Chapter 0565 The ability to plan the apocalypse

The four knights of Apocalypse in the movie are: Magneto, Storm, Spirit Disk, and Angel. After finding the four knights, Apocalypse built a pyramid in Cairo, ready to build a world where he called the "strong".

Then, because Professor X, that is, Charles, used telepathy to contact Magneto and was discovered by Apocalypse, Apocalypse then set eyes on Professor X and planned to transfer his consciousness to Professor X.

After all, Professor X's psychic ability is one of the best.

It's just that the current situation has changed slightly. Professor X didn't use his mental ability to find Magneto. Although the two knew each other and had a good relationship, they didn't reach the level of love and killing good friends in the movie. Help to find, but certainly not so exhaustive.

Secondly, Apocalypse did not perceive the existence of Su Yue, nor did he perceive the psychic ability that Su Yue unleashed on Magneto.

Su Yue learned what happened from Magneto, and by the way, let Magneto know that he was back, so he didn't worry.

Magneto was really relieved after receiving the news.

At the beginning, when Tianqi found him, he was indeed a little unconvinced, but Tianqi's strength was indeed strong, and Magneto was not sure that he could agree to Tianqi, so Xu and Weishe agreed.

He also tried to contact Su Yue with a teleporter across time and space, but unfortunately it didn't work. After that, Apocalypse strengthened Magneto's ability, which made Magneto even more daring to act rashly when he was overjoyed.

He believed that Su Yue would definitely come. Although he hadn't appeared for 20 years, Magneto was not only working for Su Yue, but also working for himself. Even if Su Yue didn't appear, he would not be able to. Really rely on the apocalypse.

Fortunately, he waited.

"I found Eric. He is not in danger for the time being. This time it is a blessing in disguise." Su Yue said to the Red Devil with a slightly raised corner of his mouth, lest he worry about Eric.

The Red Devil nodded: "What do we need to do?"

"I don't need it for the time being. The opponent this time is very interesting, and we can gain a lot of benefits." Su Yue thought for a while and said, "I met Mora first to understand the changes in your world for so long."


The red devil bowed his head in response.

Among the various abilities of Apocalypse, this ability that can strengthen the abilities of mutants is the most special. If the hive in the Inhuman race can persuade and control the Inhumans to become a unique leader, then Apocalypse can strengthen the ability of mutants, which is similar in effect, and Su Yue must obtain this ability.

Therefore, he had to create an opportunity for Tianqi to use this ability, so that he could learn it with the eyes of the ancients.

This means that Apocalypse can live for a while, and he doesn't need to be dealt with so quickly.

For Su Yue, there are several reasons for choosing the time point of Apocalypse:

The first is that Apocalypse can strengthen the abilities of mutants; the second is that more than 20 years have passed, time waits for no one, time is not forgiving, Su Yue does not want his own people to die of old age or gray hair; finally, a few people can be brought back .

For example, Nightcrawler, Li Qianhuan, and Storm Girl can all play a role when they are brought back to Dimension Street. The other is Phoenix Girl Qin, whether it is herself or the power of Phoenix, it is a type that cannot be missed.

After a few hours, Mora arrived.

I haven't seen each other for more than 20 years, and I haven't had any contact. I can imagine how intense the emotional outburst was at this meeting.

Su Yue spent more than two hours to appease Mora's excited emotions. When she was exhausted and exhausted, Su Yue called others to talk about Tianqi.

Apocalypse claimed to be the oldest mutant, and he also left a legend, such as the resurrection of Qi today, it really made them a little worried.

However, this worry disappeared after Su Yue appeared.

Su Yue explained Tian Qi's personal information in detail, his purpose, and his own plan.

Apocalypse is definitely going to die, but before he dies, he must exert his greatest value.

"Do you want to become stronger?" Su Yue turned to look at the Red Devil.

The red devil was stunned and said, "Of course I do."

"Then you are the only one." Su Yue said with a chuckle: "One of the original Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was a spirit disc, but now... I think you and Li Qianhuan are more suitable. You bring Li Qianhuan to the Storm Girl and pass the storm. The woman is close to Apocalypse and let Apocalypse help you strengthen your abilities."

"As long as Apocalypse strengthens you, I will take the opportunity to have Apocalypse's ability, and then... I can prepare to solve Apocalypse."


The Red Devil responded, turned and left to find Li Qianhuan. Su Yue's telepathy had already found the location of Storm, and after telling the Red Devil, the Red Devil took Li Qianhuan teleportation to find Storm.

"Would you like to notify the X-Men?" Mora asked.

"Notify them to do what?"

