"I have a few questions. First, are these mutants from Dimension Street, or their appearance is related to Dimension Street; second, there are mutants in Dimension Street, if possible, I would like to know as much as possible about the situation of mutants ." General Ross said simply.

"What about the conditions?"

Su Yue asked back: "It's not the first day you met me, right? I don't resist trading with anyone, and I'm absolutely innocent, but only if the conditions are satisfactory to me."

"what do you want?"

"The land, the land near Dimension Street." Su Yue said: "The development of Dimension Street has been very good recently. I need more land belonging to me to develop."

"Not enough!"

General Ross said solemnly: "Just these two news are not worth the price. You should be very clear about the consequences of Dimension Street if it expands again. It's not the same street anymore!"

"In other words, you can do it, right?" Su Yue asked rhetorically.

General Ross was silent for a moment: "This matter is very important, and after that, there are more important things, and these are all up to me, and I have to do this well. So, yes, I can do it. "

General Ross's meaning is very clear. This matter is very important to me. If you can help me, I can help you, but only if your help is worth so much.

"What more do you want?" Su Yue asked with a smile.

General Ross said solemnly: "I don't know. At present, I only know that there are mutants from other worlds, and the number is still increasing. I tried to arrest them, but they were eventually run away. I don't know much, so I can't tell what I need next."

"Okay, I don't want to cheat you on Betty's face. I think you will tell me so simply because of Betty's face. I can tell you that these mutants didn't come from Dimension Street, and The number of mutants will probably increase in the future."

"I'll have someone record the details of the mutants and give it to Betty, and let Betty give it to you."

"In addition, I will give you another piece of information. It is not so easy to cross the parallel world, especially the time and again crossing. This is no longer a coincidence or can be done by external forces. Of course, I mean other than Dimension Street. These The emergence of mutants is related to one of the five creation gods in the universe."

Ross on the other end of the phone groaned, the five founding gods? It doesn't sound like a situation that the average human on Earth can handle.

"I will let Betty hand over the relevant information to you, and these will be regarded as the initial investment. If there is any excess, I shouldn't need to say it?" Su Yue said.

"Okay, thank you."

General Ross simply agreed. What Su Yue did was nothing more than to buy goods before paying. In the end, it was determined whether it was worth changing the land near Dimension Street according to the amount of help provided.

Su Yue was not afraid that General Ross would eat up and wipe it up and refuse to accept the account, and General Ross never thought of denying Su Yue's help to eat Bawang's meal.

After all, it is estimated that few people in this world dare to eat Su Yue's Bawang meal.

Moreover, General Ross was not afraid that Su Yue didn't provide much help at that time. Don't look at what he said just now and haven't considered it, in fact, he has already had an idea, and he will never let his efforts lose money.

The phone hangs up.

Su Yue called Wanda and asked Wanda to arrange some information on the mutants and the Planet Devourer and hand them over to Betty Ross.

"Remember to tell them to do it better. This is a new customer. If you do it, you will have more chances to rip you off in the future." Before Wanda left, Su Yue didn't forget to remind him.

Chapter 0608 Three Spider-Man in the same frame

The sun is shining and the wind is gentle.

A scream suddenly sounded on the streets of Queens.

"My bag, my bag... robbery... Someone is robbing!" A middle-aged woman slumped on the ground, panicked and heartbroken, shouting loudly.

In front of her line of sight, a man in somewhat dirty clothes was holding a lady's bag in one hand and a knife in the other, running wildly and berating the person in front of him to give way.

"Get out of the way, let me out of the way."

Hearing the man's scolding and looking at the knife in the man's hand, the people in front of him gave way in panic. No one dared to stop the robber, and no one was meddling.

In the blink of an eye, the robber had already run far away, and he was about to run to an alley not far away.

Once you enter the alley, it will not be so easy to find him again.

Looking at the passers-by who were standing by, the middle-aged woman who was robbed of the bag had given up in despair. In this case, it was impossible for her to get the bag back. Even if she called the police after the incident, she probably had little hope. psychological construction.

But at this moment, an unexpected exclamation suddenly sounded. The middle-aged woman looked up subconsciously, and saw that the man who was about to run into the box actually fell to the ground, with a white silky rope wrapped around his feet?


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and everyone looked up subconsciously, and saw a man in a uniform like a spider descended from the sky and landed in front of the man with a clatter.

