People are born with golden mountains!

"What do you want?" Tchaka naturally knew that Su Yue would go to the Three Treasures Palace without incident, but he didn't expect him to be so direct.

Although it was a little depressing, it was fine.

"What do you want?" Tchaka asked.

Su Yue shrugged: "There are only two things in Wakanda that are worth my visit in person. One is Zhenjin, and the other is your daughter."

"Su Rui?" Tchaka's subconscious gaze became vigilant.

Su Yue grinned: "What kind of eyes do you have? Don't worry, I don't have that kind of thought or meaning towards her, I just think she is very smart and a rare scientific research genius. Many of your Wakanda technologies should be Was it all designed by her?"

Tchaka breathed a sigh of relief, slightly embarrassed. "Yes, Su Rui is very smart."

"Come on one by one." Su Yue said, "I will give as much vibrating gold as you think he is worth, more or less, I will never bargain."

"Okay, I'll have someone prepare it later." Tchaka said simply.

As for how much to give, he already had a calculation in mind.

In any case, the lord of Dimension Street deliberately sent people over, and the price cannot be low. What's more, this thief is very important. If you don't deal with it, there will be more daring guys who covet Wakanda's vibrating gold.

"I just came back from the universe and got a lot of alien technology. Are you interested in letting Su Rui go to Dimension Street for a while, and whether they can communicate with each other in technology?" Su Yue didn't care about the amount of Zhenjin, but said directly. the second thing.

Shu Rui is indeed a genius, and the level of genius is no less than Tony Stark. Whether it's the Panther uniform, or the remote-controlled machine, or the various technologies in Wakanda, they're all outstanding.

Su Yue made this invitation. At first glance, it seemed that Su Rui was cheap. After all, these alien technologies are very advanced and high-end. But in fact, Su Rui can help with research and production of remote-controlled fighter planes, can improve some Dimension Street life technology, and can help Alita replace Zhenjin's body.

Besides, there are so many alien technologies brought back, and the scientific research center really needs manpower research.

"This, I have to think about it." Tchaka did not agree easily.

Su Yue said: "Of course you can, so, this time I will deliver the goods to your door, then Zhenjin, why don't you deliver it to your door, then you can ask Su Rui to go to Dimension Street to see, if you are interested, you can stay , if you're not interested, just go out for a walk."

"That's fine." Tchaka agreed.

The goal was achieved, Su Yue didn't stop here too much, and returned to Dimension Street directly with the left and right guardians.

After the three of Su and Yue left, the first thing Tchaka did was to find a way to upgrade Wakanda's protective shield.

My hometown makes people come and leave when they want to, and everyone will panic if they change. As for Zhenjin or the invitation to Su Rui, this can be put aside for a while.

Not long after, a guard came in and took Ulysses Crow out. Although Zhenjin couldn't get it back, he had to get the money back. Then, Su Rui also came. The main purpose of coming was to check the protective cover and see if it could be upgraded to isolate Su Yue's teleportation that he wanted to come and go.


Chapter 0563 X-Men: Apocalypse

Su Rui couldn't help but be a little surprised when she learned about this series of things. The dimensional lord of Dimension Street, she is full of curiosity about this person. Although most of this curiosity is because of how Su Yue made Dimension Street to what it is today, but if there is a chance to meet Su Yue and study the technology of Dimension Street in depth, this is her dream.

So she agreed without hesitation to Su Yue's invitation from her father. What science and technology needs is not to work behind closed doors, but to brainstorm ideas and broaden their horizons. The technology in Dimension Street is undoubtedly top-notch, especially since a lot of technology has been brought back from the universe this time, Su Rui naturally wants to participate.

If Su Rui wasn't the princess of Wakanda, and if it wasn't for Su Rui's talent in this area, she wouldn't have the chance to be invited at all, even if she used Wakanda's technology in exchange.

This is alien technology, let alone research, just having the opportunity to participate in the spectator's place can make any scientist in the world steal his head.

Su Rui tried to upgrade the protective cover, but the effect can only be said to be negligible. It must not be able to stop Su Yue's transmission. The data at hand is too small. No direction, no data, how to upgrade?

So in the end, the old black panther didn't say anything. He was just stimulated by the sudden appearance of Su Yue. Since he can't do it now, he will talk about it after Su Rui returns from Dimension Street.

Three days later.

Su Rui brought a large number of Zhenjin and Wakanda's escorts to Dimension Street, along with Su Rui's brother, the son of the old black panther, the future black panther T'Challa.

The reason why T'Challa will accompany him is very simple. On the one hand, T'Challa is worried about his sister's safety, and on the other hand, he is also curious about Dimension Street and the outside world. T'Challa is not as conservative as his father. He actually hopes that Wakanda can be made public and no longer live a reclusive life.

The most important thing is that he has also seen the short film on Dimension Street, and naturally he has also seen the black panther in it.

