This kind of small calculation is in line with the character of the Winter Soldier, otherwise, after lurking for a long time and directly gathering to assassinate, he failed to kill Hitwell with a single shot, which is not in line with his identity.

"I found him, it really is the Winter Soldier." Natasha hid in the corner of the wall and made a tactical move to point out the location where the Winter Soldiers gathered, on a high-rise rooftop diagonally opposite.

"There are enemies on the stairs." Sam Wilson happened to be hiding in the entrance and exit of the rooftop. Although he couldn't see it clearly, the footsteps under the stairs were very clear, and there should be a group of people rushing up.

The Winter Soldier was restrained from a distance, and Hydra's agents came up from the stairs to contain it. I have to say that this tactical arrangement was quite good.

Now, they seem to have only two options.

One is to find a way to save Hitwell, but at the same time, it needs to face the sniping of the Winter Soldier and the enemy who is about to encircle it. The other is to abandon Heatwell and rush down to deal with the incoming enemy.

"People must be saved, he explained." Natasha said solemnly.

Steve Rogers frowned and said: "That's only a risk, Sam, I'll rush out and throw Heatwell down in a while, I need you to fly out and catch Heatwell when I rush out to attract firepower, Send it to Dimension Street."

"OK, then what?" Sam Wilson asked.

"We will contact you when we break through."

"Okay, then be careful yourself."

"You too."

"You save Heatwell, and I'll deal with the enemy who came up." Natasha said, "After Sam takes Heatwell away, Steve, let's evacuate from the stairs."

Steve Rogers nodded to Natasha and Sam Wilson respectively, and then the three of them rushed out almost simultaneously.

Natasha rushed to Sam Wilson's side and slid directly into the stairs.

Sam Wilson spread his wings and took off, flying to the edge of the rooftop.

As for Steve Rogers, he held his shield in front of him and sprinted towards Heatherville.

boom! boom! boom!

The sound of the sniper rifle rang out one after another, the bullet hit the shield and was deflected, Steve Rogers stretched his body up and went to Heatwell's side, dragged him and threw him directly off the roof.


Another shot rang out, and Steve Rogers hurriedly shook his head. Turn around and quickly run to the stairs.


The bullet passed Steve Rogers and penetrated the wall at the landing. Steve Rogers merged with Natasha without any risk, quickly solved the enemy who rushed up, and went downstairs and disappeared into the crowd.

Meanwhile, Falcon dodged several Winter Soldier snipes, grabbed Heatwell just as he was about to fall to pieces, and ran away.

Breakout action, success!

But for them, the situation is not optimistic. This attack means that Hydra must have known that the information was leaked, and S.H.I.E.L.D. will definitely become more strict, and the original idea of ​​using Sitwell to sneak into S.H.I.E.L.D. has also failed.

Dimension Street.

Sam Wilson and the comatose Heatwell had just entered the sky over Dimension Street and were stopped before they landed.

The huge dark wings spread out, and a woman wearing a black robe with a pair of huge black horns on her head floated in front of him, the wings interacted slightly, she warned: "Without permission, no one is allowed to fly over Dimension Street, and Landing from the air. If you are passing by, it is best to detour immediately. If you want to go to Dimension Street, leave the airspace of Dimension Street and land, and enter and exit through the entrance."

"Who are you?" Sam Wilson asked subconsciously.

"Dimension Street Guard, Maleficent."

Sam Wilson looked at Maleficent's black wings and couldn't help feeling envious. "My name is Sam Wilson, he's Heatwell, and he's from your Dimension Street. He's been shot and needs medical attention."

Maleficent looked at Heatwell, who was being held by Sam Wilson. Indeed, the man was shot and unconscious. But Sam Wilson is not from Dimension Street, and she doesn't know the person who was shot. How can he prove his identity with just one word? Maleficent is going to let them leave here first, and enter Dimension Street in the normal way after landing.

Then, Su Yue's voice sounded in Maleficent's mind.


Maleficent responded without warning, and then said to Sam Wilson, "Give me the man, and you can go."


"I'll take him to see the lord, this is the order of the lord."


Although Sam Wilson didn't find out how the Lord Lord informed Maleficent, but since she said so, she could only make someone.

Sam Wilson handed Heatwell to Maleficent, then turned and flew out of the airspace of Dimension Street. After watching him leave, Maleficent took Heatwell and flew to the roof of the Dimension Street building.


