However, in the movie, the Nova Corps of Xandar Star is a bit tricky. Except for the fighters, the individual strength and the characteristics of the Nova Corps are not shown at all. Generally speaking, they are like ordinary warriors, with no characteristics at all.

When Thanos collected the Infinity Stones, because the Guardians of the Galaxy handed over the Power Stone to Nova Corps for safekeeping, Thanos destroyed Nova Corps and Xandar.

First Ronan, then Thanos, the Nova Corps were powerless to fight back. However, it is undeniable that in addition to such top powerhouses or those with Infinity Stones, Nova Corps is still very dominant.

It is the best proof that Xandar Star can become a commercial center planet open to the outside world. After all, there are many arrogant and rebellious people in the universe, and they cannot be made to obey the rules of Xandar Star honestly.

"This is Xandar Star? It's so prosperous, it feels like it's no different from Earth."

After arriving at Xandar Star, Su Yue did not follow the rules of Xandar Star and parked the Temple at their designated location, but reduced the size of the Temple before entering Xandar Star and carried it with him, and then directly took everyone to the destination. Xandar star.

"It's really prosperous, and it's full of technology." Su Yue nodded and smiled: "It's a bit like Dimension Street, the difference is that Dimension Street is filled with characters from various dimensions, and here are all kinds of races in the universe."

"Lord, where are we going?" Minerva asked.

As the only experienced person in the interstellar space, coming to a communication center like Xandar, naturally it is time to express.

Minerva herself was also very excited. Although she was the driver the whole time and her mood was very calm, but when she came to a place like Xandar, where there were many different races, Minerva could not help but feel a long-lost sense of familiarity.

"Are you rich?" Su Yue asked.

The earth's currency cannot be used here, and nothing can be done without a universal currency.

Minerva thought for a while and said, "I have it, but I'm not sure if it's still there. I had a general account here when I was in Kerry. If it wasn't cancelled, it should still be there."

"Then go take a look first."

If Minerva's money is still there, it will be more convenient, if not, it is no big deal. It is not easy to get some money to spend?

Under the leadership of Minerva, Su Yue and his party came to a place that should be similar to a bank, but this bank has more functions, including some pawn-like businesses.

"That's great, my account hasn't been cancelled." Mineva said excitedly, then reopened an account here and transferred all the money to the new account.

Su Yue didn't ask the specific number, and anyway, he didn't know the monetary value here.

Now that you have money, the rest will naturally be easier. Don't worry about the problem of living, bring the universal capsule, so after coming out of the bank, Su Yue asked Minerva to find a shop related to alien technology. The main purpose is to let Bulma understand and learn more. Alien technology.

Chapter 0547 buy buy buy, eat eat eat

Hi Bulma!

If the interstellar travel at the beginning only gave Bulma a preliminary understanding of the universe, and just satisfied her curiosity and adventurous spirit, then Xandar is the paradise in her mind.

All kinds of alien technologies she had never seen before made her linger, and she completely released herself.

"This is not bad, this is not bad, I want that too, my God... These are all technologies that are not available on earth. Lord Lord, can you buy them all? I promise, as long as you give me some time, I will definitely be able to master these. technology."

Bulma shouted and pointed at the dazzling array of alien technology, and pulled Su Yue's arm with one hand and acted like a spoiled child.

"You're looking for the wrong person. It's Minerva who paid the money. It's useless for you to act like a spoiled brat with me." Su Yue pointed at Minerva with his chin with a smile, and made suggestions for Bulma.

Bulma was very kind, and in a very realistic moment, she let go of Su Yue and went directly to Minerva's side, and likewise grabbed Minerva's arm and started acting like a spoiled child.

Speaking of which, Minerva has changed his temper for so many years on Earth, otherwise the snipers of the Crete team, hehe...not so fond of children.

Except for her skin color, Mineva's thinking pattern is no different from that of Earth people. No matter whether it is hostile or murderous, she is long gone. Only when someone makes trouble in Dimension Street and deals with the enemies of Dimension Street, she will be different.

Bulma's coquetry level is very low, but she can't hold back her sweet mouth. Besides, Bulma is indeed a genius despite her young age.

Taking a step back, this is the first interstellar travel in Dimension Street, right? Su Yue has brought Bulma on such an important matter, which shows that Bulma's status and role are no trivial matter, and after learning these technologies, they will eventually be fed back to Dimension Street, and Minerva will naturally not refuse.

Anyway, she has enough money!

The wealth that Bulma has saved over the years is enough for Bulma to spend a wave. Anyway, the money is useless for Minerva, and the next time is not necessarily when it will come. It doesn't matter if it is spent.