When he saw the black panther, T'Challa's first reaction was that it was his father. After all, the father was the current king and Black Panther, but he soon changed his mind.


Because the black panther in the movie is too agile, and the agility is not like what his father can do at his age, and in the short film, there is a scene of the black panther opening the mask, although it flashed by, but T'Challa still recognized.

That's me!

Will you become a king in the future? Become a Black Panther?

Well, this is no surprise to T'Challa, what he wants to know is if something happened to Wakanda!

Dimension Street.

Wakanda's plane complied with the rules of Dimension Street, landed under the guidance of the Dimension Street guards, and then the group got off the plane.

I thought I would see Su Yue, but it was the White Queen and the **** who came to greet him. The White Queen first expressed her feelings to Su Rui and others on behalf of Dimension Street, then asked the guards to take away Zhenjin, and then took them to the top floor of the Dimension Street building to meet Su Yue.

There was nothing to say during the meeting. Although Su Yue was a little surprised, T'Challa also followed, but come on, he was interested in Su Rui because of her mind, T'Challa... To be honest, Su Yue is right He really had no idea.

In the entire Avengers movie series, the only thing Su Yue didn't watch and didn't understand in detail was Black Panther.

How should I put it, as the Black Panther is a member of the Avengers, Su Yue is still very accepted, but if the Black Panther is the protagonist and the plot revolves around the Black Panther and Wakanda, then there will be a lack of interest. .

As a landlord, Su Yue welcomed the arrival of their brothers and sisters, and thanked them for sending Zhenjin. Then, after a few official greetings, he asked Claire to take them to settle down.

Then... Su Yue suddenly found that he seemed to have nothing to do.

The development of Dimension Street is orderly, and he no longer needs to pay too much attention to himself; there are few superheroes who are interested in the future, and there is nothing urgent for him to make arrangements; To provoke yourself, you don't need to pay too much attention to yourself.

And what about Su Yue himself?

There is currently no need to upgrade on Dimension Street. The obtained dimensional points have been converted into transcendental energy to improve himself. Wanda's chaotic energy has also been absorbed by him a lot, so...he really has nothing to do now.

Or, go to another world?

The Green Arrow Universe of the Second Dimension Street? Although the development over there is not particularly fast, it is also done step by step. If you go there yourself, you will just stay in another place.

Develop a new universe? Not much interest.

Forget it, let's go to the X-Men universe. On the one hand, you can walk through the follow-up plot of the X-Men universe and develop several new mutants; on the other hand, Moratti's plan should be realized before, right?

Su Yue asked Queen White about the purpose of Su Rui and others coming, and then said that she was going to the X-Men World, and asked her to pay attention to Ultron, and notify him as soon as possible.

Then, take Wanda through the dimension gate to the X-Men world.

Location: X-Men World.

Time: 1983.

Event: Apocalypse.

Su Yue did not enter the X-Men according to the normal time. Although the time lines of the two times are different, the time flow rate is the same. Means nothing.

It is more convenient to skip the step-by-step time and enter the node where the plot occurs.

The only bad thing is that Su Yue skipped the time, but the people in the X-Men world didn't.

For people in the X-Men world, they lived from 1962 to 1983, 21 years have passed.


Dimension Street Manor.

This is the first time Wanda has crossed the world. After arriving, he is very curious about everything around him, but for Su Yue, there is not much change here.

This is also normal. Except for the infrastructure maniacs in the east, the construction speed in most places is very slow, especially Laomi. Even in the prosperous areas of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you can still see decades or even hundreds of years of history. architecture.

For buildings, they prefer repairing rather than tearing down and rebuilding.


A burst of red smoke suddenly appeared in front of Su Yue and Wanda, followed by the figure of the red devil.

"Lord Lord!!!" The red devil was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said hello.

Chapter 0564 Magneto is missing, Apocalypse appears!

In the past 21 years, the architecture of the Dimension Street Manor has not changed much, but the changes in other aspects have not been small.

After the Red Devil appeared, Su Yue asked him about the changes over the years.

After the first battle, Magneto, Red Devil, and Torrent were arranged by Su Yue to develop the Dimension Street Manor here. No money, no power. On the one hand, we must guard against an attack by wild mutants, on the other hand, we must guard against official suppression. At the same time, we must also guard against those guys who have ulterior motives for mutants. Their development is not difficult, nor is it So easy.

Bright swords and dark arrows emerge in an endless stream.

But they didn't disappoint Su Yue. Although the site didn't expand or even changed much, the signboard of Dimension Street Manor has indeed stood up. Whether it's humans or mutants, they all know there is such a place, and they all know that this is One of the 'Holy Lands' of mutants.

Therefore, although the development is difficult, there are many mutants in the Dimension Street Manor.

As the Red Devil walked, he introduced that these mutants were male and female, old and young, and it seemed that they lived a peaceful and peaceful life.