He landed and put away his wings, Maleficent nodded to Su Yue, and slowly put down Sitwell, who was in a coma.

"Tsk tsk, it's really unfortunate enough. I didn't get taught by Natasha and the others, but I was almost killed by Hydra." Su Yue came to Sitwell, raised his hand condescendingly and released the Room space where the surgical fruit was taken out. bullet.

Afterwards, he took back his fruit ability, turned around, walked to the chair beside him, sat down, and said to Maleficent, "You've been here for a while, what do you think?"

Maleficent shook her head.

Su Yue said: "Let me change the question, do you want to do more? Soon there will be a mission that will require air power. If you want to go, take you with you, if you don't want to go, I will call someone else. "

"I am willing to work for you." Maleficent said.

"Go and get busy, I'll let you know when the time comes."


Maleficent responded, turned around and spread out her huge wings and flew away.

"Uh... I... I'm not dead yet? I'm still alive?" Not long after Maleficent left, Heatwell snorted, opened his eyes and woke up from a coma.

0533 The Insight Program Begins

"If you live enough, I can fulfill you." Su Yue glanced at Heatwell and said lightly.

"No no no! I don't want to die, I haven't lived enough." Heatwell hurriedly stood up and shook his head. Although some people will lose the meaning of life due to various reasons, he is definitely not included.

"Thank you, Lord, for saving me, thank you, thank you!" Although Hitwell didn't know what happened, it was definitely right to thank Lord Lord.

In fact, it is indeed true that I am thankful.

"The Insight Project is coming to an end soon. Where do you want to go? Hydra, or S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Su Yue asked Sitwell.


Hitwell thought about this issue. Although staying in Hydra would not be enough to hide, it would be difficult to live an open and honest life, especially when something like this happened again, and he was killed as a bad guy.

It’s still better for S.H.I.E.L.D., even if S.H.I.E.L.D. has no official background, many times this identity is still more effective than Hydra, and he has been an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. . The most important thing is that even if the remnants of Hydra came to the door, he didn't have to worry about his safety.

"Since you chose S.H.I.E.L.D., it's time to go back to help Maria Hill and Natasha." After Su Yue finished speaking, he waved his hand. Before Sitwell could answer, he had already returned to Nata. Sarah beside them.

Location: In a transport vehicle outside the Trident base of S.H.I.E.L.D.

People: Steve Rogers, Natasha, Sam Wilson, Maria Hill, and...Sharon Carter.

Everyone was almost fully armed. When Heatwell suddenly appeared in the car, in an instant, several guns were aimed at him.

"Don't shoot, my own!"

Hitwell learned to be smart this time. He didn't pretend to be indifferent, so he confessed his identity first.

Fortunately, Natasha and the others already knew the identity of Heatwell, not to mention Maria Hill, so they quickly took the gun back.

"Your injury is healed?" Steve Rogers asked, looking at the recovering Heatwell.

Hitwell nodded and said, "Of course, there might be a problem with Lord Lord's action. By the way, Lord Lord asked me to come and help you, especially Director Maria Hill. Just tell me if you have anything."

Maria Hill nodded: "Did he say anything else?"

Heatwell shook his head.

Maria Hill said: "Then act according to the plan, take down the control room first, and use the radio to inform everyone about the conspiracy of the Hydra, and don't ask them to help us deal with the Hydra in turn. After all, the authenticity is hard to tell. , just ask them not to stop us."

"Then, Captain Rogers, Natasha, Sam, you go with Sharon and Heatwell to take control of the aerospace carrier, don't let Hydra start the insight plan..."


The transporter suddenly shook violently, and then there was a rumbling sound outside.

"What's that sound?" Sam asked.

Maria Hill said with an ugly expression: "We are late. Alexander Pierce has already started the Insight program. This is the sound of the aerospace carrier taking off."

"Change the plan, Heatwell, Sharon, you follow me to take down the control room. Captain Rogers, Natasha, Falcon, you go take down the aerospace aircraft carrier, this is the chip of the aircraft carrier, just replace all of them. ."


The time was urgent, and everyone did not delay. The three of them each took a chip, and then jumped out of the transport vehicle to prepare to solve the aerospace aircraft carrier.

The transporter continued to move forward, and Maria Hill and the three of them had a difficult task. Even though she was the deputy director, Alexander Pierce was now in control of S.H.I.E.L.D., and her identity might not be able to play a role.

