Before Yondu could realize what was going on, he suddenly felt a shudder in his brain, and then his eyes widened in surprise.

The whistle arrow was originally controlled by the fins on his head. Once the fins were gone, he would be like a toothless tiger, unable to control the whistle arrow at all. But now he found that he seemed to be able to control the whistle arrow without a cephalic fin, as if... his brain had become a cephalic fin.

"This is your reward." Su Yue smiled and returned the arrow to Yongdu.

With a thought of Yongdu, the whistle arrow returned to his waist, his expression... even more solemn. The other party gave him the reward before asking the question, and he still used this magical method, which made Yondu even more vigilant.

Obviously, the other party didn't give him any room to refuse.

Because he can change the whistle, he can destroy the whistle!

"You ask." Yondu said cooperatively.

Su Yue smiled and said, "I want to know where Xing-Lord's father asked you to send Xing-Lord back then."

Yondu said the coordinates of a galaxy neatly and then couldn't help but ask, "I want to know your purpose, is that okay?"

"Of course you can." Su Yue said with a smile: "I have no conflict with you, nor with Star-Lord. In fact, we are on the same front. Star-Lord's father is called Yigo. He is a Celestial Race, and his body is That planet. Over the years, he has planted seeds on different planets, and when the children grow up, he will find someone to bring these children back."

"In fact, your guess back then was right. After these children were sent to Egg, if they failed to inherit Egg's celestial factor, there would only be one fate, and that would be death. Star-Lord is special, and he is the only one who inherited it. If you give Star-Lord to Egg, Star-Lord will have two fates."

"Either he was killed, the **** factor was absorbed by Egg, and Egg became stronger; or he was brainwashed, and Egg cultivated Star-Lord into a tool to conquer the universe for him."

"I asked you for the address, just to get rid of Egg in advance."

"You, how did you know this?" Yongdu believed Su Yue's words, but he was very curious about how Su Yue knew so clearly.

"I know the future!"

Su Yue said with a light smile: "The Star Lord is looking for the cosmic spirit ball. At this time, he should have obtained it. Soon, he will meet a few partners and form the Guardians of the Galaxy to help Xandar star to deal with the accuser Ronan. After that, He will meet Egg. You also know that Star-Lord left Earth when he was a child, and his curiosity and desire for his father was very strong. Unfortunately, his father was the murderer of his mother, and they were destined to fall out. You will save He, and then..."

"Then what happened?"


Su Yue shrugged: "Ego is a **** race, even if Star-Lord has the same ability, he can't be his opponent. But don't be too sad, because after your death, Star-Lord notified other predators that they Helped you with the traditional funeral of a predator."

"By the way, those men in your spaceship have defected. In the end, you only have one cronie, who seems to be called Claglin. After you died, he inherited your weapons and helped the Guardians of the Galaxy."

Yongdu was a little confused.

Although predicting the future is magical, there are many people in the universe with various magical abilities. Although predicting the future is more prominent and powerful than ordinary abilities, it is not unacceptable.

But the "future" that Su Yue said later made him confuse him. Will you die? Will his subordinates betray?

I really didn't think about these bravery, and now is not the time to think about them. So he quickly calmed down and asked a crucial question: "Why are you dealing with Egg?"

"The **** factor!"

"This is a pretty good energy. Not long ago, I took the **** factor from Star-Lord's body. As compensation, I decided to help him solve the trouble of Egg."

"Is that stinky boy all right?" Yongdu asked hurriedly.

Su Yue shook his head: "It's fine, the **** factor has always been hidden in his body. I will extract it and it won't cause any harm to Star-Lord."

"That's good." Yongdu breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Yue smiled: "Okay, I already know what I want to know, and I have told you what you want to know. You can go back."

After speaking, Yongdu shook his body, and then found that he had returned to his spaceship.

"Boss, are you all right?"

The surrounding subordinates hurriedly asked about it.

"I'm fine." Yondu shook his head, feeling that he needed time to calm down.

With Egg's position in hand, Su Yue directly instructed Minerva to move towards the target position.

