
Lorna Dane froze for a moment. Maybe Natasha or Lauren are not too familiar with Lorelai. After all, there are so many guards in Dimension Street, and the scope of Dimension Street is also increasing. Unless there are special circumstances, otherwise It's not that easy to recognize everyone.

But Lorna Dane was still very familiar with Lorelai, so she recognized it at first sight. After all, Natasha was there, and they were teleported over, and it was normal for Lorelai to be here. However, I didn't expect it to be Lorelei!

Lorna Dane looked carefully and found that although this Sonia was exactly the same as Lorelai's facial features, the subtle differences were still obvious, but I just didn't notice it.

So, this is my original world. If this Sonia is not Lorelei, then she is a person in this world. Nine times out of ten, she should be a mutant, but she looks the same as Lorelai?

Although this kind of thing is rare, it is not unique. After all, there is not no dimension street like doppelganger, so Lorna Dane quickly accepted this fact and turned to look at Natasha.

Since Sonia is not Lorelei, the matter must have something to do with Natasha and the others.

Natasha was also surprised that Su Yue would suddenly send them over, but the accident was an accident, and it was not a big deal, so Natasha soon told Lorna Dane and Lauren what happened.

After listening, Lorna Dane looked at Sonia and Thunderbird. "My name is Lorna Dane, you can call me Polaris, and Lauren and I are also from this world. You can find our information, which should be enough to prove our origin."

Xianzhe moved quickly, and immediately started searching. After a while, Xianzhe nodded towards Thunderbird: "I did find some of their previous records, but not in a while."

Not recently because they have left this world and went to Dimension Street, so naturally they will not leave any traces.

Of course, if you have to say it, you can think that they are hiding, rather than transmigrating to other worlds. After all, no trace does not mean that they have transmigrated.

However, this is a bit tricky. At least Thunderbird and the others, according to the currently known information, have a great possibility of crossing, and it is also worth believing.

Well, it should be said that they believed it.

Now that I believe that Natasha and the others and Lorna Dane are transmigrators, the next thing will be much simpler. At least there is a foundation of trust, and many things can be talked about.

Thunderbird and the others talked about the situation of mutants in this world, Natasha and the others talked about the situation in the main world of Marvel, and Lorna Dane and Lauren talked about the situation in Dimension Street.

It was a small tripartite meeting.

After that, we returned to the topic and began to study how to find the captain, how to find the star swallowing messenger, and how to find the rescued mutants.

Lorna Dane stayed to act with them, while Lauren planned to go home to see her parents for a while and then come back.

Separate action.

Leaving aside the matter of Lauren's return home, let's talk about the mutant underground organization, Sage and Iron Man continue to search for clues through the Internet, while Thunderbird and Polaris accompany the war machine away from the base to prepare for shopping.

How should I put it, the situation of the base is really not good. On the one hand, they have no money and no source of income. On the other hand, even if they have money, they dare not go out to shop with great fanfare.

First, there are too many shopping. If you buy in a concentrated way, it is easy for people to find clues, and it is not so convenient to buy separately. Once the identity of a mutant is discovered in the process, you will be quickly hunted down.

Second, there are all mutants in the base, and there are no ordinary humans at all. Now the food and drink expenses are bought quietly at risk, and no humans will cooperate with them at all, and they will not dare to cooperate with humans.

The war machine is a human. Although it is a transmigrator, even if it encounters a situation, it can be fooled. At the same time, if it is discovered, it is difficult to pose a threat to him.

So, it's time to ask him this time.

The process was smooth and safe. In order to avoid trouble and transportation considerations, the war machine was purchased separately. After all, it is very convenient to move, and the armor can fly, so the distance is not a problem.

But Rao was like this, and it took most of the day, and it was already dark when I came back.

Iron Man and Xianzhe didn't have much to gain here, but based on the clues, they also re-judged several areas, and they are going to visit them early tomorrow morning.

Thunderbird helped them arrange accommodation, one for Iron Man and War Machine, and one for Natasha and Lorna Dane. Lauren didn't come back, so she should be staying at home.

Silent all night.

The next morning, they went into action.

Sonia and Sage stay at home, Natasha, Iron Man, War Machine, Lorna Dane, and Thunderbird set off.

After checking the locations one by one, seeing that there are not many of the previously locked locations, I finally found something.

In a supermarket at a gas station, I found Steve Rogers, who had just come out of the supermarket, dressed in normal clothes and a peaked cap, quietly observing the surrounding environment.

It has to be said that Steve Rogers' other abilities need not be said much, but his camouflage ability is indeed average. Natasha recognized his identity at a glance, and in her opinion, the disguise was full of flaws.

