Su Yue reacted and said with a smile, "I suddenly had an idea just now, so, take me to see Su Rui first."

"Oh well."

Zhao Hailun responded and took Su Yue to a certain laboratory to find Su Rui, who didn't know what he was researching. At the same time, Su Yue called Alita in front of her with a recall.

"I have an idea."

Looking at the dazed Su Rui, Zhao Hailun and Alita, Su Yue pointed at Zhao Hailun with a smile, and then explained the conception of the vision body.

After speaking, Zhao Hailun and Su Rui, the two scientists, subconsciously thought about their areas of expertise, and analyzed whether they could meet Su Yue's requirements. The client, Alita, was a little stunned. She never thought that the Lord Lord would suddenly summon her to change her body?

No, to be precise, it's a more powerful body.

She knew that she was going to use Zhenjin to build her body before. She was already excited about it, but she didn't expect it to be even better now!

"Lord Lord, I..." Alita looked at Su Yue and couldn't help but want to express her gratitude and excitement.

"Your performance is average." Su Yue said lightly.

Alita was stunned.

Su Yue went on to say, "You have been on Dimension Street for a while. Although nothing major happened in Dimension Street during this time, your performance can be called qualified, but it's not enough!"

"Yes..." Alita lowered her head.

"This time is an early reward. I hope you can perform better after your strength improves, and make greater contributions to me and Dimension Street."

"I will!"

Alita raised her head and said seriously.

"Lord Lord, I need to conduct a detailed scan of Alita's brain. In addition, I must explain in advance that doing so is risky, and the risk is very high. If you are not careful, as long as there is a problem with one neuron, it may be lead to irreversible consequences.”

After a long while, Su Rui seriously reminded Su Yue.

Su Yue lightly smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, you can do it with confidence and boldness. With me, there is nothing that can't be undone."

The fruit of retrogression, understand?

Chapter 0591 Avengers in a difficult situation

In a laboratory that was just sorted out, Alita was lying on the bed of the laboratory, and Su Rui was standing above her head, with both hands controlling the virtual projected golden light spots, her eyes focused and her expression solemn.

She is analyzing the structure of Alita's body and brain. A half-human, half-mechanical existence like Alita has countless connected neurons. Although Su Yue made a package ticket, Su Rui would not be completely sure of it. will act rashly.

After all, this is not just as simple as replacing the body, the most important thing is to be able to freely control the density of the body to achieve the purpose of free switching between virtual and real, and although Alita is a cyborg body, some cores of the brain are still there. , Only by thoroughly figuring out all her structures can we get along and solve it on this basis.

While Su Rui was checking Alita's neurons, the others were not idle either.

After obtaining Alita's body data, Zhao Hailun started to make a new body in his 'Regeneration Cradle' project. As for the part that needs to be mixed with Zhenjin, Su Rui did not hide it after coming to Dimension Street. Jin's understanding and development are the most familiar, and the person who is best at it is her.

Such a big event and such a novel project, Maya Hansen, the head of the scientific research center, will naturally not miss it. Not only does he lead the overall situation and give them support, but also let Barbara Moores secretly deal with those sent by Su Yue. vibrating gold.

Only some of these vibraniums can be used, and the rest need to be restored. Although the existence of these vibraniums is definitely impossible to hide, at least don't do it in front of others, right?

Besides, there is no need to say much about the value of Zhenjin, and things like returning to the furnace must be strictly guarded, so it would be more appropriate to hand over the 'Mockingbird' agent Barbara Moores to be in charge.

After all, there are very few people who can fight in the scientific research center. Barbara Moores is second to none, and then there is Calvin Zabo, the father of the shock girl Daisy John.

As for the others, like Maya Hansen herself, Betty Ross, Gemma Simmons, Harrison Wells, Bulma, etc., it's okay to do scientific research, and the rest are fine.

Su Yue handed over Zhenjin and Alita's affairs to Maya Hansen and left the scientific research center.

As soon as he came out of the scientific research center, Su Yue saw Natasha walking towards him.

I have to say that although the years have left traces on her body, making her look a little out of youth, it has also given her a mature texture that she never had in her youthful period. .

"Ultron was solved by you?" Natasha came over and asked straight to the point.

"The news is very good."

When Su Yue solved Ultron, he didn't notify anyone. The back and forth were teleported directly. So far, only two or three hours have passed.

Natasha shrugged: "Although the intelligence work of the Avengers is not as good as here, we have Tony Stark. Although we may not be able to find the location of Ultron quickly, the disappearance of Ultron can still be found."

"And the only person who can solve Ultron in such a short time is you! So the result is not difficult to guess."

The result is not difficult to guess, but it is the motive that is difficult to guess.

Before, Su Yue had no interest in Ultron, and the well water did not violate the river water. Now, without warning, he suddenly solved Ultron. What is the motive?

Natasha asked curiously, but Su Yue didn't hide it.

"Ultron didn't solve it before because he really didn't have any contradictions and conflicts with me, but if we continue to develop it, it's not necessarily. ."

