Su Yue told Mora and Wanda about the situation of the two and asked for their opinions.

In the end, the chosen candidate was: Blink!

The reason is very simple. In terms of age, Flicker is more mature, and in a world with unique talents, Flicker is more yearning for stability and peaceful life, and has more experience in hiding.

If the selected person was caught as soon as they crossed over, it would be a piece of shit.

Another is that the world with extraordinary talent is more suitable for immigrant mutants. Whether they are afraid of being caught by the Sentinel Secret Service or want to live a peaceful and stable life, there will be mutants who are willing to take risks, and will work hard for them after crossing.

And this world will not work. At the time of Myke, the conflict between humans and mutants has basically stabilized, and the mutants have also adapted to such a big environment, and may not be willing to give it a try, bicycles become motorcycles.

"Since it's been decided that this is the flicker, when are you going to move on to the next step?" Mora asked.

Su Yue said: "No hurry, I'll talk about it after dealing with the Apocalypse. By the way, I'll improve the script."


Mora nodded, and then discussed the script with Su Yue.

The general context of the script is very simple, contact Blink in the name of Planet Devourer, bring Blink to this world, then open the time-space wormhole, take mutants to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and then let Blink shuttle back and forth, batch by batch. Just bring the mutants here.

Planet Devourer does not need to come forward, wormholes in time and space, and enhance the ability to flicker. All of these Su Yue can do with transcendence energy. The specifics still depend on how to fill in the details.

Night came quietly.

Su Yue, who was already asleep, suddenly opened his eyes, his mouth was slightly raised, and he was neatly dressed, and then he turned invisible and teleported away.


As soon as the scene changed, Su Yue had come to an abandoned house somewhere in Cairo.

There were several people standing in the room.

Magneto, Storm, Li Qianhuan, the Red Devil, and... Apocalypse.

It seems that after Li Qianhuan and the Red Devil found Storm, Storm contacted Apocalypse to bring them over, and the four knights gathered, and Apocalypse also brought them back to their hometown, Cairo.

The reason why Su Yue came over suddenly was because he knew that Tianqi was going to strengthen the Red Devil and Li Qianhuan. The purpose of him arranging the two of them in the past was to take the opportunity to learn the ability of Apocalypse, so naturally he would not miss it at this time.

The first one to start was the Red Devil. As a former member of the Hellfire Club, a subordinate of the latter Magneto, and one of the main forces of the Dimension Street Manor, Apocalypse still recognized his abilities, especially his appearance.

How should I put it, it is the same type as Apocalypse, except that Apocalypse is more inclined to the night walker, the whole body is blue, and the red devil is red.

But whether it's blue or red, it's the kind of daunting type.


When Tian Qi put his hand on the top of the red devil's head, the red devil suddenly felt a special and powerful force pouring into his body. The feeling seemed to be overdone, causing the red devil to tremble slightly.


He could feel that his power increased several times in an instant. The surging feeling of this power made the Red Devil feel a little dazed.

Seeing the red devil's absent-minded and excited appearance, Tian Qi nodded slightly in satisfaction, and turned to look at Li Qianhuan, who was slightly nervous.

He is not particularly satisfied with this mutant named Li Qianhuan, and the characteristics of his abilities are neither obvious nor strong, but since he came with the Red Devil and is also from the Dimension Street Manor, Tian Qi did not refuse. The most important thing is that he did not Time to find other suitable mutants.


Li Qianfan's welcome was exactly the same as that of the Red Devil. When her abilities were strengthened, her reaction was very shocked and excited, and her reaction was even more unbearable than that of the Red Devil.

After all, she's a little girl, it's normal.

"You..." Apocalypse just wanted to say a few words after helping them strengthen, but suddenly saw a figure quietly emerge from the corner of his eyes.

Chapter 0568 Apocalypse under the fruit of surgery

"Who are you!" Looking at the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, Tianqi frowned and asked in a deep voice.

The Storm girl beside her was a little surprised. This was the first time she saw Apocalypse showing such a serious and alert attitude.

After seeing Apocalypse from Storm, whether it was Apocalypse killing people, helping him strengthen his abilities, and understanding the situation in this world, Apocalypse didn't show any seriousness. It felt like there was nothing to worry about even if the sky fell.

