Scarlet Witch, Wanda.

Polaris, Scarlet Witch, um, this pair of people who are sisters but not sisters will appear together, and the visual effects are quite good.

Su Yue looked at the yacht not far away, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "The fight was fierce. Your approach is wise. If you don't slip, neither Ultron nor the Avengers will let you go."

"Yes, yes. I, I'm just a small person, and everything I do is driven by helplessness." Ulysses Crow didn't know what purpose Su Yue had for him. Anyway, there was nothing wrong with showing weakness first.

"Is it because of helplessness to steal Zhenjin?" Su Yue looked at Ulysses Crow with a smile.

Ulysses Crowe smiled shyly and stopped speaking.

"Don't be nervous, I won't kill you." Su Yue reassured Ulysses Crowe. Ulysses Crowe breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Su Yue say, "I have nothing to do with you. Interested, but I'm interested in Wakanda's vibranium. Of course, I will sell it, and I don't need a large amount, so you said that if I give you the vibrato thief to Wakanda, Will Wakanda send me some vibranium?"


What can Ulysses Crowe say? Of course, beg for mercy.

"Lord, if you give me to Wakanda, I will die. You want vibranium, it's easy, I have a way to get vibranium for you. Keep me, than give it to Wakanda. More valuable!"

"Yes, yes, I have money, and Ultron just transferred billions of dollars to me. I am willing to contribute to... contribute to the construction of Dimension Street."

"It's not necessary." Su Yue said lightly and looked at the North Star.

When Polaris turned his wrist, Ulysses Crowe's collar button instantly tightened, and he felt suffocated. Ulysses Crowe struggled a few times and fainted.

"Billions of dollars, we really don't want it?" Polaris asked Su Yue.

Su Yue shook his head: "You may not be able to buy vibration gold with money. My goal is vibration gold, not money. Even if someone brings money to Wakanda, Wakanda will be more grateful to us, and will not stare endlessly. With the vibrating gold that he stole before."

"So, our goal is Wakanda's vibranium, not..." Polaris looked at the cruise ship.

In addition to Ultron and the Avengers, there are also a large number of vibraniums on the cruise.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Su Yue said casually.

Zhenjin, he definitely wants it. Although Dimension Street does not need it, like Bumblebee and Alita, if you have Zhenjin, you can definitely improve your strength.

But Su Yue really didn't think about how to deal with the Zhenjin of the cruise ship.

Take it directly? It seems that I am a little sorry for Ao Chuang. After all, Ao Chuang gives so much face and knows himself so well. At this time, it is a bit unbearable to pit it.

Well, anyway, this batch of vibrating gold was finally used to make equipment and the Ultron army. After Ultron failed, I would recycle it myself.


A loud bang.

The cruise ship suddenly rumbled, and a figure flew out of it quickly, drew an arc, and then slammed into Ulysses Crow's car with a thud.

The roof of the car sags instantly.

"Tony Stark!" Wanda glared at the steel suit on the roof and called out his name through gritted teeth.

"Cough... Hi, how are you?" Tony Stark didn't expect to see Su Yue here, so he was stunned and raised his hand to say hello.

"What, I still have something to do, talk back." Tony Stark got up and prepared to rush back to the cruise after finishing speaking, but at this time, Ultron suddenly flew out of the cruise ship and glanced at Tony Stark, Turn around and fly away.

Of course, Tony Stark would not just sit back and ignore it, and chased after him.

Then, not long after.

Another Ultron flew out of the cruise ship and flew away in another direction.

Behind him, Thor followed closely.

"Let the tiger leave the mountain." Su Yue laughed dumbly. The Avengers included Iron Man, Thor, Captain, Hawkeye, and Natasha.

Bruce Banner didn't come, I don't know if it was because of the inability to transform.

Iron Man and Thor were led away. Captain, Hawkeye, Natasha and the others were not Ultron's opponents. If nothing else happened, they would probably be defeated, and Ultron would take away the vibration gold.

After all, although Zhenjin has not yet been obtained, and the Ultron Corps has not yet been established, this does not mean that... Ultron cannot make Ultron robots with ordinary materials.

Chapter 0561 Ultron wants to cooperate?

In the movie, Ultron appeared in the Avengers Building after the birth. At that time, the Avengers were celebrating, and there was a famous scene where everyone took turns trying to lift Thor's hammer.

