Looking at the helicopter that was about to descend, Su Yue's hands lit up with green magnetic energy, and he waved at them with a goodbye gesture.


Those helicopters lost control in an instant and collided with each other directly, and the explosions were as dazzling as fireworks in the sky.

Then... there is no and then...

With an explosion of this scale, at such a height, even if someone is lucky enough not to be killed, they will fall to their death. If they don't fall to their death, it can only be said that they are lucky. To him, this is just an insignificant little person.


The teleport flashed, Su Yue returned to Dimension Street, and then Zola came to the frame department with a lot of data, and found Dr. Horton Radcliffe to study how to transfer Zola's data to the frame world.

Su Yue has never been involved in such technical issues. If he needs to follow up on everything, why would he recruit so many subordinates?

Since Dr. Horton Radcliffe can study the frame world, he naturally has a way to transmit Zola's consciousness into the frame world.

Before leaving, Su Yue explained a few words to Zola and Dr. Horton Radcliffe, mainly because Zola would ignore her work and responsibilities after entering the frame world.

Dr. Horton Radcliffe is the developer who controls the frame world, and Zola is the GM in the frame world.

One is responsible for the external and the other is responsible for the internal.

After dealing with Zola's affairs, Su Yue paid attention to the situation over Natasha and Steve Rogers. Falcon Sam Wilson readily complied with the Captain's request for help, with one minor problem, the Falcon uniform.

Now the Falcon uniform is placed in a secret base. Sam Wilson doesn't know where the base is, and how many people are guarding the base. Sam Wilson doesn't know either.

Without the Falcon uniform, Sam Wilson is just Sam Wilson, not a Falcon at all, and can't help Captain and Natasha.

"Leave it to me, if it goes well, you will know the whereabouts of the Falcon uniform soon." Natasha volunteered, and then... picked up the phone and pressed Su Yue's number.

Well, Natasha's solution is to ask Su Yue for help.

Chapter 0530 Your own people, everyone is your own people! ! !

Before Natasha's call was made, an equipment box marked with the Falcon code appeared suddenly in front of them. Frightened, Natasha smiled and put away the phone and said, "Being so good to me, I won't be able to tell if I don't express my expression when the matter is over."

"This...he got it?" Although he had guessed that only that person had this kind of ability and possibility, Steve Rogers couldn't help but ask.

Natasha said proudly: "Before I met him, I thought that as a spy, I shouldn't have feelings, or even have feelings. After I met him, I realized that it's good to have a man who always cares about you and cares about you. "

Steve Rogers: "..."

Sam Wilson: "..."

We are still worrying about how to deal with the Hydra, how to expose their conspiracy, and even face the Hydra's wanted list, but you are showing your love here, is that okay?

Steve Rogers is currently single, his first love is dying, he has dementia, and he may be dying soon. Sam Wilson is not too young, but he is also a single dog.

Under the premise that saving the world is so serious, you actually show your affection? I have to say that this wave of dog food made them very nervous.

Sam Wilson in uniform becomes a falcon, and Steve Rogers and Natasha identify targets for intelligence acquisition.


It's really not a coincidence to choose Heatwell. If Hydra had not been exposed, Heatwell would not have been suspected at all. But once the Hydra is exposed, and follow the clues, Hitwell's suspicion will be bigger.

First of all, during the Battle of New York, he, Rumlow and the Special Forces took away Loki's psychic scepter. They can act together, which naturally shows that the relationship is not ordinary. Secondly, there is a problem with the hijacking case of the cruise ship. As the person in charge of the cruise ship and one of the main characters who were hijacked at the beginning, Heatwell is naturally suspicious. After all, the intelligence is copied from the cruise ship. If you don't know, who will believe it?

All is ready except for the opportunity.

Soon, the east wind came.

Falcon asked Heatwell to the roof of a nearby high-rise when he was meeting with a hidden Hydra, and Heatwell was blocked by Steve Rogers and Natasha.

Heatwell, who was threatened to come here, was still a little worried, but he was relieved when he saw Steve Rogers and Natasha.

Steve Rogers aside, Natasha is from Su Yue, and she is also from Su Yue, which means that she and Natasha are her own. Since they are her own, what should I worry about?

Sitwell could guess that his identity of the Hydra must have been exposed, and they should have arrested him to gain insight into the plan. Up to now, the insight plan has nothing to hide, after all, it is my own.

Hitwell relaxed, straightened his suit with a smile, and was just about to confess his identity, but Steve Rogers pushed him to the edge of the roof without saying a word.