With Mineva's approval, Bulma let herself go and bought it. There are two main types of things to buy. One is all kinds of scientific and technological knowledge of various planetary races. Some of these ready-made knowledge are expensive, some are cheap, some are useful, and some are useless, but Bulma buys them all. .

The other is technology products. In this regard, Bulma has chosen more carefully, and asked very carefully.

Those Bulma that are useless in function or can simply understand the principle are not needed, and some products that are useless to the earth are also not needed. Mainly choose some products that are both useful and high in technology.

After all, the price of the product is more expensive.

Although knowledge is priceless, the knowledge that can be bought here is basically not the same name in the universe, that has been cracked, or some that have little effect, and the really useful ones cannot be sold here.

Of course, the so-called useless refers to the technological level of the universe. For Earth, this knowledge is still quite advanced and valuable.

A few hours later, Bulma walked out of the store arrogantly satisfied.

"Well, are there any other shops here?" Bulma turned to look at Minerva.

Minerva: "Yes, yes..."

Bulma's eyes suddenly lit up: "Is there enough money?"


"Then we..."

Bulma was interrupted by Su Yue before he finished speaking. He rubbed Bulma's head with his hands and said angrily: "Although the main purpose of coming here is to let you learn alien technology, this is a The main purpose, not the only purpose. I've been here with you for hours, find a place to eat, taste some alien food, and then continue to stroll."


Bulma was a little disappointed, but soon she was attracted by alien food.

Eating is a must for every species. Even higher life forms do not need to eat to maintain energy supply, but also need to 'eat' other energy.

As for eating, Bulma, Saitama, Twinkle are just curious, curious about what aliens eat, but for the snack foodie Tunmei, that is the happiest thing.


Sister Tun became the focus.

Don't look at Tunmei who looks like a loli, but her belly is like a bottomless pit. At first, she can remain elegant, but as her appetite increases, Tunmei soon attracts the attention of everyone in the restaurant, and at the end of the restaurant The stock in here is almost depleted.

Su Yue felt that Tunmei might have been assigned the wrong number. She is the daughter of the Planet Devourer, she is a Saiyan!

No, none of the Saiyans can eat you!

Let's just say, at the end of the checkout, Minerva found that the meal cost more than Bulma's previous purchase.

Just like that, Tunmei said with a look of regret that she wasn't full.

To make her full, it is estimated that Minerva's bankruptcy is not enough.

After coming out of the restaurant, Bulma's small eyes blinked at Minerva.

Alright, I understand!

Buy, buy, buy, eat, eat, buy, buy...

Less than a day after arriving on Xandar, Minerva found that his years of savings had been squandered. When she told Su Yue about the situation, Su Yue was not too worried.

"Tunmei doesn't eat like this every day, Bulma, I bought so much today for her to study for a while. After she studies, those things are useless. After returning to Earth, they can be used for waste and some not so good. Important things are sold and the proceeds will be given to you, I think it will be a lot of money, and then you can do whatever you want."

"I don't seem to have anything to do," Minerva said.

Su Yue smiled: "You can buy a house, don't you want to really own your own home? Or... can you find your twin sister?"

"Twin sisters?" Miguel was stunned. "I don't have twin sisters, and even if there are, they should be on Kerry."

"That's not necessarily. After returning to Earth, maybe you will find a surprise." Su Yue said mysteriously.

Mineva was sure that she didn't have any twin sisters, but she also knew that Su Yue would not aim at nothing, so is there really someone on earth who has something to do with her?

0548 Ronan Invasion

Although there is no conclusive evidence, Su Yue did not aim at nothing. Circe in the Eternals is almost exactly the same as Minerva. The only difference is that Minerva is a Cree with blue skin, while Circe is a It's the skin tone of an ordinary human being.

The water is shallow and there are so many kings, there are big brothers everywhere.

Earth, a backward planet in the universe, hides all kinds of great gods. Maybe the ordinary person you think is actually a great god.

For example, Circe, in the comics, used to live in New York as an entertainer, sometimes assisting the Avengers against their enemies.

She can manipulate the cosmic energy, and convert the cosmic energy into longevity, super-strength combat ability, release high-temperature beams through her eyes, and even reshape the molecular structure of humans or objects.

With the ability to teleport, she can teleport herself, others or objects to wherever she wants, and she can also create illusions.

Although Circe's ability is not particularly outstanding, it is very comprehensive and omnipotent, which is also more in line with the characteristics of the Eternals. For example, Thanos, he has no outstanding ability at all, but it is very comprehensive and comprehensive to a certain extent. That is invincibility.

For the time being, let's not talk about whether Minerva will find Circe after returning to Earth, and whether he can find Circe. The most important thing at the moment is to eat, drink, and have fun, while waiting for Ronan to invade Xandar.

