This is not the case with Ultron. The composition of Ultron is very complex. It may learn a lot of human thinking, but it is not human after all. His judgment will be more objective and rational. With the ability of Ultron, it is natural to draw an objective conclusion from the data of itself or from the development of Dimension Street, and can also judge the route that can become stronger by developing Dimension Street.

Therefore, he will come to the judgment that he is not a threat to the earth.

"You can ask Ultron for the reason, or think for yourself." Su Yue said with a light smile. "Since Ultron hasn't come to provoke me yet, and he understands me so well, I won't interfere in this matter for the time being."

"Okay." Natasha didn't even want to ask Su Yue to help, at least it wasn't the purpose of her visit this time. "Then do you have anything to remind us?"

"Reminder...Ultron needs vibration gold." Su Yue said.

"Okay, I see." Natasha nodded, got up and said, "You just came back, take a good rest."

"You want to leave?" Su Yue asked unexpectedly. "Is it so realistic?"

"Reality? What do you think?" Natasha said dumbly: "I just planned to come to see you and tell you about Ultron, I didn't plan to stay."

"I thought it was because I refused to help, so you were leaving." Su Yue said with a smile.

Natasha rolled her eyes, turned around and left.

Reality must be a joke. Su Yue understands it, and Natasha also understands it.


A gust of breeze suddenly appeared in the room, Su Yue shook his shoulders, and the next moment, there was another person under his feet.

"Cough..." Kuaiyin grabbed the ankle he stepped on, and coughed in pain.

"Inflated?" Su Yue squinted and looked at Kuaiyin below: "Think that you are qualified to be on an equal footing with me when you have acquired the ability? have forgotten your identity?"

"I, I'm not..." Kuaiyin said with difficulty.

"No?" Su Yue snorted coldly: "It's true that you are from Dimension Street, but who told you that if you are from Dimension Street, you can come to see me directly without notice? Don't you understand the rules at all? What do you mean by using your abilities when you come to see me?"


Kuaiyin was speechless, he was indeed a little swollen, because his speed was so fast that others could not notice it at all. In addition to the influence of the experiment on his spirit, he really meant to show his ability this time. .

Of course, that's just the way it is. It doesn't say that you want to repay your kindness and revenge, or that you want to take 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi.

After all, Su Yue did not treat them badly, and even because of Su Yue, he and the witch had their current abilities.

How should I put it, it's like the psychology of a nouveau riche. I used to be poorer than you, and you helped me. Now that I'm rich, I definitely want to show off.

Unfortunately, he found the wrong person.

Even if he is rich now, his level of wealth is still far from that of Su Yue. It can be said that the gap between his wealth and Su Yue is still as big as that of Su Yue.

"Pietro?" The witch Wanda's exclamation came from the direction of the entrance of the hall, and then she saw Wanda rushing over quickly, her hands lit up with red light.

Su Yue raised his head and looked at Wanda. The moment his eyes met, Wanda suddenly calmed down after a fierceness, and hurriedly recovered his energy.

"Lord, Lord." Wanda lowered his head and called.

The corners of Su Yue's mouth slowly raised, her eyes drooping: "Learn from Wanda, her mental problems are much more serious than yours, but she knows what restraint is, what to do and what not to do."

"You are so floating, no wonder you will become the first superhero to die."

After speaking, Su Yue raised his foot.

Pietro struggled and staggered to his feet, blushing slightly. I don't know if it's because of shortness of breath, or because of embarrassment, or... anger?

"Lord Lord."

In the end, Pietro lowered his head and shouted like Wanda.

"You received the news very quickly. I just came back, and you came here." Su Yue asked.

"We, we are staying in Dimension Street these days," Wanda replied.

"I've heard that Baron Strucker's laboratory was attacked by the Avengers. Your experiment was successful and you've all acquired abilities. So, what are your plans next?"

"No, I don't know." Wanda said.

"do not know?"

Wanda nodded: "In the beginning, we wanted to take revenge on Tony Stark, so when the Avengers attacked the experimental base, we also shot, Pietro attacked Hawkeye, and I used my ability to influence Tony Stark. Then……"

"We thought it might not be the Avenger's opponent, so we left first, planning to take revenge on him. After we left, we came to Dimension Street."

Speaking of this, Wanda paused slightly and said, "We have been thinking a lot these days, and you have told us what happened in the past and what is about to happen, especially after watching the short film, we are a little lost now. ."