"Wait a minute... Captain, Natasha, I have something to say..." Heatwell never thought that the captain would do it without even saying an opening greeting, which made him startled.

However, what he didn't expect was that Natasha was more extreme than the captain.

Heatwell originally thought that the captain pushed him to the edge to scare him, but who knew that the captain hadn't asked, before the interrogation process started, and Natasha just kicked him out.


Pretend, let you do it.

What clothes are you doing, hurry up and confess your identity?

This is good. They didn't give him a chance to speak at all. If he died, it would be too unfair... Before Heatwell had finished complaining, he suddenly felt that someone had caught him, and then his body that had descended suddenly flew upward. He went out until he flew back to the roof, and the man who caught him suddenly let go.

Hitwell rolled on the ground a few times, and saw the people who retracted their wings and landed near the captain and Natasha.


Hitwell recognized it.

"This time it's just a warning, next time no one will save you. Tell me, what is the insight plan!" Natasha asked in a deep voice.

"Wait, wait, don't come again, we are our own people!" Heatwell learned to be smart this time, for fear that they would strike if they disagreed again.

"My own person? Hehe, don't you think we don't know you are Hydra yet?" Natasha sneered.

Hitwell got up: "I didn't say that my people were referring to S.H.I.E.L.D., I was talking about Dimension Street. I am a person from Dimension Street and a person from Lord Lord!"

Steve Rogers: "..."

Falcon: "..."

Natasha: "..."

Hitwell, Hydra agent, did you tell me you were from Dimension Street? Are you from Su Yue? Isn't this... a bit withdrawn!

"You...really his?" Natasha asked suspiciously.

Sitwell pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "I don't think anyone would dare to pretend to be the Lord's person, right? You are the Lord's person. I was going to confess my identity to you just now, but you didn't even give me a chance to speak."

Natasha was a little embarrassed. Heatwell shouldn't have the guts to lie about this matter, so he might really be from Su Yue.

"How did I know you would be his."

"It's not too late to know now." Although Hitwell was a little dissatisfied, he was not too entangled in this matter: "I only became a person in Dimension Street some time ago, Lord Lord and Alexander Pierce's transaction about the insight plan I did it too."

"Alexander Pierce, it turned out to be him!"

Steve Rogers and Natasha were surprised that although they had already sensed that something was wrong with Alexander Pierce in the Nick Fury affair, they heard Heatwell himself admit that Alexander Pierce was the mastermind behind it. The head snake still shocked them.

After all, Alexander Pierce was still the former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Nick Fury was promoted by him.

"You should know about aerospace carriers, right? The insight plan is to calculate people who may be a potential threat to Hydra based on Zola's algorithm, and then... use the aerospace carrier to kill them in an instant. This is the insight plan. Currently This plan is about to start, as for the list of the insight plan, I have already handed it over to Lord Lord."

Chapter 0531 Bucky and the Shot Hitwell

When I was smugly preparing for a big fight, I found that what I had done was useless, and I had achieved success without doing anything. I have to say... This is a bit depressing.

Of course, Natasha and the others are not hypocritical enough to think that success without effort and risk is meaningless and has no sense of accomplishment. After all, this is fighting against Hydra, after all, it is saving millions of people. , If it can be solved easily and smoothly, it is the best.

Hitwell sold his ex-boss Alexander Pierce cleanly at all, and the same behavior. If it was in the movie, Natasha and the others would definitely despise Heatwell, no matter if it was right or wrong. , easily betraying one's own people will be looked down upon. But now that Hitwell is from Suyue, this kind of betrayal makes it difficult for them to despise.

After all, Heatwell can be considered to have returned from evil.

"If you don't believe me, I can call the Lord." Seeing that Natasha and the others were silent, Hitwell took out his mobile phone and prepared to prove his identity.

Natasha already believed in Heatwell's identity, but she didn't stop him when she saw that he took out his mobile phone to contact Su Yue.

The number of Suyue was connected as soon as Sitwell broadcasted, which made Sitwell feel that he was valued, and hurriedly said: "Lord Lord, I am Sitwell, I am with Natasha now. Captain Steve Rogers, with the Falcons, had a little misunderstanding and they didn't believe who I was."

"Give it to me." Natasha waited for Heatwell to finish and reached out to answer the phone. It was Su Yue's voice on the phone.

Su Yue confirmed Heatwell's identity on the phone, and Natasha took advantage of the situation to ask whether Heatwell's identity could see the light, and whether Heatwell could bring them into S.H.I.E.L.D. to stop the Insight Project.

