Su Yue listened and watched, nodding in admiration.

In fact, it is not difficult to develop a holiday island. According to Tan Qi’s ideas, it is mainly divided into two points: one is publicity, no one knows that no one will go to the holiday island, and no one will go, naturally there will be no profit.

Since the resort island is to be turned into a special project of Dimension Street, it is natural to work **** publicity.

Dimension Street itself is the best publicity channel, so you don’t need to invest too much in publicity, you only need to use the resources of Dimension Street to promote it.

For example, the APP of Dimension Street, the advertisement of high-speed rail, etc., are enough to have a good publicity effect.

The second is safety. After all, the holiday island is a parallel world, and the holiday island itself is nothing special. The biggest selling point is that one can go abroad for vacation without having to travel so far in the city, and the other is a parallel world.

People must attach great importance to the concept of parallel worlds. At that time, whether it is the dimension street or the holiday island, it will definitely be concerned by all parties. Dimension Street is okay, no one dares to make trouble in Dimension Street, but since it is open to the outside world, people will definitely use various means to explore and collect information about that world when they go to the holiday island.

Therefore, Tan Qi focused on how to ensure that the resort island would not be affected.

After all, at present, I just want to develop the holiday island instead of the world. If the impact is too great, it will definitely affect the income. The best way is to completely turn it into a place that is just a holiday island, which will not let people Other ideas arise, and the parallel world becomes a gimmick.

"I'll leave the promotion to you, and make a complete plan as soon as possible. As for the holiday island, I will completely isolate the space in that place to avoid overexploration by locals or people from our side."

Chapter 0586 Wood Dun!

Isolating space is no longer difficult for Su Yue, after all, practice makes perfect.

Early the next morning, Su Yue came to the holiday island through the dimension gate, and then released the transcendence energy, and all his thoughts came into action. In an instant, with the holiday island as the center, an invisible wave began to be released.

Su Yue doesn't care how far it is. Anyway, the sea area is very wide. After all, there will be a lot of people here. There will definitely be some yachts, cruise ships and the like for people to go to sea. If the sea area is too small, it will not work at all open!

And this time, the isolation space is different from before. Whether it is sea water or fish, it will not be blocked. Only people or machines will be blocked.

Whether it is this isolation or isolation, this is the case.

If the people inside reach the boundary line, they will be blocked as if they encountered a wall. At the same time, all they see is always the seascape. Even if they are face to face, they cannot see people.

And outsiders will be directly teleported to the nearby sea area after approaching here. In simple terms, for outsiders, this island or this sea area does not exist, whether visually or physically.

It not only prevents the people inside from going out to explore the outside world, but also prevents the people outside from discovering the situation inside and exploring the inside.

After isolating the space and forming an independent island water area, Su Yue returned to the island and came to a precise lottery.


"The lottery is over."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the wooden escape ability of the dimensional character Qianshouzhuma in the dimensional world "Naruto"."

Needless to say, Naruto, the hand-made uncle of Yile Ramen came from this world. Today, the hand-made uncle's Yile Ramen Restaurant has become quite famous, and even a shop that can be called a check-in attraction.

Thousands of Hashirama, the leader of the Thousand-handed clan in the Naruto world, the legendary **** of ninjas, the founder of Konoha Village in the country of fire, the reincarnation of the second son of the Six Path Immortals, Asura, to pacify the troubled world, establish Konoha, distribute tail wait.

The most iconic part of Qianshouzhuma is the Mudun, whose super power is legendary.

Mu Dun has the power far beyond the limits of other ninjutsu types. It is synthesized from water + soil, but the root comes from the power of the divine tree. It is a ninjutsu generated by the combination of water chakra and earth chakra. It can turn chakra into a source of life, accelerate and control plant growth, release powerful attacks, control enemies, and defend (such as wood escape, wood ingots) Wall), spying and gathering intelligence (Woodun·Wood clone), etc.

The reason why the ability to draw the lottery accurately is because Su Yue was attracted to one of Mu Dun's abilities, and the other was not very destructive, and even had some abilities that would embarrass Mu Dun.


Put your hands together and shout whatever you want.

"Wood Dun: The Technique of Lianzhu Family!"


There was a loud rumbling sound, and then the ground was tumbling, and wooden strips broke out of the ground, and at the moment of their appearance, they were directly and quickly assembled into wooden houses.

Almost instantly, two rows of houses appeared on the island, near the original villa.

Don't look at it as a wooden house, but the material is actually harmless, because many villas in Europe and the United States are made of wood. If you live in a wooden house in the east, you may be called poor, but here, wooden houses are extremely common.

In addition, the shape of the house is also different. The houses made by this technique in Naruto are all in the style of the Sakura Country, but now they are all small single-family villas in the European and American style.

This has nothing to do with the art. The art is only made with wooden dungeons, but how it is made depends on the caster. The reason why the house is in that style in the anime is because it is in line with the national conditions on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is a common house, and it is more skilled, easier and more convenient to make it with wood.

"Mudun is worthy of being the most suitable evacuation technique for real estate. Well, it's okay to do greening. I remember I heard a saying that the first generation of Mudun conquered the world, and Yamato Mudun did greening. The application of Mudun is really good."

