
The energy exploded above the black phoenix's head, and the black phoenix frowned. She found that the height of the space seemed to have changed. Before, she floated in mid-air, took off, and then was knocked down, but now looking at the height of the explosion, it seems to have dropped a lot.




The dark phoenix is ​​a little crazy, and some are constantly releasing energy, but this space is very solid, except for the fire after the explosion, there is no change at all!

"let me go!!!"

Dark Phoenix turned around and yelled at Su Yue angrily.

"What happened?"


Such a big movement naturally attracted the others, and they were a little surprised when they saw Jean Grey, who had changed a lot.

"It's okay, it's just that the Phoenix Force refuses to sit still, so it affects Qin's desire to escape. Don't worry, Qin will be fine."

Su Yue explained one sentence, ignoring the crazy Dark Phoenix and continued to absorb it.

This space trapped the Black Phoenix, but it would not stop Su Yue's suction.

In this situation, there is an idiom that fits this situation very well.

Catch the turtle in the urn!

Run, can't run.

Fight, can't fight.

The anger of Dark Phoenix at this time can be imagined, and her frantic and exhausting behavior is understandable.

Professor X and others watched for a long time beside him, and they were relieved after making sure that Qin would not be in any danger, and then... just couldn't help sighing.

The power of this phoenix is ​​really powerful.

Saying that they control Jean Grey is to control Jean Grey, and even if there is a space barrier, they can really feel the power and evil contained in this energy.

Without Su Yue, although Jean Grey would not have turned into a black phoenix now, this is an inevitable end. If there is no preparation, I am afraid that the mutants present may not be able to deal with it together.

No way, the dark phoenix with the power of the phoenix is ​​so strong!

Professor X's psychic ability and the power of the phoenix are still much worse than nature. After all, the power of the phoenix is ​​almost the ceiling of the psychic ability. If it is the complete power of the phoenix, Su Yue estimates that his psychic ability may not be an opponent.

And the attack methods of Magneto and others, huh, are still not enough to watch.

It's not that they are too weak, it's that the Dark Phoenix is ​​too strong.

So, it can be said that a disaster was avoided like this, and Magneto might be a little bit worse, but Professor X really had lingering fears, and even said that the rest of his life would not be an exaggeration.

The energy of the dark phoenix seemed to be thrown around as if it didn't want money, but unfortunately, not only did this powerful bombardment fail to open up the space, it actually had the opposite effect.

It might be the reason for the energy consumption, or it might be the extreme reaction of the Phoenix Force. Instead, the controlled Jean Grey had a chance to wake up and start to fight for the initiative of the body.

Although the Phoenix Force reacted quickly and wanted to press Qin Gray back immediately, but since Qin had the opportunity, she would definitely not be controlled like this. When they were competing with each other, Su Yue could keep going. to absorb the power of the phoenix.

So, I went back to the previous situation again, one trade off the other.

Now it is equivalent to Su Yue and Qin Gray working together to deal with the Phoenix Force, one is the main attack, and the other is the Phoenix Force's hindrance.

Under such circumstances, the power of the phoenix would be in vain even if it had all kinds of abilities.

It can't fight against Su Yue on its own, and the host doesn't cooperate, so it has nowhere to use it, so it can only watch Su Yue wantonly absorb its energy.


Chapter 0584 Multiverse Level


The energy of the Phoenix Force has dissipated from Jean Grey's body in an unwilling manner.

At the moment when the energy dissipated, Jean Grey's eyes became clear. It was obvious that the influence of the Phoenix Force on her had disappeared, and she had recovered from Dark Phoenix to Jean Grey.

"It can't hold on anymore." Jean Grey reminded Su Yue aloud as soon as she returned to normal.

She could feel that the power of the Phoenix Force was rapidly weakening, and she could no longer control herself.

"Got it."

Su Yue replied calmly, without Jean Grey reminding him, he could also feel that the power of the phoenix was dying. The phoenix power on Jean Grey is only a fragment, not a complete body. How much energy can a fragment of the phoenix power have? In other words, its energy is certainly not infinite.

Without the replenishment of external energy, coupled with the consumption and loss of this period of time, defeat is only a matter of time, and now... the time for its defeat is getting closer and closer.

Time passed unknowingly.

The power of the phoenix is ​​getting weaker and weaker, and finally... Jean Grey's body suddenly trembled. At that moment, she seemed to feel that something in her body disappeared, making her suddenly feel light, as if It's like taking off some weight.