"It's you who's at a loss!" Pietro said. "I don't care about those. The missiles were produced by his company. If he hadn't developed those missiles, that would not have happened... Also, I don't care if he is a hero or not, it has nothing to do with me."

"Then what?" Su Yue looked at Pietro. "how do you want to do it?"

"I..." An angry Pietro became dumbfounded. He really didn't know what to do. "I have to teach him a lesson and ask him to apologize, right?"

The Butterfly Effect!

In the movie, Pietro and Wanda were not so 'reasonable', but cooperated with Ultron and found that Ultron wanted to destroy mankind, so they turned to cooperate with the Avengers, but were caught by the Avengers' behavior in the process of cooperation. Infection, only understand and agree with them.

After Pietro died, the grievance between Wanda and Tony Stark was relieved. At the same time, because there was no goal and nowhere to go, he joined the Avengers with Hawkeye and Captain.

But now, knowing the reason in advance, their hatred value has dropped significantly. In other words, they didn't surrender in the movie, so they came with their temperament, and now they are from Dimension Street, when they are hesitant, they will naturally think of asking Su Yue to make up their minds, rather than act on their own.

0559 The Avengers in Action

"You want to teach Tony Stark a lesson. It's very simple, you go to Claire and let Claire take you to the **** and others to learn how to use your abilities. You can also go to Jesse Quick, her speed Much faster than you."

Su Yue pouted: "When you can completely control your abilities, I will find an opportunity to teach you a lesson to Tony Stark."

"I can teach him a lesson now." Pietro said unconvinced.

Su Yue sneered: "Do you think you can do whatever you want when you have the ability? Your strength is still far behind. Don't look at Tony Stark without superpower, but his mind is the strongest superpower, with you Now the ability of the three-legged cat may be able to take advantage of it at the beginning, as long as Tony Stark adapts, you will definitely lose."

"You have to remember your identity. You are now from Dimension Street. If you lose on behalf of Dimension Street, hmph, guess how I will teach you a lesson?"


Pietro stopped speaking. Although he was a little swollen, he didn't dare to mess around with Su Yue's warning, and he didn't dare to try.

"Go." Su Yue waved his hand, Pietro glanced at Wanda next to him, and hesitantly turned around and left.

After Pietro left, Su Yue looked at Wanda: "You don't seem to be as obsessed with revenge as he is?"

"Yeah, it's not." Wanda shook his head: "I also want to take revenge, but I also know that I can't completely blame him for what happened back then, and he will also be a hero to save the earth in the future. I... I want to teach him to take revenge, too. A little worried about getting out of control."

Wanda told Su Yue what she thought without concealment.

Of course she wants revenge. It's just not to kill Tony Stark, just to teach him a lesson and vent his anger, but Wanda doesn't know enough about her own abilities and can't control it so much, she is worried that she will lose control.

"Very good, your performance is much better than Pietro. The ability is controllable, I said before that you will take over the job of Daenerys, you can stabilize your spirit at this stage, I will teach you how to control you Ability."

Su Yue is indeed very satisfied with Wanda. There are three advantages to letting Wanda succeed Daenerys and stay by her side. One, it is pleasing to the eye; two, its strength is not bad; three, it absorbs energy.

The chaotic energy of Avengers 4 Wanda was absorbed by Su Yue and transformed into transcendent energy. Now Wanda can naturally, she can't control her own ability now, it is just that she can absorb her energy and make her energy at a point where she wants to be weak, which will make it more convenient for Wanda to control her own ability.

After arranging Pietro and Wanda, Su Yue was not idle. He took Wanda to sort out the materials collected in the universe, wine from various planets, special fruits, and some home and Interesting little technology, etc. are all put back on the top floor.

This alone has opened the eyes of Wanda who has no knowledge. Although these things are considered ordinary in Su Yue's view, they can only be regarded as souvenirs, but each of them amazes Wanda and lingers.

After disposing of these personal items, Su Yue explained to the scientific research center. After all, there are a lot of technologies brought back this time, especially the two types of fighter planes, which must be studied. As for the rest, let the scientific research center. First, make a priority and research it separately.

The rest are the two newcomers Valkyrie and Mantis Girl, but you don't have to worry about this. With Claire here, she will arrange it.

Night came quietly.

Su Yue slept on the bed and fell asleep, but the Avengers did not feel sleepy at all.

Su Yue refused to help, which was within their expectations. Not to mention that this was originally caused by Tony Stark, who belonged to the dignified dimensional lord and had just returned from the universe. How could he come directly to help?