But...Storm, who was just a fledgling and a petty thief not long ago, although she doesn't know much about the mutant world, she is not stupid!

Whether this person suddenly appeared here, or has been hiding nearby without being discovered, it shows that this person is very capable.

It is normal for Apocalypse to be so serious and vigilant, because Apocalypse did not discover his existence in advance.

In fact, this is indeed the reason for Apocalypse's vigilance and vigilance.

"Dimensional lord."

Su Yue looked around Magneto, the Red Devil, and Li Qianhuan with relieved expressions on their faces, and reported themselves indifferently.

Dimensional lord? !

Apocalypse looked at the Magneto three subconsciously, took them three and strengthened their abilities, and then... their master came to the door?

Is this dimensional lord here to save people? No, no, Magneto might have been forcibly brought under his command at the beginning, and Li Qianhuan and the Red Devil were deliberately arranged by this dimensional lord?

This dimensional lord deliberately let the Red Devil and Li Qianhuan find Storm and use Storm to find himself? If so, it means that this dimensional lord has a strong ability to find people, and knows the relationship between Storm and himself.

Then, he may not be able to find himself, or he may be able to find himself but he is not sure, so he sent people to approach him so that we can deal with him together?

Thinking of this, the corner of Tian Qi's mouth raised: "You came just right, although there are enough people, but only the strong are qualified to be my knights."

"You want to accept me?" Su Yue asked with narrowed eyes.

Tian Qi said: "Didn't you come to rely on me? Otherwise, what are you trying to do here? Could it be that you want to gather your people to deal with me?"

With that said, Tianqi looked at the three of Magneto: "What about you? Do you want to betray me? I gave you the ability, are you ready to deal with me, or are you ready to... conquer the world for me and build a' with me' A world where only the strong can survive'?"

Apocalypse is very confident!


Because he is the oldest mutant in the world, and also the strongest mutant, he can also strengthen the ability of mutants.

If you follow yourself, you can become stronger and fight against yourself, but they are not against you.

Whether to choose to become stronger or choose to die, isn't this a very simple multiple-choice question?

The red devil grabbed Li Qianhuan and teleported behind Su Yue with a bang, and Magneto turned his wrist, and two steel bars suddenly appeared around him. One wrapped around Tian Qi wanted to do the same.

Unfortunately, Apocalypse shook his body and broke free from the steel bar.

"Good good!"

Apocalypse sneered sharply. "I didn't expect the three of you to actually betray me. It seems that you are not very clear about the consequences of betraying me."


The electric light suddenly flickered, and Magneto glanced at Storm, whose eyes were white and ready to discharge, and snorted coldly. The steel bar suddenly tightened, and the suffocation and pain caused the electric light to dim instantly.

"Shh! It's not your turn yet." Su Yue glanced at Storm and came to Tian Qi with a swoosh.


The power of the surgical fruit was released, the slaughterhouse was opened, and in an instant, Apocalypse's body was torn apart.

His hands and feet were scattered aside, his body was separated from top to bottom, and he fell to the ground in pieces.



Deathly silence!

Even Magneto, who was mentally prepared, was shocked by this move, not to mention the Red Devil, Li Qianhuan. Because of the shock, Magneto stopped controlling the steel, but Storm, who regained her breath, was motionless and dumbfounded.

This... what kind of ability is this? To split Apocalypse and corpse so easily?

No, that's not right, it's not dismembering the body, but Apocalypse isn't dead yet?

Is this apocalypse too strong? Or... Su Yue's ability is too weird?

"Your ability is really special, but it's not that easy for you to kill me." Although Tian Qi was surprised, he didn't have six gods and no masters.

Although his body is split in four or five, he can feel that his state has not been affected. Moreover, even if he is split in four or five, he may not necessarily die. His self-healing ability is very strong.

He could feel that his hands, feet and body were still under his control, but the feeling of being scattered was very painful.

A strange scene appeared.

Apocalypse's hands, feet and body moved by themselves, as if trying to reassemble himself, but he tried several times without success.

Just kidding, without the ability to operate the fruit, he can only rely on the means of sewing to reassemble, but now... obviously there is no such tool.