The power of the phoenix is ​​gone!

After reacting, Jean Grey looked at Su Yue excitedly, the power of the phoenix was really gone, she really got rid of the power of the phoenix, she could really return to normal, like an ordinary person!

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Jean Grey thanked Su Yue with some weeping.

Su Yue couldn't deny that he didn't respond, or in other words, he didn't have time to respond.

After completely absorbing the phoenix power of Jean Grey, and transforming these phoenix powers into transcendental energy, Su Yue found himself upgraded again!

According to the game, if the original transcendence is 2 rank, then Su Yue is now infinitely close to 1 rank. As long as he absorbs some transcendence energy, he may be able to advance to 1 rank.

Well, of course there is still a gap, and it's huge, but Su Yue understands it very well, that is a transcendent. If you want to return to the state of the transcendent, that strength must not be achieved by absorbing some energy, otherwise the transcendence Is it too worthless?

Cosmic energy, planet devourer, chaos energy, phoenix power, it is very rare for Su Yue to reach half the level of transcendence.

At present, Su Yue is definitely still at the level of a single universe, which can be regarded as the ceiling of a single universe. If he can make 1 turn, he should be able to break through and reach the level of multiverse.

Of course, this is also Su Yue's own calculation. Who made the transcender wash his account so thoroughly?


Su Yue waved his hand, and in an instant, the enclosed space returned to normal. After Jean Grey was free, she came to Su Yue again to express her gratitude.

"Don't say more if you are thankful, now you are already from Dimension Street, and you can do things well in the future." Su Yue said: "Give you a few days to deal with things here, and then I will take you back to Dimension. street."

"Ah..." The excited Jean Grey seemed to be a little uncomfortable with Su Yue's calmness. She couldn't say that she had extinguished her excitement, but she calmed down.

After that, things were simple. Jean Grey, Professor X, and others returned to X Academy. On the one hand, they packed their luggage, and on the other hand, they said goodbye.

As for Su Yue, he was consuming this surge of transcendental energy and the difference in the essence of life. Su Yue felt that, aside from ability, compared to the essence of life and physical strength, it should be comparable to the Eternals.

Su Yue is not too excited. The current improvement can only be regarded as a small step forward. When it returns to the level of the surpasser, or even surpasses the surpasser, it will not be too late to be excited at that time.

So, Su Yue set his sights on Tian Qi again. The vitality of this product is very strong, continue to absorb it!

This inhalation lasted half a month.

Originally, Jean Grey thought she was going to leave soon, but she hurriedly arranged the follow-up, but found that it didn't happen in a short time.

Fortunately, half a month is not long, and it will soon pass.

Apocalypse, dead.

Although he has a very strong self-healing ability, the biggest feature of self-healing is to recover from injuries, not to restore the source of vitality. With Su Yue constantly absorbing the source of vitality, it is not easy for him to persist for half a month. .

After all, after absorbing the power of the phoenix, Su Yue has a deeper understanding and perception of life, and has a stronger control, so the effect of using Jia Ying's ability to absorb life force becomes more significant...

If it wasn't for this reason, I'm afraid that half a month might not be enough!

At the same time, because of absorbing the vitality of Apocalypse, Su Yue improved again, reaching the so-called 1st rank.

In other words, the multiverse level.

This is a very mysterious feeling. It's not clear and the way is unclear, but Su Yue knows that if he wants to achieve what he wants now, he can construct a space-time channel between the multiverse, so that the two universes are connected.

In other words, it is equivalent to the dimension gate in Dimension Street!

This means that Su Yue doesn't need to work hard to upgrade the level of Dimension Street and then get a new Dimension Gate to communicate the two worlds, just like the Green Arrow Universe!

He can use his ability to build one, or even multiple dimensional gates.

To be a little simpler, for example, the X-Men universe, the gifted universe, the black-robed picket universe, etc., he can build a universe that is connected to the main universe dimension street, and truly achieves crossing the universe and going to the neighbor's house. Stop by as easy and simple.

That is to say, Su Yue can connect all the currently affiliated universes, making the distance between the universe and the universe closer.

Of course, this is only a theoretical statement. In theory, Su Yue can build time and space channels, and can build countless time and space channels, but there is a premise that he has so much transcendence energy.