I really thought that Su Yue was a taxi, always on call!

Tony Stark and others searched for the past information, and it took almost an entire night to finally identify the target.

Of course, this goal is not Zhenjin. Although Zhenjin was Ultron's next goal, Su Yue also reminded them, but it was useless to find Zhenjin.

After all, it's not like the captain's shield is the only one. Zhenjin occasionally appears on the black market, but the price is very expensive.

As for Wakanda, the place where Zhenjin is produced, although they already knew about the existence of Wakanda because of the previous movie, they also knew some of the situation in Wakanda, but they couldn't directly contact Wakanda, right?

Moreover, Ultron should not go directly to Wakanda to get Zhenjin...

Therefore, black market merchants who can sell vibration gold in the black market are their targets.

As long as you can find black market merchants who sell vibration gold, you should be able to figure out Ultron's actions.

Facts have proved that the Avengers are indeed capable. After identifying the target, they quickly found a man named Ulysses Crow.

Ulysses Crowe, an arms dealer in the underground black market, stole a lot of vibranium from Wakanda. Although I don't know how he did it, these vibraniums may have changed hands now, because Tony Stark Investigates Billions of Dollars in Ulysses Crow's Account

Obviously, this should be Zhenjin's reward.

After the Avengers took a short rest, they were ready to go to Zhenjin's location.

This batch of vibration gold cannot be obtained by Ultron anyway. If Ultron gets the vibration gold, it will be even more ugly to solve it.

Africa, an abandoned cruise ship stranded somewhere.

After the Avengers arrived, they simply found Ulysses and Ulysses Crowe. Interestingly, Ulysses Crowe did not annoy Ultron as in the movie, and he did not cut off his arms by Ultron. That means he won't be fitted with a prosthetic arm that releases the sonic cannon, and it means he won't be the comic book villain, Master Sonic.

Don't underestimate the inconspicuous villain Ulysses Crowe, he is more or less related to Transcendence.

In the comic book secret war, Doctor Doom infiltrated the lair of the Planet Devourer, studied an instrument to resurrect Ulysses Crow, and then transformed it to help himself create an energy absorption device to gain the power of transcendence.

Although Doctor Doom might have succeeded even without Ulysses Crowe, it is obvious that Doctor Doom was the first to think of him and revive him with great effort, which shows that he is really outstanding in this aspect.

Chapter 0560 Ulysses Crowe and Tiaohu Lishan

As soon as the Avengers appeared, Ulysses Crowe just slipped away.

He's not stupid, whether it's Ultron or the Avengers, he can't afford it. Besides, Zhenjin now belongs to Ultron, and the money is already in his hands. He has no intention of staying here to watch the fun.

Slip away, slip away.

Ulysses Crowe listened to the sound of battle coming from behind, and without hesitation, slipped out of the abandoned yacht and prepared to drive away.

Get in the car, ignite, and step on the accelerator.

The engine roared, but the car didn't move at all, as if it was fixed by some force. This surprised Ulysses Crowe and hurriedly looked around.

He thought it was the Avengers or Ultron chasing it out.

But at this time, I found that it was neither Ultron nor the Avenger.

It was a woman with green hair in a black jacket.

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her palms were raised, glowing green. After realizing that Ulysses Crow saw him, the other hand hooked at him.

get off!

Ulysses Crowe's expression instantly became extremely ugly. He never expected to be from Dimension Street.

Polaris, Lorna Dane.

Although her expressiveness in Dimension Street is not that prominent, as the first person to come to Dimension Street, Ulysses Crowe's ability to control magnetic field energy still allows Ulysses Crowe to recognize her identity at a glance. .


Don't make trouble, you're all being watched, how can you run?


He doesn't have any ability, he can't deal with Polaris with a gun.

In desperation, Ulysses Crow could only get out of the car.

It was only when I got off the car that I discovered that there was someone in the blind spot of the previous viewing angle, and it was someone that Ulysses Crow had never thought of.

Su Yue!

The Dimensional Lord of Dimension Street!

He actually came in person? Ulysses Crowe is panicking now, completely ignorant of how he can make the dimensional lord come in person.

Er, I can't say I don't know. Ultron and the Avengers are fighting fiercely in the yacht. The dimensional lord is here now. If it has nothing to do with this matter, Ulysses Crow does not believe it.

"Lord, Lord." Ulysses Crowe hurriedly bowed his head to say hello to Su Yue.

There was another person beside Su Yue.

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