At that time, Ultron was in tatters, like falling apart, but what about now? Obviously he has given himself a new body, so it makes sense to create other Ultron robots, after all, he needs helpers to do other things for him.

In the movie, Ultron found the witch and Quicksilver, because their abilities were born from the Mind Stone, but now, Ultron obviously didn't do it, maybe... because of Su Yue?

Seeing that Ultron led Iron Man and Thor away, Su Yue discovered that another Ultron appeared from the cruise ship. No, it wasn't one Ultron, but several Ultrons.

Among them, two Ultrons were carrying three people, one was Natasha, and the other two were Captain and Hawkeye.

Well, it seems that Natasha's treatment is not bad?

The leader of Ultron, or the Ultron of the main body, flew in front of Su Yue with two Ultron robots. Su Yue looked at it with interest, and saw that the two Ultron robots behind it put Natasha and the three of them down.

"Mr. Dimension Lord, I'm Ultron when we meet for the first time." Ultron's body slowly opened his mouth with a very obvious mechanical sound, and greeted Su Yue.

It seems that there is no malicious intent?

"Hello." Su Yue nodded slightly.

Ultron glanced at Wanda, and then said to Su Yue: "I know Natasha is yours, and I know he is a member of the Avengers, so this time I will give them to you. I have no ill intentions towards you. , we are not enemies, on the contrary...I think we can be friends."


Su Yue was a little interested in Ultron's statement.

Ultron said: "My purpose is to protect the earth, and the Avengers and most humans have a threat to endanger the earth. You are different, I believe you will not endanger the earth. I solve the Avengers and others, you can expand the dimension street to keep more of the planet safe and protected. So, I think we're friends and we can work together."

"The logic is correct, but I don't need it." Su Yue shook his head and simply refused.

Cooperate with Ultron?

forget it.

Although Ultron can help him win more land to expand the scope of Dimension Street, Su Yue is really not in a hurry now.

Why? Because the level of Dimension Street can't keep up, if you don't upgrade, you can't expand the scope of the Dimension Street system. There is empty land, and it cannot be covered by the Dimension Street system.

Moreover, Ultron can purify itself, and the ghost knows what logic will evolve. It is not an enemy now, and it does not mean that it will not be an enemy in the future.

If they really cooperate with Ultron, and the two of them really join forces to occupy the earth, it means that they will score a good match, and they will also become enemies at that time.

Most importantly, don't underestimate Ultron. Don't watch the movie that Ultron seems to have no great ability, but in the Ultron Era event in the comics, it almost caused the entire earth to fall. Whether it is a superhero or a villain, they can only hide in embarrassment like a lost dog.

One more thing, he is still a positive character now, and he is still the "last" hope of the global village. If he really wants to cooperate with Ultron, his reputation will be ruined, and Dimension Street will also be affected by it, which will outweigh the gains.

Su Yue's firm refusal made Ultron a little surprised. He didn't seem to understand why Su Yue wanted to refuse something that was beneficial to Su Yue.

However, Ultron is also very straightforward. After learning that Su Yue refused, he didn't have too much entanglement. Since they can't cooperate, then don't disturb each other and be safe.

Ultron left, and the Ultron Legion also left. When he left... Naturally, he didn't forget to take those vibraniums with him.

To be honest, Su Yue felt that Ultron suddenly proposed cooperation and suddenly showed goodwill. The real purpose might be to take away Zhenjin smoothly.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless for him to tune the tiger away from the mountain.

Su Yue is here, it is almost impossible for him to take away the Zhenjin.

Not long after Ultron left, the three of Natasha woke up faintly. They were very surprised to see Su Yue and his 'left and right guardians'.

"You saved us?" Natasha asked Su Yue.

Su Yue shook his head: "My target is him, Ultron used the method of dividing the army to move the tiger away from the mountain to lead Iron Man and Thor away, and then handed you over to me."

Natasha glanced at Ulysses Crowe, not very interested in this fellow Avenger: "Why did Ultron give us to you instead of killing us?"

"Maybe you know that I'm here. You are the protection fee, so that Ultron can take away Zhenjin smoothly."


When Su Yue said this, they hurriedly reacted and looked at the cruise ship behind them.

It's a pity, there's no such thing as a cruise ship.

"You shouldn't let it take away the vibranium. With vibranium, it's even harder to deal with," the captain said.

