She really didn't expect the power in her body to be so strong, but... even the professor couldn't solve it, which means it's normal for the power to be strong. She is just a little worried about whether Su Yue can solve it.

"I'm not from this world." Su Yue shrugged.


It's not from this world, by the way, it seems to be the case, but the parallel world is too sci-fi for Jean Grey, and the appearance of Su Yue doesn't have any sense of disobedience in the face of Su Yue. , which made her really ignore it.

"Simply put, the power of the phoenix is ​​very strong, which leads to two consequences. One is that you can control the power of the phoenix, which will make you very strong; the other is that you are affected by the power of the phoenix. , Blackening, you will also become very strong, but you understand the meaning of blackening."

"Of course, now there is a third result, that is, I will help you eliminate the power of the phoenix. To be precise, it is to absorb the power of the phoenix from your body into my body."

"You can choose these three outcomes. The reason why I tell you these is to let you know that the power of the phoenix is ​​very strong, so don't regret it when the time comes."

Su Yue paused and said, "Don't rush to tell me your choice, I'm not unconditional for helping you."

"What conditions? As long as I can do it, I can agree." Jean Grey said hurriedly.

She doesn't care whether the power of the phoenix is ​​strong or not. She has been discriminated against since she became a mutant, and it is difficult to live in a normal society. Because of the power of the phoenix, she is discriminated against and excluded from even among mutants.

So, she's had enough.

She doesn't want to become stronger, she just wants to live a safe and secure life!

What are the conditions for Su Yue?

Of course it's Jean Grey, but he's still a little hesitant now.

To be honest, he really never thought about absorbing the power of the phoenix now!

But since he came to the door, Su Yue would not turn him away, but he had to think about how to arrange Jean Grey.

〇⑦《Unusually Talented》

Chapter 0572 Clarice Fang

According to the plot of the X-Men series, after the end of "Apocalypse", it is "Dark Phoenix". In the Dark Phoenix, Viola Gray was blackened, used by alien villains, broke with the X-Men, and accidentally killed the Mystical Girl Ruiwen.

Mystique Ruiwen don't have to worry, she is not in this world. In addition to this plot point, Jean Grey's biggest role in Dark Phoenix is ​​that she defeated the villain by popping beans in the final stage. Well, like Apocalypse, she did the final blow.

However, since this world has become one's own, it is absolutely impossible for alien villains to come to Earth to do something, so there is no need to worry that no one will be able to defeat the enemy.

This means that Jean Grey's role has become minimal, and there is no need to worry about the butterfly effect caused by changing the plot.


Su Yue looked at Jean Grey and said, "Join Dimension Street."

"Second, Dimension Street?" Jean Grey was stunned.

Su Yue explained: "Magnetic King, Red Devil, they are all people from Dimension Street, including the current Dimension Street Manor, which also belongs to Dimension Street, but the Dimension Street Manor is a stronghold in this world, while Dimension Street is in another. The world, I call it the main world."

"If you are willing to join Dimension Street, I promise to help you eliminate the power of the phoenix. In addition, Dimension Street is a very prosperous place, where there are other mutants and people from other worlds, you can live with peace of mind, no Any discrimination, will be sought after and admired."

"I... I don't know, I need to think about it." Jean Grey was a little confused.


Su Yue is not so eager to hope that Jean Grey makes a choice. Although Jean Grey without the power of the phoenix is ​​also strong, she is definitely not strong enough to make Su Yue impatient.

Besides, even if she went to Dimension Street, there was still a White Queen pressing her down. In terms of ability and psychic ability, the White Queen was stronger than Jean Grey, who did not have the power of the phoenix.

How should I put it, Jean Grey's role is to enhance the overall strength of Dimension Street, and it is not considered a high-end combat power or to supplement a certain aspect of weakness.

The power of the phoenix in her body is definitely a good thing.

If the power of the phoenix can be transformed into transcendent energy, it can definitely improve a lot.

Apocalypse's vitality needs to be continuously absorbed, Jean Grey needs to consider the time, the mutant immigration plan Mora is preparing, and there is nothing left and right, Su Yue feels that he can think about the protagonist of the multiverse plan.

Well, it is also the flickering of a world of extraordinary talent.

Precise draw.


"The lottery is over."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Dimensional Pass "Extraordinary Talent"."

After obtaining the pass to the world of extraordinary talent, Su Yue explained to the others that he would go back temporarily, and if there was any situation, he would use the trans-temporal teleporter to contact him, and then he returned to the Dimension Street in the main world.

After returning, Su Yue went directly through the dimension gate without delay and came to the world of extraordinary talent.

The time of this world is later than the time of the main world, but it is not different by a few years.

With telepathy released, Su Yue began to look for flickering.

"found it!"

After a while, Su Yue sensed the location of Blink, and at the same time understood her current situation and past memories without Blink's knowledge.

Although the two versions of Flicker are both called Flicker, although they have the same ability, the actors are different, that is to say, the appearance is different, the current level of ability development is also different, and the real names of the two are also different.

The flash in Dimension Street is called Clarice Ferguson, and the flash in talent is called Clarice Fang.

Of course, these are all trivial details. The real key is how to complete the scene, how to make an excuse for Flicker, and how to arrange a behind-the-scenes boss.

Or to put it simply, how should the Planet Devourer appear!


In an abandoned factory room, darkness enveloped the room, and the room was full of messes. The brown window that was only one window away from the outside of the factory was even more tattered. It was broken in several places, and the wind blew in from time to time.

