In front of the room, Scott Lang looked at the environment inside the door with a bag on his back. Although the room looks small, the layout is very good and the decoration is also very high-grade.

"I work in the high-speed rail department of Jiyuan Street. As an employee, isn't it normal to live in the staff dormitory on Jiyuan Street? The rent of the house is very cheap, the water and electricity bills are almost free, and there is no management fee. Kathy's school is also free, Tuition and miscellaneous fees are free, as well as scholarships. In addition, if we are sick, going to Dimension Street is free. Also, my salary and benefits are absolutely unearned before.”

Although Scott Lang only asked about the house, Maggie told him everything. "I don't know how you became a hero and became Ant-Man, but I know that many people have contacted me since the movie was released, and the purpose should be for you. I have reservations about the conditions and contact information these people offer. , I'll give it to you in a while."


Scott Lang responded in a daze, and then said, "Cathy, is she at school?"

"It's not time for school yet." After Maggie finished speaking, she realized that she invited Scott Lang to come in.

To be honest, if it weren't for Scott Lang's aura of being a hero in the future, Maggie's attitude would never be like this.


After Scott Lang came in, he looked around and sat down on the sofa.

Maggie poured him a glass of water, sat down beside him, and said, "What are your plans in the future?"

"I, I don't know, I just want to see my daughter and you." Scott Lang thought a lot before he got out of prison, but after he came out, he had an idea.

That is to look at the daughter and ex-wife.

Maggie said: "No matter what your plans are, Kathy and I are not going to leave Dimension Street. As the child's father, I didn't plan to let you have too much contact with her. A sin. But you will become a hero in the future, so it's okay to let you contact your daughter. But one thing I want to say, whether you can become a hero or not, you must have a serious income, I hope you can give Kathy a positive educate."

"I... I don't know what I can do, but I promise not to commit crimes again, and I will find a job as soon as possible." Scott Lang assured.

Maggie stood up nonchalantly and handed over the contact information and conditions she had saved to Scott Lang. Scott Lang took a look and quickly showed a shocked expression.

For no other reason, these conditions are too rich.

It was so rich that it made him feel incredible.

Although you will become a superhero in the future, but even a superhero is not worthy of such conditions, right? Besides, I am not yet, and I don't even know how to become Ant-Man.

In this case, this condition is given. The other party is not afraid of changing his destiny, resulting in himself not becoming an Ant-Man. Are they lost in vain?

Faced with such conditions, is Scott Lang heartbroken?

Of course heartbroken.

As long as he agrees, he will instantly become a rich man, not only for himself, but also for his daughter. It is definitely right to become a rich man.

But Scott Lang has a B number in his heart. Although he committed a crime, he had a reason for it, or he wanted to be a good father, so although he was excited, he didn't plan to consider or agree to any of them for the time being.

"I... Can I meet the Dimension Lord?" Scott Lang hesitated for a long time and said, "I'm in a mess right now, and I don't know how I became Ant-Man. Since this movie appeared on Dimension Street , I thought... maybe I could ask?"

Maggie said: "I don't know, although Lord Lord invited us to join Dimension Street at the beginning, but after that, I haven't seen Lord Lord at all, and I don't know if Lord Lord still remembers me, and will see me. But , I guess the Lord Lord invited us back then, and there should be your reasons, so it should be OK."

After thinking about it, Maggie got up and found her phone and sent a message.

It didn't take long for the message to reply.

After seeing the information, Maggie said: "I told Claire that you want to see the Lord Lord, Claire is the Lord Lord's housekeeper, and every new person who joins Dimension Street will be placed by her first, and she said that she will come over immediately. ."

Claire's movements were quick, and within ten minutes, she had arrived at Maggie's house and saw Scott Lang at the same time. As soon as Maggie and Scott Lang talked about their ideas, Claire did not refuse, took them to the Dimension Street Building, and told Wanda, the maid next to Su Yue, that Scott Lang and Maggie asked for a meeting See the matter of the lord.

"Wait a while, I'll know if I can see the Lord in a while." After the announcement, Claire said something to Scott Lang and Maggie.

Chapter 0594 Ant-Man joins and Peggy is dead

In the living room, Su Yue and Hope, who had just taken a shower, saw Claire who was brought over by Wanda, and Scott Lang and Maggie who were following Claire.

Scott Lang and Maggie's coming to Suyue can be more or less guessed. On the one hand, Scott Lang should want to thank himself for taking care of Maggie's mother and daughter, and on the other hand, it is also for his own future. s arrangement.

Claire briefly introduced Scott Lang to Su Yue and the purpose for him and Maggie to meet Su Yue, then stepped aside and chatted with Wanda on her own.

As for how Scott Lang and Maggie talked to Su Yue and what to talk about, that's their business. Claire's task is to bring them to see Su Yue.

Although Scott Lang and Maggie can come directly to ask if they can meet Su Yue without going through Claire, but the rules are the rules, don't look at Claire is just an ordinary person, and is only responsible for training newcomers, but in fact she is in Dimension Street The status and interpersonal relationship are quite good.