Su Yue glanced at him: "To me, you are the same as Ultron."

"What do you mean?" The captain didn't respond.

"With or without Zhenjin, it's the same." Su Yue glanced at the captain's shield.

The captain was stunned and suddenly realized.

Then, it was silent.

The meaning of Su Yue's words is very simple. If you have a vibranium shield, I can solve you with the same ease. The same is true for Ultron. It is the same with or without vibranium.

"Iron Man and Thor should be back soon. You can handle Ultron's affairs yourself. I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

Su Yue said something to Natasha, and then he, along with the left and right guardians and Ulysses Crow, directly teleported away.

next moment.

Wakanda, the royal city.

Although Wakanda has advanced technology to disguise and hide itself, this protection has no effect on Su Yue.


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and Su Yue appeared directly in front of Tchaka, the current Black Panther, King of Wakanda.

T'Challa made his first appearance in Captain America 3: Civil War, where he was killed by an explosion during a ratification meeting for the Sokovia Accords, and his son T'Challa succeeded him as the new King and Black Panther, and had a relationship with the Avengers. more interaction.

"You... you are the dimensional lord of Dimension Street?" Tchaka was startled by the sudden appearance of Su Yue and others, but quickly recognized Su Yue's identity.

Although Wakanda is isolated from the world, it still understands the information from the outside world. Moreover, Dimension Street also revealed the existence of Wakanda and Black Panther, so Tchaka naturally paid more attention.

Chapter 0562 Old Panther

"King Tchaka, hello, first meeting, I am the lord of Dimension Street, Su Yue."

There is nothing special about Tchaka, the old black panther Su Yue. From the perspective of the scene, he is a dragon, linking the previous and the next, leading to the real black panther; in terms of influence, although Tchaka is not a conservative, but also Just let Wakanda appear in front of the world, that's all.

But no matter what, he is the king of Wakanda, and the respect that should be given should still be given. Besides, most of the time, Su Yue is not the kind of overly arrogant character.

"I welcome the lord of Suyue to come to Wakanda, but this method of coming without notice is a bit too much." Tchaka said in a deep voice, while guessing Suyue's purpose.

"It's a bit abrupt, but I think you shouldn't mind, after all, I did you Wakanda a favor." After Su Yue finished speaking, the unconscious Ulysses Crow had appeared in front of Tchaka .

"Who is this person?" Tchaka asked suspiciously.

"Ulysses Crowe, he was the one who stole Zhenjin from Wakanda." Su Yue said.

"It's him!" T'Chaka's eyes widened, and the old man, who was originally kind, suddenly felt murderous.

Vibranium is Wakanda's most important property. The reason why Wakanda has been hidden from the world is because he is worried that Vibranium will attract more covets. As a result, he still loses his day and night defense, and it's still a big sum.

He was about to find out who stole these vibraniums from Wakanda, but Su Yue brought them back.

"Thank you very much for catching this thief. I don't know where Lord Suyue found him. The vibration gold he stole is now..." Tchaka asked tentatively.

Su Yue said straight to the point: "Ultron found him and bought the Zhenjin, and then the Avengers arrived, and I took advantage of the situation to capture him. As for those Zhenjin, they have been taken away by Ultron. Also, he sold the Zhenjin. The money is still in the bank account and I think that should cover some of the losses."

Tchaka said: "So, I'm really grateful."

"Although this is the first time we have dealt with each other, I think we should have a certain understanding of each other, so I will say it straight to the point. There is a saying that there is no need to do things without benefit, and there is no need for me to personally Come out, there is no need to waste time.”

"Let's put it more bluntly. I don't need a friendship with you, and I don't need Wakanda's friendship. Of course, it may be a bit too blunt to say that, but I think you understand what I mean."


Of course it's straightforward.

Saying directly in front of you that I don't need your friendship is no different from embarrassing people.

However, T'chaka could not refute.

Although Wakanda is rich and advanced in technology, it is indeed worse than Dimension Street. Even though the people on Dimension Street are not as many as Wakanda, the land is not as wide as Wakanda, but it is far superior to Wakanda in all aspects.

Uh, except for the price?

The fixed assets of Dimension Street, the shares in various groups and companies are indeed worth a lot of money, but Wakanda has a gold mine, this thing is too cheating, there is no way to compare it.


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