Unless Dimension Street and Kama Taj also accepted the registration, it would be untenable to use this name to force the captain to register.

Secondly, the captain and the others are the superheroes of this world after all. At the same time, they have also contributed a lot to handle the mutants so smoothly this time, and even this idea was proposed by the captain. Without the captain, this tripartite meeting would not be possible. .

The most important thing is that whether it is about the parallel world or about mutants, the captain is very important. In this case, it is not necessary to continue to want the captain and continue to target the captain. push.

Under this circumstance, although General Ross couldn't hold his breath and could not regain the lost face, he could only let it go temporarily.

All in all, after this informal meeting, the official representative of General Ross and Dimension Street soon announced that they had cooperated on the placement of mutants.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides began to announce that this area would become a mutant community, and began to recruit mutants to contribute to their own community.

Then, officials began to publicize the benefits of the mutant community. After all, this is a considerable political achievement, how could it not be publicized?

At the same time, the construction of the Dimension Street mutant community began, and the entire project plan began to run completely.

As for the mutants, the mutant underground organization represented by Thunderbird and the star-devouring messenger began to cooperate to save and send more mutants to the new world to start a new life.

Of course, these are not important to Su Yue, Su Yue has already handed over the responsibility to Pepper Potts.

In fact, Pepper Potts has always been in charge of things on Dimension Street, and everyone else performs their own duties. Su Yue is more like a symbol, and he hardly ever handles anything personally.

The existence of Su Yue is the symbol of Dimension Street, or...the belief of Dimension Street!

In the dark dimension, Su Yue continued to absorb energy.

Cultivation has no time, a dream has been a thousand years.

Time passed quietly in Su Yue's concentration in the dark dimension. Except for occasional short breaks, Su Yue was almost invisible.

While Suyue was hidden, the mutant community was in full swing. More and more mutants joined the community and contributed to the community and their own lives. With the efforts of the engineering team and mutants, In just a few months, the prototype of the mutant community has been formed, and it has barely achieved self-sufficiency, and the business circle has also been formed.

In the past few months, Su Yue has raised the system level again.

After the upgrade, the scope of the system has been greatly improved again, and it has doubled many times. Roughly speaking, it covers almost half of Queens.

This is a bit exaggerated.

However, Su Yue is now used to it. After all, most of Queens, the entire earth, and even the entire universe is really not enough to see. Even if it feels a bit savage now, the results are not so shocking.

In this regard, it is not even as good as the two extra dimension streets that make Su Yue excited.

Originally, in addition to the dimension street in the main world, there was also a dimension street in the Green Arrow universe, but the Raptor team was in charge there, so Su Yue didn't pay much attention to it.

Now, there are two more dimension streets. Su Yue decided to put one in the world of black-robed pickets, not for dimension points. Although there are mainly factories there, there will be no less dimension points, but more The intention is to facilitate transportation, after all, almost all electronic products in Dimension Street are produced in that world.

As for the fourth dimension street, Su Yue did not choose another world. On the one hand, the rest such as the World of Busan, the World of Fantastic Four, the World of X-Men, and even the World of Talented Talents are actually not worth investing in Dimension Street, the rate of return is too low, and there is no necessity.

So, Su Yue discussed with Pepper Potts and put the fourth Dimension Street in California. Geographically, California and New York belong to opposite ends of the United States.

Although Dimension Street did not have any operations in California before this, the current reputation of Dimension Street is not a big problem.

In this way, one by one will be of great benefit to future development and mergers.

Just when the mutant community and Dimension Street were developing in full swing, and Su Yue was diligently absorbing energy in the dark dimension, a major event happened quietly.

Odin, gone!

To be precise, Odin left Asgard.

Regarding Odin's departure, there are only two people who know the inside story.

One is Frigga.

As a queen, Frigga's fate has changed, and she did not die at the hands of the dark elves, and Su Yue had already told her the inside story about Ragnarok during the dark elves incident, so she knew where Odin went, and also Know what Odin is going to do.

The other person who knew the inside story was not Thor, but Sif.

It sounds a little surprising, although Sif is also considered the number one person in Asgard, but in fact, regardless of strength and status, it is definitely not at the level that can be involved in such a big event, but it happens that Sif knows it. It was Odin and Frigga that told her.

The reason is actually reasonable. Who made Sif the only one in Asgard who can be regarded as having a close relationship with the dimensional lord Su Yue?