This is equivalent to the squad leader of a recruit company, no matter how much development these recruits will have in the future, but the old squad leader is the old squad leader.

As Su Yue thought, Maggie first reported her family's work and life situation and expressed her gratitude, and then Scott Lang solemnly expressed her gratitude to Su Yue again.

Then, Scott Lang asked about Ant-Man.

Su Yue casually pointed at Hope who was sitting beside him. "Her name is Hope, Wasp, I think you should know him?"

Scott Lang nodded and nodded slightly to Hope.

In the short film, Ant-Man appeared, and naturally the Wasp also appeared. Because the two have similar abilities, they seem to be familiar with each other, and because they also acted together, Scott Lang naturally knew Hope.

It can be said that from the moment he entered, Scott Lang recognized Hope's identity.

"Hope's father is Hank Pym, Hank Pym is a generation of Ant-Man, whether Ant-Man or Wasp, the core of which is the Pym particle. Clothes can make you bigger and smaller.”

Su Yue said a simple sentence, looked at Scott Lang and said, "In the original trajectory, although you just got out of prison, although you wanted to make a change, but for the sake of your daughter, you still took the risk and accepted a theft and employment, and what you stole was Hank Pym's Ant-Man suit, and then you have a chance to become Ant-Man."

"Now that Hank Pym has joined Dimension Street early, the Wasp has also replaced Ant-Man in a sense, and it can even be said that there are basically no events related to Ant-Man. You may be able to become Ant-Man, but Shouldn't join the Avengers."

"Then, the question is, do you still want to be Ant-Man?"

"If I want to become Ant-Man, I have to join Dimension Street, right?" Scott Lang asked.

Su Yue nodded: "Isn't it obvious? Hank Pym and Hope are both from Dimension Street. I would never let them train you and then let you serve others?"

"I agree!" Scott Lang said crisply.

Joining Dimension Street is the dream of many people. This is not a choice, but a kind of luck, a kind of luck that falls from the sky. Moreover, his ex-wife and daughter joined Dimension Street and lived a new life. From this point alone, Scott Lang was very grateful to Su Yue and Dimension Street.

Even he knew that the reason why his ex-wife and daughter could invite Su Yue to join Dimension Street was because of himself, but so what? At least when he didn't know anything and was still in jail, he took care of his family.

The most important thing is that Scott Lang also saw that the Lord doesn't care, or doesn't pay attention to whether he will become an Ant-Man. There are so many talents in Dimension Street. It doesn’t matter if you have more of yourself, or less of yourself. It doesn’t matter whether you can become an Ant-Man or can’t become an Ant-Man.

And whether he can become an Ant-Man is under the control of the Lord, so do you still need to hesitate?

Whether it is for your own future or to thank the Lord, joining the Dimension Street is the best and the only choice. As for those who offered generous conditions, although Scott Lang was tempted, he was not stupid. No matter how he looked at it, joining Dimension Street was the best.

Scott Lang was straightforward, and Su Yue didn't write any ink.

As Scott Lang guessed, Su Yue really doesn't care whether he can become Ant-Man or not. But there was one thing Scott Lang guessed wrong. He invited Maggie's mother and daughter to Dimension Street because it wasn't Scott Lang, the Ant-Man, but Kathy Lang, the future change girl.

"Hope, you take them to meet your father. Claire, you train Scott Lang, and by the way, let the guards train him well..."

Su Yue gave an order.

Hope and Claire responded and left with Scott Lang and Maggie.

It can be seen that Maggie's attitude towards Scott Lang has changed, and Scott Lang himself has a strong idea of ​​Maggie and returning to the family, so Claire did not arrange for Scott Lang at all. In the residence, Maggie let Scott Lang live on the sofa at home.

Kathy Lang was also very happy to see his father when he came back from school, especially knowing that his father is not leaving, and that he can live together in the future, that's even happier.

At present, the family of three is considered a happy family. I believe that as long as Scott Lang performs well, it won't be long before the predecessor will become the current one.

The matter of Scott Lang is just a small episode for Su Yue. Anyway, since he has entered Dimension Street, he will definitely be able to play a role, and no one will continue to attack him without opening his eyes.

After that, Su Yue relaxed for a few days.

First, I strengthened all the mutants in Dimension Street, and then I met with Carolina Dean to learn about Alita's progress.

During this time, he basically didn't need to pay too much attention. Except for the interior of Dimension Street, such as Alita, such as the research and development and production of various fighter planes, and the related progress of the holiday island, the only thing to pay attention to is the flickering side, that is, the diversity. cosmic plan.

Halfway through, there was a small interlude.

Peggy, finally died!

Speaking of which, Peggy is also very good. She is obviously Alzheimer's, and she has stepped into the coffin with one leg, but she can't swallow.

Before, Su Yue made settings for Peggy. After she died and the funeral was over, she would be reborn in another place as Peggy in the parallel world.

So, Su Yue didn't need to make any preparations, he could attend the funeral with peace of mind and join in the fun, mainly to see how the two captains would react.

Chapter 0595 The female captain Peggy debuts!

Peggy's funeral was low-key, but grand. Almost all the comrades-in-arms, executives, military representatives, etc. of the original S.H.I.E.L.D. attended the funeral.