Fortunately, Su Yue had prepared well before, leaving a statement of Nick Fury's appointment 'before his death', and he is now the director.

With Nick Fury's reputation and his influence in the game, it shouldn't be a big problem.

There are two flowers, and the words are divided into two ends.

Leaving aside whether the three of Maria Hill successfully captured the control room after entering the Trident headquarters, and said that after the three of Steve Rogers got off the transporter, Sam spread his wings and took Steve Rogers first. The nearest aerospace carrier that is rapidly taking off, he can't carry two people, and... Steve Rogers alone is very heavy.

After throwing Steve Rogers down, Sam was about to come back to pick up Natasha, but suddenly saw a person beside Natasha, a person he had only met not long ago.


Although I don't know how she suddenly appeared here, but thinking of the previous Sitwell, the way Maleficent appeared is not so important. On the contrary, the significance of her appearance is more important.

Don't ask, as a member of the **** team of Dimension Street, unless it is ordered by the dimensional lord Su Yue, the guard's job is to maintain the safety of Dimension Street and will not leave Dimension Street easily. After all, the tasks outside Dimension Street are carried out by other departments. .

So now Maleficent is here for Natasha, and I have to say, this makes Sam a little envious.

see it?

This is the person from Dimension Street. Even if you are not in Dimension Street, as long as the task you perform is dangerous, Dimension Street will send someone to help or protect it.

Looking at the Avengers again, such a big thing is only three or two kittens, Iron Man did not appear, Hulk did not appear, Hawkeye did not appear, Thor did not appear, there were only Captain and Natasha. Not to mention the limited support, the risk factor is high.

Fortunately, fortunately, there is now a helper.

Natasha's voice sounded in the earphone, and Sam turned around in the air and flew to another aerospace carrier.

At the same time, Natasha also flew to the last aerospace carrier with the help of Maleficent.

The huge black wings spread out and soared, and the two landed. Natasha shot directly to deal with the enemy outside. Maleficent waved his wings, and the green magic energy blasted out directly.




The exposed weapon systems on the deck of the aerospace carrier were all smashed to pieces, and several Hydra agents were rolled out of the aerospace carrier.

Maleficent and Natasha joined forces. There was no general, only a group of miscellaneous HYDRA agents who could not stop them. They were defeated by the two in a short time. The two entered the interior and easily replaced the chip without any danger. .

At this time, Steve Rogers and Sam were still entangled with their opponents on their respective aerospace carriers.

Chapter 0534 Hitwell shot Sharon Carter and took down former boss Alexander Pierce!

Trident Building, Control Room.

Maria Hill was ready to take over here in the name of the deputy director, but was told that because there were moles in S.H.I.E.L.D., Alexander Pierce had temporarily taken over S.H.I.E.L.D. and temporarily abolished the authority of all senior agents, including Including Deputy Director Maria Hill.

Alexander Pierce is not a fool. It is now a critical period of insight into the plan. Even if he doesn't turn his face now, he will turn his face later. Therefore, anyone who may affect his plan must be targeted. Maria Hill, the deputy director's theory Speaking of which, she has become the highest-ranking person in S.H.I.E.L.D., if she doesn't temporarily abolish her authority, who knows what she will do?

After all, she is from S.H.I.E.L.D., and from Su Yue.

It's just that Alexander Pierce didn't expect things to develop so fast. One of the three aerospace aircraft carriers was solved just after they took off. At this time, even if he issued an order in his name, it would be suspicious. Incessantly, Alexander Pierce came directly.

Rumlow took the special team to directly control the weapon launch program of the aerospace carrier, and at the same time, the Hydra agents hidden in SHIELD began to attack their companions.

Would rather expose Hydra than destroy S.H.I.E.L.D., Alexander Pierce must also start the Insight Project.

He has no way out. Even if it is not exposed, after the insight plan, whether it succeeds or fails, he can no longer hide in SHIELD.

When Hydra's agents surfaced to take action, Maria Hill took advantage of the situation and forcibly took over the control room, and started broadcasting in her own name, exposing Hydra's wolf ambitions.

At the same time, she also sent Nick Fury's statement to all computers, and now Maria Hill is the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D.!

I have to say that the effect is still good, and many loyal SHIELD agents have already started to fight back.

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