Su Yue took Hella to the top floor of the Dimension Street building, introduced her to Wanda, and then asked Wanda to bring her to get acquainted with her and settle down by the way.

Afterwards, Su Yue went to the rooftop and summoned Jane Fortes.


When the sound of breaking the air fell, Jane Fortes was stunned for a moment before she realized it, and then she looked at Su Yue in confusion: "Is there something wrong?"

"Good thing." Su Yue waved his hand with a smile, and directly brought the shards of Thor's Hammer over.

"This is... Thor's Thor's Hammer?"

Jane Fortes was stunned. She naturally knew the iconic weapon of Thor's Hammer, and she was also a person from Earth who was familiar with Asgard.

"Well, how did this break?" Jane Fortes was even more surprised that Thor's Hammer would break.

Su Yue raised his head and glanced at it, then pointed at him: "She crushed it."


Jane Fortes was startled at first, then followed the direction of Su Yue's finger, and saw Wanda and a strange woman.

This woman made her feel very dangerous.

There is a very sharp feeling, as if being stared at by some ferocious beast, maybe if you relax a little, you will be killed in the next second.

"Who is she?" Jane Fortes asked Su Yue in a low voice.

"Asgard's goddess of death Hela, Odin's daughter, Thor's brother, the first in line to the throne of Asgard. It's just that many, many years ago, because of political differences and Odin's rebellion, it was suppressed and sealed. Odin died not long ago, and she regained her freedom." Su Yue gave a brief introduction.

This made Jane Fortes even more surprised. Asgard even has a goddess of death? Odin even has a daughter, and Thor has a sister?

Although Jane Fortes wasn't the type to react smartly, but she also reacted at this time, this is definitely a big gossip!

"What do you want these things for?" Hela ignored Jane Fortes, but frowned and wondered what Su Yue wanted these pieces of Thor's Hammer to do.

It's already broken like this, and it's impossible to repair it at all. Even if it can be repaired, I'm afraid it won't have the original effect.

"By the way, I almost forgot." Su Yue smiled and said to Jane Fortes, "This Thor's Hammer is not Thor's weapon. At first, Thor's Hammer belonged to Hela, but Hela was defeated later. After being sealed, Thor was born and gradually became better, and Odin gave Thor's hammer to Thor."

This melon is getting sweeter and sweeter.

Jane Fortes nodded silently, preparing to continue eating the melon, but the melon turned to her.

"As for the shard of Thor's Hammer... Of course, I'm going to fix it, and then bring out a new Thor." What Su Yue said was Hela.

But Jane Fortes knew that the new Thor in Su Yue's mouth must be herself. Because Su Yue had told himself about becoming the goddess of thunder before, and he had also seen what he looked like after becoming the goddess of thunder.

At that time, I was still a little disapproving. After all, Thor's Hammer was Thor's weapon, so how could it be given to me?

Unexpectedly, Su Yue actually did it.

Although it looks like Thor's Hammer is broken now, and it shouldn't be repaired under normal circumstances, Jane Fortes doesn't doubt Su Yue's words.

Since he took out the pieces of Thor's Hammer and suddenly summoned himself here, he must have absolute certainty to restore Thor's Hammer.

Jane Fortes thought about it, and Hela naturally thought about it too. She looked at Jane Fortes, looked up and down and raised her eyebrows: "This is your candidate? I don't see anything special."

"That's right, if anyone can see it, how can I still have the fun of discovering it myself?" Su Yue chuckled lightly, turned his wrist, and directly summoned the Time Gem.

Then, a green light came on.

In an instant, Thor's Hammer, which had been broken into pieces, was restored to its original state like a movie played backwards.

Hela looked at the gem in Su Yue's hands in surprise: "The Infinity Stone? It should be the Time Stone, shouldn't it be in the hands of the Supreme Master of Kama Taj?"

"You knew a lot in the past, but now you know too little." As soon as Su Yue finished speaking, he saw an ethereal figure suddenly appear.

Impressively... the ancient master.


As a soul body, Master Gu Yi is no different from being alive in a sense.

