Her power disappeared in an instant.

Chapter 0671 Hela bows her head

Although Hela's source of power is Asgard, it doesn't mean that she has no power without Asgard. Otherwise, she would not be able to become the famous goddess of death Hela, and it is even less likely that Odin would be afraid of the seal. And it has eliminated all records of her existence, and it is even more impossible to easily crush Thor's Hammer!

This is Hela's own power, just like Thor can release thunder and lightning even if he doesn't have Thor's Hammer, and he still possesses powerful divine power.

Even, Thor's Hammer is not an amplifier for Thor, but a tool to restrain his own power and allow him to better control his divine power.

Speaking of Hela, as the goddess of death, Hela has fought countless battles, and of course she has seen countless powerhouses. Not to mention, she destroyed the Valkyrie system by herself, and even Odin ignored him. inside.

However, she has never encountered such a situation. what is this? With just a snap of your fingers, you made your power disappear. Do you think you are an Infinity Stone?

Even the snap of the Infinity Stones can't be so calm, so plain, right?

"What have you done!" Hela asked Su Yue excitedly.

Su Yue shrugged: "I removed your power. Now you are no different from ordinary people on Earth, don't talk about me, even if it's Sol... Forget it, Sol is a bit advanced, even if it's Thor's Hammer. Fragments can easily kill you."

"You..." Hela was very angry, but she was restrained.

Because she found that Su Yue didn't scare her. Although she wasn't sure if her ability was really eliminated, she really couldn't feel her original strength now.

This sudden loss of strength and the feeling of becoming vulnerable like an ant made Hela very angry, but more panicked.

Su Yue, indeed, has the strength to easily kill himself.

And it is illogical and unreasonable ability!

"What do you want!" Hela suppressed her anger and asked in a low voice, while secretly thinking of a way to restore her strength.

"I think why didn't you make it clear just now? I can understand your anger and revenge now, but if your performance is just like this, then I'm a little disappointed."

As the goddess of death, Asgard's main force to unify the Nine Realms, if Hela was just a reckless man, it would really disappoint Su Yue.

Although Hela in the movie seems to be the biggest bright spot is her powerful force and somewhat violent and belligerent character, but it is impossible for Hela to be sealed for so many years that Odin is afraid of it.

Facts have also proved that this is indeed the case. Although Hela was a little anxious because she finally got out of trouble and was anxious for revenge, she was also angry because of Su Yue, but she did not lose her composure.

If Su Yue is an Asgardian, then there is nothing to talk about. Even if Hela goes all out, it is impossible for him to bow his head to the Asgardians.

But it is not difficult to hear from Su Yue's words just now that Su Yue is not from Asgard, and he is here to stop himself just to gain more benefits. Although Hela felt that Asgard belonged to her, in the current situation, it was not unacceptable to give in temporarily.

First of all, she doesn't know the current situation of Asgard. Even if Asgard is evacuated, she doesn't really care, because those are the things of the old guy.

Secondly, Su Yue's actions will inevitably affect Asgard and make it easier for him to get Asgard.

Although she doesn't think anyone in Asgard can stop her after the old guy's death, she has to say that Su Yue did teach her a lesson to her who was just released, and dispelled her arrogance a little.

In the end, retreating does not mean admitting counsel. Hela believes that her strength will be greatly improved after taking control of Asgard. At that time, she will not only regain her position, but also destroy the Dimension Street and make Asgard regain its strength. Become the ruler of the Nine Realms.

This is Hela, the ambitious Hela, revenge, and taking control of Asgard are just what she deserves, after all, she is the first heir to Asgard, but it is not enough, even if The old guy is dead, and she has to prove that her idea was right.

"I can promise to give you three days, and I'm willing to go to your Dimension Street to take a look. You can take him back to Asgard, but after three days, you can't stop me from making a move!" Hela said solemnly road.

Su Yue smiled: "The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, your choice is very wise."

"In view of your cooperation, I will let my people send Sol back and accompany you to visit Dimension Street in person."

After speaking, Su Yue directly summoned the North Star Lornadai.

Lorna glanced at Sol and then at Hela, then obeyed Su Yue's instructions and was teleported back to Asgard with Sol.

