Therefore, it is definitely not enough to just solve the mutants in this world. The star swallowing messenger will not stop there, and will definitely send mutants from other worlds to the past like now. In this way, the problem of mutants is actually Still unresolved, mutants that may appear anytime and anywhere can still bring chaos to their world.

The captain's idea is very simple. He can't stop the star-devouring messenger from transporting mutants, and he can't watch these mutants being unfairly oppressed. The easiest way is to centrally manage these mutants, so as not to disturb his world. order and help mutants.

But this requires that the people who manage these mutants will not use these mutants to do bad things, but also can suppress these mutants, and can protect these mutants from outside pressure. After thinking about it, there is only one suitable person. , that is Su Yue.

This is also the reason why the captain asked Su Yue for help. It can not only solve the troubles in his own world, but also help these mutants.

"I can solve the transportation problem. If it's another world, I don't care as long as the place is big enough, but if it's not enough, you have to find a way." Su Yue agreed.

For others, it was a burden, but for him, it was a great benefit. First of all, they got a piece of land for nothing, which expanded the scope of Dimension Street; secondly, although these mutants can live comfortably, they must have money if they want a better life. Where does the money come from?

Gotta earn it!

Except for Dimension Street, there are not many places suitable for them to work, whether in terms of income or ability!

Therefore, it is ideal to join Dimension Street and take refuge in Dimension Street.

In other words, I got a piece of land for nothing, and countless mutants for nothing!

The only thing to pay is to ensure the safety of these mutants, which is nothing to Su Yue at all. As long as no one dares to do anything in Dimension Street, even if they leave Dimension Street, as long as they show their identity and say they are from Dimension Street, no one dares to do it!

As for the need to transport mutants? Hehe, this is even easier, just say hello to the star swallowing messenger and let her send the mutant to the designated location!

"I understand, give me some time." The captain said.

Su Yue hummed, then took the telepathic consciousness away from Thunderbird.

Thunderbird's body trembled slightly, and he gasped for breath.

Obviously his breathing was fine, but his body or consciousness was occupied, and he could only be a bystander. The feeling of being imprisoned still gave him a strong sense of suffocation.

"Are you alright?" The captain realized that Su Yue had already left, and asked with concern while supporting Thunderbird.

Thunderbird shook his head: "I'm fine, tell me first, do you really intend to do that? Can you guarantee that those mutants can live in peace and stability when they go to your world?"

Chapter 0661 Captain's Thoughts

Thunderbird's urgent captain can understand, or in other words, the captain can understand the desire of the mutants in this world for a peaceful life, that is, there is no way for mutants to become human again, otherwise the vast majority of mutants are absolutely willing to give up their ability to recreate. back to human.

Becoming a mutant is not their own choice, and having superpowers may not make their lives better. On the contrary, most people actually want to return to their original lives, even if... simple and poor!

"If it's someone else, I can't guarantee it. But if it's Su Yue, that is, the lord, although there is a price to pay, and the price is definitely not easy, as long as he agrees, he will definitely do it!"

Don't look at the fact that the captain and Su Yue don't have much dealings, but as long as people who know Su Yue know a little bit, the answer to this matter is actually yes!

Su Yue's character design, stand firm!

Thunderbird nodded slightly, having a vague idea in his heart.

"The land near Dimension Street is invaluable. Even if you have money, you may not be able to take it down, and if you really want to place a world, or even mutants from more worlds, the scope is definitely not small." Iron Man said. : "To be honest, although I have money, I don't dare to say that I can do it. It is more difficult for you to agree to this condition than the cancellation of the registration bill."

The captain nodded first, and then said, "Although it is difficult, there is also the possibility of success. The mutants are not a matter of me or the Lord, but a matter of the two worlds. I think General Ross can be found!"

"What do you think?" Natasha asked.

The captain pondered for a moment and said, "Whether it can be successful or not, the Star Devourer will always send mutants to our world. If it succeeds, then it will be a matter for the Star Devourer, our world, and General Ross. Good thing. I don't think General Ross wants to go all over the world looking for mutants that suddenly appear, it's not good for him or the whole world."

"You want to cooperate with General Ross?"

When the captain said this, Iron Man and Natasha were a little surprised.

How should I put it, because of the registration bill, the captain and General Ross are definitely hostile, and even the captain and the others are actually forced by General Ross in this world, and the registration bill is forced, but now, the captain actually wants to cooperate with General Ross?

Does this mean that there are no absolute enemies, only absolute interests?

Uh, it seems that General Ross is not the absolute enemy of the captain, and this matter does not seem to have much benefit to the captain. At most, it can solve the registration bill and get the gratitude of these mutants. Incidentally, it may be more A powerful ally?

"What about the specifics?" Natasha asked.