Natasha nodded: "What do you want Vibranium and Mind Stone for?"

"The vibration gold is to help Alita get a more powerful body. At the same time, the value of this thing is very high, the more the better. If I don't do it, the vibration gold of Ultron may fall into someone's hands. As for Mind Gem, I am going to use it to absorb and enhance my ability."

As soon as Su Yue finished speaking, Natasha was surprised: "You want to absorb the Soul Gem? Didn't you return the Soul Gem? Why now..."

"The purpose of returning the gems at this time is to completely end the original cycle. Moreover, with my strength and state at the time, it was not suitable for absorption. It is different now. I have been upgraded, so it doesn't matter if I absorb it." Su Yue reminded: "By the way, the news that the Mind Gem is in my hands doesn't matter, but the fact that I absorbed the Mind Gem needs to be kept secret."


"If Thanos knows that the Mind Stone is gone, I'm afraid he will give up the idea of ​​collecting the Infinity Stone."

Wouldn't it be better if Thanos didn't come to Earth?

This thought flashed through Natasha's mind, and was quickly forgotten. She knew that Su Yue would definitely use Thanos to do something, and what it was, she had no problem and didn't care much.

Because she has absolute confidence in Su Yue, no matter if it is Thanos or whoever, if Su Yue wants to, he will definitely be able to control the situation.

Ultron was resolved, and Natasha was relieved. After chatting with Su Yue a few times, she declined Su Yue's retention and left Dimension Street.

She had to tell the news to others, and at the same time deal with the follow-up effects. She received news that the council was very dissatisfied with this incident, and this dissatisfaction was not only because of Ultron, but also from Tony Stark, who made Ultron, and the Avengers.

Or, some special people with special abilities!

In the past, the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. were considered partners, and S.H.I.E.L.D. helped in many things, especially in some of the above situations.

But now S.H.I.E.L.D. has been disbanded. Although Maria Hill has created a new S.H.I.E.L.D. and has cooperated with them, at an official level, S.H.I.E.L.D. has lost its qualification to help the Avengers shelter from the wind and rain. .

Now it's the council facing the Avengers, and the Avengers' situation is not as easy as it used to be.

On the top floor of the Dimension Street Building, the rooftop.

The weather at this time was neither cold nor hot, whether it was the sun or the temperature was very suitable, Su Yue was going to bask in the sun on the rooftop, and by the way, he began to absorb the soul gem.

Just as soon as he lay down, Wanda appeared quietly: "Lord Lord, Hope wants to see you."

Wasp, Hope?

Su Yue was stunned for a moment, motioned to Wanda to ask Hope to come over, and at the same time guessed that Hope, who might not appear in front of him once in eight hundred years, suddenly came to him for something.

She must have climbed the Three Treasures Palace without incident!

Chapter 0592 About Scott Lang

Hope's trajectory in life and in the film has changed dramatically, she doesn't run Pym Tech with her father Hank Pym's student Darrenk Routh as in the film, and she doesn't get to work in the second film. Be the Wasp.

Today's Hope has already become a wasp, and is extremely familiar with Pym particles, and the family relationship is also very harmonious.

Although she doesn't often appear in Dimension Street or in front of Su Yue, there is no doubt that she is a part of Dimension Street.

After Wanda brought Hope over, he quietly retreated to the side. After Hope came over, he sat on the edge of Suyue's reclining chair without seeing the outside world, and picked up Suyue's wine glass and drank the wine in one go.

"It seems that something happened that made you unsure of your attention." Su Yue joked with a smile.

Hope nodded and asked straight to the point, "What do you think of that Ant-Man named Scott Lang?"

Su Yue was a little surprised: "Why did you ask him all of a sudden? Oh, I see. If you count the time, it's almost time for the story of Ant-Man. What? Your father liked him and wanted him to take over?"

Scott Lang became popular because of the Avengers 4 short film before he was released from prison. Many people and many forces knew that he, who was imprisoned for theft, would become a superhero Ant-Man in the future. .

Hope hummed. "My father investigated his situation when the movie was released. To be honest, he doesn't look very good, but since he will take over and become the second generation of Ant-Man in the future, my father means that it can be considered."

After a pause, Hope said again: "How should I put it, although I am the Wasp, my father was an Ant-Man after all. Although he has retired, all kinds of superheroes are appearing now. In the future, Scott Lang is Ant-Man again, so he was moved. The most important thing is, you also know that my father looked down on the Stark family and despised Tony Stark's steel suit technology, so..."

"Understood." Su Yue laughed.

Hank Pym has a long history of grievances with the Stark family. Naturally, at his age, he cannot go out to compete with Tony Stark again, so it is normal to have the idea of ​​​​training a successor.

The Wasp is not an Ant-Man after all, and Scott Lang is the future second-generation Ant-Man. He should be out of prison at this time, so Hank Pym naturally moved his mind.

"I actually have a small arrangement about Scott Lang. Her early stage and daughter were taken to Dimension Street by me earlier. Although the main purpose is not because of Scott Lang, but Steke Lang My daughter, but without his influence, his daughter would not be the person I expected, so Scott Lang will definitely come to Dimension Street."

