Lauren's eyes widened: "It's so powerful, isn't it like God? No, this is my dream, why are you God? In my dream, should I be God?"

Chapter 0576 Ivan Jielin, female lawyer, mutant, X-Men!

"You can try it!" Su Yue encouraged her with a slightly raised corner of her mouth.

"I'm in charge of my dreams, just try!"

After Lauren finished speaking, she muttered aloud, as if she really wanted to try to incarnate God and control her dreams.

As for dreaming, I usually do whatever I want. I can do whatever I want. Dreams are the projection of the subconscious. Many times people control the development of dreams when they are dreaming, and there are some things that contradict and feel reasonable in the dream.

Lauren is now trying to control her dreams, and she hopes that she can have the ability to achieve what she wants. It's a pity that if this is really her dream, maybe she can still succeed, but this is not a dream, but a reality!

Obviously, Lauren's attempt is impossible to succeed.

"Strange, why?" Lauren, who had tried for a long time, reluctantly gave up.

It was her own dream, but she was out of her control, which made Lauren very frustrated and made her feel helpless that she couldn't control her destiny even in her own dream.

"One of you is a guide and the other is a protector, but... it was constructed by me in a dream. Do you know? I wish you were real in reality. Haha, maybe it's because I know it's impossible in reality. , so it will appear in a dream."

Lauren's mood was a little down. "Sorry, I've been under a bit of stress recently, although I don't know if I can see you in my dream tomorrow, or whether you will still exist, but I'm very grateful for your presence, at the dream, I You can relax for a while without the burden.”

Su Yue shrugged noncommittally. Polaris was quite touched. After all, when she was not summoned to Dimension Street, her situation was not much better than that of Lauren. Although it was not likely that she was discovered, the pressure was indeed there. .

It's just that Polaris is more mature than Lauren, and Lauren's living environment is more comfortable than Polaris. It is no longer easy for the flowers in the greenhouse to be like Lauren.

Next, Lauren began to let go of herself. After all, this is a dream, or her own dream. There is nothing to worry about. Some things that you can't say normally and some accumulated pressure are naturally released.

It wasn't until Lauren was a little sleepy that Su Yue teleported her back and put her to sleep.

"So, what are we going to do?" After Lauren left, Polaris asked, a little puzzled, "Wouldn't you just pretend like her dream?"

Su Yue smiled and shrugged: "Don't you think it's funny?"

Polaris nodded: "Her brain supplementation ability is really unexpected and really interesting."

"Anyway, I don't have anything to do lately, just tease this little girl. After she is completely familiar with us, we will unravel the truth. She will be more accepting then." Su Yue said with a smile.

There is really nothing urgent recently. Although Clarice Fang has been enhanced by herself to become a 'star swallower', after all, it will take some time to master the ability to travel through the world.

As for the X-Men world, Phoenix Girl Jean Gray was still thinking about it and didn't give herself an answer. After the apocalypse event is over, nothing else will happen in a short time.

As for the main world, it is even simpler. Others will properly arrange things in Dimension Street. They don't need to pay too much attention to themselves. What does the Ultron event that you are experiencing have anything to do with you?

Anyway, Ultron didn't dare to trouble himself, and he didn't dare to trouble Dimension Street. Let them settle their grievances with the Avengers by themselves.

Su Yue will participate in beneficial events, but what will be involved in unprofitable events? Not a nanny myself!

The only benefit of the Ultron incident is the vibrating gold that was taken away by Ultron, but now is not the time to take action, just wait until the end of the Ultron time, and he doesn't even need to come forward in person and explain it in advance to let his subordinates Just do it.

So, he really doesn't have anything important at the moment. It's not bad to spend some time playing the dream brain game with Lauren. Besides, it's not just a waste of time.

Lauren just spends some time at night, and can do other things during the day.

For example, dig up other mutants.

If I remember correctly, when Polaris was in a mental hospital in the TV series, a lawyer who knew her details approached her. This lawyer is called Ivan Jielin, who is also a mutant and has the ability to turn her skin into red scales. .

This Evangeline is a member of the X-Men. She helped Polaris out of the mental hospital, and at the same time let Polaris join or form a mutant underground organization.

Su Yue is not very interested in Evangeline's mutant ability, but she is still very interested in her own job or deputy job, the ability of the lawyer profession.

The legal department of Dimension Street is currently in charge of the female Hulk. Although the results are good, it is not a bad thing to have a mutant with strong business ability.

The psychic ability is activated and the target is locked.

With a single thought, Su Yue directly sent the other party to the room of the universal capsule.


A very capable middle-aged woman in professional attire suddenly appeared.


As soon as she appeared, Evangeline showed a vigilant attitude, and then she saw the North Star.

The moment she saw the North Star, Evangeline was slightly stunned, and then said, "Lorna Dane?"

"You know me?" Polaris was surprised because he didn't know her.