Feeling the energy of the Time Gem, Master Gu Yi came over to take a look.


Hela suddenly didn't know what to say when she saw the soul body of the ancient master. She had to admit that a lot of things happened in the years when she was sealed. .

You must know that although Hela is conceited, she does not dare to say that she is the opponent of the ancient master.

An ancient master in Dimension Street shocked Hela, and the ancient master was only the tip of the iceberg of the strength of Dimension Street.

Su Yue greeted Master Gu Yi, briefly introduced Hela and the restoration of Thor's Hammer, and then handed the restored Thor's Hammer to Jane Fortes.

The goddess of thunder is about to be born!

0674 The Goddess of Thor

Seeing Su Yue hand over the Thor's Hammer, Jane Fortes subconsciously reached out to pick it up.

Her action made Hela secretly laugh at it. You must know that Thor's Hammer is not an ordinary weapon, but only certain people can lift it. Even if Odin dies, the seal on it may become weak, but it is not qualified for it. No one can even hold it, let alone... an ordinary earthling like Jane Fortes.

Hela, who was frustrated everywhere after seeing Su Yue, was really gloating at this moment, and wanted to see him fall into trouble.

However... the fact did not develop as she imagined.

Jane Fortes, caught Thor's Hammer.

In an instant, lightning flashed on Thor's Hammer, powerful thunder and lightning whistled, and lightning flashed around.

Jane Fortes, actually picked up Thor's Hammer! ! !

This made Hela widen her eyes in surprise and look at Su Yue fiercely.

There was no pride on Su Yue's face, nor was he taken for granted after his success.

Even Jane Fortes' expression seemed a little abnormal.

"What's your reaction?" Although Hela crushed Thor's Hammer, the Thor's Hammer came from Asgard after all, and now Su Yue and Jane Fortes can raise Thor's Hammer, but nothing Not surprised, not surprised, but a faint feeling of dissatisfaction, which made Hela a little dissatisfied.

Su Yue ignored Hela and said relieved after a moment: "I thought it was wrong, I thought she would become the goddess of Thor after she raised the hammer of Thor, but in fact, becoming the goddess of Thor and lifting the hammer of Thor are the same Two different things."

The captain has also raised Thor's hammer and can also use Thor's hammer, but there is no drag show, and he has never become a new Thor.

So, these are two concepts.

Lifting Thor's hammer does not mean becoming Thor.

So how did Jane Fortes become Thor? Su Yue probably remembers that in the comics, it seems that Thor is no longer qualified to use Thor's hammer, so Jane Fortes can replace him as the new Thor, the goddess of Thor.

And now, Saul is obviously still the owner of the Quake in name. In other words, Saul also has the control of Quake. In this case, even if Jane Fortes can use Quake, it will not change. Pretend to be the goddess of Thor.

If that's the case, then it's simple.

It's enough to deprive Thor of his qualifications.

With a thought, Su Yue directly modified the setting of Thor's Hammer, depriving Thor of his qualifications to use it.

However, Jane Fortes still hasn't transformed!

Su Yue frowned slightly, then relaxed again. Jane Fortes can become the goddess of Thor in two ways. On the one hand, Thor lost his qualifications. But having cancer and going through all kinds of things, my mood is definitely different from now.

So Jane Fortes was going to be the goddess of Thor in vain?

Waiting for Jane Fortes to change her mind?

Su Yue is too lazy to be so complicated. Anyway, Thor's Hammer is already in his hands, so he can just modify it again.

Although neither Hela nor Thor could make modifications to Thor's Hammer, at most it would be directly destroyed like Hela, but for Su Yue, this was not difficult at all.

Really, just a thought.


A powerful energy suddenly erupted from Jane Fortes' body, and Hela, who was shocked by this energy, kept retreating, and she could only raise her arms and lower her head to resist.

Of course, this is not to say that Hela's strength is not good, but that she has no strength at all right now.

This made Hela feel a little humiliated, but this feeling was quickly forgotten when she looked up and saw Jane Fortes' new look.

Jane Fortes, changed.