Space jump, jump, jump...

The Temple had already arrived in front of a planet. The planet was neither large nor small. When it entered the planet, the first thing that caught the eye was a barren and vast red land.

More than 90 percent of this planet is barren, and only Egg's residence is green and full of life. Of course, the so-called vitality is false, because there are countless skeletons buried somewhere on this planet, those children who were once sent here... skeletons!

"Looks like we're lucky."

The temple trumpet sounded, Su Yue narrowed his eyes and laughed.

He felt the main body of Egg in the depths of the planet, and also felt that a clone and another breath were just below the Temple.

Needless to say, it must be Egg.

As for the other breath, it should be the mantis girl.

Chapter 0543 Egg

There was a few months between Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1 and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. The reason why Egg was able to find Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was because Star-Lord and his Guardians of the Galaxy were already famous at that time. Helped Xander Star to solve the accuser Ronan, and they stole things when they were hired by Sovereign Planet, and they were wanted and hunted down by Sovereign Planet, so Egg could find Star Lord.

The current Star-Lord is still an unknown and unknown character, in the vast interstellar space, if Egg wants to find him, it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack, it is impossible at all.

So it's normal that Egg didn't go out here. After all, he didn't know the news of Star-Lord, and going out was also looking for a needle in a haystack.


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and several figures appeared on the platform under the Temple, in front of Egg and Mantis.

On the surface, Egg was as indifferent as a mountain, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart, and at the same time looked at a few people who suddenly appeared.

There were four people in total, two men and two women.

The women are Twinkle and Tunmei. Twinkle is okay, Tunmei makes Yigo feel a sense of fear and depression; the men are Saitama and Su Yue. Although Saitama has a bright head, he has a very low-key temperament. It was only when he punched that he realized how strong he was. Su Yue...Igo can't understand it!

At first glance, Su Yue doesn't seem to be anything special, and he feels weak. But if you feel it carefully, Egg finds that his life level is very high.

Life level is like temperament, it can't be seen or touched, but people of the same level can feel it. Whether it is strong or not, a high level of life naturally means that the level of a species is high, and high-level life and low-level life are completely different.

Egg could feel that the opponent's life level was higher than his own, which made him even more vigilant.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Egg asked.

"You can call me a transcender, or you can call me a dimensional lord." Su Yue looked at Egg and smiled. "I'm here for a promise!"


"You are a problem to some people. I took something and naturally I have to help solve the problem." Su Yue paused and shrugged: "Forget it, it is indeed a bit shameless to say that, it seems that I still have no face. It's so thick. Forget it, I'll just say it straight, I like your **** factor, if you cooperate, you can avoid being beaten."

"Oh, it depends on whether you have the ability." At this moment, Egg also understands that the visitor is not a guest. Although he does not know how he knows his identity or how he knows the factors of the gods, it is not important.

Killing is over!


As soon as Egg's thoughts moved, the ground beneath Su Yue's feet burst open, and a blue vine-like energy body burst out of the ground and stabbed Su Yue.

The corner of Su Yue's mouth was slightly raised, his body retreated to avoid the attack, and at the same time he reached out and grabbed the blue vine directly in his hand.

Seeing this, Egg sneered. He was just about to let this guy who calls himself a transcendent or a dimensional lord know how reckless this move was, but his expression suddenly changed, and his body trembled slightly.

"How... how is it possible..."

Whether it's the body in the depths of the planet, the clone of Egg in front of you, or the blue vines in the ground, in the end, they're all Egg, and they're connected to each other.

At this moment, Egg felt that his energy was rapidly draining. This sudden change made him instantly weak, and his body reacted naturally.

Before he had time to think about it, Egg controlled the loss of energy and blasted at Su Yue while controlling the stones on the ground.

"Take him."

At the same time, Egg shouted to the mantis woman beside him.

Mantis has no offensive superpowers, nor particularly superb fighting skills. Her only ability is to perceive and manipulate emotions.