"Where is this place? You... how did you get me here?" Ivan Jielin saw Su Yue next to Polaris, and also saw her environment clearly.

To be honest, Evangeline was a little flustered at this moment.

As an X-Men, as a mutant, although Ivan Jielin's identity has not been discovered, she knows a lot of mutant abilities. The mutant ability to be taken, or teleported to another place without a response.

"Hello, Ivan Jielin, the mutant in the X-Men, let me introduce myself, my name is Dimension Lord!" Su Yue introduced himself with a smile.

Evangeline was stunned.

Your identity, exposed?

This person not only knew that I was a mutant, but also knew that I was an X-Men?

Dimensional lord?

This name, I have never heard of it!

Chapter 0577 You overestimate your worth!

"Dimensional lord... You brought me here, right? You are also a mutant? What did you use, your mutant ability?"

Evangeline is worthy of being a lawyer, she calms down quickly. Although she was surprised by the identity and ability of the other party, and also surprised that the other party knew so much about her own identity, the most important thing now is not to panic, but to figure out the identity and purpose of the other party.

"You're very good." Su Yue nodded in satisfaction as she looked at Ivan Jielin who was able to calm down so quickly. "I can answer your doubts. First of all, I am not a mutant. To a certain extent, you can understand me as the **** of mutants? Because I can have any ability that I have seen, and at the same time, I can also strengthen mutants. human ability."

Ivan Jielin's eyes widened just as she was about to speak, when Su Yue waved her hand and said, "Don't worry, I will give you a chance to ask questions. I have a teleportation ability that can be teleported between the stars at will, whether it is teleportation, or Teleport, you were teleported by me just now. Of course, this kind of teleportation needs to be matched with the same strength of psychic ability, otherwise, if you can't lock you, you will naturally be unable to teleport."

"In the end, it's your biggest doubt. Why do I know about you and why did I send you here."

Su Yue paused, then chuckled: "Knowing you is very simple, it has nothing to do with mental ability, because I know who you are and what will happen in this world early in the morning, you can understand it as predictive ability. As for why you were sent here, I want to invite you to join Dimension Street!"

Ivan Jielin took a deep breath, quickly thinking about the things the other party said just now, and then slowly said: "I don't believe in the **** of mutants, but if you can really copy and strengthen mutant abilities If so, it’s not an exaggeration to call it the **** of mutants. I also believe in the ability of precognition…”

Saying that, Evangeline glanced at Lorna Dane casually.

"You were ordered to find Lorna Dane, and you will help her take her from the mental hospital, and let her form a mutant underground organization to help mutants."

Su Yue said abruptly.

Evangeline was stunned, then nodded and said, "Yes. It's just that when I went there, I found that Lorna Dane was gone. The hospital was sure that they didn't see how Lorna Dane left. Afterwards, I I also investigated for a while, but unfortunately I didn't find any clues about her, she seemed like... the world has evaporated."

Su Yue shrugged: "She has indeed evaporated from the world, but she is only in your world."

"What do you mean?" Ivangeline first glanced at Lorna Dane who didn't refute, and then looked at Su Yue.

"Dimension lord, of course, you must have your own territory to be called a lord. The Dimension Street I just mentioned is my territory, but... Dimension Street is not in this world."

"Not in this world, how is this possible?!!" Ivan Jielin lost her voice.

Su Yue smiled: "Why is it impossible? How do you think she disappeared from the hospital suddenly, why do you think you didn't find any clues, because she is not in this world at all. I summoned her from this world to Dimension Street, If you don't believe me, you can ask her back. I don't have to lie to you about this kind of thing that can be broken. Besides, I plan to recruit you to join the Dimension Street, then you will be able to identify whether what I said is true or false. ."

"Dimension Street, where exactly is it?" Ivan Jielin asked in a deep voice.

"A multiverse, a place where countless dimensional worlds meet. Dimension Street can be connected and lead to countless worlds, and there are countless people from dimensional worlds in Dimension Street. The world where Dimension Street is currently located is a world very similar to here, the same There are heroes, as well as villains, mutants don’t have to hide in Dimension Street, they can get along with ordinary people, and they can be respected and sought after.”

"Really... Is there such a place?" Ivangeline was a little dazed.

For mutants, this is definitely a fantasy world. And for the X-Men, this is the world the professor once dreamed of creating, but unfortunately... the professor failed.

"If you didn't lie to me, I am willing to join Dimension Street. But I have one condition." Ivan Jielin looked at Su Yue with a solemn tone.

Su Yue smiled and said, "If I guessed correctly, do you want me to save other mutants in this world?"


Ivan Jielin nodded affirmatively and said, "As long as you can do this, I will join Dimension Street to work for you."

