"Also, he has the ability to absorb spiders and can crawl on walls. This is why he can go out and come back in the middle of the night without telling you. Otherwise, with your concern for Parker, you must investigate when you notice something is wrong with him. Have you been monitoring?"

Mei nodded subconsciously: "I did watch the surveillance, but I didn't find any pictures of him going out and coming back."

"That's because he didn't go out at all, he climbed out of the window."


Mei was shocked again!

Climbing out of the window, they live in a high-rise, it's too dangerous!

"Didn't I say, he can crawl on the wall by adsorption. Climbing up and down is not too dangerous for him. Moreover, Peter is really smart, he developed the spider web launcher by himself, that is the movie That stuff. It can be said that he has become the Spider-Man in the movie except that he did not have the technology and money to support him to study the spider suit."

Having said that, Su Yue took another sentence: "By the way, don't worry about whether he is in love or has someone he likes, this kid... Do you know what he does every night when he goes out?"

Mei shook her head: "What are you doing?"

"Going to be a good neighbor for people!" Su Yue explained dumbly: "Every night he will leave Dimension Street and go back to the block where you used to live, and then be a hero, guarding the safety of that block. As far as I know, what he did It's not bad. Although it's a newbie with little experience and some talkativeness, it does reduce the crime rate a lot, and it gets along well with people nearby, so it can be considered acceptable."

"That's because most people know that he is Spider-Man." May said worriedly, "Will he cause any trouble if he does this."

"Don't worry, he is from Dimension Street. Do you think anyone would dare to trouble Dimension Street?"

Su Yue is not worried about this. The current little spider is different from the one in the movie or in the comics. He doesn't need to hide his identity, and he doesn't need to worry about the crisis and trouble caused by the exposure of his identity.

Chapter 0601 Spider-Man Meets Blink

Does Peter Parker need to hide his identity?

No need at all!

First of all, Peter Parker is a person from Dimension Street. If he does bad things, there may be some righteous people who are not afraid of power to fight Dimension Street; but what he does is good, he is helping people, he is fighting criminals, this kind of Vigilante, who would trouble him with this kind of superhero behavior? Who will trouble Dimension Street?

As for the criminals caught by Peter Parker, hehe... They may not be reconciled, and they may continue to compete with Peter Parker, but they never dare to retaliate against Peter Parker. After all, Peter Parker's Behind it is Dimension Street.

For criminals like them, let alone revenge on Dimension Street, whether they dare to enter Dimension Street is a problem.

This is the advantage of having a background and a backer.

The current Spider-Man Peter Parker is not the Spider-Man Peter Parker in the movie. Although he lacks the "Godfather" of Iron Man, he gets more.

"If you believe me, Peter's business will be left to me." Su Yue said to Mei.

Mei nodded and said, "Of course I believe you. You and Peter are the two most important people in this world for me."

"Go to my place first? When Peter goes out again at night, I will chat with him." Su Yue asked.

"it is good."

Mei nodded.


As night fell, the Dimension Street was still brightly lit, with people coming and going.

A figure quietly walked out from the intersection of Dimension Street, then quickly left Dimension Street and walked towards Queens.

This man is not tall, he has a schoolbag on his back, but his steps are very agile, and he has a very lively feeling, just like a student who comes out of school after the school bell rings.

Exactly, Peter Parker.

Not long after, Peter Parker took advantage of no one's idea and got into a dim alley nearby, took down his schoolbag while walking, took out a red hood from it, and then took off his coat and stuffed it into the schoolbag.

Underneath the coat is a red sweater.

Putting on the headgear and putting away his clothes, Peter Parker tucked his schoolbag into the gap of the trash can, then raised his hand and raised his head, ready to use the spider silk to run up the roof.


Just as Peter Parker was about to take off, the dark alley suddenly lit up with a dazzling purple light.

Peter Parker was startled, he stepped back subconsciously and looked in the direction of the light, and saw a person walking out of the purple light like a starry sky.

"Wow wow wow, you, who are you?" Peter Parker asked in surprise as he stepped back.

The purple light gradually dimmed and disappeared.

A purple-haired woman observed the environment from side to side, and then looked at the somewhat funny... Peter Parker.

Uh, before there was no serious uniform, Peter Parker's dress looked really funny and cheeky, and even... it couldn't be called a uniform.