"As far as I know, this bag doesn't seem to be yours, right?" Another voice suddenly sounded, and a man wearing a very similar uniform to the previous man jumped out of nowhere, and stretched out a spider silk to smash the man's hand. The bag pulled over, and then swung back.

In midair, another person appeared.

Still a similar uniform.

It's just that this person is relatively short. He caught the bag from mid-air, turned around and walked in front of the middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman has subconsciously stood up at this time.

"Your bag."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." The middle-aged woman thanked excitedly after taking the bag, and then seemed to react, and asked tentatively, "You, are you Spider-Man?"

"Yes, I am Spider-Man." He smiled and pointed to the two Spider-Man behind him: "They are also Spider-Man, and we are all Spider-Man."

"They're all Spider-Man?"

"My God, there are actually three Spider-Man?"

"Are there three Spider-Mans in total?"

"Spider-Man is not from Dimension Street, why is he in Queens?"

The passers-by around were shocked when they heard him say that the three were Spider-Man, and many people took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

As for the exposure, the three Spider-Man actually don't care much. After all, they are people's good neighbors, and they are taking the line of being close to the people.

Soon, a group photo of the three Spider-Man spread wildly on the Internet, and it became a headline and hot search in a short period of time.

After all, every new superhero in Avengers 4 will cause a sensation, and this time there is not only one, but three.

Uh, it can also be said to be one.

Many people have seen the movie. Even if they haven't seen the movie, after the fermentation of the Internet, most of them know what kind of superhero will be in the future, so it is normal for Spider-Man to appear, but three appear as soon as it appears. But it's different.

Many people have speculated why the two Spider-Man did not appear in the movie?

What are the identities of these two Spider-Man?

After all, the identity of Peter Parker Jr., the Spider-Man, is no longer a secret, so everyone is more interested in the other two Spider-Man.

"how do you feel?"

On the roof of a certain building, three Spider-Man sat on the edge with their feet in the air.

The Amazing Spider-Man took off his mask and asked the relatively short Spider-Man.

The little Spider-Man took off his mask, revealing Peter Parker Jr.'s face, and said excitedly, "Great."

"What do you mean?" The other old Peter Parker also took off his mask and asked.

Er, it seems unfair to say that he is old. After all, he is not too old, but compared with these two, whether it is age or appearance, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is old.


Peter Parker Jr. excitedly said, "This new uniform is great, and the function is exactly the same as in the movie. It is also very helpful to form a team with you. I can learn from you how to become a Spider-Man, and I feel very safe."

"You don't know, I'm actually worried. Because everyone knows I'm going to be Spider-Man in the future, I'm Spider-Man, so I'm afraid that I won't be good enough when I'm Spider-Man, that I won't be able to help more people, Can save more people. I'm afraid people will be disappointed, and people around me will be disappointed."

"I'm afraid that people will be disappointed with Spider-Man, and I'm afraid that it will affect Dimension Street because of me."

If it is said that the old Spider-Man and the Amazing Spider-Man became heroes and Spider-Man because of their ability, responsibility, and interest, then Peter Parker Jr. carried a pressure that they did not have from the very beginning.

Whether it is the old Spider-Man or the Amazing Spider-Man, no one knows who they are. Although there will be accusations and complaints, they are only aimed at Spider-Man. But Peter Parker Jr. is different. Once he debuts as Spider-Man, it is not Spider-Man who is attacked, but himself.

Therefore, the pressure on Peter Parker Jr. is indeed greater than the other two. So, when they teamed up with him, he did feel at ease, which was great.

"This is just the beginning, no one can come up and it is perfect, we have experienced failures, setbacks, slander, blame, but as long as our beliefs are not shaken, as long as we remember our purpose is to help others, it doesn't matter So many. Because I firmly believe that as long as we do well enough, there will naturally be people who support us and like us!”

"There are exceptions."

The old Spider-Man answered: "For example, the guy from the Daily Bugle, I really didn't expect to see him in another world."

Yes, there is also the Daily Bugle in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's just that he in this world will definitely not attack Spider-Man as recklessly as their world, and use Spider-Man to stimulate newspaper sales.

After all, Spider-Man in the Marvel Cinematic Universe has a backer, but he came from Dimension Street.

Not to mention that Dimension Street itself also has a news industry that can support Spider-Man, the fact that Spider-Man comes from Dimension Street alone is enough to discourage many newspapers who want to discredit Spider-Man to stimulate sales and think twice.

After all, the legal department of Dimension Street is not given for nothing!