The captain of the United States, Steve Rogers, also came and became one of the coffin bearers.

Of course, this Steve Rogers is the young one among the Avengers. After all, the existence of the Avengers is already known to the public, and Steve Rogers is even more well-known. The story of him and Peggy is already in the exhibition hall. It has been preached for many years, and now it is also expected to show up to carry the coffin in person.

As for old Steve Rogers, Peggy's husband, Sharon Rogers' father, he will definitely attend his wife's funeral, but he can't show up as Peggy's husband in a fair way. He put on some disguise, and then attended the funeral in an inconspicuous corner with the equally low-key Sharon Rogers and his brother who didn't even have a name and never showed up.

During this period, Su Yue used his psychic abilities to observe the mental activities of the old Steve Rogers and the young Steve Rogers.

In addition to being sad, old Steve Rogers was a little dazed and envious.

Dazed because of Peggy's death, he was left alone, and he didn't know what to do in the future. Home, there is no more, and there is no Peggy who needs to take care of herself. As for the original mission, it is to wait until the cycle of the Avengers 4 period, old Steve Rogers has given up, it is obvious that things can no longer be as original. The trajectory developed.

So old Steve Rogers felt like a ghost that shouldn't exist, didn't know what to do, didn't know what to do.

As for envy, it's natural to envy that young Steve Rogers can show up righteously and send Peggy away.

And young Steve Rogers is also very sad in his heart, but this kind of sadness, or his other emotions are slightly lighter, after all, for him, he is not with Peggy, and it is more psychologically regret. , I regret that a former comrade-in-arms left forever.

All in all, Peggy's death had a great impact on both captains.

After the funeral, the others left one after another. After the two captains also left, Sharon Rogers and Melinda May approached Su Yue.

Their purpose is very simple, and they definitely didn't come to Su Yue for comfort because of their sadness.

"That thing, is it okay?" Melinda May asked in a low voice.

That incident refers to Peggy's rebirth after death.

Sharon Rogers stared at Su Yue intently. From her heart, whether she or Melinda May, she must have 100% trust in Su Yue. It is not doubtful to ask again now, she just wants to reassure herself.

"Wait for half an hour." Su Yue said with a smile.

"Wait for half an hour, what are you waiting for?" Sharon Rogers asked curiously.

Su Yue looked at Peggy's cemetery: "In half an hour, Peggy will appear in this world again."

"" Melinda May also looked at the cemetery.

If Peggy is reborn elsewhere, even if Peggy and others agree that she is from another universe, I believe there will be people who want to find out, right? At that time, someone will definitely determine whether there is still Peggy's body in the cemetery, and whether it is Peggy's body.

If this point is not dealt with properly, then Peggy's new identity cannot stand and cannot be established.

"This is still Peggy's purpose, and there will still be her corpse inside. Rebirth, naturally, everything is new from the inside out. New body, new memory, new ability, new life, probably... only The soul is still the same. Therefore, the next Peggy is not only the Peggy you know, but also not the Peggy you know."


Melinda May and Sharon Rogers were speechless for a while. Although they knew that Su Yue's abilities were amazing, hearing him say this now made the feeling of magic even stronger.

No, this is not a miracle, this is a miracle!

Godlike miracle!

Except for the soul, this is almost a completely new life created out of thin air. This situation is not considered a miracle like God, what is?

"Where will she... be?" Sharon Rogers asked.

Su Yue shook his head: "I don't know, the location was random when I set it before, so I'm not sure where she will appear. After she appears, I will lock her location as soon as possible, and then take you there. ."

Sharon Rogers and Melinda May nodded, feeling an indescribable feeling in their hearts. It's safe to say that Peggy on the front foot will be in the ground, and the rear foot will appear in a brand new posture, which feels a bit weird indeed.

Besides, they don't know what kind of mentality they should use to face the new Peggy. After all, this is completely different.

Especially Sharon Rogers, she was really a little uneasy, she didn't know how to be a mother to this pair, and not a mother's existence.

Time flies by.

Half an hour passed quickly.

The silent silence was suddenly broken by Su Yue. The corner of Su Yue's mouth was slightly raised, and she immediately felt Peggy, who had extremely gorgeous special effects.

On the streets of a certain city, the road that was full of traffic was paralyzed at this time, and countless cars in front and behind stopped because of the huge black hole that suddenly appeared in the middle of the road.

In the middle of the road, a huge black hole was like a black screen. In front, a woman in a tight uniform and holding a shield looked at the surrounding environment blankly and vigilantly.

Whether it's a uniform or a shield, she has the characteristics of Captain America, and even her muscles have the feeling of being a captain, but she herself is not a captain, but a woman.


The sudden appearance of the black hole and the female version of the captain made the surrounding people panic and excited. Countless people took out their mobile phones and took pictures of this scene.

Maybe many of them don't know Peggy's identity, let alone that Peggy's funeral has just ended, but this scene alone is worth photographing and posting it on the Internet.

It didn't take long for the news of the female version of the captain to go viral on the Internet, and Peggy's identity was also recognized.

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