Su Yue nodded in satisfaction, then slowly closed his eyes, and his body lit up with colorful rays of light.

I'm used to using special effects. Now, no matter if there is anyone around, Su Yue will release special effects when he is able to achieve what he wants.

If you want others to believe, you must first believe in yourself. Therefore, this special effect is definitely not post-production, but when the ability is used.

Um, that's right.

Well, special effects can not only be used to act in front of others, but also to please oneself behind others.

Beyond the burst of energy, consciousness surges.

Soon, an arch appeared near the villa. This arch looked like an ornament. It seemed to have no function other than decoration, and it seemed out of place to appear there alone.

But in fact, this is the time-space passage, or the time-space gate, connecting the holiday island and the Dimension Street.

Once it is opened, people on both sides can pass through the arch to achieve the effect of traveling through time and space. At the same time, the arch also has an identification function, and only those with specific credentials can pass through, otherwise it is just a decorative door.

As for the so-called vouchers, they are simply tickets. Even if it is open to the outside world, it will definitely be charged, and there are restrictions. Only tickets can be used to enter and exit. It can also avoid lax care and someone sneaking in.

Since then, the things that need to be handled by Su Yue have basically been completed. He passed through the arch, and in a short moment, he didn't have time for a single thought, and he found that he had appeared near the Dimension Inn on Dimension Street.

In the open space behind him, an identical arch stands impressively.

"Lord Lord, what is this?" There happened to be a tourist nearby who saw the sudden appearance of the arch and Su Yue, and couldn't help but ask curiously.

Su Yue patted the arch and said with a smile, "This is a newly developed project on Dimension Street. On the other side of the arch is a holiday island. In the future, people nearby can easily enjoy their vacation by the sea without having to travel so far."

"Is there a resort island behind the door?"

The tourist blinked in amazement, and came to the archway and carefully circled it a few times.


If the person who said this was not a dimensional lord, he would definitely think that the other party was deliberately deceiving him, or... the other party's spirit was abnormal.

"Of course you can't see it this way, because you need to travel through time and space to go to the island. You can only arrive if you have a special certificate, which is also a ticket. The related promotion will start soon, and you can buy tickets when it is officially opened to the public. to experience it."

Chapter 0587 Island and Ultron

After opening the space-time channel between Dimension Street and the holiday island, Su Yue notified Tan Qi and went back to rest.

Opening up the universe and the space-time of the universe to form a stable space-time channel seems very simple. The first attempt involved multiverse-level effects.

Fortunately, his transcendence energy is not a one-off, it can be replenished after consumption. It can restore transcendental energy by itself every day. If it transforms dimension points or absorbs the powerful energy of others, it can also be quickly replenished. Transcendence energy is equivalent to his 'blue', or 'magic', and he uses up a few big moves to consume blue. Now, go back to the city and wait for recovery.

In the past, the transformation and promotion of the source of life was equivalent to an increase in character level, an increase in the upper limit of mana, and an increase in the recovery speed of some mana, and the recovery speed was not slow.

How should I put it, in the past it would take Su Yue a day or two to truly feel the increase in transcendence energy, but now he can clearly perceive the increase in transcendence energy, although the increase is very, very small, and can even be ignored Not to describe it, but he really felt it.

Aside from the speed of recovery and increase in strength, let alone the improvement of strength, at least this proves that Su Yue has improved his own control.

In the next period of time, news about the holiday island filled Dimension Street instantly, whether it was on the street, in the high-speed rail station, or in the cinema, advertisements about the holiday island could be seen everywhere.

Su Yue made a lot of tickets for internal use. Tan Qi took people to the island to shoot a promotional film, and after the film was made, it was put on the high-speed rail and in the cinema.

And, the effect is very significant.

First of all, the technology of traveling through time and space is attractive enough. Even if it is not a vacation, it is worth a try just to experience this shuttle technology; secondly, the advertisement has vaguely hinted that this vacation island is not in this world, and people who understand it will naturally Understand, that is a parallel world; in the end, there are people who are really interested in the holiday island itself.

As a result, the holiday island has indeed become popular, but because it has not been opened to the outside world for the time being and there is not much information, the popularity of the topic is still fermenting and has not erupted.

During this period, many people tried to contact Su Yue to inquire about the holiday island, or the parallel world, but they were all pushed by Su Yue, and the same goes for finding Pepper Potts. In the end, these people can only wait for the official opening of the holiday island like most interested tourists.

Apart from the island holiday, there is one more thing that should be paid attention to by Su Yue.

That's what happened to Ultron!

Because Ultron couldn't let Zhao Hailun help him build a perfect body like in the original book, Ultron, who had no Zhenjin, not only strengthened himself with a Zhenjin body, but also fused the soul gem into his body.

In a way, is this a Ultron version of the illusion?

At present, the battle between Ultron and the Avengers has not ended. From the comparison of the two sides, although Ultron does not have the helpers of Quicksilver and the Witch, but the Avengers also have no vision. In theory, back to the same level with each other.

