After the communication was sent, it was quickly connected, and then the appearance of the other party appeared on the screen.

Minerva was slightly stunned. This person's appearance was not very strange, but very normal. Normality gave Minerva an illusion that he was still on Earth.

"This is the Temple, and I am Minerva."

"I'm the No. 142 of the Saka Star Scavengers Legion."

The other party responded.

Minerva was about to ask the other party to pay the protection fee, but he felt that Su Yue came over.

"Lord Lord." Minerva turned to Su Yue and said, "The other party claims to be the scavenger army of Saka Star, number 142."


Su Yue glanced at the other person's appearance on the screen and smiled.

"Give you ten minutes. If you don't show up on my warship in ten minutes, I will destroy your spaceship." Su Yue said.

Miguel was stunned, and so was Scavenger 142.

Then, Su Yue cut off the communication directly.

Of course, Minerva had no objection to Su Yue's decision, she was just curious why she suddenly changed her mind? I also said before that the other party should pay the protection fee.

"She is the person I was looking for when I went to Saka Star." Seeing Minerva's doubts, Su Yue finished with a smile.

Chapter 0556 Valkyrie

The main purpose of Su Yue going to Saka Star was to find Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, and the person in the opposite spaceship who claimed to be the scavenger No. 142 was the Valkyrie.

Although it is said that there are no coincidences, Su Yue really did not expect such a coincidence, and even met the righteous master before entering Saka Star. It’s also good, so that I don’t have to go to Saka Star to find it. Since I met it here, it doesn’t matter if Saka Star goes or not.

Su Yue sighed that she was lucky on the side, but Valkyrie, the Valkyrie on the other side, didn't think so.

Originally, she planned to follow behind the Temple to avoid unnecessary trouble as much as possible, but she never thought that she would be discovered by the other party. Uh, well, it's normal to be found out, but this situation is also normal in the universe, help escort, the big deal is to give some benefits.

She has done this kind of thing a lot before, but... this time, the boat capsized in the gutter, and she encountered an unreasonable person.

Go to the opponent's battleship within ten minutes, or open fire?

Obviously, the other party is not a good person.

To go, or not to go?

There is no doubt that it will be very dangerous to go there. Valkyrie does not know the identity of the other party, nor does he know how many people there are, let alone the strength of the other party. If he goes there rashly, it is easy to fall into a situation called Tian Tian Ying, or Earth Impulsive. situation.

Although she has certain confidence in her skills, she has not yet reached the point of being arrogant.

If you don't go, the other party will probably open fire on him, and he... I'm afraid he doesn't have the ability to escape.

There is no doubt that there is a chance of death or a certain death. It is obvious how to choose. The two evils are the lesser. After a little hesitation, Valkyrie drove the spaceship up and entered the Temple.

"Come with me."

As soon as Valkyrie came in, he saw Flicker waiting here, Flicker glanced at Valkyrie, nodded slightly to her, turned his head and led the way.

Valkyrie followed the flicker silently, and while looking at the flicker, he also looked at the internal environment of the Temple.

Not long after, Valkyrie followed the flicker to a magnificent, luxurious and comfortable hall. Above the hall, sat a man who surprised Valkyrie.

The reason for the accident is simple.

First, this man looks very similar to the Asgardians, and doesn't look like the messy races in the universe.

Second, this man is very young, or he doesn't seem to have the feeling of the overlord of the universe, at least it doesn't give the impression that he is the owner of this kind of battleship.

But Valkyrie won't let down his guard because of this. Appearances can be deceiving.

"I am a member of the Saka Star Scavengers Corps, are you the owner of this battleship?" Valkyrie asked.

"Saka star scavenger, I don't think this title is as loud as the Valkyrie of Asgard." Su Yue chuckled lightly.

Valkyrie's expression froze: "The Valkyrie no longer exists, I'm just a scavenger now."

"I know that the Valkyrie no longer exists, or that you are the only Valkyrie left. Many years ago, the Valkyrie was ordered to fight against Hela, the goddess of death, but was completely wiped out by Hela."

The name Hela made Valkyrie's expression very ugly. This long-lost name gave her a deep sense of hatred and powerlessness.

Yes, the Valkyrie was wiped out by Hela, and she was the only Valkyrie.

