practice... practice... practice...

Not to mention Clarice Fang's ability to contact her for the time being, let's say that Su Yue used the Planet Devourer's vest to play a wave and was not in a hurry to return to the main world, nor to the X-Men world.

His "script" was to let Clarice Fang go to the X-Men world after she was able to travel through the parallel world, save a group of imprisoned mutants, and take them to the main world.

Logically, this is actually not very smooth. If Clarice Fang can really travel through a parallel world, she would first go to that world to see it herself, or save the mutants of this world. In theory, she should not go to a strange world to save strange people.

But, Su Yue, this is what he wanted to do, so he needs to modify the settings. He modified Clarice Fang's settings to make her think that she has cosmic energy and the ability to open a portal across time and space. Similarly, among the tasks she received, this task of going to other worlds is also reasonable.


Hehe, it's reasonable to have it come true.

Moreover, he deepened Clarice Fang's thoughts, making her feel that the situation in her world was too dangerous, and there were always people from the Sentinel Secret Service watching, so he first went to save the mutants in other worlds, and then summoned credible people. manpower, and come to save the mutants of this world.

Well, there's nothing wrong with thinking about it this way, and it fits Clarice Fang's always cautious character.

Clarice Fang won't do anything in this world for the time being, but Su Yue can!

Although the mutant abilities in this world do not have what they particularly want, there are still many mutants in this world that are worth recruiting.

Moreover, if Clarice Fang immigrates the mutants from this world, she has to be prepared, at least to make some related situations, so as to have a position and an opportunity to intervene in it, and then justifiably the shot.

There are three main forces in this show, the mutant underground organization, the Hellfire Club, and the Sentinel Secret Service.

The target chosen by Su Yue is the mutant underground organization!

0574 Lauren

If North Star Lorna Dane was not summoned to Dimension Street, she would have become one of the leaders of the mutant underground organization, or the core leader.

Although she later parted ways and joined the Hellfire Club, at the beginning of the plot, she contributed a lot to the mutant underground organization.

There are many mutants in this show. Thunderbirds, sages, sweet dreams, and eclipses from the mutant underground organization; shadowy cuckoos from the Hellfire Club, etc., are all useful and capable mutants.

However, the real protagonists are a family of four.

Father Reed Strucker, mother Caitlin Strucker, older sister Lauren Strucker, and younger brother Andy Strucker.

The surname Strucker is still very famous in Marvel. Of course, the talented Strucker in this world has nothing to do with the Baron Strucker in the main world, but there is a twin star in their ancestors, and the ability of the two to join forces Pretty strong, Lauren and Andy, too!

Lauren and Andy are what Su Yue is looking at. The two are not young, but they are very capable. With a little training, they can become very good fighters.

Besides, they are young and their lives are suddenly undergoing fusion. If they can be given a stable environment, they will definitely not have second thoughts.

Of course, even if this is not the case, the person Su Yue looks at will not have two hearts. After all, he must be summoned to Dimension Street.

Speaking of summoning, Su Yue used his recall ability to recruit Polaris from the main world.

After all, this is the original world of Polaris. It’s fine if he doesn’t come. Since he’s here, why don’t you let Polaris ‘go home’ to have a look.

Moreover, Polaris has a better understanding of the basic situation of this world. Since the deity needs to come forward, it is reasonable to bring Polaris.


The figures flickered, and the North Star instantly appeared in front of Su Yue.

Polaris is not surprised or unfamiliar with this method of recall, she just looked at the surrounding environment with curiosity.

"This is the X-Men World?" Polaris knew where Su Yue went recently, so he made a preconceived judgment.

Su Yue shook his head: "No, this is your world."

"my world?"

"It can be called a world of extraordinary talent." Su Yue said.

Polaris suddenly realized, and then the corner of his mouth raised. She never thought that one day she would be able to return to this world, let alone that it would happen so suddenly.

"What are you here for?" Polaris asked.

She knew that it was impossible for Su Yue to come to a new world for no reason, or to say, a world that had been known for a long time but never came.

If there was anything in this world that Su Yue was interested in, it would have come long ago.

But now that he's here, he's definitely not simply bringing himself back to experience it, especially under the premise that he was supposed to be in the X-Men world.