If Ragnarok can't be stopped, then the dimensional lord Su Yue is Asgard's last reliance, and Sif is the one who can make this reliance work!

0666 Odin Visits

In the mutant community of Dimension Street, the construction scene in the construction site is very exciting. Hundreds of construction machinery are working intensively in the huge open space. The roar of bulldozers and excavators is deafening. From time to time, mutants of various abilities use their abilities to shuttle around the construction site, contributing to the construction of the construction site.

Not far away, an old man with gray hair and a blindfold in one eye watched with interest for a moment, then slowly walked towards the center of Dimension Street.

Along the way, there were many people and people were very lively. All kinds of guard members did not feel any discord in the crowd. Even if their appearance and appearance were different from ordinary people, they could not see any discrimination from the people around them!

"This is Dimension Street, here... it's a good place!" The old man sighed faintly.

"Of course it is a good place! Not only is it a good place, it will also become the center of the world." A voice sounded beside the old man.

The old man turned his head and smiled: "I'm afraid it's not just the center of the world, but the center of the entire universe. Dimensional lord, your strength... has become stronger!"

Su Yue shrugged: "Are you more confident?"

The old man was slightly stunned, and then said frankly: "It's true, after all, Hela...she is very strong. If I was in the heyday, I would naturally be able to suppress her, but now, I'm old."

"And she is full of anger."

Since Hela was mentioned, the identity of the old man was naturally revealed.


In fact, his identity is easy to identify without mentioning Hela. After all, one-eyed, the most famous one-eyed in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are Odin and Nick Fury, and Nick Fury is black.

"You want me to help you deal with Hela?" Su Yue asked.

Odin shook his head: "No, Hela is Asgard's business, Ragnarok is Asgard's destiny, even if you help solve Hela this time, there will be other things that cause the gods The occurrence of twilight."

Su Yue pouted in disapproval.

Odin continued: "I came to you, I hope you can help me and do Asgard a favor. If Asgard can't stop Hela, can't stop Ragnarok, I hope you can receive a part of Asgard The people of Gard, treat Asgardians like mutants."

"You want me to take in the Asgardians?"


Odin nodded, this is the purpose of his coming to Dimension Street.

To be honest, it doesn't matter to Su Yue to take in Asgardians. Anyway, the more people in Dimension Street, the better, and don't look at the Asgardians in the movie. In other words, almost every one is street hero level.

Besides, taking in is not for nothing, how could Su Yue do something that is not good? It is also impossible for Odin to speak directly.

It's just that Su Yue couldn't understand what Odin was thinking. He had reminded him about Ragnarok a long time ago, but now it seems that Odin didn't make any preparations by using this prophetic insight. Of course, he came to himself. Not counting.

So what did Odin think? He didn't ask himself to help deal with Hela, and there was no other arrangement. He even insisted that Ragnarok was Asgard's destiny. To be honest, Odin's resignation was quite disappointing to Su Yue.

Perhaps it was because Odin was really old and he had already entered the coffin with half of his foot, so his mind changed.

"I have prepared your reward, you can go to Frigga." Odin said.

Su Yue nodded and didn't ask what the reward was. I think Odin won't be stingy in this matter, after all, he has to consider those Asgardians who need to take him in, right?

"What are you going to do?" Su Yue asked curiously.

Odin shook his head without a word, and then said, "Asgard, I'll leave it to you."

After speaking, Odin's body lit up with golden light, and it seemed that he planned to leave.


Su Yue crossed his shoulders with his hands, and watched the golden light on Odin's body with a slightly raised corner of his mouth.


Odin's expression froze, and then he pretended that nothing had happened and put away the golden light around him, and then... turned around and walked out of Dimension Street.


After Odin disappeared from his sight, Su Yue couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Obviously, Odin just wanted to teleport away just now, but unfortunately he forgot where this place is.

This is Dimension Street, no teleportation!

Laughing and smiling, Su Yuedao didn't take it too seriously. After all, if nothing else happened, this would probably be the last time Odin pretended to be coercive.

Obviously, Odin should be looking for Hela.

Once Hela is free, facing Odin, even if Odin would put down his posture and apologize, it is impossible for Hela to forgive him in terms of Hela's character.

Don't talk about Hela, even if someone with a good temper has been imprisoned for so many years, if he just wants to forgive the other party when he is sorry, how is it possible?

