Mrs. M stood up to give up her seat, Su Yue smiled and waved her hand: "No, I'm here to tell you that Stark Industries shouldn't have much value anymore, get ready, and take over Hammer when you go back. group."

"it is good."

Mrs. M agreed without any hesitation.

Although it was a bit reluctant to leave Stark Industries so suddenly, and although she had to start all over again after going to the Hammer Group, Mrs. M still did not hesitate.

"Are you in a hurry?" Mrs. M asked.

Su Yue shook his head: "The time is not in a hurry, you can leave after you arrange the affairs here. After all, we still have a lot of shares in Stark Industries. If the impact of the stock price is too great, we will also lose money. ."

"Okay, I know what to do, I will arrange the situation here as soon as possible, and try not to have too much impact." Mrs. M knew what to do.

In fact, Mrs. M had long thought that such a day would come, so she usually made some preparations so that the handover would not be very troublesome, and even she had already selected the connecting crew, that is Gwens Daisy.

Yes, she originally thought that even if she left, Lord Lord would not completely ignore Stark Industries, so she thought that Gwens Daisy could take over. But now... Gwens Daisy will definitely leave with him, so this successor has to be re-chosen.

Su Yue didn't stay here much, and after explaining a few words, teleported back to Dimension Street.


An hour later, Daenerys was brought to Su Yue by Daenerys alone.

"What's the situation with you?" Looking at Tony Stark, who was wearing a steel battle suit with an unhappy face, Su Yue guessed what he had gone through, but still asked jokingly.

Tony Stark glanced at Daenerys beside him, and couldn't help recalling the behemoth he had just seen.

Nima, that's a dragon!

A real, living dragon.

Or a fire-breathing dragon.

Tony Stark was really depressed at the moment. He came in a hurry, but instead of letting out his anger, he held back his anger again.

The most annoying thing is that it's not that he can't deal with the dragon, but that he doesn't dare!

Dimension Street is the territory of Su Yue, whether it is on the ground or in the air. Anyone without permission is not allowed to fly over Dimension Street, but Tony Stark is used to it, how can he wait honestly Apply or walk in?

So... it was sprayed by Daenerys' dragon.

"It's hard work, you go down first." Su Yue said to Daenerys, and then said to Tony Stark: "Long memory, when you come to my place in the future, you have to abide by my rules. Once, but not now it's just a warning."

"You didn't follow the rules first, right?" Tony Stark said angrily. "Did you go to my company to poach someone?"

"Have you seen it?" Su Yue asked casually.

Tony Stark snorted: "Although I didn't see it, Mrs. M just contacted me to say she wanted to resign and said she wanted to join the Hammer Group. Who doesn't know that the Hammer Group is the industry of your Dimension Street, your There is no one in Dimension Street, why did you go to my company to dig my people?"

"Your person? Haha..." Su Yue smiled slightly.

Tony Stark frowned instantly.

Chapter 0606 Tony Stark Embarrassed

"Your person? Haha..." Su Yue smiled slightly.

Tony Stark frowned instantly.

What's the meaning?

what do you mean?

I said that Mrs. M is my person, what is your reaction? mocking?


Tony Stark stared, and instantly thought of a possibility.

Mrs. M may have been from Su Yue and Dimension Street from the beginning.

Tony Stark still remembers that when Mrs. M appeared with the shares of Stark Industries at the beginning, he also specially investigated Mrs. M's identity. Although he did not investigate the reason, he did not associate it with Dimension Street, just because Mrs. M. background mysterious. After all, the people in Dimension Street are all in Dimension Street, and I haven't heard of any precedents for public release, and Mrs. M has done a very good job after she joined the job, so gradually Tony Stark did not investigate her identity further, nor did she Doubt Mrs. M's identity and purpose.

It can even be said that I gradually trusted her. After all, she managed the company very well, which made me less worried.

But now, Tony Stark is stunned.

Su Yue can make the top leader of his company resign to join Su Yue's company. Tony Stark does not think that the Hammer Group can be more attractive than Stark Industries in business, nor does Su Yue With such a great charm, Mrs. M did not hesitate to change jobs.

So the biggest possibility is that Mrs. M was Su Yue's person from the beginning. It was also Su Yue's request to come to Stark Industry. Now that she doesn't need it, Mrs. M will naturally go back without hesitation.

"Damn it! Is Mrs. M yours?" Although Tony Stark was asking, he had basically made up his mind, no matter his tone or heart.

Su Yue shrugged: "Or do you think there are so many talented people with mysterious backgrounds and abilities who are willing to work hard?"


Tony Stark cursed.

Sure enough, it was his.

Tony Stark is very angry, he is not angry that Su Yue has shares in Stark Industries, nor is he angry that Su Yue has made a lot of money from Stark Industries for so many years, he is angry that he is kept in the dark. I don't know, I was angry that I came to Su Yue to accuse him of digging his own people.



Tony Stark wanted to be angry, but he held it back. The reason is very simple, it's not that he has a better temper now, but that he doesn't have the confidence to be angry with Su Yue.

Mrs. M was originally from Su Yue, because she had no confidence or position to quarrel with Su Yue.

Questioning Mrs. M's identity?

Although they didn't say that they came from Dimension Street, it doesn't matter. After all, Mrs. M said she didn't do anything bad to the company. To put it bluntly, it brought a lot of benefits to the company.

Why did Su Yue let Mrs. M go to Stark Industries?

It doesn't seem like there is much to question. They have shares in Stark Industries, can you not let them go? Don't let people be held accountable?

Even if Mrs. M was going to leave now, she informed herself at the first time, saying that she would make a good handover and leave as little as possible without affecting the company's situation.