"First of all, you overestimated your own value. I will recruit you, just because you are a lawyer and can play a role in the legal department of Dimension Street, so I will let you out of the misery. Second, you have overestimated your own Ability, Dimension Street doesn't need you to work hard, you just need to do your job well. Moreover, what makes you have the illusion that you can negotiate with me? "

"Those who obey me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish. Let's not talk about this kind of code of conduct for the time being. Do you really think that negotiating conditions in front of someone who can easily kill you is a correct choice?"

"If I were you, I would agree directly. After I understand the details and strength of Dimension Street, and have a certain understanding of my dimensional lord, I will consider how to help other people in this world. You have to remember, save people. Save yourself first, if you don’t even guarantee your own safety, you think about saving others first, all I can say is… worthy of being an X-Men?”

Su Yue's remarks made Ivan Jielin speechless. It wasn't because she lost her lawyer's calmness, but because the drowning person saw a life-saving straw and made her desperate.

After all, the situation of the mutants is very bad. After all, the Dimension Street depicted is very similar to the world that the X-Men have always been out of reach, so she can't wait to grab this straw and let everyone go ashore.

"It's my fault! I apologize, I'm willing to join Dimension Street, I hope you can give me a chance." Evangeline apologized hurriedly.

Of course, if Dimension Street is different from what she thought, or if she finds out that it is a lie, she will definitely leave, or die.

But if Dimension Street is really as described, she is willing to fight for it!

Chapter 0578 Continuous dreams?

Although Ivan Jielin's performance was a bit disappointing at first, she was good at it and corrected very quickly, so Su Yue didn't care.

After all, he is from the X-Men. Although he is not a fighter, or even a well-known person, his philosophy and code of conduct are not bad at all.

"I will naturally give you the opportunity, otherwise there is no need to waste time with you here." Su Yue thought for a while and said, "Well, let Polaris take you to Dimension Street first to learn about the situation in Dimension Street. Lest you have any doubts in your heart, after that, let’s talk about your official joining Dimension Street.”

"Do you need to go back and prepare?"

Ivan Jielin was stunned, shook her head and said, "No, no."

"Then go now."

Saying that, Su Yue looked at the North Star. Polaris took out the trans-space-time teleporter, directly opened the time-space wormhole and took Ivan Jielin across the wormhole to Dimension Street.

The value of Evangeline is not her own mutant ability, but her talent as a lawyer and her identity as an X-Men.

The talented world view is in the early stage of the X-Men's reversal of the future. The sentinel robot is still a spider-like crawling design. It has not yet been able to absorb and transform these functions of mutant abilities. At the same time, the mutants have not been hunted down in a fair way.

However, during this period, the related X-Men have disappeared, and the conflict between humans and mutants has begun to escalate. Because of this, the identity of the X-Men is still very influential to mutants.

Otherwise, Polaris in the TV series would not be willing to form an underground organization of mutants just because Ivan Jielin blew her identity. You must know that there is no reason to take such a risk.

If Ivan Jielin joins Dimension Street, her identity as an X-Men can help herself recruit more mutants more easily.

After all, it is impossible for every mutant to let Su Yue appear in person, right? First of all, is it inefficient, is it time-consuming, and it seems a bit low in terms of force alone.

In this world of extraordinary talent, in addition to Twinkle, the star-devouring messenger, Su Yue felt that Lauren and Andy were worthy of his own presence, and the rest could be handed over to Polaris and Ivan Jielin.

Speaking of Lauren, before you know it, it's time to get ready to rest at night.

Su Yue paid attention to Lauren's state, and after she fell asleep, she teleported over again.

It's still this room, it's still this person!

Lauren was startled when she woke up, and then she became ecstatic.

"Oh my God, I actually dreamed of you again. It feels amazing. The dream is the same as in a serial. By the way, why didn't I see the North Star this time?" Lauren said in surprise.

"She's unavailable." Su Yue said with a smile.

"Well, it seems that I have little hope of knowing what to guide myself. I should be more eager to get shelter, so this time there is no North Star, only you."

Lauren didn't think too much about it. She is now in the stage of being convinced, and she will make up her own rationale for any situation.

Moreover, there is a lot of pressure in reality. There is such a dream that can relax and decompress without restraint. She naturally hopes that this dream can go on forever.

With the experience last time, Lauren is much more relaxed this time, er, it can even be described as letting go of herself.

How should I put it? There is actually an absurd side in the human subconscious, but the three views and morality in reality are restricted. Why do many people seem to change themselves after drinking too much and do a lot of absurd things ? The reasons are almost the same.

As for your own dreams, it doesn't matter how absurd you are.

Time passed quickly in this unrestrained flight. Although Lauren was sleepy, she could persevere. She didn't feel like ending this dream.

She was afraid that this dream would disappear at some point.

In the end, Su Yue made a promise that she would definitely show up tomorrow night, so she was ready to rest? Uh, I can barely understand that, anyway, it means to end the dream.

Then, Su Yue sent her back. Before the teleportation, Su Yue also helped her restore her state. After all, she stayed up in the middle of the night and had too little sleep time, and her mental state would be affected.

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