Su Yue didn't miss the appointment. When Lauren fell asleep again on the third night, he sent Lauren over again.

Before I knew it, such a dream really lasted for a week like a drama.

Lauren has changed a lot this week. First of all, in the 'dreamland', she was really relaxed, and she couldn't be more familiar with Su Yue, and she couldn't even be familiar with the room of the universal capsule.

Well, she is still trying to decorate this room, isn't it just a dream?

Su Yue also satisfied her idea.

In addition, because of being with Su Yue every day this week, and having a safe house, Lauren's mental state is also changing. The pressure that used to be unspeakable, but once it was found out, would have been troublesome. To vent out, dissipate a lot.

So, the whole person seems to have regained the vitality that she should have at her age.

In front of Su Yue, she confided all kinds of things she encountered in school during the day, complained or envied her classmates in the school. Regarding her parents and her younger brother, she spoke out and did not hide many things. At the same time, she also mentioned about mutants and her own abilities, and even began to ask Su Yue how to strengthen her abilities!

In the past, Lauren didn't talk about her ability like a scorpion, but she never thought about exercising it. After all, it was the source of all Lauren's stress and distress. If she could, she didn't even want to have this ability.

But with the communication with Su Yue, Lauren gradually accepted this fact and began to think about the future.

After all, Lauren is not a big-hearted girl. Many times, her thinking is very mature!

Lauren wanted to exercise her ability, and Su Yue naturally wouldn't refuse. Lauren's ability was very good.

There is no general term for her ability, but to put it simply, she can control the air.

It can control the air to achieve the effect of stealth, and can also make air barriers, or use it for attacks, etc. It can be said that this ability is outstanding among various mutant abilities.

However, this exercise finally made Lauren realize that something was wrong!

Chapter 0579 The truth about dreams?

The reason why Lauren found that something was wrong was not because of the realistic feeling when exercising every day, nor was she found anything abnormal in the process, but because...she found that her ability in reality had also become stronger!

To be honest, Lauren didn't expect to exercise her abilities in dreams. It's just that there is nothing to do in the dream state anyway, you can try to exercise first, and then return to reality and do the same, so that the effect of exercise is higher.

However, she soon discovered that what she was exercising in her dreams could be mastered directly without exercising in reality.

If it’s just thinking or experience, it’s fine, but the same is true of abilities that should be strengthened through practice, which is a bit wrong.

In addition, there is another point that makes Lauren feel that something is not quite right.

That is the dream every night, she remembers it very clearly when she wakes up!

Clear as if it was not a dream at all, but a real occurrence.

In addition, there are only two main scenes in the dream, one is in the room, and the other is the platform outside the room. No matter how she tried to change the scene, it would have no effect.

All kinds of doubts added together, and Lauren came up with a bold idea.

Perhaps... what I experienced during this period was not a dream at all?

This... It's ridiculous, Lauren was taken aback by her bold idea.

If it wasn't a dream? Is it true that there is a dimensional lord who disappears from the house every day, and then returns home?

Reason tells Lauren that this is impossible. But this thought lingered in her mind, and even intensified.

Finally, Lauren couldn't take it anymore.

Lauren did not go home immediately after school, but found the rooftop that she went to every night according to her memory.

On the rooftop, there is no room.

This made Lauren breathe a sigh of relief: "Really, what the **** am I thinking, it's obviously a dream, how could it be true..."

Lauren's eyes suddenly widened, then quickly ran to a short distance, bent down and squatted down to pick up something.

This is a button!

"Impossible, this is impossible..." Lauren murmured in disbelief.

This button was on her pajamas. Last night, when she was exercising her ability on the rooftop, it collapsed accidentally. When she woke up in the morning, she found it, but she didn't find it at home and didn't take it seriously. She thought it was another time. Carefully removed.

But now, the button that was dropped in the dream has actually appeared in front of him, in his hand...

Something in a dream must not appear in reality, so... is it really not a dream?

It's not a dream. How can you explain all this?

Clutching the button tightly, the dazed Lauren didn't know how she left the rooftop and returned home.

"What's the matter with you?" Looking at Lauren, who was in a trance, her mother asked with concern.

"No, it's nothing, I'm just a little tired. I want to go back to my room to rest first."

"It's going to be dinner soon."

"I won't eat it yet, you can eat it." Lauren said something and went upstairs to her room.