This is already very benevolent and righteous. If Mrs. M leaves now, what can Tony Stark do?

Hard or soft, he may not be able to play Su Yue!

So Tony Stark is more angry that he has been tricked.


Tony Stark snorted coldly, turned his head and wanted to leave.

"and many more."

Su Yue suddenly stopped him.

"What? Want to humiliate me?" Tony Stark hummed.

Su Yue pouted: "I'm not interested in humiliating you anymore, or it's hard to bring me any happiness by humiliating you, so don't worry, I'm not trying to humiliate you, I just want to tell you that although Mrs. M will leave Sri Lanka Tucker Industries, but the shares are still there, Mrs. M is also a major shareholder of Stark Industries, and she can ask her for help if the company encounters any situation."

"You would be so kind?" Tony Stark didn't believe it.

Su Yue pouted: "It's hard to believe that this kind of stupid thing came out of your mouth, please, I said that the shares are still there, what if something happens to the company that affects my income? It has nothing to do with good intentions! "

Tony Stark's face darkened even more. He just asked casually and didn't really think about it carefully. As a result, he is now being attacked and has no reason to defend himself.

Tony Stark snorted heavily and said, "It seems that you are no longer satisfied with the small place of Dimension Street."

"Oh? How do you say it?" Su Yue asked with great interest.

"Your development of high-speed rail can only be regarded as a tentacle from Dimension Street, but now you suddenly let Mrs. M go to Hanmer Technology, on the one hand, because Hanmer Technology is you, on the other hand, it is considered to be starting to develop outside Dimension Street, right? The development of Hanmer Technology, and the major shareholder of Stark Industries, your influence has come out of Dimension Street, hasn't it?"

"I originally thought that your goal was to expand the scope of Dimension Street, but I didn't expect you to plan to walk directly out of Dimension Street. The outside world is very exciting, I hope you can have a good time."

Tony Stark said something yin and yang, and turned to leave again.

This time, Su Yue did not hold back, but raised the corner of his mouth again.

The outside world is wonderful? This is to remind myself to leave Dimension Street. The forces outside are intricate and not so easy to mess with, right?

After all, Dimension Street is so powerful, there are still people who don't buy it.

It's normal that the sun can't be liked by everyone.

But go out?

Su Yue really didn't have this idea. The main purpose of letting Mrs. M come back was to take charge of her family's business.

But Tony Stark reminded himself.

He used to play on his own one-third of an acre, but now, it doesn't hurt to go out. Anyway, Hanmer Technology is not in Dimension Street, and the high-speed rail is now extending in all directions, which is commercial. Before, Peter Parker Jr. went to Queens to be Spider-Man, which is also a kind of hero from Dimension Street. In the future, people from Dimension Street will go out more.

With the combination of business and heroes, the influence of Dimension Street will rise again. When it comes time to go back and buy land, it will be easier to expand the scope of Dimension Street.


This is a good way.

Moreover, there should soon be an opportunity for the people of Dimension Street to go out and have an upright identity.

According to the plot, calculate the time, the registration of the bill will start soon, right? Although there is no reason for Ultron to lift the city into the sky and superheroes to cause losses, but without S.H.I.E.L.D., the official will inevitably take other methods to control all these in their own hands, so, are there any previous reasons? Registration Act will appear.

Chapter 0607 Hsinchu Bar: General Ross

"Ring, bell, bell, bell, bell..."

Just as Su Yue was thinking about the registration bill for a while, she was interrupted by the ringing of the phone. She glanced at the displayed number name, slightly surprised.

General Ross?

How could he suddenly call himself?

The last time I told General Ross it was because of the Extremis virus. It was a long time ago.

After that, there was almost no contact.

Even if there is any business dealings, he basically contacts Pepper Potts, not himself.

Is it about Betty Ross?

It shouldn't be. Although their father-daughter relationship is not very good, Betty Ross will not resist normal communication, especially after Betty Ross joined the scientific research center of Dimension Street in recent years, the most fundamental contradictions have disappeared. The relationship between their father and daughter has eased a lot.

Wait, could it be because of the Registration Act?

In the movie, General Ross changed his job from the military to become a state secretary after his failure in the Hulk incident.

Once an agreement is signed, it is equivalent to being under his command. It can be said that for a long time after the Avengers Civil War, General Ross was in charge of the duties of the Avengers and SHIELD, which can be regarded as a high authority.

Nine times out of ten, General Ross's call now must be related to this matter, right?

What is this called?

This is called drowsiness. Bring a pillow!

Just now I was thinking about using the registration act to let the people in Dimension Street go out, but in the blink of an eye, General Ross called.

Su Yue smiled and answered the phone with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "Hello, General Ross."

"Hello, Lord Su Yue."


Are you called so politely? Courtesy to people, you must ask for something.

"General Ross should go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. If you have anything, please tell me directly." Su Yue simply stopped the politeness and greetings that had not started.

What are you doing with those useless things? You are not beautiful!

For some things, if you can agree, you will also agree to say it straight to the point; for some things, if you can't agree, it is useless even if you talk about it.

General Ross was stunned, and immediately said: "Okay, then I'll tell you straight. Lord Su Yue, do you know that some outsiders have appeared recently?"


"People from other worlds."

"Anyone from a parallel world? I just summoned two on Dimension Street. You are very well informed." Su Yue said smoothly.

General Ross said solemnly: "No, I'm not talking about people in Dimension Street, but people outside. According to my investigation, there are at least ten people who have crossed over from other worlds, and these people are very special. Claiming to be a mutant."

"Don't go around the corners, speak straight."

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