It is not surprising that Ronan knew Minerva. After all, Ronan was a general in Kerry, and Minerva was a member of the special team. There are not many people in the special team. Although Minerva is not the captain, he is not much lower than Ronan in level. Besides, they have cooperated with each other many times to complete tasks before, so they naturally know each other.

Regarding Minerva, Ronan always thought that she had died on the earth many years ago, but she didn't expect that she was still alive.

Seeing Minerva's expression unchanged and the others standing behind Su Yue, Ronan knew that Su Yue should be the leader of this group of people, or in other words, he should be the owner of this battleship.

"Who are you?" Ronan asked in a deep voice.

"Su Yue, Earthlings, you can call me Transcendence, or you can call me Dimension Lord." Su Yue looked at Ronan and chuckled, "You know what? Almost, this is the second time we meet. "

"Earthman..." Ronan was startled at first, and then he reacted. "At that time, were you there too?"

Su Yue shrugged: "If it wasn't for Carol Danvers moving too fast, maybe we could meet. You should know who Carol Danvers is? It was when you led the fleet to attack the earth, The one who scare you away."

"No one can scare me away!" Ronan subconsciously retorted.

To him, it was one of the few dark history. When he saw Carol Danvers who pierced the battleship with his body, he was indeed cowardly.

"Where did your battleship come from?" Ronan asked.

"Of course I robbed it." Su Yue smiled.

"Where did you get it from?" Ronan asked again.

Su Yue shook his head: "Are you going to chat with me here? I don't care, but they should be in a hurry."

With a casual finger, Ronan saw the surrounding enemy and... several people from the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Because the landing of the battleship went smoothly this time, the tree Groot did not sacrifice himself to protect others, and did not turn into branches or saplings, and they did not seem to be seriously injured.


Star-Lord waved and said hello. Under Ronan's blank and Su Yue's playful gaze, he seemed to have no idea what to say.


He opened his mouth.

"Oh, child, all of this will pass. Oh, child, all of this will pass." Star-Lord sang softly, dancing his hands and feet as he sang.


Ronan was stunned.

Star-Lord's act of singing and dancing after saying hello made Ronan's face bewildered, and he didn't know what was going on.

Not only Ronan, but everyone in the vicinity looked dumbfounded, and looked at Star-Lord who sang louder and danced more and more like a fool.

Ronan looked dull: "What are you doing?"

"Biwu, brother, just the two of us." Star-Lord said solemnly, twisting his hips.

"Gamora." Star-Lord jumped a few times and pointed his finger at Gamora.

Gamora shook her head in disgust.

"Euphemistically refuse, withdraw the invitation." Star-Lord withdrew his hand without embarrassment at all.

"What the **** are you doing!" Ronan was enraged.

"Divided your heart, big idiot!" Star-Lord said with a smile.

Ronan felt something in his heart and turned his head suddenly.

Not far away, Drax the Destroyer was carrying an energy gun, and Rocket Raccoon suddenly docked the two wires.


The energy gun shot out in an instant and directly hit Ronan's hammer. Ronan's hammer was instantly smashed, and the power gem in it also flew out.

At the same time, Star-Lord jumped to steal the Power Stone.

Awkward dance is not awkward dance, embarrassing or embarrassing, not to mention, Star-Lord is indeed a good player in attracting attention, and several members of the Guardians of the Galaxy have indeed had a tacit understanding before. It can be said that their plan to distract Ronan's attention is a success !

Since the appearance of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Su Yue has not found any hints or exchanges between them. When Star-Lord came out to dance awkwardly, Rocket Raccoon and Drax were already quietly preparing.

It can be said that they may not know Star-Lord's purpose, but they cooperate very well.

In the movie, after the awkward dance, Star-Lord got the power gem, but the power of the power gem was so strong that in the end, several members of the Guardians of the Galaxy were connected to each other to withstand the power of the power gem and did not turn to ashes.

But the root of it is not belief, but because the **** factor in Star-Lord's body helps to resist most of the gem power.

Of course, the Star-Lord at the time didn't know it, and neither does the current Star-Lord.

