and Dimension Street will no longer be the so-called 'safe zone'.

Rumlow or Hydra is not worthy of Su Yue sacrificing the long-established credibility to break the rules he made.

"This place..." Steve Rogers couldn't help showing a nostalgic look when he looked at the cracked address on the computer.

"You know this place?" Natasha asked unexpectedly.

Steve Rogers nodded and hummed.

Natasha said immediately, "Since you know this place, let's go and see what's there."

"Rumlow is waiting downstairs, and the people of the special team are ambushed at the entrance and exit of Dimension Street. If you just go out like this, I'm afraid it will not be so easy." Su Yue reminded casually.

Natasha smiled: "You won't watch me get caught by Hydra, will you?"

Su Yue chuckled softly, shook his head and said, "Actually, there is no need for you to go to that place. It was the training camp where Steve Rogers used to be in the army before, and it was also the early base of S.H.I.E.L.D. A computer that the snake hides inside, or...a person."

"Who?" Natasha asked.

"Anime Zola, he was a scientist of Hydra, who helped the Red Skull control the energy of the Cosmic Cube, and was caught by Steve Rogers by your side, Zola was forced to betray the Red Skull, providing The location of the Red Skull base. In 1972, Zola was diagnosed with a terminal illness, and Hydra transferred his consciousness into a giant computer in the same place you just discovered."

"Zola...he's not dead yet!" Steve Rogers was surprised. He didn't expect that the scientist around Red Skull was still alive, and still alive in such an incredible way.

"What did he do!" Natasha's focus was different from that of Steve Rogers. Although she was also surprised, she wanted to know that Hydra went to great lengths to keep Zola alive in this way. what.

What did Zola do to benefit Hydra?

"You should have heard of the paperclip project? After the end of World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited many scientists around the Red Skull. In fact, Hydra infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. The Hydra hid and caused many incidents that allowed the Hydra to grow." Su Yue paused and continued: "At the same time, Zola has developed a method that can identify and determine the potential for the Hydra. One method of threatening people is called the Insight Program."

"Insight plan, what is that?" Steve Rogers asked hastily.

Su Yue shook his head: "I'm sorry I can't tell you, I've already charged Hydra's hush money, so you have to investigate the Insight Project yourself. But... I think you should be able to guess some more or less. ."

Naturally, Steve Rogers didn't want to let it go. Insight into the plan sounded very dangerous. Just as he was about to persuade Su Yue to focus on the overall situation, Natasha had already spoken.

"We won't ask about the Insight Project, what about Nick Fury? Is he really dead?"

"Before he was attacked, I sold him the news that someone was going to attack him." Su Yue raised his mouth slightly.

Natasha smiled, and Steve Rogers was relieved.

Since Su Yue told him what would happen in advance, with Nick Fury's ability, he shouldn't be unprepared. Although they saw Nick Fury's body with their own eyes, it was not impossible to do fake death.

Nick Fury is not dead, and the secret in the USB flash drive has been known. The next thing to do is to figure out the insight plan and then sabotage Hydra's actions.

"We need help." Natasha said solemnly.

This was said to Su Yue, not to Su Yue. Judging from Su Yue's previous attitude, it seems that he is not going to intervene in this matter, nor is he going to reveal too much information, but Natasha still wants to test Su Yue's thoughts.

At the same time, this sentence was also said to Steve Rogers. After all, she and Steve Rogers are both being stared at by Hydra and wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D. It is not so convenient to investigate the news, you need a Relatively unborn people do things that are inconvenient for them to do.

Natasha has no friends, or she has only a few friends, so she is not suitable for this.

"I will always keep an eye on your actions, Natasha. If there is any danger, I will save you as soon as possible. In addition, my promise to someone is only before the insight plan is activated. If the insight plan is activated, I will I came forward to help you." Su Yue smiled and shrugged: "No way, you have to be honest, otherwise who would dare to trade with me."

"I understand."

Natasha smiled and nodded. Su Yue was neither an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. nor a so-called superhero. Naturally, she could not ask him from the same position.

After all, he is the lord of Dimension Street, and he has his own position!

If it weren't for the extraordinary relationship between himself and him, he would not have said that much at all. Or rather, he has said enough now.

For example, he persuaded them not to go to Zola, and told them about Zola directly.


With his heels, he knew that the place where Zola was must be very dangerous. Maybe the Hydra had already made arrangements, just waiting for them to throw themselves into the trap.

"I know someone who might be able to help," Steve Rogers said.

"I think there should be no problem, after all, he is your 'partner'." Natasha instantly guessed who Steve Rogers was talking about.