The captain said: "I have to discuss the specific situation with the star swallowing messenger. After all, the star swallowing messenger is the key. As long as she can persuade her, I don't think it should be a big problem."

The captain's general idea is actually very simple, that is, let the star swallowing messenger come forward and talk to General Ross, with the ability of the star swallowing messenger, General Ross can't do anything at all, he only has two choices: either agree or continue!

As long as General Ross agrees, he will naturally find a way to secure the turf. After all, this is for the placement of mutants, and it is not a personal matter. It is definitely easier for General Ross to secure the turf than himself.

In this way, these mutants can live a peaceful and comfortable life, the star-devouring messenger can save the mutants more easily and smoothly, and General Ross, or his own world can also manage these transmitted mutants in an orderly manner, Sign up and don't worry about mutants making a big mess.

Although the lord is responsible for the safety and daily management of these mutants, he has gained a large area for nothing. At the same time, these mutants are bound to serve the lord if they want to live. It can be said that the lord can do it without any effort. Both people and land.

Of course, although there is nothing to pay, almost no one can do this except Lord Lord.

Who has the ability to suppress so many mutants?

Who has the ability to stop the forces coveting mutants?

Who can give the mutants a stable life and at the same time reassure the public, the official?

Apart from Su Yue and Dimension Street, there is no other choice!

"You can go back first, and I'll go back after a while, and I'll contact you at that time." This matter can't be decided in a few words, the world is not so safe, and others have no opinion on the captain's proposal.

After the captain said goodbye to them, he left quickly. Then Natasha and her party also got into the car and returned to the mutant underground base, and began to study the captain's plan. I have to say that this plan is quite reliable. While researching, Natasha is also in contact with Su Yue in her heart.

Although Su Yue already understood the situation, he did not come back immediately, nor did he take them back immediately, but appeared in front of them the next morning.

to ask why?

Of course, it is absorbing the energy of the dark dimension, and transforming this energy into a dimension point, and then... a level up!

Although a lot of energy was consumed for the upgrade, it didn't actually have much impact on Su Yue's plan. After all, Su Yue's goal was the upper limit, not the energy itself that could be consumed or recovered.

The appearance of Su Yue surprised Thunderbird, Sonia, Xianzhe and others in the mutant underground organization base. After seeing Su Yue's image with his own eyes, he felt some contrast.

The main reason is that Su Yue looks too young, and he is not a majestic type. It is difficult for this image to overlap with the image of the Lord of Dimension Street.

Of course, even so, no one dared to underestimate or despise Su Yue, they are not stupid, after all, image does not represent strength!

Although the sage looks good, is Sonya Lorelei's doppelganger? But Su Yue didn't react too eagerly. After all, sooner or later, it was the meat in his own bowl, so naturally there was no need to be eager. Just nodded and said hello, and then prepared to take Natasha and the others back.

"Can you take us with you?" Thunderbird said at this moment, and Sonia and Sonia on the side moved forward a little.

If what the captain said before can be achieved, the mutant underground organization will also join and provide help, so they must determine whether there really exists a parallel world, whether the situation in the parallel world is really as the captain said, can ensure the mutant Human safety, giving mutants a new living environment.


Chapter 0662 Surprise after the upgrade

Marvel Cinematic Universe, Dimension Street.

When the shock wave portal of the shock wave transmitter disappeared, Su Yue, who originally planned to return to the dark dimension to continue absorbing energy, raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise, and turned his head to look at Polaris and Lauren.

"Let them familiarize yourself with Dimension Street."

"Okay." The two nodded.

Then, Su Yue teleported and disappeared.

Except for the lord Su Yue, who can teleport or fly unscrupulously in Dimension Street, there is only the guards in charge of order, which makes Iron Man somewhat unhappy.

After all, Dimension Street is not small now. If he wants to leave, he can't just raise his head and fly away directly from the little fairy like in other places. He can only greet countless people and walk out of Dimension Street step by step.

Although he likes being watched and being the center of attention for a long time, it is not the attention that makes him depressed, but the reactions of the followers...

It's not strong or excited. The casual feeling seems to be that he's used to seeing big winds and waves, and it's completely normal to encounter small situations, which makes him very uncomfortable!

Me, Iron Man!

I am a billionaire!

Me, playboy!

No matter where you go, you won't be enthusiastically sought after, and as a result, you all seem to see your neighbors, and you don't have any special reaction at all.

Anyway, Iron Man has no sense of accomplishment at all!

In fact, Iron Man is simply thinking too much. The people in Dimension Street are definitely well-informed. It’s just Iron Man. There is no Dimension Street, and no Lord Lord has influence. Well, the Fengshen team, no matter in terms of ability, identity, or anything else, is almost as good as Iron Man, or even better.

You can often see them, and even say hello and chat a few times. In this case, do you expect them to crazily tout Iron Man?