Peter Parker didn't think there was anything wrong with his dress. This was the simplest and most convenient uniform he could think of so far. What he is more curious about now is who this woman who teleported from the purple light was!

Although he has not officially appeared as a superhero yet, after all, he was born in Dimension Street, and there is definitely no shortage of intelligence information. He secretly collected a lot of information from the outside world, so as not to know the other party in a similar situation. Who, I don't know how to deal with it.

Peter Parker was certain that he did not know the woman in front of him. But... this woman gave Peter Parker a sense of deja vu.

Although, I have no impression of this face at all.

But the purple hair, the lines on the face... this reminded Peter Parker of a person in Dimension Street, flashing!

This person's temperament and shape are like flickering.

"Hey, don't go, I'm talking to you, who are you? It's rude to suddenly appear and leave like this." Just as Peter Parker was thinking, he saw the other party turn around and prepare to leave.

Although I don't know whether this person is good or bad, it is necessary to say hello and understand some situations, so Peter Parker shouted, and flew directly in front of the other party with his spider silk, ready to block the other party's way.

As a result, just as he was about to fall, the other party suddenly threw a crystal with his hand, and the crystal suddenly turned into a portal under him. Peter Parker, who was caught off guard, fell directly, and then fell in the air not far away.

"Ah ah ah... Flash, flash...!" Peter Parker, who was caught off guard, fell and fell directly to the ground, then subconsciously shouted.

This is no longer similar, it even looks at the ability!

Peter Parker was shocked, why are there two people who are exactly the same except for their appearance?

This flickering stopped the other party, Clarice Fang looked back at Peter Parker, paused for a while, then turned around and left.

That's right, this woman is Clarice Fang.

During this time, she has been in and out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the X-Men world several times. She rescued a lot of captured mutants from the X-Men world, and then brought this world to different places.

One after another, there are already thirty-four mutants who have been brought to this world. These people have been placed in different places to live in low-key hiding, mainly to learn about this new world.

This time, Clarice Fang brought three more people over. She settled them and left temporarily, planning to prepare some supplies for them first, but she didn't expect to meet Peter Parker by accident.

As for being called a code-breaker by Peter Parker, Clarice Fang was surprised but not too surprised. During this time, she also learned some things about the world.

She naturally knew about Dimension Street, the biggest force in the world, and she also knew that there was a flicker in Dimension Street.

In a parallel world, it is normal to have a different "self".


Blinking felt that the guy behind him seemed to be catching up, and the direct teleportation disappeared.

"Flickering, definitely flickering, what the heck is going on, why would someone flicker like that?"

Peter Parker stomped his feet as he saw that he had disappeared and couldn't catch up with Blink. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to go back to Dimension Street.

He has to figure out what's going on!

Well, Peter Parker is really curious and has a strong sense of responsibility. On the one hand, he is curious about the "flicker", and on the other hand, he is also worried that the existence of this "flicker" will affect the Dimension Street.

Chapter 0602 The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, does this come from?

If Huiyuan Street confessed that he encountered the incident of 'Blink', then the events of the 'Spider-Man' activities during this period will be exposed, and I am afraid that it will not be so relaxed in the future, but Peter Parker still decided to return to Dimension Street to confess the incident. thing.

After all, the reason why he concealed his activities was not because he did not trust anyone or had an opinion on whom, but because he was worried that Aunt May might disagree, that Lord Lord felt that he was young and that there were many superheroes in Dimension Street, Lord Lord Maybe because of Aunt May's reasons, she doesn't agree to be Spider-Man, because it's too risky, and it may affect your studies?

That's why he sneaked out, planning to cook the raw rice outside, familiarize himself with how to be a superhero, and then try to help those in need as much as possible.

After all, there is only one Dimension Street, and the scope is only so large, but there are more people who need help.

Peter Parker turned around, walked back to the trash can, took out his bag, took off his hood and stuffed it in, took out his coat and put it on. After finishing, Peter Parker took a deep breath to get out of the box, only to be startled when he looked up.

"Lord, Lord Lord, you, why are you here?" Peter Parker was a little flustered, his voice trembling and a little incoherent.

"Are you surprised? I thought you knew that such a day would come. Or do you think your little actions can be kept hidden forever?" Su Yue smiled at Peter Parker calmly.

Peter Parker shook his head quickly: "No, no, I just... Did Aunt May know?"

"What do you say?"