Most of these mutants, Su Yue, were not impressed and could not be seated properly. It is estimated that it is not a trick like the movie, or it does not appear in the movie.

The length of the movie is leisurely, and the main and supporting roles are clearly defined, but this does not mean that the world is only for these mutants, it just doesn't care about the plot.

However, there were also things that Su Yue recognized.

Kurt Wagner, codenamed Nightcrawler. With blue skin, he used to be a circus actor and has the ability to control teleportation with his mind, which is somewhat similar to the red devil.

Li Qianhuan, a Chinese mutant, whose mutant ability is fireworks, can be controlled by her in shape and intensity.

Nightcrawler and Li Qianhuan really surprised Su Yue here, because both of them were supposed to be students of X Academy.

Not to mention the latter, she was a student of X Academy when she appeared.

But the former's experience is still very twists and turns. At first, he worked in the circus. Later, he was caught and participated in the mutant underground cage fighting competition. The opponent was the mutant angel. Wen rescued her while taking advantage of the chaos and brought it back to X Academy to become a member of the X-Men.

But now, the Mystical Girl Ruiwen is not in this world. I didn't expect that under the butterfly effect, the night traveler would join the Dimension Street Manor after going around.

"Are Torrent and Magneto here?" When he came to the villa, Su Yue didn't see them, and asked the Red Devil casually.

The red devil's face sank: "Magneto is missing."

"Missing?" Su Yue froze for a moment, then thought of Tian Qi.

Today's Magneto has been developing the Dimension Street Manor since his debut. Naturally, he will not be locked up like in the movie, nor will he become a wanted criminal more or less. He is hunted down. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for him to disappear.

But Apocalypse woke up and reorganized the Four Horsemen, and Magneto was one of them. In the movie, Apocalypse may find Magneto because Magneto is wanted and is very famous and powerful. If Magneto's disappearance is really taken away by Apocalypse, it must be because Magneto is the person in charge of the Dimension Street Manor. If you can get Magneto, you will naturally be able to get the Dimension Street Manor.

"I took turns to look for Magneto's whereabouts with Torrent, and also notified the X-Men and Mora, but there is no news yet." Red Devil said.

"Why didn't you contact me?" Su Yue asked casually.

The Red Devil explained: "I've been contacted, but I don't know why the inter-temporal teleporter failed."

"Is it invalid?" Su Yue was stunned, then reacted.

Even if Magneto's trans-temporal teleporter is broken, Mora's should not be broken. Since the Red Devil tried and said it failed, there should be only one reason, and that is time!

A teleporter across time and space can travel across time and space, but not time.

From Su Yue's point of view, the X-Men World hasn't passed 21 years when Su Yue was in Dimension Street, and it's still within the normal flow of time. He skipped 21 years, and of course the message from the trans-space-time teleporter could not be delivered.

Su Yue told the Red Devil the reason for his analysis, and then tried to contact Moura with his own teleporter, and sure enough, he was connected.

Naturally, Mora wanted to see Su Yue for the first time, but it was difficult for Su Yue to leave immediately after coming to the Manor on Dimension Street, so Mora decided to go there by herself.

After cutting off the communication with Mora, Su Yue located Magneto's location. At the same time, he also discovered another existence near Magneto...


Apocalypse is a relatively powerful existence among mutants, and his real name is Ensha Banur.

In the movie, Apocalypse demonstrates various abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation, flight, cell regeneration, and mind control. The world's first and most powerful mutant, the immortal apocalypse appeared in ancient times and was regarded as a god. He has developed some form of technology that allows him to transfer his essence into the bodies of other people, and he usually adopts mutants so that he can amass their abilities.

The historical record also refers to his "Four Horsemen", and his awakening always follows destruction. When he was transferred into the body of a mutant with a regenerative factor, some of his followers betrayed him and trapped him under his pyramid, and the apocalypse stalled for centuries until an accident awakened him. Apocalypse then recruited Storm, Psylocke, Angel and Magneto as his Four Horsemen, claiming that he intends to build a world where only the "strong" survive.

Apocalypse's awakening is related to Mora, but after awakening, it may be difficult for Apocalypse to find Qi Four Horsemen.

Although there is only Apocalypse by Magneto's side now, from the place where Apocalypse awakened, he should have met Storm first, so he should have included Storm as one of the four knights, just split up?

That's right, without the spirit disc, Apocalypse doesn't know much about powerful mutants. He didn't find the four knights so quickly in a short time. Magneto's strength is strong, and it involves the Dimension Street Manor. Apocalypse will definitely let him follow him. By my side, then the task of inquiring about mutants and screening the Four Horsemen must be handed over to Storm.

Although...Storm doesn't have much knowledge, but now Apocalypse needs time, and he has no other manpower, so he can only give it to Storm.

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