At this time, she was wearing armor that obviously belonged to Asgard, or that belonged to Thor, a silver armor, and a helmet that covered her face, and her body faintly exuded a strong momentum.

At least, for the current Hela, it is very strong.

Goddess of Thor!

Did he really become the **** of thunder? This Jane Fortress, this ordinary earthling, actually has the power of Asgard!

"How did you do it?" Hela quickly came to Su Yue and asked.

Su Yue shrugged: "It's just an idea, making her a goddess of thunder is no more troublesome than my ability to seal your power."

Hela was stunned and hummed, "No wonder the old man asked you to take care of Asgard before he died."

Now, Hela has completely admitted that Su Yue is indeed very strong.

"The Thor's Hammer belongs to Asgard." Hela said suddenly.

"Really?" Su Yue pouted: "If no one in Asgard dares to ask for it, then it has nothing to do with Asgard. Frigga won't ask me, Saul wants it, but I'm afraid he won't want it. As for You... I'll give you Thor's Hammer now, do you dare to take it?"

Does Hela dare?

Of course not!

Now that she has lost her power, like an ordinary mortal, how could she possibly be able to hold Thor's Hammer?

"Go get acquainted with your new power, and make an appearance by the way to let people know that the new Thor will belong to Dimension Street in the future." Su Yue said to Jane Fortes.

Jane Fortes nodded, swaying Thor's Hammer somewhat rusty as Thor did before, and then... shaky and flew away from the rooftop.

Although Dimension Street is prohibited from flying, it does not include people inside Dimension Street.

"I suggest you take a shower and change into clean and refreshing clothes." Su Yue turned to Hela and said.

Hela frowned and asked, "You made her the goddess of Thor, didn't you want to stop me?"

Although Su Yue said that he would not interfere in Asgard's affairs, but now he has made his people the goddess of Thor, which has to make Hirardo wonder if Su Yue intends to use the goddess of thunder to help Asgard.

"You think too much. If I want to do something, it doesn't need to be so complicated. If I'm worried about going back and losing face, I can fundamentally modify your will so that you don't go to Asgard's trouble. "

"You... Who the **** are you?" Hela was shocked, but she didn't doubt whether Su Yue would be able to come.

"Me? Transcendence, beyond all existence...existence!"

There seems to be nothing wrong with this explanation.

"Existence that transcends all existence... This means that you will be stronger than any existence?!" Hela muttered softly, using her own thinking to understand Su Yue's statement.

And, it sounds... it doesn't seem to be a problem.

It's just that the original transcendence, or the predecessor, his transcendence does not refer to himself, but to let others surpass.

0675 Three Days

The birth of the goddess of thunder caused quite a stir. For the people inside Dimension Street, seeing a goddess of thunder flying in the street naturally had to stop her as soon as possible, but it was found that the goddess of thunder was not Asgar. German, but rather surprised after Jane Fortes, but more than happy.

After all, it is my own. The stronger the strength, the better of course. After all, the Dimension Street has expanded greatly, it is also a mutant community, and it is also a large number of Asgardians. It just needs people with certain strength to maintain order.

Compared with the joy of the people inside Dimension Street, and the fun and curiosity of ordinary people, Asgard is the one who is most shocked.

This is Thor!

Shouldn't Thor be Thor? Why did you suddenly become a woman? If it is said that the shape of the armor may be fake, it may be imitation, but it is impossible for Thor's Hammer to be fake or imitation, right?

Not to mention Asgardians, even Earth people are familiar with Quake.

In the Dimension Street Building, Su Yue asked Wanda to settle down with Hela and then ignored Hela. To be precise, it was unnecessary.

First of all, Hela is just an ordinary person now, unable to make waves in Dimension Street;

Secondly, he and Hela have nothing to talk about. Hela can't give up Asgard and the plan of revenge so easily.

So, Su Yue only needs Hela to stay here for three days honestly.

Hela obviously didn't want to talk to Su Yue more, after all... Now that she is subservient, it is impossible for her to rush to do anything with her character.

However, Hela didn't look for Su Yue, but someone else came to look for Su Yue.

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