Su Yue's request to Lorna is very simple, that is, let her use the fastest speed to **** all the valuable wealth in Asgard on earth.

It's appropriate to leave this job to Lorna. As for whether Sol or Asgard would stop him, Su Yue was not worried.

After all, whether Sol or Frigga, they are all smart people. They saved Sol and bought him three days. They must not repay, do you mean?

Anyway, if Saul wins in the end, they will earn back the gold and silver wealth they lost. If they lose... these things have nothing to do with them.

Seeing that Lorna was suddenly teleported, and then she and Thor were suddenly teleported away, Hela now believed that Su Yue could return to Asgard in three days.

"Are you afraid that I will take action against your territory?" Hela thought that Su Yue had changed her mind and stayed in person, probably because she was worried about what she would do.

Su Yue pursed his lips: "Your feeling good about yourself really smells like Asgard."

Afraid of you making a move?

You are an ordinary person now. You dare to take action on Dimension Street. Let alone God's law, the guards on Dimension Street can easily deal with Hela.

Who made the current Hela a toothless tiger?

Hela obviously also reacted, and her face was a little ugly.

"You have already agreed to your conditions, shouldn't you restore my power?" Hela asked.

Su Yue looked at Hela and laughed.

Restore strength?

Don't make trouble. If you regain your strength, you will swell up again. You will have to educate you at that time. What a hassle.

After three days, I will send you back to Asgard to restore your strength, then do whatever you like.

Chapter 0672 Hela turned out to be a foodie?

"Follow these three days honestly, and I will naturally restore your strength." Su Yue said with a light smile. "You've been sealed for so long, don't you want to take a comfortable bath and return to Asgard in the best possible way? Don't you want to taste the food? Don't you want to know the current situation of the Nine Kingdoms?"

"Even if you're not interested in these things, and you don't want to know about them, you must want to know about me and Dimension Street, right? I don't believe that you will let it go, and you will definitely take revenge? Know yourself and the enemy, you have this opportunity.”

Su Yue's words made Hela's brows frown even deeper. She didn't worry about being exposed, but more because of Su Yue's unconcerned candor.

He knew that he would retaliate and let himself "know himself and the enemy", which showed that he was not worried about his revenge at all, and he did not think that he would be his opponent at all.

This made Hela very angry, but people had to bow their heads under the eaves, and now she could only bear it.

Originally, she had no interest in the earth or anything about Dimension Street, but now she is a little curious, and she really wants to know why Su Yue has such confidence!

"You'd better keep your word." Hela said solemnly.

Su Yue shrugged noncommittally, walked to Hela and stretched out his hand.

"What do you want to do?" Hela stepped back slightly.

Su Yue ignored her and teleported back to Dimension Street directly on her shoulder.


The sound of breaking the air sounded, and Su Yue appeared in Dimension Street with Hela.

The voices were full of people, and it was very lively.

Hela was slightly in a trance. She had not experienced or seen such a lively scene for many years. Suddenly being in it made her slightly uncomfortable.

Su Yue didn't say anything, but waited quietly for a while.

"This is Dimension Street?" Hela said slowly: "It doesn't look very good, it's just a group of weak Midgards."

"Midgart, another name for the earth in the nine kingdoms. Hehe, although you look down on the earth, the earth is the last home and habitat of the Asgardians."

"When I return, the glory of Asgard will naturally reappear." Hela said.

Su Yue shook his head disapprovingly, regaining the glory of Asgard? I think it is to extinguish the last light of Asgard.

"Let's go, I'll show you around first."

Su Yue played a guest tour as a tour guide and walked around with Hela.

Although Hela's dress is a bit special, there is no sense of disobedience in Dimension Street. There are too many people dressed in different styles in Dimension Street.

Along the way, both the public and the guards greeted Su Yue politely and respectfully. Of course, some people were curious about Hela next to him, but Hela was indifferent and kept away from strangers, so they didn't say hello, and there was not much to say. Look.

Although Hela was silent all the way, she listened carefully to Su Yue's introduction and gradually understood the situation of Dimension Street.

Here, he actually built it from scratch!

Although in Hella's opinion, the site of Dimension Street is still too small, Hella still admires it for being able to create it from scratch.