How can it be!

Iron Man and War Machine left Dimension Street, and Natasha didn't leave in a hurry.

On the one hand, there is nothing to do even if I leave. After all, I am still waiting for news from the captain, and there are no other important tasks for the time being; on the other hand, Thunderbird and Sonia are both acquainted with her, and she is obliged to help them get acquainted here, although The mutant underground organization is definitely not as strong as the star swallower, but if the captain's plan can be realized, the mutant underground organization also occupies a very important proportion, so it is also very important to stay and promote this matter as much as possible.

And besides Natasha, no one else can.

Iron Man and War Machine, a bad mouth, a bad joke, are not suitable candidates. Although Polaris and Lauren are in the same world as them, but they have no friendship, they are still people in Dimension Street. From their point of view, their trust must be compromised.

Only Natasha, she can make Thunderbird and Sonia relatively trust her, and because she is very familiar with Dimension Street because of her relationship with Su Yue, many things are not fortified against her, which can better make Thunderbird and Sonia Learn about Dimension Street.

There are two flowers, and the words are divided into two ends.

Leaving aside the fact that Thunderbird and Sonia, under their leadership, browsed Dimension Street like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, and said that Su Yue returned to her residence and drank the coffee brought by Wanda, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

The range of smiles is getting bigger and bigger.

His mood is also getting better.

Why didn't he return to the dark dimension? Why are you in a good mood?

the reason is simple!

After he returned to this world and returned to Dimension Street, he immediately felt the changes in Dimension Street.

Of course, this is not a change in the environment, but a change in the coverage area after the upgrade of the Dimension Street system.

After the previous upgrade, the coverage area of ​​the Dimension Street system will also increase, or simply put, the area covered on the earth will increase beyond the realm and overlap with the earth.

But in the past, the increased area after the upgrade was basically reasonable and normal. But the increased area after this upgrade is somewhat abnormal. Not only does the current land area of ​​Dimension Street wrap up, but it continues to spread in all directions along the land area of ​​Dimension Street, and the spread is quite large. It will not be the end until at least the scope of the current dimension street has been expanded.

This increase range is too abnormal, it can be said that it is several times more than the previous ones combined!

Although Su Yue is very happy that the range has increased so much, after all, the wider the range, the more dimension points you will get every day, the stronger your own strength will be, and the larger the range of God's law will be.

In other words, even if the current ownership of these places is not Suyue or Dimension Street, they are actually the same as Dimension Street.

In the future, if someone dares to pay attention to Suyue or Dimension Street, even if they do not enter Dimension Street, but are just outside Dimension Street, they will still be punished by the law of God.

In addition, Su Yue originally had some concerns that once the captain's plan was successful, then a large area for the placement of mutants might need to draw some of the escort's energy. After all, the scope of Dimension Street is not so wide, and it is handled without the constraints of God's law. Still some trouble.

As a result, don't worry now, as long as the scope of this land is near Dimension Street, it will definitely be included in the scope beyond the realm.

In this case, can Su Yue feel bad?

Although I don't know the specific reason yet, the system itself is Su Yue's own power, and the transcendental realm represented by the system is a relationship between the two and their own and complement each other, so it is most likely because of their own strength or the essence of life. The improvement of this time has led to the increase in the range after the upgrade beyond the realm.

"Lord Lord, you seem to be in a good mood?" Wanda asked with a smile while sitting beside Su Yue.

Su Yue nodded: "It's really good, I improved the scope of Dimension Street, this time the improvement is a little big, from here to here, it will be the scope of Dimension Street in the future, of course, these places are not in the name of Dimension Street. street."

Su Yue drew the new dimension street with a wave of his hand.

"Tell me back and let the guards rearrange it."

"it is good."

Wanda nodded. Since the scope has increased, the scope of the guards' usual patrol will naturally also increase and change.

Although Wanda didn't know why he turned these places into the scope of Dimension Street before the land was bought, it was indeed a happy thing.

The better the development of Dimension Street, Wanda and the people who belong to Dimension Street will naturally be happier.

Chapter 0663 Expand the scope?

The increase in the scope of Dimension Street has not caused any negative or bad impact on their lives for the people nearby. On the contrary, for the people near Dimension Street, they have already regarded themselves as part of Dimension Street. , and proud of it.

When the **** team patrols every day, the people nearby are very enthusiastic about them. Now who will call the police when something happens? Just notify the **** team directly, even before the incident happened, the **** team will solve it first.

Not to mention, the problem of public security has been improved countless times compared to before. Although it is not enough to not close the door at night, at least businesses dare to open at night, and even when they are alone, they dare to go out at night.

Even if they meet some gang members, they are not afraid at all, because those gang members are more afraid of any fights and disputes here than they are, and they are polite like gentlemen!

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