"I set up a game, which is related to this world. Of course, this is not the main thing at the moment. I'm just going to bring a few mutants back in this world and ask you to come over. First, you are more familiar with this world. Second, Also come back and turn around.”

Su Yue briefly explained the twinkling and the multiverse, and then talked about Lauren and Andy.

Polaris is still very interested in this pair of siblings. "If they were mutants, they should have fled by now?"

"The matter of mutants should not have been discovered yet. To be precise, the younger brother Andy should not have awakened, but it should be soon."

"I've already found their position. Let's go over and contact Lauren first. She is an older sister, and her mutant genes have been awakened, but her personality is relatively mature and has been concealed, so the family still doesn't know."

Under the coverage of Su Yue's psychic ability, he quickly found Lauren's location, and then took the North Star and teleported directly to the vicinity.

The reason why it's nearby is because Lauren is at home at this time, so it doesn't seem very polite to send it directly to someone's home? Besides, Su Yue didn't intend to directly showdown like this.

Although Lauren's father is also a hidden mutant, Su Yue has little interest in Lauren's parents. On the one hand, parents must care about their children. This kind of concern will conflict with the leadership of Su Yue. Just like parents and the bosses of their children's company, they may make their children work hard and be obedient, but they must be more concerned about their children in many cases. Feel and be healthy.

If they really want to encounter any danger or trouble, they will definitely persuade the child not to rush up...

Although Su Yue is not the kind of person who doesn't care about human feelings or family affection, the premise is that he can't conflict with himself.

"What are we going to do? Go in directly?" Polaris asked like Su Yue.

Su Yue shook his head: "No, find a place nearby to settle down first."

Su Yue looked into the distance, and soon brought Polaris to the lawn of a nearby park, and then threw out the universal capsule.


A house appeared, Su Yue used the power of the invisible female Susan to make the house invisible, and then went in with Polaris.

The room is not too big, but although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs and all the daily necessities.

Although the target character Lauren was not far away, Su Yue was not in a hurry to meet her, but chatted with Polaris over coffee, while keeping an eye on Lauren's situation with her psychic abilities.

I have to say that Lauren is indeed a big kid. Don't look at her young age, but her figure... No, she is very mature in her thinking. Although she has always been worried and apprehensive about becoming a mutant because of her awakening ability, she I have been suppressing this emotion, and I have not shown the slightest bit of it on weekdays, almost the same as before.

This kind of worry is revealed only when I am alone at night, and it is also a kind of emotional release.

To be honest, if this situation continues for a longer period of time, I am afraid that there will be a problem with her psychology.

To hide a secret for a long time, although this kind of psychological depression seems to be nothing, but a time is enough to crush any tough-minded person.

About an hour later, Lauren took a shower, changed into her pajamas, and finally fell asleep.


The corners of Su Yue's mouth raised slightly, and she directly sent Lauren from home.


Lauren, who was asleep, appeared on the ground and was immediately awakened.

Chapter 0575 The ability to supplement the brain is extremely strong!

"This... what is this place, you... who are you?" Lauren nervously and blankly glanced at the bright and life-filled room, then looked at Su Yue and Polaris.

A place I haven't been before, someone I don't know, is this... a dream?

Although Lauren is still a little confused now, she remembers very clearly that she is sleeping at home, and it is impossible to appear in this place for no reason.

"Is this... a dream?" Lauren murmured.

"Perhaps." Su Yue's answer was ambiguous. Originally, he planned not to tell Lauren the truth for a while, so as not to scare Lauren, but now she thinks it's a dream, which is better.

At the very least, it can give Lauren a time to accept and buffer.

"It's so strange, I don't know you, why do I dream of you? And it's so clear, it feels like it's real." Lauren stood up suspiciously.

She thought it was a dream, but no matter what she saw or felt, it was extremely real.

Also, why dream of this man and a woman? The man looks as if he is still Asian. It doesn't make sense. I haven't seen these two people. How can I imagine so realistically? Or, in fact, I have seen them, but I have no impression?

Also, why would I dream of such a room, and what would it be like outside the room?

Lauren subconsciously walked to the door, held the handle, and pushed it away.