Locking the door, Lauren lay in bed ready to sleep. Although she is not sleepy at all now, she wants to know what she is going through during this time.

However, she lay down for a long time without falling asleep.

Lauren didn't give up. She counted sheep and meditated. She thought of a way to put herself to sleep. Finally... I don't know how long it took, and Lauren fell asleep.

However, Lauren, who was asleep, didn't dream at all, and the feeling of sleeping this time was different.

After about two or three hours, Lauren woke up.

No, nothing.

She didn't have a dream, and she didn't see the dimensional lord. The dream of the serial drama that would appear every day when she fell asleep did not appear at all.

This means... my bold guess may be true.

Those are really not dreams!


"Huh? Have you found it?" Somewhere, Su Yue raised his eyebrows softly.

"What did you find?" Polaris, who was beside him, turned his head and asked.

"Lauren, she has already discovered that what she experienced this time is not a dream. Haha, I thought she didn't find out so soon." Su Yue chuckled: "But it doesn't matter, anyway, it's almost time for a showdown."

"How is Evangeline?" Su Yue asked.

North Star said: "She has basically been familiar with the situation in Dimension Street during this time. When she comes back this time, Evangeline is going to try to contact other X-Men, or the original X-Men target mutants."

"Go to Dimension Street?"

The purpose of Ivan Jielin's move is obvious. Since she already believes in the existence of Dimension Street, she should consider staying in Dimension Street under normal circumstances. Contacting other people now is nothing more than wanting to help more people, let them get out of the sea of ​​misery, and go to Dimension Street to live a quiet and peaceful life.

Polaris nodded.

"Although I gave her the opportunity to join Dimension Street, I didn't say let her join Dimension Street, let alone let her bring people to join Dimension Street. So, during this time, you follow her and observe the people she contacts. "

"Okay, I understand." Polaris nodded again.

After all, not everyone can join Dimension Street, and certain assessments are still necessary.

"What are you going to do with Lauren?" Polaris asked curiously.

"Let's go with the flow, let's see Lauren's reaction." Su Yue smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go back first."

Come on, Su Yue teleported back to the rooftop with a swoosh, and then threw out the universal capsule, making it invisible.

Back in the room, Su Yue was not in a hurry to get Lauren over. Even if Lauren finds out, it's nothing, so don't be in a hurry.

Just now I knew that Lauren didn't eat dinner, and Su Yue didn't eat dinner either, so she just took advantage of this time to get something to eat.

After being busy for a long time, it was rare to cook next time, so Su Yue was in a good mood. Looking at the time, it was almost the time we usually meet, and Lauren was already lying down. Su Yue directly teleported Lauren over.

This time, Lauren woke up quickly.

Or, Lauren didn't fall asleep at all, she just pretended to fall asleep. She wanted to see what was going on and how she appeared in another place.

Unfortunately, although Lauren was prepared, when she reacted, she found herself in that familiar room again.

Chapter 0580 Answering Doubts

Familiar rooms, familiar people.

Although Lauren has been inseparable to determine that what she has experienced is not a dream at all, but when she and Su Yue meet each other's eyes, the original countless questions seem to disappear suddenly, she opens her mouth, Some didn't know what to say.

"If you don't know how to speak for the time being, you might as well try my craft first. You must know that I don't have much time to cook myself." Su Yue could understand Lauren's mood at this time. He smiled and guided Lauren. Come to the table.

There are a lot of dishes on the table, but most of them have never been seen or tasted by Lauren, but they seem to be Chinese food.

"Try it, I think it tastes pretty good. As for your doubts, I'll tell you after eating." Su Yue sat down opposite Lauren, greeted him, and started eating on his own.

Lauren suppressed the heavy thoughts in her heart and lowered her head to eat. Not to mention, although Lauren should theoretically have no appetite for food at this time, this is really good. Eating and eating makes Lauren temporarily forget other things and concentrate on eating.

After a long while, I was full of wine and food.

Su Yue removed the dining table, looked at Lauren who seemed a little overwhelmed, and said, "My identity is real, and what you have experienced during this time is also real."


Lauren was stunned, she didn't expect Su Yue to say it so suddenly. "Why? You...why did you deceive me with a reason for a dream?"

"I didn't lie to you!" Su Yue said with a chuckle, "I never said that it was a dream, right? Think about it carefully, you brought up the dream yourself, I just said maybe it was. "

Lauren recalled for a moment, and it seemed to be the case. He didn't seem to admit that it was a dream, but subconsciously thought it was a dream.