Steve Rogers has fewer friends than Natasha, and there are fewer people he trusts for such a dangerous thing, so it's easy to guess who this person is.

Falcon, Sam Wilson!

Chapter 0528 Manage the frame world for me


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and Natasha and Steve Rogers were instantly teleported out of Dimension Street by Su Yue and directly to the door of Sam Wilson's house.

After that, Su Yue unplugged the USB flash drive on the computer and teleported to the downstairs of Dimension Street.

Su Yue's sudden appearance startled Rumlow, who couldn't take his eyes off him. He subconsciously stepped back a few steps to distance himself, and nodded cautiously to Su Yue, "Hello, Lord."

"Don't wait, they've already left." Su Yue threw the USB flash drive to Rumlow. "You take this thing back for business."

Rumlow recognized the USB flash drive and frowned, "Lord Lord, can you tell me how they left?"

"I was teleported away." Su Yue squinted at Rumlow. "Do you have an opinion?"

Rumulus bit the bullet and said, "Lord Lord, it's a bit unruly for you to do this? I didn't violate the rules of Dimension Street. You intervene like this..."

"I didn't kill you!"

Su Yue sneered: "You obeyed the rules of Dimension Street, so I didn't kill you, I just teleported them away. In the rules of Dimension Street, it didn't say that I couldn't interfere with my friends, let alone, I Don't interfere!"

"Besides..." Su Yue snorted. "Don't tell me you didn't know Natasha was my woman."

What else can Rumlow say?

Don't dare to say anything!

First of all, Su Yue did not break the rules, and secondly, Dimension Street was his territory. It was a fortune that he just teleported people away without taking himself and others down. If Su Yue intervenes in this matter as Natasha's man, no one can pick out the fault.

Rumlow didn't dare to confront Su Yue any longer, put away the USB flash drive, nodded to Su Yue, turned around and left Dimension Street. Not long after, the members of the special forces at several entrances and exits of Dimension Street also evacuated one after another.

There are two flowers, one for each.

Not to mention the development of Steve Rogers and Natasha after seeing the Falcon, and to say that Su Yue also left Dimension Street after sending Rumlow away, and teleported to the abandoned base of the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D. where Zola was located. inside.

Su Yue didn't let Natasha and Steve Rogers come here on the one hand because the cost-effectiveness was not high. After a long time of tossing, it was nothing more than knowing that Zola was still alive, the Hydra was lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., and the insight into the plan. He was also bombarded by a missile launched by Hydra. Although he didn't die, he was very embarrassed.

On the other hand, Su Yue felt that it was a waste for Zola to die like this. Zola is a pure conscious body. Without a body, he can only transmit his consciousness to the computer and exist in a conscious or spiritual way.

On this point alone, Su Yue felt that he was valuable.

Bang, bang, bang.

The lights on the roof of the room turned on one after another, several old-fashioned monitors were connected to the computer, and the computer was connected to countless optical cables, all over the ground of the room.

A computer that can accommodate human consciousness is naturally huge.

Of course, this is also because the technology back then was still very backward. If it was now, there would be no need for such a huge database, at least in terms of physical volume.


The monitor suddenly lit up, and a digital face appeared on the screen.

Anim Zola.

"I didn't expect that the person who came would be you." Zora's electronically synthesized voice sounded from the speaker. "I think, I don't need to introduce who I am, right? Lord Dimensional Lord."

"If you think the self-introduction is more ceremonial, I don't mind. Anyway, you should know that although missiles can level this base, they can't hurt me at all." Su Yue said with a smile.

Zola: "The sense of ritual is unnecessary. There is no need to delay time in front of you. But missiles may still appear, but... not to destroy you, but to destroy me."

Zola is really important to Hydra, or to Alexander Pierce, but this importance is divided into time. Before, Zola was very important, now... Although it is equally important, the important reason is that he cannot fall into the hands of others. After all, Zola knows not only the insight plan, but also other things about Hydra.

Besides, it was just an insight plan, and he had to be silenced. Who told it, the person who came was Su Yue, who asked, there are people from Su Yue and Dimension Street in the Insight Project list. If Su Yue knew this, the Insight Project would not be activated at all.

"Have you lived enough?" Su Yue asked.

Zola was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Of course not. Although I can only live in this way, I am still alive after all. Although, now I am just my original memory or consciousness, not the real me."

"Having been in this way for so many years, have you forgotten what it's like to have a body? Do you remember breathing? You still remember eating, drinking, and even finding women. Do you remember these feelings? Do you still want to experience them? You Do you still want to...really alive?"