In the current state of being promoted, Su Yue felt that building a space-time channel would consume seventy-eighth of his transcendence energy. If he wanted to get through all of them, he had to take time to slow down.

Therefore, the choice of this space-time channel is very important.

A few universes in the other subsidiary universes other than the main world must start with the universe with the highest cost performance.

Chapter 0585 Development of the holiday island

The Green Arrow Universe can be ignored. The Green Arrow Universe itself has a second official dimension street, followed by a dimension gate that can be accessed without restrictions.

"Deadly Two-Headed Shark", "Black Robe Picket", "Train to Busan", "Fantastic Four", "X-Men" and "The Talented", if you choose from these subsidiary universes, the X-Men universe and the gifted The universe can be temporarily abandoned. After all, there is already a flash to start the multiverse plan. Dimension Street does not need to add superfluousness for the time being, and the cost-effectiveness of opening the space-time channel is too low.

Travel to the World in Busan is out of a state of giving up, after all, there is not much value.

The black-robed picket world has an electronic factory, the Fantastic Four world has an aerospace project, and the world of the deadly two-headed shark has a holiday island. Although the utilization rate of this island is not high, it is because it is not open to the outside world, and it is inconvenient to travel.

If Dimension Street officially opens the island to the outside world, there will definitely be many people willing to go there, and they can get a lot of benefits in all aspects, and the price/performance ratio is not bad.

After thinking about it, Suyue decided to develop the world of holiday islands.

Because the black-robed picket's factory and the Fantastic Four's aerospace program are not the kind of world that requires intensive and frequent exchanges.

With the trans-space-time teleporter in charge, it is very convenient for the factory to regularly pick up the goods, and the research on the aerospace program is unlikely to be effective in the short term, so there is absolutely no need to rush through the time-space channel.

Su Yue thinks that a holiday island is the best choice at present, but the issue of the holiday island still needs to be considered. After returning, you can discuss it with Pepper Potts.

"I'm leaving. If there is any situation, you can use the inter-temporal teleporter to contact. The Blink side should take action soon. You can cooperate a little in the early stage. When the time is right, you can leave it alone."

Before leaving, Su Yue accompanied Mora and explained to her that when the mutant immigration thing was almost done, she could let Mora go to Dimension Street. It's better to go to the dimension street to enjoy life, or to use the residual heat.

Su Yue took Wanda back to Dimension Street first, and then summoned Jean Grey from the X-Men world with precise summoning.

It was an old rule, first hand Jean Grey to Claire for training, Su Yue and Wanda returned to the top floor of the Dimension Street building, and then notified Pepper Potts.

About half an hour later, Pepper Potts came up.

"You're back? Is there anything important to call me here? If it's not important, let's talk about it at night. I'll have an important video conference over there later."

Pepper Potts asked directly after sitting down beside Su Yue.

Su Yue doesn't care either. After all, Pepper Potts has to deal with too many things every day. Aside from Su Yue, who is a hands-off shopkeeper, Pepper Potts is the leader of Dimension Street. There must be a lot of things and time must be tight.

"My strength has become stronger again. I can build a space-time channel by myself. I want to open up the holiday island and officially open for business." Su Yue said his thoughts.

Pepper Potts first thought about the feasibility of this matter, and then said: "It shouldn't be difficult. I will notify Tan Qi in a while and ask Tan Qi to come to you, and she will be responsible for this matter."


Su Yue didn't expect Pepper Potts to be personally responsible. After all, it's not an important matter, and it would be overkill to have Pepper Potts turn down other things and be personally responsible.

"Then I'll go down first." Pepper Potts got up and left in a hurry.

Not long after Pepper Potts left, Tan Qi came up. Obviously, she already knew about the resort island from Pepper Potts and had some ideas.

When he saw Tan Qi, Su Yue raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

Tan Qi was summoned from the world of Chang'an at twelve o'clock. It was an ancient world in the Tang Dynasty. When Tan Qi first came, whether it was his speech, his behavior, or his psychology, he was very old-fashioned, but after such a long time. After getting used to it, Tan Qi no longer had the sense of disobedience that the ancients should have.

Whether it's clothing, body movements, or temperament, she looks like a modern professional woman.

"Lord Lord." Tan Qi said hello after coming over, sat down beside Su Yue's gesture, and handed the tablet he was carrying to Su Yue slightly.

"I made a simple plan for developing a holiday island."

Tan Qi introduced and flipped the contents on the tablet.

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