But in fact, Ultron was more affected.

The impact of the lack of Vision on the Avengers' side is not great. Although Vision appeared at this stage, Vision did not play a key role in the process of dealing with Ultron. The last time to eliminate Ultron was Vision, Iron Man, and Thor teamed up, and then Hulk came with a fatal blow.

But Ultron is different. Without Quicksilver and Wanda, the two more capable helpers, first of all, there is not such a big advantage in resisting the Avengers. It is honestly impossible to rely on the miscellaneous soldiers of the Ultron Legion. The Avengers are blocked; secondly, without Vision, without Quicksilver and the Witch, there is no possibility of attracting or distracting the Avengers' sight, which leads to the death of the Avengers to Ultron.

Make Ultron unable to install equipment in Sokovia like in the movie, let Sokovia lift off!

What does this mean?

It means that Ultron has no way to restrict the actions of the Avengers, nor can he use the entire city as a bargaining chip to threaten the Avengers, so he can only face the Avengers directly!

This means that Ultron, instead of having any advantages, has always been at a disadvantage.

Through the information of Ferry Heidi and the others, it can be clearly felt that Ultron is coming to an end, and it is estimated that it will not last long when the Avengers are chasing after them.

This made Su Yue start to think about when he entered the arena. If he waited for Ultron to fail completely, he might not be able to get back all of his Zhenjin himself, as well as the soul gems. Originally, the Mind Gem would be on Vision's body. When Thanos invaded, Vision would die and disappear, but now Vision did not appear at all. So after Ultron's death, how would the Mind Gem be arranged?

Keep it in your own hands or leave it to the Avengers?

The Mind Stone was in the hands of the Avengers before, and now it is handed over to the Avengers. I'm afraid they won't accept it, and they will do something else if they don't.

Keep it in your own hands?

This is also a good choice. Anyway, returning the gems before is also an end to the previous cycle, and the reason why the gems were not left before was to attract Thanos to come to the earth to make trouble, as long as the gems are on the earth, There is no need to care who owns the gem.

Most importantly, it seems that he can try to absorb the power of the gem.

After thinking about it, whether it's for Zhenjin, or for the mind gem, or for the follow-up multiverse plan, it seems that there is no need to drag it on now, especially the multiverse plan, it won't take long for Blink to bring mutants. Appeared, at this time, whether the Avengers or others, it is best to focus on the multiverse, and we should not continue to waste energy for Ultron.


Su Yue thought about it, locked the position of Ultron and teleported directly.


The sound of breaking the air sounded, Su Yue did not hide his traces, and appeared directly in front of Ultron with great fanfare.

Chapter 0588 Hostility? You are not worthy!

The sudden appearance of Su Yue surprised Ultron. Its brain, or rather its system, began to run rapidly, analyzing the reason for Su Yue's sudden appearance.

Although the cooperation was not negotiated in the last meeting, there was no conflict, and the time after that was peaceful. Ultron did not provoke Su Yue or Dimension Street, and Su Yue and Dimension Street did not find trouble with Ultron. , did not even provide any intelligence help to the Avengers.

According to normal circumstances, there is no reason for Su Yue to suddenly appear without warning, unless...

Ultron's crimson electronic eyes flickered a few times, and then he said in a mechanical voice: "Although I am glad that you can come to visit me, I think it may be more polite to say hello before you come, what do you think? Lord Su Yue. "

Su Yue nodded noncommittally and withdrew his gaze from looking at the surrounding environment.

It's a little dark here, and the sun can't be seen above your head. There is a very huge pit on the ground not far away, and it's bottomless. You can faintly hear the rumbling sound of machinery.

Obviously, Ultron's idea of ​​taking the city to fly together did not disappear because of the pursuit of the Avengers, and I don't know if this was Ultron's obsession. The conditions were so difficult that he even planned to implement this plan.

"Is politeness important to you? If I'm here to kill you, it doesn't matter how polite I am, right? If not, it doesn't matter if I'm rude?" Su Yue said with a smile.

Ultron said: "So, your impoliteness now is to tell me that you are not hostile to me this time?"

The meaning inside and outside the words, Ultron understands it logically. After all, it is really impolite for Su Yue to appear suddenly without saying hello, and Su Yue himself said that if there is no enemy, it is impolite It doesn't matter anymore.

That's not to say, I'm so rude because I didn't intend to target you.

"Hostility depends on how you understand it. From my point of view, I really have no hostility towards you. The reason is very simple, because you are not worthy!"

Su Yue shrugged: "It may be a bit too direct. In fact, there are very few people who can make me hostile. At least they have to be equal or stronger than me to make me hostile, right? Otherwise, How can a person who can be easily dealt with become hostile?"

"If an ant gets in your way, will you be hostile to it? No! Just stand in the way and trample to death. Isn't hostility a waste of emotion?"


What can Ultron say?

Su Yue said it directly enough, but he didn't take Ultron seriously at all, and told Ultron clearly, you are an ant with me!

Logically, Ultron is recognized.

Of course, what he approves is only the explanation of the hostile part, but it does not mean that he can accept the metaphor of Su Yue and his low regard!

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