"You... you can really let me live?" Zola said excitedly: "If you can do it, even if it's just ten years, no... five years, even three years, even one year, I I can tell you everything I know."

Because of fear of death, Zola chose to preserve his consciousness. Although he survived and even got immortality in a sense, he misses the feeling of living as a person more.

"In a sense, yes."

Su Yue said with a smile: "Have you heard of the frame world? It's a virtual world of the spirit. The body stays outside and the spirit enters the frame world. Everything you experience in the frame world is very real. Immortality in the frame world, without worrying about death, you can enjoy everything that any living person can enjoy. To be honest, although the frame world exists as a game experience now, but in fact, there is no body like you A world in which consciousness truly fits.”

"I'm not interested in the information you have. Since I know your existence, I naturally know the information you know, and even the information you don't know. The purpose of my coming to you is to hope you can manage it for me. Frame the world!"

"I promise!" Zora said without hesitation.

Let's not talk about whether the frame world is really as good as Su Yue said, just being able to continue to live is enough for him to agree to any conditions of Su Yue.

Chapter 0529 Missiles and help

"They... launched missiles, do you have any way to stop them from falling? My consciousness data is all here, as long as there is a little bit of damage, it will cause irreparable damage." Zora suddenly reminded Su Yue anxiously.

Although Zola was ready to sacrifice earlier, he helped Hydra come up with Zola's algorithm and insight plan, and he has lived enough in this way, so... if he can follow history If Tiff Rogers, the enemy, perishes, this life will be worth it.

But the person who came was not Steve Rogers, but the dimensional lord Su Yue, but Su Yue gave him a better reason to continue to live.

Once he had the motivation and goal to live, Zola naturally didn't want to die, and even... he was afraid of death.

Su Yue turned around and looked up at the roof of the basement. His deep eyes seemed to penetrate through the roof, and he saw a missile in the distance from far to near.


The sound of the missile's flight seemed to be gradually clear in my ears.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, it's getting closer... The missile that can raze this place to the ground came over the base in a short period of time and began to fall.


The missile landed, and the explosion occurred instantly.

The strong explosive energy instantly caused a chain reaction, and the buildings in the base collapsed and annihilated in an instant. In the basement, looking at Su Yue who was doing nothing, Zola was flustered and just wanted to remind him again.

But at this moment, a ray of light came from Su Yue's body, and then it instantly expanded, directly enclosing the basement. Subsequently, the roof of the basement collapsed, and it could be clearly seen that the roof was annihilated under the impact of the explosion, but the energy and strong flames of the explosion failed to break through the defensive field generated by this layer of light.


Although she didn't have a body and couldn't breathe, Zola couldn't help but let out a long breath.

"This missile came well." The corner of Su Yue's mouth was slightly raised, no matter whether the insight plan was activated or not, with this missile, he could justifiably shoot.

Speaking of which, Su Yue was a little bit like a prisoner, and he added a lot of rules to himself. However, one has to be honest. Although he doesn't need any reason to be strong against Hydra, other people may not dare to cooperate or trade with him in the future.

At present, there are many people and forces on the earth who want to eliminate Su Yue. After all, the existence of Su Yue and Dimension Street has indeed affected many people, but this does not prevent these people or forces from approving Su Yue's transactions or cooperation. To put it simply, although the enemy is an enemy, the reputation of the enemy is very good, and it is okay to occasionally make deals without conflict.

For example, the fruit of surgery, such as the fruit of regression, even if they are opposing enemies, they dare to cooperate with Su Yue, and they are not worried that Su Yue will directly kill them or do anything in the process?


Because the reputation that has been coming to Suyue is here, although the requirements are a little higher and it is a little darker, but the reputation is very high.

Let’s get to the point, let’s get down to business.

Su Yue turned to look at Zola who was relaxed, chuckled lightly, and waved him directly back to Dimension Street. Afterwards, he removed the defensive force field and rose into the air.

The surrounding gravel wreckage flew away automatically, Su Yue floated out of the ground, looked up and saw several helicopters flying towards here and preparing to land.

Agents of Hydra.

They are here to finish, and to determine the outcome of the mission, and at the same time... they are also here to die.

After all, Hydra must have known who Zola was with when it launched the missile. It was not Steve Rogers and Natasha at all, but Su Yue, the dimensional lord of Dimension Street.

Can a missile really destroy Su Yue? They dare not have such delusions at all, the real purpose of this missile is to destroy Zola.

These Hydra agents have two tasks, one is to determine Zola's life and death, and the other is to explain to Su Yue that it would be best if they could get an understanding. .

It's a pity that they didn't have the chance to complete these two tasks.

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