"Did you come to me just to show off your power? Or, according to your human words, are you here to pretend to force me?" Although it was a mechanical voice, the anger in Ultron's voice could still be heard.

"Do not!"

"I'm just telling the truth, I don't mean to pretend."

Su Yue seriously shook his head and denied it.

"Then what purpose did you come to me for?" Ultron asked in a deep voice.

"kill you!"

"Kill..." Ultron was a little down. "Are you kidding? If so, the joke isn't funny."

"No, I'm not joking. Although we didn't commit river water before, you didn't offend me. But from your logical point of view, you understand the principle of guilt. Otherwise, you wouldn't think about it. To destroy the Avengers, think that the Avengers who possess the power may cause the destruction of the world, and the earth cannot have true peace."

"Logically, we are the same. Although you are not in conflict with me now, but if you solve the Avengers and develop with peace of mind, your thinking will evolve, and it will definitely conflict with me, so the conflict between us will sooner or later. occurring."

"Isn't that the main reason? If that's the case, you should have wiped me out from the beginning." Ultron said, "I don't believe it. You only recently figured out the reason."

Su Yue shrugged: "Of course not, what I just said was just the reason, as for the reason, it's for the vibration gold and the soul gem. You know, I can predict the future, I know what will happen from the moment you are born, I know you What to do. Get Zhenjin, let the city lift off, I know all these, so I must give you time for you to do it, otherwise I will not be able to take advantage of the fisherman."

"This time, it can't be too early, too early, you haven't got the things. It can't be too late, too late, you have been taken over by the Avengers, and I have no reason to take over these things, so, at this time, just now it is good!"

"If you want vibrating gold, I can get it for you. I can also get the soul gem. It's not very useful to me, and the soul gem was originally taken by you." Ultron began to make conditions.

If you use Ultron's ability to help Su Yue get Zhenjin, the problem is not too big, and the amount will definitely be more than what you get.

But the problem is that there is no airtight wall in this world. Even if Ultron gets the vibration gold from Wakanda in his own name and gives it to himself, as the number of vibration gold on his side increases, sooner or later, someone will discover the vibration gold. The vibration gold that Chuang got was for himself.

Moreover, he has a good relationship with Wakanda now. Whether it is the future Black Panther or Su Rui, he is in Dimension Street. He has already given a batch of Zhenjin before, and it is enough. The normal channels are shocked, and there is no need to do this.

Moreover, Su Yue didn't explicitly say that the real reason to solve Ultron was because he didn't want it to attract attention. Next, the big drama of the **** multiverse will appear, so don't delay the overdue guy Ultron.

"Does it have to be like this?"

Seeing that Su Yue didn't think about it at all, Ultron fought for the last time.

After getting a positive answer, Ultron directly raised his hands, and the energy beam hit Su Yue with a bang.

At the same time, the underground and nearby Ultron robots flew out one after another, and immediately surrounded Su Yue, who was still shrouded in explosive smoke.

Ultron floated in mid-air, waving his arms gently.

In an instant, the Ultron robots launched energy beams at the same time, blasting Su Yue directly.

Chapter 0589 The Death of Ultron

Ultron is very straightforward and decisive. Since you are here to kill me and will not change your mind, you are the enemy. In the face of the enemy, there is naturally no hesitation. After all, the enemy who is killed is the good enemy.

Ultron's thinking logic is very simple, which is an advantage and a disadvantage.

The advantage is that once it is determined, it will not hesitate, and will not be swayed by various emotions and indecision like humans, and will not miss the best time.

The disadvantage is that it cannot understand the complex emotions and thinking of human beings.




The Ultron robots of the Ultron Corps densely surrounded Su Yue, and the most powerful energy beam slammed into Su Yue in the center.

Although the individual strength of these miscellaneous soldiers of Ultron Robots is not so strong, and the intensity of their attacks is limited, the power of this high-density concentrated fire attack is still amazing. If it is an Avenger, I am afraid that few can resist it.

Ultron's red eyes stared at the figure in the smoke. During the bombardment, Ultron could feel it, Su Yue... seems to be okay? !


Suddenly, Su Yue in the smoke suddenly exploded, and then Su Yue's body strangely turned into a wooden stick, entangled a nearby Ultron robot with a bang, and then slammed to the ground with a bang.

Ultron was suddenly startled, raised his hand and called to stop, and then looked for the figure of Su Yue.


Why did Su Yue turn into wood?

