"The incident related to the Planet Devourer." Peggy said in a deep voice, and then found that the expressions of the others were a little different.

Nick Fury is puzzled and doesn't seem to have heard of Planet Eater; Sharon Rogers and Melinda May are thoughtful.

"You don't know Planet Eater?" Paige asked Nick Fury.

Nick Freeman nodded silently.

"The Planet Devourer is one of the five gods of creation, and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He can devour planets. Every planet he targets, no matter how powerful or prosperous, will eventually be in his Devoured and turned into a barren dead place, there is no sign of life."

"When I found out that the planetary devourer's messenger appeared on the earth, I began to investigate this matter, but I didn't expect... I didn't know what my world would be like."

Peggy's expression became lonely, and then she said with some worry: "What about the dimensional lord just now? Didn't he say that he can often travel through parallel worlds? He also said that Dimension Street is the intersection of countless parallel dimensional worlds. , he should have a way to let me go back?"

"If even the lord can't do it, no one in this world can do it. But the lord has certain requirements for crossing the parallel world. Even if he can find your parallel world and send you back, he also needs certain requirements. Time." Sharon Rogers concluded.

Peggy was a little relieved at first, but her expression was still a little anxious.

Melinda May answered at this time: "If you are worried that your world may be destroyed by the Planet Devourer if you go back late, then you don't have to. As far as I know, the Lord can travel on his own when he travels through other worlds. The time you choose to travel through, that is to say, even if you stay in this world for ten or eight years, or even longer, when you return to your world, it is still when you just left."

"Really?" Peggy asked in surprise.

Melinda May nodded: "Of course it's true."

"I can rest assured that."

The three of them were talking about crossing the world, and Nick Fury on the side was very uncomfortable.

How should I put it, as the world's top agent, Nick Fury can't tell whether the parallel world is true or false now, let alone crossing the parallel world, but in Dimension Street, even Melinda May and Sharon People like Rogers who are not very here know so much about traveling through parallel worlds, so familiar...

Yes, Nick Fury is sour.

What's more sour is that he originally had the intention to take Peggy away. After all, regardless of this world or Peggy's world, she is a SHIELD person. No matter what the angle is, Nick Fury has a valid reason. And the force field can take Peggy.

But now, it's impossible!

Because Nick Fury couldn't travel through the world and couldn't send Peggy home, Peggy would definitely stay on Dimension Street.

Therefore, Nick Fury did not open the invitation, but asked about the Planet Devourer in detail, and then left Dimension Street.

One of the five gods, the Planet Devourer, let's not say whether there is one in this world. Even if it doesn't, Peggy can travel to this world because of investigating him, which means that the Planet Devourer may also come to this world by doing the same.

This matter must be prepared in advance, and the first thing to do now is to determine whether there is a planet devourer in this world.

This is very difficult for the former Nick Fury. After all, he is at best the king of secret agents on the earth. Outside of the earth, Su Yue currently has this ability. But now it's different, Nick Fury has extraterrestrial channels too.


Since the suspended animation, Nick Fury has contacted the Skrulls to prepare a new organization. Although the Skrulls are not a powerful race in the universe, some information about the universe is still known. If the planet swallows He is really one of the five gods, devouring planets everywhere, so the Skrulls must have heard of it.

When Nick Fury contacted the Skrulls and asked about the Planet Eater, the Skrulls responded quickly.

They have indeed heard of Planet Devourer, and they also know that Planet Devourer can devour planets, and many planets in the universe have been swallowed up. It can be said that the name Planet Devourer is spreading rapidly in the universe, becoming the most unwilling of many planets. One of the people who saw it!

As for whether the Planet Devourer is one of the five gods, the Skrulls are not sure.

Mainly, although there are legends about the creation gods, there seem to be only four, and there is no Planet Devourer among them, but some gossips say that the Planet Devourer is indeed one of the five gods.

Chapter 0599 Absorbed and fell in love with Peter Parker?

There are two flowers, one for each.

Not to mention that Nick Fury inquired about the Planet Devourer through the Skrulls channel, and also that he secretly contacted the Avengers and informed the parallel world of Peggy and the Planet Devourer, hoping to pass them on. Learn more.

Let's talk about Dimension Street.

Peggy did not have the idea of ​​leaving Dimension Street for a while. Facing a completely unfamiliar world and the only existence that could bring her home, Peggy would not leave easily at this time.