Although most of the people here are ordinary humans, Hela can also see the strength of the **** team. There are strong and weak.

It's just that what really makes Hela care about is not these, but the management here.

She found that the human beings here seem to identify with Dimension Street very much and obey the rules of Dimension Street very much, and Dimension Street does not seem to take any force, which makes Hela think of that guy.

Back then, that guy was like this. After conquering the nine kingdoms, he adopted a gentle way of management. Hela didn't like it. She felt that this was a kind of weakness, and only iron blood was the best way.

But now it seems...

Hela's idea was slightly moved, but she quickly shook her head and denied it.

She doesn't change her mind so easily!

"What are you thinking about shaking your head?" Su Yue's voice suddenly sounded.

Hela was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to scold her angrily. She was the goddess of death. She fought in the Nine Realms and was famous. Even Odin would not speak to him in such a tone.

However, Hela reacted before she could say the scolding words. She didn't answer, and glanced at Su Yue who had stopped: "What is this place?"

"Chrysanthemum goes downstairs, the most popular restaurant in Dimension Street. People come here to eat every day. The taste is unique." Su Yue said as he walked in with Hela.

After entering the private room, a waiter soon came in. Su Yue didn't ask Hela what she wanted to eat, anyway, she didn't know what to eat.

Su Yue ordered a few signature dishes, which were delivered not long after.

Then, Hela was stunned.

Have you ever seen a dish that glows?

Although it is nothing to glow, but the dish glows, it is different. Although Hela has never seen these dishes, they are eaten after all. It is indeed the first time that Hela, who is knowledgeable, has seen them.

How should I put it, there are many kinds of things in aliens, and there are many wines that emit light, but food, especially food processed in this way, really does not emit light.

Not only does it glow, but the fragrance it emits is even more attractive. Hela is not the kind of person who covets oral intake, so at this time, she can't help but subconsciously make a swallowing action.

Not to mention, the goddess of death is so cute when she makes such an action.

After coming to Dimension Street, no, it should be said that since seeing Hela, it was the first time Su Yue saw Hela with such an expression.

This made Hela's image become much more three-dimensional in Su Yue's heart.

No matter how tough you are, no matter how tough you are, you are still a human being, not a killing machine.

"Try it." Su Yue greeted with a smile, picked up his chopsticks and started eating.

Hela used chopsticks for the first time, but it was not difficult for her to use. At first, she was very slow, but slowly... her speed was getting faster and faster.

Although at first glance, the food is still very ladylike and temperamental, in fact, the number of dishes on the table is rapidly decreasing.

Hela, it seems that some food has been forgotten.

Su Yue didn't know when to stop, and looked at this rare other side of Hela with interest.

In terms of Hela's character, I'm afraid no one has seen her side at all, and she doesn't even know her own side.

Hela, the famous goddess of death, was conquered by food, she was a foodie!

Chapter 0673 Restoring Thor's Hammer and Hela's Shock

The goddess of death is a foodie. At first glance, it sounds cute and has a sense of contrast, but in fact it is a bit pitiful.

That's right, it's pitiful.

The famous goddess of death, who single-handedly consolidated Asgard into the existence of the nine kingdoms, but didn't even enjoy the simplest appetite. Isn't that pitiful enough?

Uh, to put it another way, most people are pitiful. After all, not everyone can eat food that glows. If it weren't for Suyue and Dimension Street, I'm afraid that people in this world would never have it. Opportunity to taste such a special delicacy.

It may be that Su Yue's eyes are both surprised and surprised, and then with a bit of pity. The eyes are too direct and too hot. Hela felt it and quickly understood the reason. This made Hela feel very uncomfortable. She silently said. Let your expression and temperament become more indifferent, and then speed up the speed of eating.

Finally, the plates on the table were empty. Hela put down her chopsticks and wiped her mouth. She said to Su Yue indifferently and calmly, "Where are you going?"

"Go to where I live, you will live with me these few days." Su Yue said.

Hela got up, it didn't matter to her where she lived, but she was also a little curious.

On the one hand, he is curious about what the residence of the dimensional lord Su Yue is like; on the other hand, he is also curious about what is new and interesting in Dimension Street, such as... like the luminous delicacies just now.

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