"team leader."

Natasha motioned for the others to stay in the car temporarily, got out of the car and walked towards Steve Rogers.

Hearing the shout, Steve Rogers raised his head in surprise, and immediately showed an expression of disbelief when he saw Natasha.

Well, this is also normal.

Meeting in a foreign country is nothing, but meeting in another world is different.

This is something that the captain didn't expect at all!

Chapter 0659 Captain's Thoughts

"Natasha? You, why are you here?" The captain asked in surprise, and then reacted: "Lord Lord brought you?"

Natasha shrugged with a smile: "I don't know the star swallowing messenger."

"It seems that you already know the situation on my side. You shouldn't be the only one here, right? The lord didn't show up. Tony and the others shouldn't let you come here alone."

Natasha pointed casually: "They are in the car, and there are mutants in this world."

"You should know that if the problem is not solved, I will not go back for the time being." The captain said seriously.

Natasha nodded: "Let's talk first, anyway, it's not easy to meet in another world. Although he sent us here, he didn't help find you. We spent a lot of money to find you. mind."

The captain didn't refuse, as Natasha said, it's really not easy to meet in another world. Moreover, just for the fact that they can come to this world to find themselves, the captain said it was false that they were not moved. Although the principled issue would not be compromised, it would definitely be no problem to chat.

Natasha took the captain back to the car, the car started, and drove to a relatively remote place nearby. After stopping, everyone got out of the car. The captain and Iron Man were relatively silent, and Thunderbird curiously asked Polaris about them. What is the situation, Natasha and War Machine did not speak.

Natasha didn't speak because her identity was relatively detached, and War Machine didn't speak because... um, he didn't have the right to speak.

It's not that I look down on him, it's just that War Machine really doesn't have a say in the matter between Iron Man and Captain.

In the end, it was the captain who spoke first. He didn't ask Iron Man's purpose, nor about the registration bill, but only talked about his experience after coming to this world.

First, he cooperated with the star swallowing messenger to understand the basic situation of the world, and then helped to save the mutants. The tone he said was like an ordinary mission, and there was nothing special about it.

Iron Man occasionally asked a few questions, and the two were really chatting like good friends, and it seemed that the atmosphere was very harmonious.

However, it just seems that, because they both know that their relationship has not returned to the past because of the registration act, and the most important thing is that there is no result at all.

Iron Man persuaded the captain to go back? The captain will not go back. After returning, the core problem has not been solved, but I don't persuade him to go back. Are we just letting the captain and the others work hard in a strange world?

However, with the words on his lips, Iron Man didn't know what to say, his lips moved slightly for a long time, but in the end he didn't say anything to persuade him to go back.

"In the future, what are your plans?" Natasha saw that the atmosphere between the two was not right, and she knew that there would be no results at all this time, so she interjected and asked the captain.

The captain turned his head and said: "We saved a group of mutants not long ago, and now these mutants have been taken away by the star-devouring messengers, we will keep a low profile and continue to investigate where there are still innocent mutants detained. ."

"So you plan to shine for the people in this world?" Iron Man couldn't help but ask.

The captain didn't speak.

If possible, of course he also hopes to be in his own world, but now his own world does not need himself, he can only help others.

Besides, the mutants in this world are indeed pitiful. If they commit a crime, it is natural to be arrested, but most of the mutants who are caught are innocent. They have not done bad things at all. They are just because of genetic awakening and become mutants, and they will be arrested.

"So you will continue to stay in this world to help mutants?" Natasha asked.

The captain nodded: "Until the situation doesn't change, yes."

The so-called situation is naturally the matter of the registration act.

Natasha nodded and pointed to Thunderbird: "Do you know the mutant underground organization? Their purpose is also to save innocent mutants, but the situation is not optimistic. Since you plan to stay, I think you can consider and They cooperate."

Thunderbird looked at the captain and nodded, and introduced himself.

The captain nodded and smiled in response, and also introduced himself.

Afterwards, the captain said, "Actually, I want to know the attitude of Lord Lord. To be precise, I actually want to cooperate with Lord Lord."

"About the arrangement of mutants?"

The captain nodded: "Yes, although there is no hatred for mutants in this world, there is no soil for mutants to survive. We can save once and twice, but it is only a temporary solution, and it is impossible to endlessly transform mutants. People are sent to our world."

"The world needs a place like Dimension Street..."

"If that's the case, you can do it too, right?" Iron Man said.