She first met Su Yue once, and determined that Su Yue can indeed travel through parallel universes, and she can freely choose the time point when she travels, and then she settled down in Dimension Street.

Although the visitor is a guest, Su Yue also asked Claire to settle it for her, but you can't eat for free, right?

There are so many people in Dimension Street, even if it is the 'oneself' summoned by Su Yue, they have to get paid through work, not to mention the 'outsider' like Peggy?

At present, Peggy doesn't know much about the world, and she doesn't have any other abilities, so she can only temporarily join the **** team to work part-time.

This is actually a trick.

Although it is only a temporary job, as long as I have this experience, my sense of belonging to Dimension Street will naturally increase. Although Peggy hopes that she can return to her world as soon as possible, but in fact, whether it is Su Yue, Sharon Rogers, or Melinda May, it is clear that Peggy can't go back, because... There is no such world as she thinks at all.

After Peggy's affairs were settled, Su Yue stopped paying attention. I believe that with Sharon Rogers and Melinda May, they should be able to handle the task of temporarily reassuring Peggy.

Absorb the energy!

This is Su Yue's current top priority.

The energy contained in the mind gem is very huge, and a long time of continuous absorption will waste a lot of energy in the process, so every time Suyue goes all out for short-term absorption, try not to waste the energy of the mind gem as much as possible.

Of course, the Mind Gem is also conscious to a certain extent, and naturally it is not willing to be absorbed like this. From time to time, it will try to resist.

Unfortunately, it was Su Yue who absorbed its energy. The unsound consciousness of the Mind Gem wanted to stop Su Yue, that was three words.


In addition, Su Yue will regularly absorb the chaotic energy generated by Wanda and transform the dimensional points in the system.

As a result, the transcendent energy in Su Yue's body began to increase at a rapid rate, and his strength increased rapidly.

Of course, time flies by so fast.

Before I knew it, three months passed like this.

Then, the energy of the mind gem was finally absorbed by Su Yue, and the shell of the gem was turned into ashes and completely dissipated in the breeze.

"The effect of the Mind Gem is not bad. I am beginning to look forward to other gems." In the living room, Su Yue looked at the bustling scene of Dimension Street outside the floor-to-ceiling window with a smile, and with a light groan, he turned around and prepared to go out for activities.

In the past three months, he hadn't left the house very much. Wanda brought back food and food from Ju going downstairs. Occasionally he went out a few times to accompany Carolina Dean and Attilan. The rest of the time is either resting or absorbing energy.

Now that the soul gem has finally absorbed Ding, naturally there is no need to stay at home, it is time to go out and do activities.

After coming out of the Dimension Street Building, Su Yue rarely patrolled his territory like a lord with almost non-stop greetings.

It has to be said that the changes of Dimension Street can be described as changing with each passing day.

Although the overall planning has not changed much, the surrounding shops, layout, environment, etc. have almost changed a lot, especially the direction of the residential area has changed more. core area.

This is also what it should mean. After all, there are more people in the residential area, and it is a serious life circle. It would be strange if it was not lively or prosperous.

Moreover, the construction of the residential area seems to have never stopped. Although each project is not very big, it is always under construction.

"Lord Lord."

A soft call came from behind. Although Su Yue heard many similar greetings along the way, this voice was very familiar to Su Yue.

Turning around, Su Yue saw Mei who was walking quickly.

This plum is not a plum.

It's not Melinda May, but Aunt May.

Seeing Mei, Su Yue was slightly in a trance. In his memory, he seemed to have not seen Mei for a long time.

The main reason is that there are more and more things about Su Yue, and more and more Shenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end or does not go out in seclusion. Of course, another reason is that there are more and more people related to him.

In addition, May doesn't have that much free time. She usually has to go to work, and she has to take care of Peter Parker during the rest of the time, so it's true that she hasn't seen each other for a while.

"Long time no see, you are still so beautiful." Su Yue said with a smile.

Mei said with a smile, "I'm old, so what's so beautiful?"

Su Yue shrugged: "You know, time can't leave a trace with me. If you want, I can make you look younger at any time. Of course, I personally think your charm is better than before."

Mei giggled. Although the years have left marks on her, she has maintained her figure, temperament, and appearance better than ordinary women.

Mei is still very proud of this.

"I just finished my recent work, so I just went out for a walk. After walking around, I'm about to go back. Would you like to sit at my place for a while?" Su Yue invited Mei.

Mei shook her head.

Shaking your head?