Unless Odin handed over the throne of Asgard to Hela, it might make Hela less likely to kill, but it is limited to that. It is impossible to forgive Odin and let Odin go!

Moreover, with Thor's character, even if he is not interested in the throne, he should not accept and obey Hela, so the battle is an inevitable result, and once the battle begins, Ragnarok will begin.

Wait, Su Yue remembered that although Ragnarok was caused by Hela, it was actually the flame giant that destroyed Asgard.

The reason why the flame giant has this opportunity is because Thor defeated and sealed the flame giant, and brought it back to Asgard, and then resurrected because of the eternal fire. Finally, the flame giant fought Hela, and the flame giant destroyed it. Asgard, and Hela seems to have perished with the flame giant?

Of course, it is not clear whether it will die together. After all, there is no follow-up description in the movie.

With a thought, his psychic abilities were released. Su Yue quickly sensed Thor, the **** of thunder in Asgard, and then directly read his memory.

Well, the flame giant has already been solved by him. This is a puzzle that has been added to Ragnarok. But... he didn't even know about Ragnarok, nor did he know the arrangements of his old father Odin?

Tsk tsk tsk, do you think Sol can't do it, or is it to protect him?

Or, is this the final test?

In any case, according to the current situation, Odin will definitely die, and Hela will definitely kill Asgard, so I need to get my reward in advance, otherwise Asgard will be destroyed, I am not White busy?

Chapter 0667 To Asgard

In the whole of Asgard, Su Yue was only interested in two points.

One is wealth!

As the ruler of the Nine Realms, Asgard may have different wealth and currency from Earth, but there must be a lot of gold, silver and jewelry. Even if these things do not have any additional properties, they are not forging materials, but if these things are on Earth But it can be exchanged for a lot of money.

The second is Sif!

Seriously speaking, the Asgardian who has the most contacts should be Sif, and the Asgardian who has the closest relationship is also Sif.

In the movie, Ragnarok did not say anything about Sif, and later disappeared and died in the event of Thanos snapping his fingers.

Aside from personal relationship, Su Yue admires Sif and Valkyrie more.

Although the Valkyrie is now her own, Sif is still in Asgard.

Whether it is in terms of body appearance or fighting strength, Su Yue thinks that Sif is slightly better, but in terms of coffee status, Sif is worse than Valkyrie.

Who made Sif only one of Thor's sidekicks, but Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, is one of the Valkyries, and the only remaining Valkyrie.

Speaking of which, it is terrifying that the talents of Asgard will wither after Ragnarok. Otherwise, even if Thor refuses to be the king, it will not be the Valkyrie's turn.

It's mainly because the name is not right!

Speaking of which, it would be more suitable for Loki to be the king than Valkyrie, the Valkyrie. Although Loki has no management skills, if he really wants to make Asgard better, the effect is still there, and it should be stronger than Valkyrie.

Of course, these are not important at present. Anyway, Valkyrie, the Valkyrie, is from Dimension Street, and Loki's whereabouts are unknown.

Having said that, it is not certain whether Loki can come back. After all, the original time cycle has been broken, and Loki who ran away with the space gem does not know where to go, but if the time cycle is broken, whether or not Loki can come back After all, Loki may have completely disappeared from this world from now on.

Closer to home, after Su Yue took back his psychic ability from Thor's body, he sent his thoughts directly to Asgard.

To be precise, it was in front of Frigga in the palace of Asgard.

Su Yue's sudden appearance made Frigga startled, and then his face changed slightly, and the whole person showed an inexplicable sadness.

Su Yu came, it means that Odin has already looked for him, and it also means that Odin is going to meet Hela, and the result of the meeting...

"You know why I'm here, right?" Although Su Yue could see Frigga's sadness, so what?

The cause and result have already been told to you. You would rather pay the price to take in the rest of you than let yourself help solve Hela. Who can blame this?

Frigga nodded: "I have everything ready, come with me."

Saying that, Frigga turned to lead the way.

Su Yue followed closely, and not long after, came to a door. Opening the door, Su Yue was slightly surprised.

He was not surprised by what he saw, but by surprise that Sif was here.

Su Yue looked at Frigga, and Frigga said, "Only Sif and I know about this matter. If it doesn't work, Sif will lead other Asgardians to Dimension Street. In the future... I'll ask you already."

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