"Who are you?" Valkyrie asked.

"My name is Su Yue, you can call me Dimension Lord, I am from Earth."

"Earth?" Valkyrie's eyes widened in surprise. Of course she knew where the earth was, but... When did the humans on earth become so powerful? How can you have such a powerful warship?

"What do you want?" After being surprised, Valkyrie wanted to know the other party's purpose.

Su Yue shrugged: "I came to Saka Star on a special trip to find you, and the purpose of finding you is very simple. Come and hang out with me in the future."

"Why?" Valkyrie asked back.

The attitude is not arrogant.

Her meaning is very simple, you are not from Asgard, and apart from this battleship, you have not shown other powerful strengths, and you have not given any promises. Why should you let me give up my current life to follow you?

"Because my strength is strong enough, my territory on earth is the strongest; even if it is Odin, it is not my opponent; it is more premise to follow me than to scavenge and drink in Saka star; I can help you teach Hela a lesson."

Su Yue paused slightly and said, "It's more because you don't have the strength to refuse right now."


Valkyrie was speechless by a series of bombings from Su Yue. He is the strongest on earth, which is nothing, after all, to have such a battleship, his strength is definitely not weak, and in terms of the level of earth people, it is definitely difficult to have an opponent.

What shocked her was that Odin was not his opponent? If he didn't brag, it means that he must have played against each other, so this conclusion can be drawn.

As for the future of development? This Valkyrie really doesn't care. After she left Asgard, she didn't have any ambitions. She was just messing around.

Otherwise, how could her dignified Valkyrie become an alcoholic?

As for being able to teach Hela a lesson, this surprised Valkyrie.

If there is a chance, of course she wants to avenge those Valkyries who died.

Of course, the last sentence is also the key, she doesn't have the strength to say no right now.

So, Valkyrie was silent.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Su Yue said, "Do you have anything else to take away from Saka Star? If not, we can go directly to Earth, and when we get to Earth, you will have something to take with you. If you understand, you will know how lucky you are.”


Valkyrie just felt unlucky at this moment.

She thought about it for a while, and wanted to say that she had something left in Saka Star and needed to get it. As long as she went to Saka Star, she could notify the Grandmaster to deal with this guy who claimed to be the dimensional lord.

But Valkyrie quickly rejected this idea. With Su Yue's current posture, the grandmaster may not offend the other party for her, and...the other party's strength may not be that simple.

After thinking about it, Valkyrie was silent, she decided to go back to Earth with Su Yue first, after all... She couldn't refuse if she wanted to!

As for whether she really thinks that she has no possibility of rejection, or because of some reasons she is unwilling to admit, that is unknown.

Chapter 0557 The birth of Ultron, the heart-piercing avengers!

Encountering Valkyrie in advance, there is no need to go to Saka Star. The Temple changed its course and started to return at the fastest speed.

Target, Earth.

Although Su Yue can directly teleport back to Earth and teleport the Temple back, as for interstellar travel, it is natural to have a beginning and an end.

No matter how you started, you will naturally have to return. Only then can you be considered complete.

Although it was the fastest way to return home, it took a step-by-step method, so it took almost another month to return to the Milky Way and back to Earth.

The Temple entered the 'invisible' state and did not attract the attention of the satellite. It didn't cause an uproar and a sensation until it entered the earth and came to the sky above Dimension Street.

As soon as a behemoth like the Temple appeared, it was like a dark cloud covering it, and the people in Dimension Street were immediately frightened, thinking that aliens had invaded the earth again.

After all, Su Yue had been away on the Sanctuary for a while, and even those who remembered it would not have reacted for a while. However, when the guards on Dimension Street notified that Su Yue had returned, these people who were woken up were relieved, followed by all kinds of excited shouts, or pats.

It didn't take long for relevant reports to appear on the Internet and TV. After all, there was no big news in Dimension Street during this time, and this kind of battleship itself was very attractive.

There was no space for the Temple to land in Dimension Street, so Su Yue just sent other people and collected materials and other messy things to the ground, and then reduced the Temple.

Although the Temple number is gone, a lot of things that are obviously not products of the earth naturally attract everyone's attention. People are very interested and do not approach. After all, it is very difficult to steal things from Dimension Street. Besides, it was still in full view, under the watch of the **** team.