"Want to die or live?" Su Yue asked Tianqi condescendingly.

"You can't kill me." Apocalypse hummed.

"So, do you want to die?" Su Yue disapproved and hooked a hand to transfer Tian Qi's hand into his own. "Do you feel that your self-healing ability is strong and you can't die at all, so I hope I kill you so that you can restore your body to normal?"

"This is a good idea. Unfortunately, you are too confident in your self-healing ability. I don't know about others, but besides me, there is another person who can kill you. You should have died at her hands. But now, you have no chance."

After speaking, Su Yue suddenly used Jia Ying's ability.

Absorb vitality!

Can't you heal yourself?


I don't hurt you, I only absorb your vitality, even if your self-healing ability still works, it's okay to see if you heal faster or if I absorb it faster.

See if you have no end, or if I have no end!

With the activation of the ability, Apocalypse's face, no, it should be said that the body began to quickly show a gray color, and his vitality was rapidly passing.

In the same way, his self-healing ability was also activated, which caused his complexion to be gray for a while and normal for a while, as if his face had changed, and it looked extremely strange.

Chapter 0569 Your ability was erased by me

Apocalypse's complexion kept changing, from a moment of graying to a loss, and a moment to normal, and everyone who looked at him as if he had changed his face was stunned.

On the one hand, everyone was amazed at Tianqi's 'face-changing' technology, and on the other hand, they were amazed at Su Yue's methods.

From the time Su Yue appeared to the present, what has he done? He only did two things: first, he 'split' Tianqi with his unknown ability; second, he put his hand on Tian Qi's body, as if he was absorbing Tian Qi's vitality.

Just these two things made this newly resurrected Apocalypse, this mythical and legendary Apocalypse, this oldest mutant in a dilemma.

If it is said that Su Yue has shown some powerful power, it is enough to have a shocking ability, but the two abilities that he uses do not seem to be that much fanfare.

Although the ability of the surgical fruit is strange, it is not like Storm's lightning crackling, nor is it as powerful as Magneto. The same is true for absorbing life force.

This kind of understatement and seemingly incompetent means defeated Tian Qi so easily, and this was what shocked them.

Turning your hands for the clouds and covering your hands for the rain, a gesture that doesn't take the Apocalypse in his eyes at all, is a real cow.

Self-healing, self-healing, self-healing. Apocalypse gradually became dignified, and he found that he was at a loss for Su Yue's ability to absorb life force.

Of course, what Tian Qi said about being helpless was only aimed at Su Yue's ability to absorb vitality, it didn't mean that he didn't have any means of resistance at this time.


Tian Qi snorted coldly as his face changed, and then, the ground around Su Yue's feet suddenly moved.

This is one of Apocalypse's attack methods, desertification.

However, Su Yue seemed to have long expected that Tian Qi would do this. When the quicksand rushed towards him, a protective shield suddenly appeared around Su Yue's body.


The quicksand hit the protective cover and was instantly bounced off by it. Immediately afterwards, the quicksand rushed over again without a pause, and all of a sudden, the crackling sound of the crash came one after another, and it sounded one after another.

Su Yue seemed to be surrounded by quicksand.

Visually, Su Yue and Tian Qi were separated, but in fact, Su Yue inside the protective cover was absorbing the vitality in Tian Qi's arm.

Although this is just an arm, it is still separated from Apocalypse, but because of the fruit of the operation, in fact, the arm and Apocalypse are not really separated and still maintain a close connection, and through this connection, even if other parts of Apocalypse leave, Su Yue can still absorb the vitality of the apocalypse through the arm.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

No matter how the quicksand controlled by Apocalypse struck, Su Yue's protective shield was as motionless as a mountain and could not be broken at all. Apocalypse also tried to desert the ground under Su Yue's feet, trying to bury Su Yue in the ground. Unfortunately, the ground under Su Yue's feet also seemed to be protected by a protective cover, which was completely uncontrollable.

Even though the surrounding area was deserted, Su Yue still stood firmly in place.

The attack was fruitless, Apocalypse put down his dignity, put down his face, and directly used teleportation to leave. However, as soon as his portal opened, Su Yue's body lit up with colorful rays of light, and then...

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