Not only was he relieved, he even started to slack off and let Bulma stay for as long as possible. Unfortunately, Bulma didn't want to help them work part-time. After working on it for a while, he made sure that there were raw materials on the earth, and he let it go after he made sure that he could make it.

Su Yue informed the Queen that she was going to leave. Finally, after the Queen's gratitude and a lot of supplies, the Temple left Xandar.

To be honest, this wave is a bit of a pit for Xandar, and when Thanos collects the Infinity Stones, he will definitely come to Xandar. Although the specific situation is not detailed in the movie, there is no doubt that Thanos got the power gem. , Xandar Star, it's over.

But from another point of view, this is what will happen in the first place. If Su Yue chooses not to change the plot, it is understandable that what should happen will continue to happen. Moreover, Su Yue did not force it. the resulting danger.

Speaking of which, many times people are like this. They don't take things seriously until they happen.

The representative of this is the collector of the void. This guy still doesn't take it seriously after knowing the prestige of Thanos. He also tried to deceive the tyrant. In the end, the gem was snatched away, and his life was lost in the hands of the tyrant.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Su Yue. What Su Yue has to do now is to continue the plot, develop Dimension Street, improve his strength, wait until Thanos collects the Infinity Stones to come to Earth to solve him, and then absorb the energy of the Infinity Stones.

Yes, Su Yue doesn't like the Infinity Stones, because the upper limit of the Infinity Stones is only the movie universe, and the upper limit of himself as a transcender is the entire Marvel Universe. The effect of the six Infinity Stones added together is equivalent to himself. Your heart desires come true.

The return of the gems is not for some time-space order or parallel world, but for Thanos to be a tool man step by step. After collecting gems, he casually creates an opportunity for himself to expand the dimension street.

I'm a little embarrassed to do it directly myself, Su Yue is also a person who wants to be embarrassed now.

However, as his life level increased, or his character level increased, Su Yue found that he seemed to be able to absorb the energy of the Infinity Stone.

He doesn't like the power of the Infinity Stones, but he likes the power of the Infinity Stones!

Return the gems first, let Thanos collect them, create opportunities, and then deal with Thanos and take back the gems.


I just don't know if this counts as fishing?

However, what Su Yue didn't expect was that before the fish of Thanos was caught, he would catch Planet Sovereign first.

It can't be said to be fishing, it can only be said that it has something to do with Su Yue.

When the Temple made several interstellar jumps to Sovereign, what he saw was a deserted and desolate planet.

There is no life force on the planet, it is like a mummified corpse, it seems to have a shape, but if it is blown hard by the wind, it may turn into ashes.

"This feeling...a bit familiar..." Su Yue subconsciously looked at Sister Tun.

Sister Tun nodded. "The food is so clean, it father did it?"

Planet Devourer!

After Su Yue brought Planet Devourer to this world, he didn't care about it anymore. It was completely in a state of stocking. With Planet Devourer's instinct, it was normal to devour planets. Just a little bit of movement, isn't the plan to complement the five gods a long way off?

Judging from the results, Planet Devourer did a good job. The Sovereign planet is also considered to be a powerful planet in the universe, and the Sovereign race is even more famous for evolving itself and professing itself to be the most perfect gene. It's just... Su Yue was a little curious about how the Planet Devourer was staring at Sovereign Star.

Su Yue's thoughts moved, beyond the impulse of energy, and then the corners of his mouth rose.

Omniscient and omnipotent is a bit exaggerated. He has not recovered to that level, but it is still very simple to understand the cause of things with transcendence.

Speaking of which, it doesn't seem to be the Planet Devourer's fault.

The Sovereign race is a race that likes to study the evolution of genetic species. Generally, such races are very exploratory and never satisfied. Although they have already claimed to be a race with perfect genes, they will definitely continue to study tirelessly. .

Then...the movie shows that they seem to be studying Adam.

Warlock Adam, or Magician Adam, or... Court Adam!

Adam is an artificial man born from an artificial cocoon. His muscles and bones are far denser than ordinary people. His special physiological structure gives him a series of superpowers. The special cells within Morman Adam allow him to convert cosmic energy into a variety of superpowers that increase strength, endurance, and recovery. Can convert cosmic energy to counteract gravity, giving him the ability to fly. In an environment similar to Earth's atmosphere, he can fly at a maximum speed of 770 miles per hour.

It can also use cosmic energy to find and enter the natural space meridian, so as to carry out interstellar travel. Magic Adam can also convert cosmic energy into shockwave form and release it with his hands.

It is possible to form a cocoon around his body within a second of his mind (what the cocoon is made of is unknown), but he only does so when he is mortally threatened. Usually, after the magician Adam emerges from the cocoon, his abilities in all aspects will be improved.

As for Court Adam, I believe everyone is well aware of the capabilities of the Life Court.

Chapter 0554 The Sovereign That Will Not Die If You Don't Make It

Closer to home, because the Sovereigns were tirelessly researching genes, when they heard about Planet Devourer, they immediately became interested in Planet Devourer's special phagocytic ability.