The captain shook his head and said: "It can't be done, we don't have the strength to create a place similar to Dimension Street, and we can't have the laws of God like Dimension Street! Stepping back, the problem of Dimension Street can be put aside first, but The attribution of these rescued mutants is also a problem. Unless they are sent to Dimension Street, they may not be able to live safely and comfortably in the world they are sent to, and their situation will not change much. "

Having said that, the captain looked at Natasha: "Can you contact the Lord? I want to talk to him."

Natasha didn't speak. She didn't know how to contact Su Yue, but she knew that Su Yue would definitely pay attention to the situation here. If Su Yue had any ideas, she would definitely express it.

Then, I heard Thunderbird say, "What do you want to talk about?"

The captain was stunned for a moment, seeing that Thunderbird didn't react. It doesn't seem like it has anything to do with you, does it? I want to talk to the lord, not you.

"Su Yue?"

The captain didn't know what was going on, but Natasha and the others knew. Natasha asked, and she saw Thunderbird nodded.

It is indeed Su Yue!

Thunderbird was controlled by Su Yue's psychic ability, just like Sonia before.

"Lord Lord?" The captain was very surprised, very surprised how Lord Lord controlled Thunderbird, but he was relieved after the surprise.

After all, he is Lord Lord. Although he doesn't communicate much, he also admits that there seems to be nothing that Lord Lord can't do.

If the existence of Su Yue at the beginning was probably a feeling of strong strength like Thor, the **** of thunder, then before he knew it, in the development of Dimension Street, the existence of Su Yue had already reached a higher level. Whether you want to admit it or not, the superheroes like Su Yue and the captain are no longer the same level, whether it is the superheroes themselves or the perceptions of others!

Chapter 0660 Send the land to the mutants?

"What do you want to talk about?" Thunderbird, or Su Yue said.

When Su Yue spoke, the captain was rather silent.

After pondering for a while, the captain said slowly: "Lord Lord, you must already know what I said just now. I want to ask if there is any way to help the mutants of this world."

"Yes, I have."


"What way?" the captain continued to ask.

"Haven't you already thought of the way? Either let the world have a dimension street, or bring all the mutants of this world back to resettle." Su Yue paused and continued: "It's just that you can't rely on these two methods. Realize, say it directly, you can't call the shots!"

"Yes!" The captain said solemnly, "We can't do it, but you can."

"I can do a lot." Su Yue replied lightly.

The implication is obvious, I can do a lot, but why do I do it?

You can't just let me do it just because I can do it, right? Most people won't work hard for nothing if it's not good, what's more, judging from Su Yue's character and style, it would be abnormal if he was persuaded to help for free after just a few words.

After all, free is the most expensive.

Seemingly free help, in fact, he must be able to get what he wants, and the price of this thing may be more expensive than the price!

"On what conditions are you willing to help?" the captain asked unsurprisingly.

In the dark dimension, Su Yue, who continued to absorb energy, heard the captain's words and thought about it.

It's a habit to do things only after opening conditions, but he really hadn't considered the specific conditions. Mainly, he didn't expect the captain to be so kind-hearted and responsible. It's been a long time since he came to this world, and he has already regarded the situation of mutants in this world as a It is my responsibility to start thinking about how to solve it.

Conditions are necessary, but the captain and the others may not be able to afford it, or in other words, they may not be able to impress themselves.

Su Yue was thinking about it, so Thunderbird naturally didn't respond, and the captain and others could only wait patiently.

About ten minutes later, the thunderbird moved, and Su Yue spoke.

"Creating a Dimension Street in this world is not necessary, and it is also very troublesome. If you really want to help the mutants in this world, I need a piece of land, a piece of land large enough to accommodate all the mutants in this world, and I will include this piece of land. The scope of Dimension Street, in the name of Dimension Street, ensures that these mutants can live and work in a normal life."

"My condition is that this land must belong to my name, and it cannot be too far from Dimension Street. I don't care what method, as long as you can get this land, I will handle the rest."

A piece of land, a piece of land close to Dimension Street, must be able to accommodate all mutants.

This condition is indeed very harsh and difficult. First of all, the captain has no money, even if he has money, he may not be able to buy it!

However, this condition can indeed solve the problem of mutants once and for all.

"I will find a way to solve the problem of the land, but..." The captain hesitated for a moment, and then asked tentatively: "If I solve the problem of the land, can you help to send the mutants of this world back? There are... mutants from other worlds, can they also live there?"

The captain knew that the star swallower was not only a mutant who transmitted this world, but the situation of mutants in other worlds was also not very good, and those mutants also needed help.

Of course, this is not just because the captain is too responsible or too virgin. According to the information he currently knows from the star-devouring messenger, the parallel world that the star-devouring messenger can access seems to be only his own world without mutants. , and suitable for mutant survival.

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