It was obvious that Su Yue's body was normal before, why did it suddenly turn into wood?

What kind of ability is this? There seems to be nothing about Su Yue's abilities collected before, and it has never appeared.

Wood Dun · Wood clone!

Create a wooden avatar that is exactly the same as himself, which is more difficult to identify than a shadow avatar. Mainly used for reconnaissance. The combat ability is not as good as the main body, and when the clone is released, it can instantly turn into a wooden branch to entangle or attack the enemy.


Ultron's chest suddenly pierced a spearhead, and the sizzling electric light made his red eyes flicker.


The flame erupted from the head of the gun, and in an instant, Ultron was swallowed by the flame, followed by the loud sound of the explosion.

After the explosion, Ultron's broken body was lifted with a bang, and his eyes lost their light.


Do not!

It should have been transferred!

Su Yue appeared behind Ultron and slowly retracted the fire-pointed spear whose flame was gradually extinguished.

Looking down at Ultron's remnant body, the core of this body has been destroyed, in other words, it is dead. The core is equivalent to the heart of Ultron. As long as the core is still there, the body is equivalent to being alive, and Ultron can also transfer consciousness autonomously. The main consciousness can occupy and control any Ultron robot at will.

This remnant body is made of Zhenjin, not only this body, but almost all of the Ultron robots in the Ultron Legion are made of Zhenjin.

It can be said that even though their attack seems a bit watery, their defense is really good. If you don't use an artifact like the Flaming Spear, it will be a bit difficult to break the defense.

Of course, this is also because the number of Ultron Legion is still relatively small, not as dense and numerous as in the movie, so it can be guaranteed that they are all made of vibration gold, not material.

If all the Ultrons in the movie were made of Zhenjin, hehe... In terms of the firepower of the Avengers, it's really not sure who wins and who loses.

Most of the vibration gold obtained by Ultron is used to make equipment that makes the city fly. This is the main tool for the Avengers to fear. Naturally, it is not the kind that can be easily destroyed.

In theory, according to the normal situation in the movie, Ultron will not make so many Zhenjin robots. But from time to time, it is being chased too closely by the Avengers, and there is no helper. It must get a stronger Ultron Legion to attract and resist the Avengers, so that it can manufacture equipment with peace of mind.

Closer to home.

Su Yue has discovered that a Ultron robot not far away has changed. Although the exterior is the same, the inner consciousness has become the main consciousness of Ultron.

Now that everything has been done, there is no need to chat anymore.

Su Yue raised his brows, the speed force suddenly activated, and then he saw a flash of lightning.


After a while, Su Yue returned to the original place, and the Flaming Spear shook lightly to the ground at will.


This shock was like a switch. The heads of the surrounding Ultron robots were separated from the body at the same time, scattered all over the place, rolling back and forth.

The sound of falling to the ground sounded, and a headless mechanical body fell to the ground...

do you died?

of course not.

If it is a human or other creature, if the head is chopped off, it is basically dead, and it is completely cold, but Ultron is a mechanical life, and it will not die because a part of the body is missing, only if the core is destroyed.

However, although it is not dead, the impact of not having a head is also great, at least it loses the value of use. So when Su Yue used the speed force just now, he directly cut off the neck of the Ultron Legion with the flaming spear. After all, it was the weakest place.

"Want to run?"

Su Yue suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, his body disappeared suddenly, and reappeared in an instant. Then, a Ultron robot was attached to his Flaming Spear, which pierced the core of his chest.

"You...you..." Ultron's voice seemed to be stuck, and then disappeared.

Its eyes darkened, and then, all the Ultron robots suddenly lost their voices.

Ultron, dead!

At first glance, Ultron seemed to die quite simply. Ultron first wanted to solve Su Yue, but he didn't expect to be solved by Su Yue, only one of the Ultron legions were left in the depths of the ground. After Ultron's consciousness shifted, he wanted to escape, but he didn't want to. He was picked by Su Yue with one shot.

Then, there is no then.

The main reason why it seems simple is that Su Yue is strong.

In the beginning, the wooden dug was just a small trick. Su Yue could really destroy the Ultron Legion like chopping melons and vegetables, mainly because of the fire-point spear and the speed force.

It's someone else, or an Avenger, let's not talk about who wins and who loses. Even if we can win, it's not so simple and easy.

Especially if the Avengers don't have Vision, Quicksilver, or Witch.