"Okay, okay, even so, you..." Lauren temporarily put aside the dream, but she had more questions.

"My name is Su Yue, and I am the owner of Dimension Street, so the identity of Dimension Lord is real. Dimension Street is not in your dreamland, but in another world, which is a peaceful and peaceful world. I will find you, yes Because I know that you are a mutant and have great potential, and your brother is also a mutant, he should not have awakened."

"After you fall asleep, I will use the teleportation ability to teleport you from home to here, and then teleport you back to help you adjust your body, so as not to affect your spirit due to lack of sleep."

"I originally planned to showdown with you when we first met, but I didn't expect you to think that I was a fictional character you made up, thinking that all this was a dream. To be honest, I am very interested in your brain-enhancing ability. So it has never been dismantled.”

Su Yue knew that Lauren must have a lot of questions at this moment, and she didn't know where to ask, so she simply explained the matter by herself. Then, he added: "Simply put, I want to take you and your brother to Dimension Street, I won't say anything extra, you should know very well that if your identity is discovered, after your brother's ability is awakened, you will Whatever situation you are facing, how has your family changed."

"Dimension Street, does it really exist?"

"Of course!" Su Yue said with a smile: "Aren't you curious why Polaris is not here during this time? Because Polaris took other mutants in your world to Dimension Street, and they only came back today. Next, they will find more The mutants, take them to Dimension Street. You are different, so I will come to recruit you in person."

"If you join Dimension Street, you can only be a person in Dimension Street in this life, abide by the rules of Dimension Street and obey my orders. You can live and work in Dimension Street, and live in the new world without any worries and dangers. Although This will separate you and your brother from your parents, but it will also ensure that your parents will not be implicated. Plus, you can communicate with your parents through something called a teleporter, the equivalent of a video phone, It's just that you can travel across time and space. With permission, you can also return to this world to meet your parents on a regular basis."

"Simply put, you can understand it from a different way of thinking. Quan thinks that you are going to college. There is no difference between making phone calls and going home occasionally during vacations."

Although Su Yue didn't say much, he still said a lot.

And, it does work.

At the very least, after listening to Su Yue's words, Lauren really felt that it didn't seem to have much impact.

Although she hasn't graduated from high school yet, it's not too long before she graduates. She will definitely go to college and leave home. The situation will be no different from going to Dimension Street.

In terms of independence, their education is indeed different. Few children worry about life after leaving home, and few children even want to live with their parents when they become adults.

"But, how do you know that my brother is..." Lauren puzzled: "He is also a mutant?"

"A kind of predictive ability, I not only know that he is a mutant, but also know that if you two brothers and sisters work together, they will be very powerful. You should also know this, when you were young, when you shook hands with him. There was a little bit of an outbreak."

"You know all this?" Lauren was very surprised. Indeed, there was an accident before, but he didn't expect that he even knew this.

Su Yue shrugged: "I can tell you clearly, when your younger brother's ability is awakened, the identities of you and your younger brother will be exposed, and people from the sentinel secret service will come to the door. Although your father is also a sentinel secret service. But once your identities are exposed, your father’s job will not help you. The only outcome for you is to run away with your family, and you will face the pursuit of the Sentinel Secret Service in the future.”

"I...I..." Lauren can imagine what situation she or her family will face at that time, which is why she is under so much pressure and distress.

As for Su Yue, the relationship and understanding during this period of time made her trust Su Yue very much from the bottom of her heart. Even though she already knew that it was not a dream, her trust was not compromised because of this.

So from the bottom of her heart, Lauren is willing to go to Dimension Street, but the reality is definitely not that she can go directly if she wants to. Her brother, her family, many things need to be considered.

0581 Stunned Lauren

I haven't been there for a long time. Although Lauren, who was born out of me, has matured beyond her age, but after all, she has not experienced too many big things, and now she may be facing a life change, or even a life change for the entire family. The decision to be made is naturally more cautious, and naturally more hesitant.

"I... I believe in you, and I'm willing to live in Dimension Street, but I can't call the shots for my brother, and I don't know how to tell them to get them to agree to this."

Lauren hesitated: "They still don't know I'm a mutant. I haven't told them, I haven't told anyone. You... can you help me? I believe in you!"

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