Where there is light, there will be darkness. Some people support Dimension Street and support Dimension Street. Naturally, some people want to be detrimental to Dimension Street!

It's just that some of the ideas are obviously 'newcomers', otherwise... you wouldn't be so self-defeating.

Where is Dimension Street?

That's a place where even the government has to compromise. No matter who it is, who would dare to run wild on Dimension Street? Not to mention that it is not good for Dimension Street.

As long as you have this idea, basically as long as you enter the Dimension Street, you don't need to do anything, and you don't even need an **** team, you will show up directly.

There is no trial, and no evidence is needed. As long as you enter Dimension Street and suddenly twitch for no reason, you will not run away!

The most important thing is that although Dimension Street has not used any force, no one dares to underestimate the strength of Dimension Street.

Don't look at the guards who are usually only responsible for some petty troubles, but if something really happens, such as the previous alien invasion, if there is no Dimension Street, hehe...

All in all, even those who are conspiring against Dimension Street basically dare not show any attitude easily. Only those 'newcomers' will rely on their own abilities and take action without understanding.

Then, nine times out of ten, these people entered Dimension Street and threw themselves on the street.

But this kind of situation is actually very avoidable. Almost all of these stunned youths feel that they can do it. Even if there are countless examples, they will not take it seriously if they don’t experience it themselves. I won't go directly to Dimension Street, but I plan to observe and observe nearby. No matter what I want to do, I have to understand the situation first, right?

Then... Dimension Street is upgraded, and the scope of God's Law is increased.

Originally, those guys who stayed near Dimension Street and wanted to observe were just out of luck.

According to the statistics of the **** team, um, it was also reported nearby. In just three days, at least hundreds of people were found!

Without exception, all of them convulsed suddenly!

The scope of Dimension Street has expanded!

The news spread quickly, and then some people began to test the scope of expansion. As a result, many more people were reported and arrested for this test.

Finally, a conclusion was reached.

The scope of Dimension Street has expanded at least several times, and this news made many people feel a little worried.

With such a long distance, even if someone really wants to do something to Dimension Street, it's useless. The distance is too far, whether they want to attack or retreat.

The most important thing is that it will be hard to monitor the situation of Dimension Street in the future!

What is even more worrying is that there is no sign or basis for the expansion of Dimension Street. Suddenly, there are God's laws in places that do not belong to Dimension Street, and it is so far away all of a sudden!

This time it has increased so far, what about next time?

Sooner or later, the whole earth will probably be shrouded under the laws of God, right?

In this regard, some people secretly expressed their hope that Dimension Street could give an explanation.

But Dimension Street didn't respond at all!


It's not bad that I don't take the initiative to do things, and you want me to give you an explanation?

Dimension Street doesn't restrict freedom. The only thing that God's law restricts is those who want to hurt Su Yue. As long as you don't have this idea, then you'll be fine?

All in all, all in all.

A word.

There is a move to go, but there is no move to die.

Su Yue's mood was not affected by these things. On the contrary, he was in high spirits now, so he took a day off, and then returned to the dark dimension to absorb it non-stop.

The dark dimension is a big treasure. At present, it is still far away to completely absorb it. Let's not say whether the infinite charging treasure plan can be successfully launched. The energy absorbed is enough to upgrade the Dimension Street several times.

According to the scale of this upgrade, it will be upgraded a few more times, huh...

Under this circumstance, Su Yue naturally became angry!

Unconsciously, time passed quietly like this. Although the increase in the scope of Dimension Street caused a big stir, but without the public foundation, this incident did not cause much disturbance.

What do you say, double standard.

If Dimension Street did not have this strength, what would your reaction be?

100% protest, saying you violated their freedom!

But is it different now?


How can freedom be more important than security!

The real buzz was about Flushing Meadows!

This is one of the largest parks, adjacent to the original Queen's Botanical Garden, which is now Dimension Street.

There are many facilities in the park. The skating rink, volleyball court, tennis court, golf course, football field, skate park, zoo are all closed. At the same time, except for the lower part of the park, at least two-thirds of the whole park is completely closed. surrounded.

How big is this place?

Not to mention the specific numbers, just look at the facilities inside. It can be said that only two-thirds of these can accommodate two or three dimensional streets!

Of course, it refers to the land of Dimension Street, not the system scope.

In fact, this park is also within the system of Dimension Street!

This park can be said to be a landmark building, and it is also a playground that people go to most often, and a popular tourist destination for tourists. Now it is suddenly closed and surrounded for no reason, which naturally caused an uproar.

Whether it is the common people or the media, they are very curious about what this is for?

It doesn't look like it would be rebuilt, and it's unlikely to be rebuilt to run anything else. After all, this isn't private land, and it's impossible to sell it!

Under the curiosity of all parties, a rumor appeared soon.

This piece of land... belongs to Dimension Street!

Chapter 0664 tripartite meeting

The scope of Dimension Street has actually been changing over the years. It really only had one street at the earliest and expanded several times later. Today's Dimension Street is no longer a street concept, and it is not even suitable to describe it as a block.

In terms of area alone, it has far exceeded the scope of general blocks. It is more like a community with its own unique label, culture and content than a block.

There are a lot of various local communities. It is a country of immigrants with multiple cultures, and the community culture is also full of strange, so the expansion of Dimension Street did not cause any sensation.

At most, when construction starts near Dimension Street again, people nearby sigh, and then they start to wonder what this construction is going to build, is it a residence? Is it a commercial project or something else, and then I started to inquire about whether to recruit people or not.

But the impact this time is still great. First of all, the scope of expansion has been greatly increased, which is directly equivalent to the size of several original Dimension Streets. Second, it was originally a landmark park. Its disappearance and change of ownership naturally follow. It's different from those hospitals, schools, residences, and so on.