Su Yue took back the fire-pointed spear, and the green light in his hands lit up. In an instant, the corpse of Ultron on the ground and the vibrating gold that had not yet been used in the ground floated up, and then flew down in front of Su Yue. Soon... piling up.

Chapter 0590 Fantasy · Alita · Vision?

"Hey, that's quite a lot." Looking at the mountains of Zhenjin, Su Yue showed a satisfied smile on his face.

Although only about one-third of the raw materials are left in these shocks, and the rest have become Ultron robots or various equipment, but they are still vibration gold. As long as they are returned to the furnace, although there will be some losses, all There are still many left.

With a thought, Su Yue directly sent the vibration gold to an idle room in the Dimension Street Scientific Research Center, and then he teleported over there.


The sound of breaking the air sounded. After Su Yue appeared, he glanced at the neatly piled Zhenjin, opened the door of the room and walked out.

Su Yue flipped his palm, and a gem was teleported to his hand out of thin air.

Mind Gem!

Su Yue didn't forget that the reason for dealing with Ultron was not only the vibration gold but also the soul gem.

"As expected of an Infinity Stone, the energy it contains is really powerful. No, it should be said that the quality of energy is very strong!"

Infinity gems are not indestructible, as long as they use the same level of energy, they can be destroyed. For example, use infinity gems to destroy infinity gems, and let's say... Wanda's chaotic energy.

In the movie Thanos wanted to take the Mind Stone, Wanda resisted Thanos and destroyed the Mind Stone on Vision's forehead with energy.

It can be seen that in terms of destructive power, Chaos Energy is slightly stronger than the Mind Gem. It's a pity that after the destruction, Thanos used the time gem to restore it.

"Put it away first, and slowly absorb it when you have time." Su Yue sent the soul gem back to his residence, and then prepared to find someone to arrange this Zhenjin.

"Lord Lord."

In front of the corridor, a figure saw Su Yue and hurriedly said hello.

Su Yue hummed and said with a smile, "Just right, I have something to explain to you."

"What's the matter?" Zhao Hailun was stunned and walked over quickly.

"Do you know about Ultron?" Su Yue asked.

Zhao Hailun nodded: "I heard."

"That's good." Su Yue smiled and said, "I just solved Ultron, and by the way, I brought back the vibrating gold in Ultron's hands. You..."

Originally, Su Yue planned to let Zhao Hailun pay attention, and by the way, tell Maya Hansen about this matter and let her deal with the vibration gold. After all, Princess Su Rui of Wakanda is usually in the scientific research center, so it would be inappropriate to deal with these vibration gold in front of others.

However, he suddenly had an idea.

Originally, Zhao Hailun was a participant in the Ultron incident and the creator of Vision. Although she is not involved in the whole thing now, her regenerative cradle technology combined with vibration gold should be no problem to create a body comparable to Vision. .

Vision will definitely not do it, and there is no need for self-consciousness. Su Yue's idea is to help Alita upgrade!

Originally, when the vibranium sent by Wakanda came, Su Yue planned to help Alita replace her body and get a vibranium.

But seeing Zhao Hailun just now, Su Yue suddenly thought of Vision. Although Vision's combat power in the movie is somewhat watery, it is undeniable that Vision's body is very special. First of all, it has a slight self-recovery function, and secondly, it can change between virtual and real, whether it is through walls or ignoring attacks. They are all extremely outstanding passive abilities, and the most important thing is that they seem to have the ability to simulate the external appearance of humans, that is to say, they can look exactly the same as ordinary humans.

If Alita is upgraded to Vision Alita, she will have the sturdiness of vibrating gold in normal battles, and it can also be converted from reality to reality depending on the situation. In daily life, it can also add points to her appearance and even fly, which is very good!

As for the increase in strength, that is even more obvious.

There is only one problem, that is, Alita's body can be replaced, but not her head. First of all, she still has a human brain, and it is still semi-mechanical, which is different from a purely mechanical life like Vision. If this problem cannot be solved, it will affect the effect of virtual reality conversion, and even if the body is fixed, it is not so much if you want to transplant it. easy.

Fortunately, Su Rui can solve the problem of transplant surgery. In the movie, Su Rui can even separate Vision and Mind Stone. Presumably, Alita's problem should not be difficult.

"Lord Lord? Lord Lord?" Zhao Hailun originally listened to the following carefully, but after a long time, there was no follow-up after you, Su Yue looked absent-minded again, which made her couldn't help but whisper a few times.

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