"Well, I've guessed that she might already know." Peter Parker was a little dejected. Although he had decided to confess, he was still a little frustrated to be discovered before he confessed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hide it on purpose, I just..." Peter Parker wanted to apologize to Su Yue, but Su Yue waved his hand: "Just tell your Aunt Mei if you want to apologize, she is the one who worries about you the most. On the contrary, I Not really worried."

"I see, I will apologize to Aunt May." After Peter Parker finished speaking, he turned to point to the box and said, "I need to tell you something, I don't know if you know. Just now, I was going to Dressed up here for Queens, but I met someone."

"This person, like Blink, appeared suddenly, and can use a portal like Blink, but she doesn't look like Blink."

Peter Parker told Su Yue everything that happened just now.

Su Yue was not too surprised, what he saw was indeed flickering. During this period of time, although he was in retreat to absorb the energy of the mind gem, he did not pay much attention to the outside world, but he still paid some attention to Blink. He already knew that Blink had brought many mutants to this world one after another. , but what should I say about this matter, I don't need him to take care of it for the time being.

He doesn't need to reveal the multiverse in person, it's better to leave it to the Avengers or Nick Fury or something to reveal it.

"I see, I will pay attention to this matter." Su Yue responded first, and said to Peter Parker closely: "What about you, if Aunt May doesn't let you continue to be Spider-Man, you will How to do it?"

"I...I don't know."

Peter Parker said in a trance: "I, I don't want to give up, I don't want to be in the limelight, I just want to help those in need. I... I'm not saying that Dimension Street is wrong, I just think that in addition to Dimension Street, there are other People in many places need help. Just like Dimension Street, being able to shelter a range, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility should be..."

With great power comes great responsibility.

This classic line finally appeared, but...why? Uncle Ben in this world has no chance to teach Spider-Man this classic line, and Peter Parker does not have the "godfather" of Iron Man. At his age, he has just acquired the ability, how did he realize that with great ability comes great responsibility ?

"With great ability comes great responsibility. How did you come up with this?" Su Yue asked Peter Parker curiously.

Peter Parker looked at Su Yue: "Because of you."

"Me?" Su Yue was stunned. "I never said that."

"Although I didn't say it, it's the same. In the past, Dimension Street was very small, and the scope of your shelter was also very small. Later, the Dimension Street became bigger and bigger, and the Dimension Street became stronger and stronger, and the scope of your shelter became more and more. The bigger it is. Now even the area near Dimension Street is beginning to feel that it is part of Dimension Street, and if there is trouble, Dimension Street will also help."

"Isn't that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility?"

Su Yue was a little stunned by Peter Parker's remarks. He really didn't expect Peter Parker to understand that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Is it because of yourself?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is nothing wrong. Dimension Street is indeed like Peter Parker said, with the development of the scope, the greater the scope of shelter, from a certain angle can indeed interpret the sentence that with great ability comes great responsibility.

Su Yue just thought it was a bit absurd, as if this sentence was the core of Peter Parker. No matter how the trajectory of Peter Parker's life changed, this sentence would appear in different ways.

"I will persuade Mei to let you do what you want as much as possible, but before that, you must be trained by the **** team, and by the way, you need a real uniform." Su Yue said with a chuckle.

"Really? Great!" Peter Parker said excitedly.

Su Yue thought for a while and said, "You don't know much about Spider-Man, so let's go back and call Spider-Man from other worlds and let them teach you how to be a real Spider-Man. As for the uniform, you can Go to the research center and participate in the research together.”

"Spider-Man in other worlds?" Peter Parker was moved. He didn't have the embarrassment and anxiety of seeing the other self, but was looking forward to and excited. "When will they come over?"


Su Yue said, "Let's go back first, and then apologize to Mei, explain, and come to me tomorrow morning."


Peter Parker nodded again and again, and then returned to Dimension Street with Su Yue.

Since Su Yue came out, Mei naturally woke up too.

May took Peter Parker home to prepare for a talk, and Su Yue also returned to her residence to rest.

As for the flickering thing?

Not urgent!

When someone comes to the door and asks about the flicker, it's just a matter of dealing with it.

In short, the flickering thing can have something to do with you, but you can't take the lead in bringing it up to have something to do with yourself.

Chapter 0603 Peter Parker of the Old Spider-Man

In the morning, the sun is shining and the breeze is gentle.

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