But that doesn't prevent them from guessing what these are and where they came from.

The guards took away everything immediately, and soon, rumors and photos about these things made headlines again.

Su Yue asked Mineva and the others to go back to rest, while Claire and Valkyrie settled down. On the way back, Valkyrie performed well, at least very cooperative, and did not play any tricks. He had a preliminary understanding of the earth and Dimension Street.

Back on the top floor of the Dimension Street building, Su Yue really felt a long absence. Taking the coffee from Daenerys, Su Yue asked Pepper Potts what happened during this time.

Overall, everything went well.

The development of Dimension Street is smooth, the opening of the new high-speed rail project and the opening of other new lines are also very smooth. As for the development of Dimension Street? You don't need to ask Pepper Potts, Su Yue can see from the daily increase of dimension points on the system panel that it is completely thriving and prosperous.

The side of Dimension Street is thriving, and the outside of Dimension Street is not so optimistic.

Maybe something changed in the middle, or maybe I delayed a little longer.

The last time Su Yue came back, Baron Straker's laboratory had not been attacked, and the witch and Quicksilver had not officially debuted. But now, the Avengers have attacked Baron Straker's base, recaptured the Mind Stone, and made Ultron.

How did Su Yue know?

Natasha told him.

After Su Yue took the sanctuary and returned to Dimension Street, Natasha went directly to Dimension Street after receiving the news. After Pepper Potts reported to Su Yue about Dimension Street, she reported the matter of Ultron. Tell Su Yue.

Obviously, what happened to Ultron was a bit sudden and a little tricky.

Natasha and the others didn't even know that Tony Stark and Bruce Banner had actually researched the Ultron plan, and they didn't even know that the Mind Gem was actually 'alive', had a special consciousness, and then created a unique A controlled robot, Ultron.

Tony Stark will have the Ultron plan to protect the earth, or, in a better way, to prove to others and Su Yue that he is the one who can protect the earth.

What to say, Tony Stark's arrogance is definitely not a character that is resigned to others. As an ordinary person without any superpowers, all he can rely on is his own brain, and at the same time, he is proud of this.

With the body of a mortal, standing shoulder to shoulder with gods?

Probably that's what it means.

Unexpectedly, the car overturned.

The original intention of making Ultron was to protect the earth, but Ultron thought it was him, or their avengers, that would harm the earth.

So, to eliminate them is to protect the earth. Well, there is nothing wrong with this logic!

If this is the case, although it is ridiculous, it is not unacceptable. After all, there is nothing wrong with the logic. What really depressed them was that the threats they thought, or Suyue and Dimension Street, which they thought might cause danger to the earth, were not among the targets of Ultron's elimination.

This made it difficult for them to accept.

It's not that they think Su Yue is a bad person, and that Su Yue wants to destroy the earth, nor is it aimed at Su Yue, but from a normal point of view, whether it is Su Yue or the people in Dimension Street, the destructive power they can cause is far more than Avengers?

Why are the Avengers identified by Ultron as a danger that needs to be eliminated, but Suyue and Dimension Street are not? If Ultron is not a robot, if it is not that Ultron does not really have human thinking logic, they may all think that this is bullying!

I'm worried!

"Stop laughing, I want to know the reason, why does Ultron think you are not a threat?" Seeing Su Yue who couldn't help laughing after hearing this, Natasha couldn't help it.

Su Yue shrugged: "I didn't expect that the person who understands me the most is actually a robot. Do you know? Since I came here, whether it's the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, S.H.I.E.L.D., or a mess of people, they They all think that I am a threat and that I might do something that affects the safety of the earth, but in fact, I will never endanger the earth!"

"Why?" Natasha asked in confusion.


Because Su Yue wants to become stronger and restore the strength of past transcenders, he must let Dimension Street take root on the earth. The earth is the soil where he thrives. How could he do things that endanger the earth?

To hurt the earth is not the same as hurting himself!

Chapter 0558 Inflated Quicksilver?

Su Yue really didn't expect that the one who understood him would be Ultron, but after thinking about it, he understood.

Humans are complex, and their thoughts are subjective. Human judgment is more inclined to their own subjective thoughts rather than absolute objective reason.

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