So if Star-Lord gets the power gem, there will only be one fate.

That is the ashes.

The Power Gem is the most destructive among the Infinity Gems. Even with the powerful qualities of the Thanos Eternals, holding the Power Gem with empty hands would have to endure great pain.

In mid-air, the power gem radiated light, and Ronan and Star-Lord reached out to grab it at the same time.

At a close distance, one hand grabbed the power gem.

"Do not……"

Knowing the power of the Power Stone, Gamora and the others saw that Star-Lord was going to grab it with their hands, and hurriedly shouted.


The huge power spread suddenly, and in an instant, Star-Lord, Ronan, and the nearby people flew backwards and fell to the ground.


Deathly silence!

Whether it was Ronan, Star-Lord, Gamora and others, everyone subconsciously looked up and wanted to know who got the power gem.

It was neither Ronan nor Xing-Lord who got the gem, but... Su Yue!

Well, the fact that Su Yue will grab the power gem may not shock them so much. The reason why they are deadly silent is that the originally restless power gem is as cute as a baby in Su Yue's hands.

The power of touch and death was as if it didn't exist at all, and Su Yue was not hurt or affected in the slightest.

No, I can't say no, I can only say that Su Yue is too strong.

The power gem is not because you have me before, so I won't do anything to you. When Su Yue first got the power gem, it also exploded with power. Otherwise, how did Star-Lord and Ronan fly out?

It's just... that momentary outbreak didn't affect Su Yue.

Su Yue is fine not because his wishes come true, nor because of his energy, nor because of his physical fitness, but because of... his life level!

To put it simply, as his strength improves and his life level evolves, he himself has the ability to fight against power gems!

Chapter 0552 Nova fighter blueprints are in hand!

"Gulu..." The sound of swallowing broke the silence, and the melon-eating crowd who subconsciously made a noise because of surprise saw everyone looking at them, and hurriedly covered their mouths.

I have to say that this wave of mirror grabs was very successful and natural.

"Hey, buddy, this thing is very dangerous, I think you'd better leave it to me for safekeeping." After being surprised, Star-Lord reacted immediately, got up and walked over to Su Yue with a very natural expression and tone.


Ronan's response was not slow, he came up and kicked Star-Lord to the ground, and then charged towards Su Yue.

Not to be outdone, Star-Lord grabbed Ronan, and the two became entangled. At the same time, Nebula took the opportunity to charge towards Su Yue, and then... was entangled by Gamora and the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Su Yue held the power gem and watched Ronan and the Guardians of the Galaxy entangle each other and couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded. Who gave them the confidence to think that if they got rid of the other party, they could steal the power gem from their own hands?

"Let them be quiet." Su Yue said lightly.

Immediately afterwards, Flicker and Saitama attacked.

Blink threw the crystal to the side of the two fighting groups, and Saitama punched towards the portal.




After a few beeps, both Ronan and the Guardians of the Galaxy fell silently to the ground.

"It's finally quiet." Su Yue said lightly, and glanced at Yongdu who came from a distance.

Yondu must have come for the power gem, but when he saw the power gem in Su Yue's hands, Yondu didn't open his mouth.

It's useless to speak. Su Yue has no ability to **** things back when they are in Su Yue's hands.

Suddenly, the originally crowded crowd separated.

The Queen of Nova Corps led a group of people over, first ordered Ronan and his group to be arrested, and then watched Yondu let the Guardians of the Galaxy take away, she didn't say anything. Although the Guardians of the Galaxy had just escaped from prison not long ago, this time the Guardians of the Galaxy took the initiative to remind her to help fight against Ronan, and the Queen naturally turned a blind eye.

What really makes the queen care about is the dimensional lord of the earth.

Originally, the queen thought that the help this dimensional lord could provide should be limited. After all, the earth is a very backward planet, and the dimensional lord has never heard of it. But when the Templar appeared, the queen was shocked. Is a warship of this size really something that a backward planet like Earth can have? Not to mention how strong the dimensional lord is, with a battleship of this level alone, his strength is definitely not weak.