Su Yue looked at Mei unexpectedly, and heard Mei say: "Actually, I came to you on purpose, Peter... Peter has something wrong recently, but when I asked him, he refused to say."

For the Peter Parker thing?

Little Peter has always been very well-behaved and did not bring any burden to May. Besides, Peter and May are also dependent on each other. For May, she almost regarded Peter as her own son.

"What's wrong?" Su Yue asked.

Mei shook his head: "I can't tell, but it feels mysterious and keeps avoiding me. And I also found that he often goes out secretly at night, and sometimes even comes back at dawn. But there is nothing in Dimension Street that he needs. The place to sneak out at night, I was thinking... Is Peter in love?"

Chapter 0600 Spiderman

Peter Parker is in love?

When Su Yue heard Mei's guess, he couldn't help but feel a little dazed. How old is Peter Parker? He's not even a kid, right? How could he fall in love?

But after thinking about it, Su Yue came to his senses.

He thought that Peter Parker wasn't even a little kid, so he couldn't fall in love, but in fact, Peter Parker was no longer young, he was no longer the kid he remembered.

In Su Yue's impression, Peter Parker was still a few years old, and he was still the same as when he first met Mei. Unconsciously, several years have passed. According to the current timeline, Peter Parker is already in high school, right?

Falling in love is also normal.

Just as Su Yue wanted to enlighten Mei, he suddenly thought of something.

its not right!

With Peter Parker's character, even people who really love him won't confess it so easily, and it's even less easy to get together. According to May, Peter Parker sneaked out at night for more than a day or two. To put it bluntly, if Peter Parker really has a target, he must be a classmate at school. They are all the same age. Peter Parker can be in the middle of the night. Sneak out, can other girls do?

Besides, although Dimension Street is a never-night street, Peter Parker can sneak out, but how did he sneak out of the house with Mei on his back and sneak back?

Her family lives in a high-rise!

So, the most likely reason is that Peter Parker has been bitten, in other words, he has become Spider-Man.

Of course, it's the kind of Spider-Man who hasn't officially debuted yet.

"Have you ever wondered what Peter's future will look like?" Su Yue asked Mei with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Melan stopped.

Isn't he saying that something is wrong with Peter, maybe it's about love? Why did you suddenly ask about Peter's future?

Mei thought for a while and said, "Peter is a smart boy. I have never worried about him in my studies or in life. I believe he will have a good future."

"Have you ever thought that he... may become a superhero?" Su Yue asked again.

Mei asked back, "You mean... Spider-Man in the movie?"

The short film Avengers 4 is really amazing. Almost all heroes, big and small, have appeared, and the little spider is no exception. After all, in terms of age, he should be the youngest among those heroes, and there are also highlights in the short film.

When the movie first came out, many people were investigating the identities of these heroes, and Peter Parker naturally couldn't escape. His identity was soon exposed, but Peter Parker didn't have any ability at the time, and secondly, he grew up on Dimension Street, so no one hit him at all.

Even the people in Dimension Street only joked a few words. It can be said that he is not too prominent in Dimension Street.

At first, May and Peter Parker were shocked and surprised when they knew that Peter would become Spider-Man in the movie. Peter Parker was also very excited. After all, he was no stranger to superheroes. And I also hope that I can become a superhero to repay Dimension Street.

It's a pity that Peter Parker couldn't see his ability at all except for the battle suit "he" wore in the movie. After a long time, the matter will be over.

Now that Su Yue suddenly mentioned Spider-Man, Mei also reacted after the accident. "Don't you mean that Peter Parker's abnormality has something to do with this?"

Su Yue released his psychic abilities to look for Peter Parker, then sensed his situation, nodded with a chuckle, "It's confirmed, it's really related to this matter."

"Do you know why Peter Parker became Spider-Man?"

"do not know!"

Mei shook her head.

Su Yue said: "In addition to ideas, beliefs, kindness, and justice, the most fundamental willingness is because he was bitten by a spider."

"Radioactive spider!"

"Ah?" Mei was shocked. Although she didn't understand what it meant, she subconsciously became worried.

Su Yue shook his head and said: "Don't worry, although this situation is rare, Peter is not in danger. Not only is there no danger, but he has also gained a lot of benefits. For example, he has spider sense, which can sense everything around him and stay away from danger in advance. With super strength, it can be said that in terms of strength, Captain America is not necessarily an opponent of Spider-Man, and he can have contacts with Hulk's level."

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