The night wind whistled and it was dark.

Lauren shuddered subconsciously when it was blown, and then walked out.

"This... This seems to be near my house? Is this on the rooftop?"

Lauren looked at the dim and familiar rooftop, turned to look at the hut that should not have appeared on the rooftop, the brightness and warmth in the hut made Lauren slightly stunned.

"I understand!"

Lauren walked back to the house, closed the door, and looked at Su Yue and Polaris, who had been doing nothing at all, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"This is indeed my dream. There is a rooftop outside. The dark night outside the rooftop symbolizes the anxiety and crisis in my heart. If my secret is discovered, I will fall into the abyss. And here, it is me safe house."

"Light, warm, in the dark, it will protect me!"

"And you are my desire!"

Lauren looked at Su Yue and Polaris and said, "My secrets can't be told to others, so you guys showed up, you can accompany me, you can listen to my distress and pressure; at the same time, you also symbolize help and salvation, because I Really hope someone can help me!"

"If I guessed correctly, you are also mutants, and you are the very strong ones!"

Lauren's serious analysis made both Su Yue and Polaris dumbfounded. Is this little girl's brain supplementing ability so strong?

Although Su Yue also wanted to do it on purpose, but before he had time to guide him, Lauren made up his own nonsense, and it was still the kind of serious... nonsense!

However, this kind of nonsense sounds quite reasonable, at least it can match the number.

The silence and surprise of Su Yue and Polaris made Lauren think she guessed right. Of course, this is their own dream, it doesn't matter if they don't admit it, it may be some kind of subconscious feedback from themselves.

"What are your names?" Lauren asked the two enthusiastically.

"Dimensional lord." Su Yue said with a smile.


"Are they all code names? That's right." Lauren began to analyze again in a serious manner.

"There is a saying that you are my North Star, which usually refers to someone who is very important in his life or career, plays a role in pointing the way, and has the meaning of gratitude. My subconscious hopes that someone can tell me what to do , how to get out of the current predicament, so the North Star will appear in my dreams."

"..." Polaris was speechless. She knew this saying, but she didn't expect her code name to be related to this, and she didn't expect to be able to match Lauren's situation so coincidentally.

"Dimensional lord..." Lauren looked at Su Yue again, Su Yue smiled slightly, he wanted to know how Lauren would make up for his existence.

"Let's talk about the lord first. The lord is the ruler of the slave society and the feudal society who holds political power and land ownership in one area. Dimension, most of the time it refers to dimension or independent space. You are called dimensional lord, that is to say , you have a dimensional space that belongs to you!"

"That is to say, my subconscious feels that I long for someone who has an independent space to protect me. Or, I long to have it, to live in a place that is absolutely safe. Well, that's not what my subconscious thinks either. , because I feel the same way now, I really hope to escape from here, escape all this, and have a place where I can live in peace and security."


Nima, this brain-boosting ability is absolutely incredible, this coincidence is absolutely incredible! Su Yue really didn't expect Lauren to be able to make up such a level, let alone so reasonable!

do you know? I feel that when you say this, you are there, you are there, you are out of nothing, you are dark, imaginary, fabricated out of thin air, speechless, hopeless...

"Why don't you speak? One of you is a guide and the other is a protector. It's not just to let me know of your existence, right? My subconscious can construct you. It's impossible not to construct the following plot, right? I know It’s a dream, but it doesn’t matter, what can’t be done in reality, can’t you let me experience it in a dream?”

Lauren sees it very openly. Anyway, it's her own dream. Of course, she has to make her own decisions.

"What ability do you have?" Lauren asked Polestar curiously.

Polaris glanced at Su Yue, thought about it, and used his abilities.

The green magnetic light lit up, and in an instant, the metal in the room floated up.

"Wow, what a powerful ability." Lauren asked in amazement, "What kind of ability is this?"

"Control the magnetic field."


Lauren clapped her hands and looked at Su Yue: "What about you, you are a dimensional lord, so you must be more capable?"

"I have a lot of abilities. The most iconic thing is that my wishes come true, right?"

"Does it come true? What kind of ability is this?" Lauren asked in astonishment.

"Probably, as long as I think about it, I can do it." Su Yue explained.

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