"We'll deal with Apocalypse together. This Apocalypse is so powerful. To deal with him, the more people, the better." Mora said as a matter of course.

Su Yue laughed dumbly: "My dear, it seems that I still haven't left a strong impression on you, why? Do you think I can't solve the apocalypse?"

"Uh..." Mora was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I didn't mean that, I'm just... used to it."

I'm worried!

What are you used to? Of course, he was used to not having Su Yue by his side, so he naturally thought according to his habit when encountering things.

"Well, it looks like I have to do something." Su Yue said with a light smile.

"What?" Mora asked with a smile.

"How about giving you the time back?" Su Yue asked with raised eyebrows.

Obviously, Maura was actually angry that she didn't show up for more than 20 years and didn't have contact.

Do it all over again?

It can be, but it is not necessary.

"Although I didn't accompany you for the past 20 years, I can make these 20 years cease to exist." After Su Yue finished speaking, he directly used the ability of the Regressive Fruit on Mora.

Then, Mora's appearance changed.

Speaking of which, 20 years have not left much trace on Moura, at least at first glance, nothing has changed.

However, with the activation of the Regression Fruit's ability, the changes in details are still obvious. For example, crow's feet, wrinkles, etc. disappeared, and the whole person directly returned to the appearance of 20 years ago. No, it should be said that he is younger than 20 years ago.

"God...God..." When Su Yue put the mirror in front of Mora, Mora was shocked when she saw herself in the mirror.

Chapter 0566 Create a multiverse?

"How did you do it?" Mora shook her head from side to side and looked at herself in the mirror as if in a dream.

"An ability that can make everything go back." Su Yue stood behind Mora and said with a chuckle: "One time can go back twelve years. I used it twice, that is, twenty-four years. Simply put, you His body directly regressed to twenty-four years ago, both his appearance and his inner physical qualities have regressed to twenty-four years ago!"

"Then have I always been like this from now on?" Maura asked.

Women, who doesn't pay attention to youth and beauty?

Although Su Yue didn't see much change before, for Moura, the magnification of those details was telling her that she was getting old.

"No." Su Yue shook his head and explained: "As time goes by, you will still grow old. Go backwards, not stand still. In addition, if I die or I fall into a coma, the ability to act on you will disappear, You'll be back to the way you were in an instant."

"Of course, this ability can't only be used once, it comes every ten years, which is no different from eternal youth."

Mora nodded heavily. If you can stay young, who wants to grow old?

"Is this the ability of mutants?" Mora asked curiously.

Su Yue shook his head: "No, it's an ability called Devil Fruit that comes from other worlds."

"That's it." Mora nodded and didn't ask further: "By the way, do you remember what I told you about mutant immigration before?"

The so-called mutant immigration is to send those mutants who commit crimes and do not obey human laws to a place where they will not have any influence.

At the beginning, these mutants were all locked up, and there was also research in private, but with the development of the times, mutants gradually entered the sight of human beings, and the number became more and more, and the contradictions became more and more serious. It is just that the detention is not safe. .

It was mentioned before that these mutants were handed over to Su Yue, and Su Yue would take them away and leave this world.

It's just that the Mora people were soft-spoken at that time, and the situation of the mutants was not so urgent and bad.

Now, twenty years later, the situation is naturally different.

"Of course I remember. In fact, one of the purposes of my visit this time is also for this matter." Su Yue smiled. "I had a multiverse project that I could try now."

"Multiverse project?"


Su Yue told Mora about his multiverse in detail.

Apart from Su Yue's addiction to creating a multiverse, the most important thing is that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is too comfortable!

Yes, Su Yue has swelled.

Thinking that when Su Yue first crossed over, he was developing carefully, but now, Su Yue really feels a little at ease. Counting over and over, there are not many powerful bosses in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and there are not many movie plots left, so there is no challenge at all.

Returning the Infinity Stones to make Thanos appear, or the multiverse plan, the main purpose is to make the Marvel Cinematic Universe move and chaotic, so that he can continue to stabilize the position of Dimension Street and expand the scope of Dimension Street by fishing in troubled waters. .

Otherwise, once there is no threat from external forces, it will not be so easy for him to develop Dimension Street.

Birds hide their bows, that's almost what it means. Why do the brave finally turn into dragons? Because the evil dragon is dead, as long as the evil dragons appear one after another, the brave will always be the brave, at least... people think so!

Su Yue doesn't want to suddenly become a villain boss, so opening the multiverse is the safest way.

As for how to do it, he already has an idea. Directly handing over those prisoners to himself and bringing them back to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is not like opening the multiverse, it is what he brought back from other universes.

