Either go back to the main body to stop Su Yue, then try to take Su Yue's people as hostages as much as possible.

After a little hesitation, Egg still decided to stop Su Yue.

Su Yue is the only one who can draw his own energy. What if he captures Su Yue's people as hostages? What if the other party doesn't care about the life and death of the hostages at all? As a cold-blooded and indifferent god, Egg felt that if it was himself, he would not give up because of his subordinates.


Egg disappeared in an instant, his human body dissipated with a bang, and then condensed out again in the depths of the ground.

The depths of this planet are like an intricate tunnel. People with a bad sense of direction will get lost 100% of the time. Here, it is like a maze with no exit and no end.

Egg's body is spread all over the planet.

Whether it is a tunnel or a maze, almost every place has the nerves of Egg's body. These nerves ensure the cohesion of the planet. Once the nerves are destroyed on a large scale, the planet will collapse and cease to exist.

The reason why Star Lord and the others were able to defeat Egg in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was also because they used a high-energy explosion to blow up Egg's energy nerves, and finally the entire planet began to be destroyed like the end of the world.

Deep in the planet, Egg reappeared and quickly sensed Su Yue's position, and then he manipulated his energy nerves to attack Su Yue.

The sky is falling apart, and the sound is terrifying.

I have to say that Egg does have two strikes. With the home field advantage, teams like the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Marauders can basically eliminate one if they come in. Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage is that he cannot move. This is a living target. As long as he can find an opportunity, he can inflict heavy damage. In addition, his upper limit of strength is not high, and his attack methods are not too many. When he encounters a powerful person, his attack method can't work, he will have numb claws!

For example, now!

Flying sand and rocks, the terrain changes, and there are several energy beams from time to time. Egg's attack is not fancy, but it can also be called airtight.

However, Su Yue's strength is too strong.

Flying sand and walking rocks?

An attack of this level could not penetrate his protective field at all.

Terrain change?

You can change as you wish, anyway, no matter how you change, as long as you get close to Su Yue, you will be crushed and shattered by the protective force field.

Su Yue is like a bulldozer, rampaging without any scruples.

As for the energy beam?

Hehe, it is also impossible to penetrate the protective force field, not only is it impossible to penetrate, on the contrary, it will be quickly absorbed...

Su Yue just came to the largest energy nerve without any danger, and at the same time, Egg also appeared.

"If you leave now, I can forgive your previous offense." Egg looked at Su Yue and said in a deep voice.

Su Yue chuckled lightly, and his body began to draw crazily like a black hole that generated huge suction.

Egg's face became extremely ugly, but he still tried to persuade Su Yue to give up. After all, after a short fight, he found that he seemed to be unable to help the other party.

"Don't waste your energy, you should know very well that even if you say flowers, I can't give up. If it was someone else, and the gods would let you do whatever you want, would you give up? No way! So, now you have Two options."

"Either it is desperate to use all means to stop me, but I think even if you do this, it will be in vain, I am stronger than you can imagine; or you will arrange the funeral in the last time of your life, if not If it's troublesome, I can promise you."


"Why do you know that I have a divine element, and why did you find me here?"

"Didn't you say that your strength is beyond my imagination? My **** factor is just icing on the cake for you, why do you have to do this? If it is because my ability has a special effect, I can rely on you and do what you tell me anything!"

While Egg was angry and puzzled, he was also fighting for a chance.


Last words?

He didn't.

put all one's eggs in one basket?


His previous attempts made him very clear that Su Yue said that he was stronger than he imagined, and this sentence...is true!

This feeling of being helpless, watching him approach death, is really bad!

At this moment, Egg suddenly understood what it was like when the descendants who were sent here were killed by him!

Chapter 0545 Egg's death, no accident

"Your ability has no special effect on me. I don't need you to rely on me, and I don't need you to do anything. I only need your ability, or your energy, to enhance myself."

Looking at the despairing and indignant Yigo, Su Yue's words were very indifferent. He believed that the descendants of Yigo must have the same doubts, the same despair, the same grief and anger before they died.