Usually, her role is to help Egg fall asleep in human form, so this is also her only attack method, which is to make people fall asleep.

Boom! boom! boom!

The gravel that flew towards Su Yue was smashed by a circle of Saitama's fists before it could get close, and then Saitama rushed in front of Yigo with a vigorous step, and his fist slammed out.


Egg's head and upper body were directly smashed to pieces, revealing a strange body structure.

However, Egg did not die.

His damaged body is recovering and rebuilding his body.

It's just... the speed of recovery is a bit slow.

If it was before, he could recover in just a few seconds, but now his energy is being quickly absorbed by Su Yue, and it is already somewhat out of supply, which makes his recovery speed plummet.

At the same time, the mantis girl has also rushed towards Su Yue.

Blink threw a crystal, and in an instant, two portals appeared. One is at the foot of the mantis in front of the woman, and the other is behind the twinkling.

Blink turned around and shook his fist.

Inside the portal, the mantis woman appeared in surprise.


This punch hit the ground, and the mantis girl, who was caught off guard, threw herself on the street and fainted with a scream.

"Can I eat it?" Tunmei couldn't help swallowing and looked at Su Yue eagerly.

Su Yue shook his head regretfully and said, "His energy is very pure and useful to me, so you can't eat it. Others...if you don't mind, you can do whatever you want."


Although what Tunmei really wants to eat is Egg's energy, the rest... don't matter. For Tunmei, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is her truth.

Tunmei flew away, ready to find a good place to start eating.

"I'm really better than my son. The quantity and quality of the deity factor are too poor. If Star Lord's deity factor can be worth three months, then Egg's deity factor can be worth a year. Right?" Su Yue absorbed in satisfaction and nodded.

He has a question, if it is in terms of level, Egg should not be able to compare to the Planet Devourer, and it seems that the energy absorbed by the Planet Devourer is not as much as that of Egg.

However, maybe it is because the energy is different in nature?

Although the cosmic energy of Planet Devourer is strong, after all, cosmic energy is relatively common, while Egg's celestial factor is relatively rare, so is it special?

Of course, it doesn't matter what it is, it's all yours after absorbing it!


Egg had just returned to his human form, and Saitama, who was waiting a bit bored, blew him up with another punch.

Uh, Egg is really miserable, if he has no other means, I am afraid he will have to be hammered to death by Saitama, and sucked to death by Su Yue!

Chapter 0544 I am stronger than you can imagine!

On the one hand, it was Su Yue's continuous and rapid absorption, and on the other hand, it was Saitama's powerful bombardment. The only subordinate Mantis Girl was knocked unconscious as soon as they met. I have to say that Egg's situation was very bad.

However, Egg is a Celestial Race after all, and although he doesn't have any outstanding abilities, he doesn't have the ability to struggle at all. He can't stop Su Yue's absorbing, and the only way out of the current predicament is to force Saitama back, restore his human form, and then attack others with all his strength to force Su Yue to stop absorbing.


Several azure blue energy beams appeared beside Saitama. Saitama's face was expressionless and seemed a little sluggish, but his movements were extremely fast.

The energy beam shivered under Saitama's fist wind and collapsed instantly.

At the same time, the flicker not far away was also attacked by the energy beam. Her response doesn't seem to be as easy as Saitama's, but she can handle it if she is vigilant, and there is no danger for now.

"You still want to bloom more at this time? You really don't know how to write dead words." Su Yue pouted and suddenly released the absorbed energy beam.

"Saitama, I'll leave it to you."

Su Yue called out to Qiyu, and then disappeared with a swoosh.

Without Su Yue's absorption, Egg's human form instantly recovered, but he didn't feel any peace of mind, instead he was even more worried.

Where did Su Yue go?

Obviously, Su Yue didn't give up learning because of his own counterattack. This planet has no other goals than himself, so... the only possibility is that Su Yue went to the depths of the planet to find his core body.

This is not possible!

Once Su Yue finds his own body, the speed of absorbing it will be faster. If he wants to kill himself, he can't resist it at all.

Now, he has two options.

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