It can devour all things in the universe, and can enhance its own ability. The more it devours, the stronger its own ability. This special genetic characteristic gives the Sovereign people the idea of ​​​​research.

Then, the Sovereigns hired a lot of cosmic robbers doing dark work to capture the Planet Eater. The result, of course, was unsuccessful. Although the Planet Devourer had no resistance in front of Su Yue, he was a god-level figure after all. How could these ant-like cosmic robbers be able to catch him?

One round, two rounds... After the Planet Devourer had dealt with several rounds of cosmic robbers in a row, he finally got angry.

Originally, Planet Devourer planned to keep a low profile for the time being, so as not to do anything that would make Su Yue dissatisfied, but they deceived people too much, uncle can't bear it, aunt can't bear it!

After the Planet Devourer found out who was behind the scenes, he went directly to Sovereign.

Ayesha, the high priestess of Sovereign, is the golden woman who hired the Guardians of the Galaxy in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. The snare not only ignored the warnings of the Planet Devourer, but instead attacked to try to take it down.

Then, the Planet Devourer was completely furious, and devoured the life force, that is, energy, of Sovereign Star.

Whether it is this planet or the Sovereigns, they are all withered, and only a few Sovereigns feel that it is not good to take the opportunity to escape, but in general, the Sovereign star or the Sovereign race is also good , is over.

To sum up, Su Yue thinks that the Sovereigns are just one sentence: Do your own sin, you can't live!

Not to mention the movie universe, even if it is the Planet Devourer who has become a unit of combat power in the comics, few people dare to study his genes.

Really, if you don't die, you won't die.

Su Yue told everyone what happened here. People who don't know much about Planet Devourer have no other idea except to marvel at his power.

First of all, the Planet Devourer is Tunmei's father, there is no doubt that he is his own; secondly, it was the Sovereigns who took the initiative to find trouble, so it is normal that the skills are inferior to people being eliminated.

Su Yue's thoughts moved, and the colorful light on his body lit up, and then he saw the same light lit up on Sovereign Planet, which seemed to turn into a halo, wrapping the planet.

"Go down and have a look." Su Yue ordered.

Although the planet has been abandoned and its vitality has been exhausted, science and technology have no life and will not die because of this. If the desired remote control technology is still there, it will save a lot of trouble.

With the transcendent energy stabilizing the planet, the Templar entered the Sovereign star and landed slowly.

After coming out of the Temple, Su Yue's expression couldn't help but be happy.

The building of Sovereign has not been damaged, which means that Sovereign's technology should still be there. After all, the Planet Devourer only devoured life and energy, and did not take too direct means of attack, so Sovereign The civilization heritage of the stars should still be there.

Facts also proved that Su Yue's guess was right. When he brought everyone into the palace of Sovereign Star, he found that the entire palace was not damaged. Immediately, Su Yue began to ask Bulma, Minerva and others to find it. and collect anything useful.

Anyway, there are no other life forms on this planet besides them, and there is no need to worry about any danger.

As for Su Yue, after confirming that the remote control technology he wants most is still there, he has no interest in other things. Even if he is interested, he doesn't know what it is of use. It's better to leave these things to Bulma and the others.

"Adam's cocoon is gone. Was it also destroyed by the Planet Devourer, or was it not here in the first place?"

If I remember correctly, it seems that there is a cocoon similar to Adam in the collection cabinet of the collector of the void. Judging from the collector's behavior, once it is in his hands, it is impossible for him to hand it over. The Sovereigns should not have the ability to exchange Adam's cocoon from the collector's hands.

Then there are two possibilities: one is that the cocoon of the Sovereign and the cocoon of the collector are not the same; the other is that the collector lost many collections after experiencing the power gem, and the Sovereign got the cocoon, thinking that It is a new direction of genetic evolution, so the planet Sovereign was brought back.

The former is unlikely, Adam's cocoon is still relatively unique, so the Sovereign in the movie is likely to have stolen it by chance after Star-Lord and others destroyed the collector's collection room with power gems. Adam's cocoon, and thought to be a new direction for genetic evolution...

In other words, Adam's cocoon was not developed by the Sovereigns!

If this is the case, the logic makes sense, why didn't Adam's cocoon be found here, because they found the Planet Devourer, so there was no chance to go to the Void Collector to get Adam's cocoon.

Regarding Adam's Cocoon, Su Yue is not too interested, or he is not very interested in the characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe now. He has two ideas now, developing Dimension Street and improving his own strength.

With his psychic ability activated, Su Yue sensed the location of the Planet Devourer, then explained to the others, and teleported it directly.


Su Yue dodged and appeared in front of the Planet Devourer who was flying slowly.

Planet Devourer stopped suddenly and looked at Su Yue with a complicated expression.

"Hey, you don't seem very happy to see me." Su Yue raised his hand and greeted Planet Devourer with a smile.

Are Planet Eaters happy?

Do not.

It should be said that his mood is very complicated.