Chapter 0609 The influence of dimension street

No matter which world Spider-Man comes from, they all come from Queens. Therefore, after the three Spider-Man walked out of Dimension Street, they were resident in Queens, and regarded Queens as their own protection site.

Although Peter Parker Jr. has a short debut time and still needs two "seniors" to teach him, he has home field advantage and is more popular.

The old Spider-Man and The Amazing Spider-Man are working in black and white, and Peter Parker Jr. chooses who to follow at his own time.

I have to say that this kind of old and new made Peter Parker's progress very fast, and some mistakes that newbies would make have been avoided in advance.

At the same time, the recognition of Spider-Man in Queens is also getting higher and higher, and Spider-Man is almost regarded as the representative hero of his own area, completely regarded as his own, and even has a faint feeling that Queens is also part of Dimension Street, after all, Spider-Man The brand of Dimension Street on Xia has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Spider-Man on Dimension Street guards Queens every day, which naturally makes people in Queens feel that Dimension Street is protecting Queens.

Some changes happened quietly.

Gradually, many shops in Queens began to scan the QR code to pay, and if there was a dispute, some people did not ask the police to directly ask Spider-Man to deal with it.

If there is trouble in another neighborhood, or a dispute arises, people who might have been helpless in the past will gradually lift their chests and tell them that Queens is sheltered by Dimension Street.

Not to mention, it's really effective. At least many gangsters and the like don't dare to mess around in Queens. On the one hand, there is Spider-Man who is always guarding, and on the other hand, they are indeed afraid of Dimension Street.

It can be said that in a short period of time, the crime rate in Queens has plummeted, and the police in charge of Queens have begun to reduce their daily patrols and spend most of their time dealing with criminals sent by Spider-Man.

Although some people are dissatisfied with this, they think that Spider-Man has replaced their jobs, and think that this is a conspiracy of Dimension Street, which wants to assimilate Queens.

Unfortunately, their dissatisfaction and opposition have no effect.

This is not what Dimension Street did from it, but mainly because people saw the positive changes after Dimension Street intervened. Their lives were more convenient and safer. Naturally, they chose to support Dimension Street.

And those who are dissatisfied and opposed except for dissatisfaction and opposition, there is no way to make people better, who will support?

You can object!

As long as you can come up with a better way.

If not?

Who cares about you!

Just after the Spider-Man team made an excellent start in Queens, Dimension Street took measures again. This time, a guard team came out directly from Dimension Street, changing the normal patrol range directly from Dimension Street to Dimension. Outside the street, it covers the direction of three blocks on all sides.

The reason there are three is because one side is a sports field.

Captain Peggy, who has gradually adapted to this world, is also in this **** team.

In addition, the resort island of Dimension Street is officially open to the public.

As soon as it opened, countless tourists flocked to it. First of all, the publicity of the holiday island has been on for a while. Many people want to know what the holiday island in the city is like, and even more want to know if it is another world; Secondly, Dimension Street is already a brand. Even if it is also a holiday island, Dimension Street and non-Dimension Street are two concepts in people's minds.

Maybe other aspects are the same, maybe other places are better, but friends said last time I went to the holiday island in Dimension Street, which definitely kills people who go to other places for holiday island. It feels like although it is the same T-shirt, but I am a famous brand, you are just a street stall, the value has extended from the item itself to the brand effect.

During this period, whether it was General Ross of Hsinchu, the Avengers, or S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, they all asked Su Yue about related matters.

Of course, the parallel world resort island can only be regarded as a bonus. What they really want to ask is about mutants and planet devourers.

What about the mutants?

The people or forces that should know already know it, and this is already the top priority right now.

Whether it is General Ross, the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. or Hydra, they all started looking for mutants.

This has greatly affected the living environment of those mutants, and it is difficult for them to escape safely.

Those whose appearances are no different from human beings can still mix in the human society in a low-key manner, and those whose appearances are quite different can really only be avoided everywhere.

A lot of mutants have already been arrested by various forces. At the same time, it is said that mutants have also begun to unite and are ready to negotiate with the forces in this world?

As for the twinkling of the star swallowing messenger, she did not intervene in this matter...

On the one hand, her task is to transmit mutants into this world, and how to live in this world is not her main concern.

I have given you a relatively good living environment. How each person's life goes on depends on himself.

Nine times out of ten, the mutants who were caught were those who couldn't stand being low-key, couldn't enjoy life, and couldn't bear it anymore.

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