Sitwell's identity is buried deep. If he didn't admit it himself, few people would know that he was actually from Su Yue. It would be very convenient to enter S.H.I.E.L.D. with his leadership. Otherwise, with the three of them alone, even if they infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D., it would be difficult to deal with the agents in S.H.I.E.L.D.

They are now wanted people of SHIELD, and the SHIELD agents who were also kept in the dark by Hydra are also enemies.

"Yes, you can decide the specific arrangement yourself. I'll come back when you deal with the aerospace carrier. There are two other things you need to pay attention to."

"what's up?"

"The first thing is that you can ask Maria Hill for help, and the second thing is to be careful of the Winter Soldier, don't let Hitwell die."

"I know."

Natasha returned the phone to Heatwell, and Heatwell answered and hung up.

"The lord told me to help you. If you have any plans, I will cooperate." Hitwell said simply.

Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson looked at Natasha, Natasha said solemnly: "Contact Maria Hill first, she will help us, and then he tells us to be careful of the Winter Soldier."

"Bucky..." Steve Rogers' expression moved slightly.

During the Battle of New York, the guy who pretended to be himself said that Bucky was still alive, and then Steve Rogers tried to find clues about Bucky, but found nothing. Later, Bucky appeared in the short film of Dimension Street. It was confirmed that Bucky was indeed alive, much to Steve Rogers' excitement and delight.

Not long ago, Nick Fury was attacked and hid in his house but was assassinated. The assassin was officially the Winter Soldier of Hydra. At that time, Steve Rogers had already recognized his identity, but unfortunately There is no chance to keep him, this time... if Bucky shows up again, he must keep him.

"The Winter Soldier is very troublesome." Hitwell answered and glanced at Steve Rogers: "After capturing Bucky, he was brainwashed into the Winter Soldier, most of the time he was in hibernation, only Alexander Pierce will wake him up when he needs him to perform a mission, and after the mission, he will be brainwashed again and fall asleep."

"He's a killing machine that only knows how to perform tasks."

"Do you have a way to release him?" Steve Rogers asked hastily.

Heatwell shook his head: "I can't. His brain has been affected by many brainwashings. It's probably not that easy to get him back to normal, and it will take a lot of time."


Steve Rogers couldn't help but curse.

"Don't worry, he looks normal in the movie. Since he can fight side by side with you, it means that he must have returned to normal and got rid of Hydra's control. Besides, if it really doesn't work, you can ask him, I believe as long as you are willing to pay At a certain price, he must have a way to cure the Winter Soldier." Natasha persuaded and woke up.

Steve Rogers nodded silently, no matter what the cost, he decided to cure Bucky.


The sound of sniper shots suddenly sounded, and Heatwell's expression froze, and he looked down in disbelief.

Me, got shot?

Why did I get shot?

Winter Soldier!

It must be the Hydra that found itself being kidnapped by Steve Rogers and the others, worried that he would betray the information, so he asked the Winter Soldier to silence it. But why don't you ask? What if I didn't betray Hydra? Well, even if you believe that I have betrayed Hydra, it has been a long time, and the information that should be betrayed has already been betrayed. What's the use of assassinating me at this time?

Natasha is the Lord's person, you dare not kill it, okay.

Sam Wilson is just an irrelevant little character, you don't kill it, okay!

But what about Steve Rogers? He is the main target of the Hydra, and he is also the one that threatens the Hydra the most. You assassinate and snipe from a distance, shouldn't the first shot hit Steve Rogers? What are you hitting me for?

A good base friend is a good base friend, you don't even remember it, can't you bear to kill yourself?


At the moment Heatwell was shot and fell to the ground, the sound of the sniper rifle sounded again.

Steve Rogers responded quickly, he raised his shield directly to block the shot that was shot at him, and then the three of them quickly found a place to hide, looking for the gunman's direction while observing the situation of Heatwell.

Although this shot didn't directly hit Hitwell's vital point, it was seriously injured, and it might be difficult to save him when a sniper was staring at him.

The other party did it on purpose!

If the sniper was Bucky, it would be impossible not to kill Heather with his marksmanship. He deliberately used Heather as a temptation.

0532 Falcon stopped

To save, or not to save?

The other party definitely didn't know that Heatwell was actually from Su Yue, and would only think that he betrayed the information of Hydra under threat. Even if Heatwell is a Hydra, even if this is to eradicate traitors, in the judgment of Hydra, Steve Rogers and the others will definitely not sit back and watch, and they will not watch Heatwell just like this. Bleeding too much in front of you and dying, it is even more impossible to ignore it and retreat.

To ask why, because Steve Rogers is the captain of the United States!

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