First of all, he found that there is a lot of 'food' in this universe, and it's delicious, which is really something to be happy about. but? He is now under the control of others, even if he devours the energy, he has to distribute it to Su Yue, which makes him not so happy.

"You have enough energy, then... I'll come!" Although Planet Devourer didn't respond, Su Yue didn't need him to respond either.

In an instant, he turned into a black hole and began to quickly absorb the energy from Planet Devourer. Planet Devourer's expression instantly became painful, unwilling, and angry...

Chapter 0555 Protection fee?

There is one thing and two, the water runs long, Su Yue did not completely drain the energy of the Planet Devourer.

First of all, the strength of the hungry Planet Devourer has dropped too much. This is not the world of his original Fantastic Four. This world can cause trouble for the Planet Devourer, and even defeat the Planet Devourer who is not full.

Secondly, the planet devourers with insufficient strength do not have the performance of the five gods. Although the plan to complete the five gods is just the product of Su Yue's YY, it has no practical effect at all, but if the planet devourers can't do it, Su Yue still will be depressing.

In the end, every time I take away the energy that Planet Devourer has painstakingly devoured, I might endure it once or twice, but if there are too many times, Planet Devourer will definitely not be indifferent.

After all, if you want a horse to run, you have to feed the horse. If you get nothing after hard work, you will naturally have no motivation to work hard.

So Su Yue only took half, and kept half for Planet Devourer.

I have to say that this made the Planet Devourer feel a lot better, and his acceptance was much higher.

"You did a good job with Sovereign. If I didn't happen to go to Sovereign, I still don't know what you did. In the future, you don't have to worry so much. As long as it has nothing to do with the earth, you can take out your planet. Devourer's style!"

With a smile, Su Yue briefly explained to the Planet Devourer about his coming out this time, mainly about swallowing sisters.

Planet Devourer is in a much better mood now. On the one hand, Su Yue didn't do that much, and on the other hand, his daughter is not worried about eating and drinking with Su Yue, so he can rest assured.

Before he left, Su Yue explained to the Planet Devourer by the way, that in the future, when he devoured living planets, he could pay attention to their technological civilization, and he could keep them.

After that, Su Yue teleported back to Sovereign Star.

Sovereign Star's technology and civilization inheritance are well preserved, so Su Yue and others have been here for almost a month, and Sovereign Star has almost been emptied during this month. All the useful knowledge and existing technology above, in addition to the remote control fighter, there is the famous battery of Sovereign!

This kind of battery technology is slightly modified, it can play a great role in energy, and at the same time, its explosive power is also very amazing.

The Temple left the Sovereign star, and Su Yue's transcendental energy protection also disappeared. Soon, the Sovereign star disintegrated and became a piece of cold meteorite.

As for the explosion?

There is no explosion, all the energy has been absorbed.

Next stop: Saka Star.

During the journey, Su Yue returned to Earth.

On the one hand, it is to send the things collected during this period back to the earth, and on the other hand, it is to replenish the supplies. After all, although the alien things are good, the food from the earth is more in line with their tastes.

Of course, Su Yue didn't forget to leave the progress of the plot by the way, lest he spend too long outside, and the plot was over when he came back.

Fortunately, after Su Yue learned about it, he found that the plot had not officially started yet.

During this time, the captain and others destroyed a lot of Hydra strongholds with the support of S.H.I.E.L.D. led by Maria Hill, but they have not yet found Baron Strucker, which means that the witch and Quicksilver are still temporarily. Did not appear.

For this reason, Su Yue also took time out to take a look at the witch and Quicksilver. They had already acquired abilities under the transformation of the Mind Gem, but their state was not particularly stable, and their mental state was also affected.

But, it's not too much trouble.

After the plot begins, you can easily solve these small problems.

By the way, Su Yue also went to see Carolina Dean. After all, it took so long to get in touch with him by text message as before, so he should do it when he took time to meet.

After a day or two of delay on Earth, Su Yue returned to the Sanctuary, and at this time... The Sanctuary was not far from the Saka star.

"A small spaceship was found following us."

As soon as Su Yue put away the supplies, Minerva approached Su Yue and reported a situation.

"Enemies?" Su Yue asked casually.

Minerva shook his head: "It shouldn't be, there are no other spaceships hidden nearby, just this small spaceship can't pose a threat to us at all. I think the other party should want to hitch a ride."

"how to say?"

Minerva said: "The universe is not so safe. It is not uncommon for people to kill people and steal their goods. It is very common. The other party should see that our battleship is strong, so follow behind, so as not to be targeted by others."

"Understood!" Su Yue nodded. "Contact the other party and protect their safety, but it's not okay if you want to rub it for free, let them pay."

"This kind of spaceship shouldn't be able to come up with anything too good or at a price." Minerva said.

Su Yue smiled: "It doesn't matter how much, what matters is what you have to give! Besides, the value in the universe may not be high, but taking it back to Earth... Haha, that might not be the case."

"I understand."

After Minerva finished speaking, she turned around and returned to the console to contact the other party.

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