In the corner of the dimly lit room, there were a few tattered clothes on the floor. A woman wearing ripped jeans, a gray vest, a black coat, purple hair, and a purple stripe on her eyes was sitting and resting against the corner.

When you are in an environment where you may be hunted down at any time, a safe environment where you can rest in peace is a luxury.

More importantly, she has no money and dare not go out to buy things. All she can do now is to rest as much as possible to ensure her physical strength. If any situation arises, she can try to escape.

"Zizzi-zizizi-" A surging sound of electricity suddenly appeared in the silent room. Clarice Fang suddenly raised her head like a bird frightened, and then saw a light appear in the dark room.

This light is getting bigger and bigger, as if to form a portal, although she can't see what's inside, but she can feel a sudden and powerful sense of oppression, it seems... if something powerful is going to drill from it come out the same.

Trembling, fearful, Clarice Fang felt that the depths of her soul had been occupied by fear.


Clarice Fang hurriedly picked up the backpack next to her and wanted to escape. No matter what it was, safety was the most important thing.

Her brain told her to run, but her body told her, no, you don't want to!

The indescribable fear made her body seem to have lost control.


A ball of light suddenly emerged and flew directly towards Clarice Fang.

Although Clarice Fang was terrified, she could only watch helplessly.

Then, the ball of light stopped in front of Clarice Fang.

Immediately after, a 'person' appeared that Clarice Fang couldn't understand.

Looking at the figure, it seems to be a human being, but this person has an indescribable light on his body. This light seems to devour the outside of this person, so that Clarice Fang can't see his appearance at all. Not sure about his characteristics.

Just a vague feeling that this person seems to have horns on his head? Or, wearing a horned hat?


The other party suddenly made a voice, obviously the other party was standing in front of him, but the voice seemed to be coming from all directions.


What does it mean?

He is asking if I am human?

So, he's not human?

Clarice Fang suppressed her fear and nodded slowly while guessing in horror.

Chapter 0573 Swallowing star messenger?

" are you?" Clarice Fang asked in a trembling voice.


Probably not!

She had never heard of a mutant with such abilities and characteristics, and had no characteristics of being in the right seat at all, and she had never heard rumors that she might be seated in the right seat.

More importantly, Clarice Fang could feel the terrifying aura on this 'person', which is definitely not something that humans or mutants can possess!

The startling glance before this 'person' appeared, made Clarice Fang feel inexplicable, as if... as if she felt the breath of another world.

The breath of another world?

This feeling is absurd, very absurd, but the more Clarice Fang thought about it, the more she felt that this might be the truth.

"You are the one!"

The erratic voice sounded again, and before Clarice Fang could react, she saw the other party suddenly appear in front of her and stretch out her hand.

The moment they touched, Clarice Fang raised her neck uncontrollably, her expression slightly grim. But, it's not the kind of hideous pain, but surprise, but... excitement?

She could feel that a powerful force suddenly appeared in her body. This force did not come from the other party, but from herself. It was as if his own power had been activated, strengthened, and become stronger through something.

"Hu... hu..." After a long while, the other party's hand was taken away, and Clarice Fang suddenly knelt on the ground, holding the ground with both hands and breathing heavily.


Her body trembled uncontrollably, but an incredible expression appeared on her face.

I have become stronger, my ability has become stronger, although I haven't used it yet, but this feeling is very clear, I can't go wrong, my ability has indeed been strengthened.

"My planet devourer, the survivor of the Big Bang, one of the five gods in the new world. From now on, you will be my messenger, star-devouring messenger!"

The voice was about to fall, and the light ball that was floating before suddenly got into Clarice Fang's body.

here we go again!

I became stronger again!

And this time it was even more exaggerated than before. Clarice Fang had a feeling that she was now strong enough to seem to destroy the world.

It's a very different kind of power.

"What is this?" Clarice Fang couldn't help asking, looking at the body that filled her whole body and seemed to have overflowed, causing a halo to appear all over her body.

"Cosmic energy. You can do anything with this energy, to strengthen your defenses, strength, endurance, and it can also be used to strengthen your abilities."

The voice sounded again, and then a lot of information appeared in Clarice Fang's mind.

The huge amount of information made Clarice Fang seem to be frozen for a while, and she was stunned on the spot.

When she reacted, she found that the room had fallen into darkness again, and the person or **** who claimed to be the Planet Devourer had disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

If it wasn't for the fact that her abilities had grown stronger, if it wasn't for the halo around her body, Clarice Fang would probably have thought that she had just had a dream.

A dream that arises because of being in a desperate situation and begging for hope!

After calming down, Clarice Fang recalled the message she had just received, and her eyes became firmer.

There is no free lunch in this world, his abilities have been strengthened, and he has also obtained cosmic energy to become a star swallowing messenger. These... are not given for nothing.

She wants to save people!

To save them from this, no... another, no right, all the worlds full of malice for mutants, and bring them to a new, safe world to start a new life.


Twinkle stretched her hands, and in an instant, purple energy spread out between her hands, which was her portal.

Originally, it was not easy for her to use this teleportation ability, and the stability was extremely poor, but now it is completely different. Not only can she use this ability as she wants, but it is quite stable, and even... the range and distance of the teleportation gate are even more increased countless times.

According to the message that Planet Devourer left to herself, as long as she continues to develop her abilities, she can travel through parallel worlds. This is... the only thing she has to do at the moment.

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