Then, the previous air battles were not too amazing. Of course, there was no room for performance in the previous situation.

But, now it's different!

Although the power of the power gem was only a glimpse, it was enough to let the queen know how dangerous it was. As a result... this dimensional lord actually held the power gem with his hands.

His people were even more powerful, and they took care of Ronan and the Guardians of the Galaxy!

This made it hard for the Queen to not care.

"Hello, you should be the dimensional lord of the earth, right? I am the supreme leader of the Xandar Nova Corps."

"it's me."

Su Yue nodded, smiled and packed the power gem and handed it to the queen.

The queen was stunned.

"You are this?"

"I'm not interested in it. If you Nova Corps are willing, I can leave it to you for safekeeping. But I have to say something before. Many people covet it, and you may be in danger because of it." Su Yue reminded.

The Queen really didn't expect that Su Yue would loot the crowd, and even hand over the gem of power that could destroy Xandar to her for safekeeping.

After being stunned for a moment, the queen said thank you, and then took it over. In any case, it is better to keep such a dangerous thing in your own hands. Who knows if someone will use it to deal with Xandar? As for the there less danger facing Nova Corps?

"Thank you very much for your help, thank you for saving Xandar, and if you need anything, feel free to ask it." The queen is still very good, and people lend a helping hand and hand over such an important thing as the power gem to her for safekeeping. If you don't say it yourself, it's too much to say.

"If possible, I would like your Nova Corps fighter planes to make drawings. Earth's technological level is very backward, and we need a certain amount of strength to protect the Earth." Su Yue said.

"This... OK!" The Queen hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Although Nova Corps' fighter planes are excellent, they are not yet outstanding. Besides, Su Yue's request is reasonable.


Su Yue also thanked him.

After that, things were much simpler. Xandar was a false alarm. After the queen kept the power gems, she started the aftermath work. Damaged, it can be said that busy feet do not touch the ground.

Of course, she was busy, but she did not forget Su Yue's group. On the one hand, they asked Nova Corps to provide the best treatment, and on the other hand, they also took out the blueprints of the fighter planes.

In the next few days, Su Yue and others almost didn't go anywhere. Anyway, Nova Corps will provide these things to eat and drink every day. I have also browsed all the things that should be visited and watched. It's better to stay in the battleship and feel comfortable. .

Under normal circumstances, it is actually possible to leave Xandar, but Bulma is studying the blueprint of the Nova fighter. In order to avoid Bulma encountering difficulties and unable to communicate after leaving, Su Yue decided to wait for Bulma to understand the blueprint before leaving.

Of course, taking advantage of this time, let Minerva copy the star map from Nova Corps to figure out the location of Sovereign planet.

The Nova fighter has already arrived, and the next target is naturally the remote-controlled fighter on the planet Sovereign.

In addition, Su Yue also asked Minerva to find Saka Star by the way. That is, Thor 3, Hulk, Thor, the planet where Loki appeared. Although Su Yue has no interest in the arena, he still has some ideas about Valkyrie, the Valkyrie.

As the future king of Asgard, Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, has good fighting skills on the ground. She can also engage in aerial combat if she returns to a group of Pegasus. The most important thing is that she also has some experience in driving spaceships in space and space combat. .

If you can turn back to Dimension Street, it's not bad, you can't and there's no loss.

0553 Sovereign star sucked dry

Calculate the time. After returning to the earth, it is almost time for the Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and Ultron to appear, and then a series of plots basically take place on the earth, so Su Yue is preparing this time. Interstellar-related things Once they are done, they will stay on Earth safely after they go back.

Bulma, a talented girl, truly lives up to her reputation as a genius. It's no wonder that after marrying Vegeta in Dragon Ball, she can still show that kind of pungent temperament. People have that confidence and confidence.

In less than half a month, Bulma has thoroughly understood the production drawings of the Nova fighter, and also actively participated in the repair and production of the Nova fighter. At the beginning, the Nova Corps people were a little worried, but when Bulma perfectly repaired a Nova fighter and made the fighter more powerful, the Nova Corps people were completely relieved.

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