It is a bit nonsense to say that Su Yue's sense of justice broke out and the Virgin's heart broke out, but those things that Egg did were enough to make him drain his energy without any psychological burden, and directly... **** him to death.

Although this planet was born because of Egg, but in the process of being born, there is not only Egg, but also the cosmic energy that exists in itself, but not so much.

However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

Although I didn't see it, Tunmei must have enjoyed it very much before. Since it was about to explode, Tunmei couldn't eat it, and it was fine if she absorbed it.

Shameful waste!

Su Yue activated the deceleration force field again, and then began to absorb himself into a black hole.

Under normal circumstances, the planet would completely disappear from the universe in a few minutes, but under the deceleration force field, the time was stretched many times.

Half an hour later, Su Yue teleported back to the Temple. At this time, Blinking and the planet explosion they had waited for a long time appeared with a bang.

Chapter 0546 Conquering the Mantis Woman and Xandar Star

After returning the power gem and soul gem, and absorbing the **** factors of the **** race, the purpose of this interstellar journey has basically been completed... ah.

It's been almost a year since I came out before and after. If it's just for the above two purposes, isn't this trip in vain?

If nothing else, alien technology hasn't gotten much yet.

For the alien technology, Su Yue has two goals: one is the fighter of Xandar star. Although it is small in size, it seems to be slightly lacking in firepower, but it is full of functionality, and the defense cover composed of multiple fighters is quite good;

The other is the remote-controlled fighter of the Sovereign race. In Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Star-Lord and others were found to have stolen their high-energy batteries. The Sovereigns dispatched a large number of fighter jets to capture them. Whether it is a remote control fighter like playing a game, or a fighter capable of star combat, it is all eye-catching.

If these two fighter jets and remote control methods can be used, then the fighters of Xandar can be used inside the earth, and the fighters of Sovereign can be used outside the earth.

Although this kind of defense may not be effective against really powerful opponents, such as Thanos, Planet Devourer, etc., a general invasion can definitely be stopped easily. When Maximus on the moon takes Attilan, he will just use the moon as the first line of defense, and at the same time ensure that Attilan will not be affected by the earth.

"Lord Lord." Flicker whispered, and turned slightly sideways to look at the mantis girl who was beside her with her head bowed and a little trembling.

The mantis girl has woken up and already knows what happened.

Su Yue looked at the mantis girl, and the mantis girl froze for a moment, like a prey stared by a beast, motionless. Speaking of which, the overall appearance of the mantis girl is similar to that of a human being, except that she has two tentacles on her head. In general, her appearance is not bad. Although her abilities are not outstanding, and her courage is very small, the critical moment after joining the Guardians of the Galaxy is also very important. Never fell off the chain.

Even if the enemy is Thanos, or Thanos with infinite gloves, Mantis Woman also used her abilities to play a role. If it wasn't for Star-Lord's emotional out of control, maybe there would be no Avengers 4.

"Do you want to die?" Su Yue asked the mantis girl softly.

The mantis girl hurriedly shook her head with a frightened expression. Although Su Yue's voice was very soft and her tone was not so scary, at first glance it seemed that she was just asking casually, not a threat. But to the timid mantis woman, this bland tone was even more frightening.

For Mantis Girl, this group of guys who appeared suddenly killed Egg and destroyed the planet she had been living on, saying they were good people? Who believes?

"Then you can follow me." Su Yue said lightly, and immediately ignored the mantis girl.

He didn't explain or caress. Anyway, Mantis Woman can perceive emotions, which can be regarded as psychic ability to some extent. After a long time, she will naturally be able to perceive good or bad from flickering them.

"Go to Xandar."

Su Yue gave an order, and the Sanctuary set off for the next destination.

Xandar Star!

Xandar is the base camp of the Nova Corps. The Nova Corps is the police in the universe. Its nature is a bit like the Green Lantern Corps next door. In the comics, the Nova Corps is still relatively powerful. .

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