So this news really caused quite a stir after it got out and was confirmed by Dimension Street.

Some people support it, some people oppose it, but they are more curious about how Dimension Street will arrange this land.

It's too big, many times bigger than the current Dimension Street. Once it is rebuilt, what will be done?

For ordinary people, what opportunities and benefits will there be?

This is what they care about!

For the time being, Dimension Street has not announced any more news.

In fact, if it is not that there is no plan for Dimension Street, Pepper Potts has led the team to start planning and drawing design for this land, and funds from all aspects have also begun to be transferred one after another. There is no doubt that this is the current situation of Dimension Street. Biggest engineering project ever.

Even the high-speed rail project is inferior in scale. After all, it is equivalent to rebuilding a large-scale community from scratch, including food, clothing, housing, transportation, future development, etc., involving all aspects.

Dimension Street Building, top floor, meeting room.

There were already many people sitting on the U-shaped conference table in the conference room.

Starting from the left, the leader is the Shenlong who sees the beginning but not the end, and many people are the star swallowing messenger Clarice Fang for the first time.

Next to her sat Captain America Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes the Winter Soldier, and Sam Wilson the Falcon.

Then came Thunderbird, Sonya, and Sage of the mutant underground.

Looking to the right, the leader is General Ross, followed by Iron Man, War Machine, and Natasha.

The person sitting at the front of the conference table was not Su Yue, but Pepper Potts.

As for Su Yue, he was sitting on the other side of the conference table.

This time, it's a three-way meeting.

Some time ago, Iron Man and the others had already told General Ross about the situation after returning from the world of extraordinary talent. Later, the star swallowing messenger and the captain came over and found General Ross, mainly to talk about the mutant resettlement plan.

No way, who made the captain and the others have no money?

There is simply no way to get such a large piece of land. Even if you can get it, there is no guarantee that these mutants can live and work in peace, so you must negotiate with General Ross and the forces behind him.

The result of the negotiation was quite good, and the reason was very simple. Since General Ross and the others could not prevent the emergence of mutants in large numbers, they could only control the situation as much as possible and increase the benefits on this basis.

In short, the final result is:

The land is represented by General Ross, or the world. Of course, the ownership of the land belongs to Dimension Street, but it is agreed that this land can only be used to house mutants. At the same time, these mutants must belong to the United States in name, and must legally pay taxes and accept military service and other obligations in the future.

In addition, under the same conditions, the construction project of this piece must be provided by their company.

In short, the land, I gave it to you for free, but the works on this land have to be given to us.

The former is for the resettled mutants, and the latter is for Dimension Street. However, these requirements are reasonable and reasonable. After all, so many people live on other people's territory, and they must abide by their rules and pay some obligations.

And it was given to Dimension Street for free so quickly. On the basis of the same quality and quantity, and the same fee, it is normal for all project projects to be handed over to others.

This is a lot of money!

You have the land for Dimension Street in vain. Since you have to spend money to build it, who should you give it to? Nothing to lose.

This is the request of General Ross and the others.

The land is given to you, and the money you have to earn for us. In addition, these mutants have to be ours in name, and they must accept the registration act and abide by some corresponding obligations.

In this way, although a piece of land is lost, the interests can be guaranteed, the registration bill can be supported and guaranteed, and the impact and harm of mutants on society can be reduced.

For the star swallowing messenger, she no longer needs to carefully transmit mutants, she can truly give these mutants a new life, and live in the new world reasonably and legally!

As for whether there will be any changes in the future, whether General Ross and Dimension Street will go back, she is not very worried about these.

She just gave these mutants a new chance, not that she would take care of them for the rest of their lives. Moreover, the star-devouring messenger is very confident in the strength of himself and his master planet-devourer.

Therefore, the demands of the mutants in this project and this plan have also been satisfied.

As for the registration bill, it is normal to perform some obligations. It can even be said that this kind of treatment equal to that of humans is already a dream of mutants, and it is not a harsh condition at all.

In the three-party talks, both parties have already got what they want, and the most important third party, the Dimension Street, is actually the most profitable.

On the surface, Dimension Street is actually not good. Although it has acquired a large piece of land, various constructions are a huge amount of expenditure. It can even be said that almost all of Dimension Street’s earnings over the years have to be invested here, and what they get is nothing more than A piece of land, and even be a nanny for these mutants, giving them help and protection.

But in fact, money is really a number for Dimension Street. There are still many ways to get money, and it is very easy.

It's enough to go back and find a world to take a circle around!

The land is the most important, and the people are the most important.

With land and people, you can easily make money.

Ha ha.

Dimension Street is the one that makes a lot of money!

Chapter 0665 The mutant community and two more dimension streets

Said it was a meeting, but in fact the scene was not as high as imagined. After all the core requirements were met, it was basically settled, and the rest were details.

For example, the star-swallowing messenger asked about the resettlement plan on behalf of the mutants like Dimension Street, when the next immigration can start, and so on.

For example, General Ross asked when the construction of Dimension Street will start, the requirements, price, etc. of each project, as well as asking the star swallowing messenger and asking if the mutants who are already on earth can be registered. And I hope that Dimension Street can place these mutants first.

All in all, it's all about the details.

And almost all the details of these corners and corners are currently uncertain and can not be promised, or even if they are promised, they cannot be implemented at present.

The only one that is relatively straightforward is probably the handling of the captain and the others.

After all, Captain and the others are still wanted because of the registration bill. There must be a way to tell this.

First of all, the nature of the registration bill has actually changed. Although many people have registered at present, and those mutants will also register in the future, in fact, like Dimension Street and Kama Taj, none of these have been registered.

To put it simply, the registration act has changed from a mandatory registration to an optional registration of "bullying the soft and fearing the hard".

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