"As for whether you will become the second-generation Ant-Man, it depends on you!"

"Look at me?" Hope was a little surprised.

Su Yue nodded and said, "If you have no problem with Scott Lang becoming the second-generation ant-man, then of course there is nothing to say. In the future, he will be his ant-man, and you will live your life, it's not a big deal. Intersection, even your current job can be handed over to him, you can have more time to do what you like."

"What if I have an opinion?" Hope asked.

Su Yue shrugged: "Then let Scott Lang be an ordinary person, and then you are responsible for making her daughter like you, adore you, and train her to be your successor."

"She will become a transfiguration girl in the future, and has the ability to grow bigger and smaller. By the way, neither Ant-Man nor Wasp's suits should have the ability to grow bigger, right? Or there has been no research and development on this aspect. and experimentation, but Steke Lang has a talent for that. Since he can't be Ant-Man, you're responsible for adding that."

Hope pouted: "Why do I sound like you want him to be Ant-Man?"

Su Yue shook his head dumbly: "I've already said the reasons. How to choose is up to you."

As for Steke Lang's daughter, Kathy Lang, the woman who changed her body, Su Yue will not let her trajectory be affected.

Otherwise, why bother to get Maggie and Casey Long to Dimension Street? Do good deeds?

This has nothing to do with why the transfiguration girl has any achievements, or the strength of her ability. The main reason is that since this thing has been done, it must be rewarded. You can't be busy for nothing, right? Not to mention that if he didn't take advantage of it, he would be at a disadvantage, but at the very least, Su Yue had not done anything for which he paid but did not return.

"Okay, I see, I'll go back and tell my father." Hope responded.

He didn't have much opinion on Scott Lang becoming the second-generation Ant-Man, mainly worried that Scott Lang's performance would be worthy of his identity as Ant-Man. Although the performance of the glimpse in the movie looks good, through Hope's own investigation of Scott Lang, it does not seem to be a trustworthy person, and in terms of performance, he may not be able to correct his father's name.

However, she has no interest in cultivating any little girls, and she doesn't want to affect Su Yue's arrangement, so after confirming Su Yue's attitude, she naturally knows how to choose.

"I'm leaving." Hope got up and prepared to leave.

As a result, as soon as he got up, Su Yue grabbed his wrist.

Su Yue said with a smile, "It's rare to come here once and leave after talking about things, why? Are you so unwilling to get along with me?"

"Is it you who doesn't want to get along? Usually, I haven't seen you looking for me." Hope said, and sat down again.

Su Yue smiled and said, "Come with me in the sun. I sensed it just now that Scott Lang has come to Dimension Street. It seems that he has just been released from prison and is chatting with his ex-wife and daughter. If he If you choose to stay in Dimension Street, you will receive professional training first, so that you will become better than the one in the movie when you become Ant-Man, lest you worry about embarrassing your father."


When Hope came to Su Yue to talk about Scott Lang, Scott Lang happened to come to Dimension Street.

In fact, it's not a coincidence. Scott Lang was released from prison, so Hank Pym naturally had ideas, and Hope would naturally come to him when he found out. And what Scott Lang values ​​most is his daughter. After he was released from prison, he learned that he and his daughter were in Dimension Street in the early stage, so he must come to Dimension Street to meet, which is also a matter of course.

Speaking of which, Scott Lang has to thank himself.

If he hadn't brought them to Dimension Street in advance, what Scott Lang would see now would not be his ex-wife and daughter, but one more man!

Chapter 0593 Scott Lang and Maggie

Although the identity halo cannot be seen or touched, it can add a lot of extra effects, especially the superhero halo. With this halo, many things that were impossible to succeed will have different results.

This is especially evident in Scott Lang and his ex-wife Maggie.

Since Maggie moved to Dimension Street with Kathy Long, life has changed dramatically. Kathy Lang has received a lot of care at school and has many friends, while Maggie is doing better and better in her job as a high-speed rail flight attendant. After the initial training, Maggie is now quite qualified and excellent. flight attendant.

With smooth work, good health, and a carefree life, it can be said that this is the life that Maggie dreams of. It would be even better if...if a man could start a family.

Occasionally, Maggie would regret giving up the police suitor because she came to Dimension Street, but it was only regret.

Especially in the release of the short film of Avengers 4, the ex-husband, who she thought had no sense of responsibility, actually became the superhero Ant-Man, which really surprised her.

In the following period of time, many people actually contacted her secretly, and the conditions given were almost unimaginable for Maggie, but Maggie was not confused at all, she knew very well that these conditions were to win Si. Kurt Lang, so she didn't agree at all.

A small part of the reason for not agreeing was for Scott Lang, and the rest was because of Su Yue and Dimension Street.

All in all, Maggie is actually waiting for Scott Lang to get out of prison. Anyway, things have to come to a conclusion, right? So, Maggie was not surprised by the arrival of Scott Lang.

" live here now?"

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