The best way is to make these mutants, everyone in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, identify with the multiverse.

In other words, mutants think they have crossed the universe to a new world, and people in the Marvel Cinematic Universe think they are from other worlds.

Of course, this needs a suitable opportunity.

For example, Mysterio in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this guy is very smart. He said that he opened the multiverse on the grounds of Thanos snapping his fingers.

Su Yue thought of a few opportunities, one is also snapping his fingers, but it will take a few years, and Thanos may not have a chance to snap his fingers; the other is that after the death of the ancient master, Dormammu invaded, this is a little bit worse, But it is barely usable; there is also the machine that Jin Bian made in the anime movie Spider-Man: Parallel World that can connect to the universe, which can also be used as an opportunity to open the multiverse.

However, these Su Yue felt inappropriate. It's not that you have to wait too long, it's just a little bit weaker.

Su Yue is ready to kill two birds with one stone.

Create a multiverse space-time wormhole in the name of Planet Eater, and then bring mutants into existence. The level of the Devourer of Planets must be enough, and then launch the Devourer of Planets in the name of mutants.

In this way, it can not only open up the multiverse, but also allow the Planet Devourer to establish the identity of the five gods.

The Planet Devourer has already made some famous names in the universe, and also has some achievements. On Earth, the ancient one knew the identity of one of the five gods of the Planet Devourer, then the Planet Devourer opened the time-space wormhole and let mutants from other worlds appear in this world, whether it was the multiverse or the Planet Devourer, Gu Yi can come forward to help confirm!

"This...I'm afraid it's difficult, right?" After listening to Su Yue's plan, Mora thought the plan was good, but the difficulty of implementation was not easy.

Let the mutants believe that they went to another world by themselves, which is easy to do, and it can be played on a stage. However, space-time wormholes are not easy to deal with.

"It's not difficult, but it's a bit cumbersome and requires some preparation."

Space-time wormholes are easy to handle. Although Planet Devourer himself can't do it, Su Yue can. It's enough to go on as long as you want, but if you want to play this scene well, you need to do a lot of preparation work.

The most important thing is that he needs a character, a character who can travel back and forth between the two worlds. Only in this way can the one-time crossing behavior become a sustainable behavior, so that it can really achieve the effect Su Yue wants. achieve what he wants.

Chapter 0567 Another version of the flicker?

The mastermind behind the scenes is not so easy to act. Personal hard power is only one of the criteria. The real difficulty is to design a reasonable script that everyone can believe, and to find suitable actors to ensure that these actors perform according to the script.

Yes, to put it bluntly, the behind-the-scenes mastermind is actually like a combination of director and screenwriter. It is necessary to write an excellent script and ensure that the plot develops according to the content of the script. This is much more difficult than a rampant, straight-forward battle.

The general plot of the script is already there for Su Yue, as well as other actors. The only thing to check is a protagonist, an irreplaceable protagonist who runs through the whole play.

Su Yue has several requirements for the protagonist: first, he must be a mutant; second, he must have the ability to travel through space, even if he cannot travel through time and space, it does not matter, Su Yue will handle this aspect; third, his own situation must be relatively bad, so Only willing to take risks and take the initiative to travel through different worlds, if the environment is relatively stable, the initiative will naturally be greatly reduced.

After thinking about it, Su Yue thought of two people.

One is flickering.

But it's not the flicker around him, but the flicker in the same world as the North Star in "The Talented".

First of all, the two different versions of Blink are more supportive of the idea of ​​a multiverse in parallel worlds; secondly, that world is very unfriendly to mutants, and mutants are almost all living in hiding; finally, Blink The ability of the original is to teleport, if you strengthen it, it may not be impossible to cross the parallel world.

Although the talented Su Yue in the second season didn't watch much, he vaguely remembered that Blink died, but in the last episode, he appeared in a brand-new form and came back to life.

Of course, many people speculate that this flicker may come from a parallel world, or it may come from other timelines. No matter which one, it means that if the ability of flicker is strengthened, the ability to teleport will be stronger.

Besides Flickering, the other person Su Yue thought of was a secret guest.

Myster, whose real name is Liana Rasputin, is the younger sister of Colossus, a new mutant, capable of space teleportation, and at the same time learning magic on the edge of hell. She is a rare magician of the mutant family.

In the movie "The New Mutants", which has been bounced for countless times, the secret guest will appear.

Mi Ke is young, her situation is also not very good, and her abilities are commensurate, and she is also a person in this world, but it will take decades to appear.

Then the question is, who to choose?

Flickering, or Secret Guest?

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