According to the development of the plot, it won't be long before several members of the Guardians of the Galaxy, such as Star-Lord, will gather on Xandar, then be arrested, put in prison, and finally go to the void to go around the collector's side and be caught by Luo Nan steals the Power Gem.

Ronan, who got the Power Stone, did not give it to Thanos, but used it himself, preparing to destroy Xandar, and the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Marauders would come to help resist Ronan.

This is the time Su Yue has to wait for.

To put it simply, what Su Yue likes must be obtained, but the method of obtaining it will vary slightly from person to person. He wanted Xandar Star's fighter plane, but Xandar Star did not offend him, and secondly, it was not a bad pus, and the hard grab would inevitably ruin the reputation.

So, the best and easiest way is to trade. When Ronan invaded, on the condition of helping to solve Ronan, Xandar Xing willingly handed over his fighter technology.

Therefore, for the next period of time, Suyue and his party stayed on Xandar Star like this.

In addition to the big shopping on the first day, Bulma hardly went out for the rest of the time, and stayed in the room of all-purpose glue to study these technologies. For Bulma's safety, Twinkle, Saitama, and Tunmei take turns staying at home.

Su Yue walked around with Minerva and Mantis Girl. On the one hand, he recorded the situation on Xandar, and on the other hand, he collected some interesting things to bring back to Earth. Not to mention, some drinks, food, etc., have to be brought back for others to try, right?

Go shopping, buy and buy.

Su Yue did not walk on two legs, but pulled out the bumblebee. Although Xandar has air control, there is no traffic control on the ground. Although they did attract Nova Corps people when they drove the Hornet at the beginning, when they discovered that the Hornet was not a means of transportation, but a special kind of mechanical creature, it was no problem.

By the way, although they were surprised by this special species, the bumblebee, they were only surprised. After all, there are too many strange species in the universe, so they simply don’t care after registration.

Well, Su Yue and others have already registered.

To be honest, Su Yue felt that it would be a pity if a commercial center like Xandar Star was destroyed. Without Xandar Star, there is one less channel to purchase whether it is science and technology or miscellaneous things.

"Hey, is it finally here?"

On this day, Su Yue and Minerva and Blink just came out of a shop with a large bag of things, and was about to put the things into the bumblebee parked at the door, when he heard a commotion from not far away.

Su Yue glanced in the direction of the voice and smiled.

In the square not far away, there was a three-way melee.

Star-Lord and the green Gamora are fighting for the Power Stone, and Rocket Raccoon and Tree Groot are also involved.

This scene is exactly the scene where they meet for the first time in the movie, after which they will be arrested by the Nova Corps and put in prison. Then, in prison, they will meet Drax the Destroyer, and after escaping, they will officially form the Guardians of the Galaxy Universe.

Su Yue watched the excitement for a while, until they were taken away by the Nova Corps just like in the movie, and then greeted Minerva and Blink to get in the car and leave.

After that, another period of time passed.

Somewhere on the edge of the city, in front of the Universal Capsule Villa, Su Yue, who was drinking wine made from unknown materials, suddenly looked up at the sky.

"finally come."

"Who's here?" Minerva beside him asked.

"The accuser, Ronan." Su Yue looked at the sky above his head, and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "In addition to Ronan, there is also a fleet of predators. The power gem is now in Ronan's hands, and he is here to destroy Xandar. of."

"Ronan..." Minerva pondered for a moment and said, "What are we going to do?"

The past few days have been wandering aimlessly, and now Su Yue is paying attention to the appearance of Ronan and others. Obviously, Su Yue has been waiting for Ronan to appear.

Su Yue thought for a while and said, "Star-Lord should have contacted Nova Corps at this time. In this way, you should contact Nova Corps and inform them in the name of me and Earth that we are willing to help Xandar to fight against Ronan together."

"What about the conditions?" Minerva asked.

Su Yue shook his head: "If you want to take it, you must give it first. Putting conditions at this time will definitely make them think that we are taking advantage of the situation, and the situation has not yet reached the time when they must agree to the conditions, so it is meaningless to make conditions at this time. As long as We will help them deal with Ronan when the time comes, they can't hide from the benefits they deserve."


Minerva nodded, she wasn't worried that Xandar would reject it at that time, after all... the price of rejecting the dimensional lord is more terrifying than Ronan's invasion.

Minerva started to contact the Nova Corps on his side, and on the other side, Ronan's battleship and the small fighter planes of the Marauders appeared in the sky above.

0549 Join the air battle


In a certain fighter plane of the looters, all the looters started to attack Ronan's battleship under the order of Yondu.


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